top 命令显示隐藏参数列

例如 键入top,然后键入f,然后键入s,回车后显示 DATA列 

       o: VIRT  --  Virtual Image (kb)
          The  total  amount of virtual memory used by the task.  It includes
          all code, data and shared  libraries  plus  pages  that  have  been
          swapped out.

          VIRT = SWAP + RES.

       p: SWAP  --  Swapped size (kb)
          The swapped out portion of a task’s total virtual memory p_w_picpath.

       q: RES  --  Resident size (kb)
          The non-swapped physical memory a task has used.

          RES = CODE + DATA.

       r: CODE  --  Code size (kb)
          The  amount  of  physical  memory  devoted to executable code, also
          known as the ’text resident set’ size or TRS.

       s: DATA  --  Data+Stack size (kb)
          The amount of physical memory  devoted  to  other  than  executable
          code, also known as the ’data resident set’ size or DRS.

这里面的RES就是 ps -lfp 产生的 RSS 这个参数(见另一篇博文 AIX下进程内存分析