
Provider Model

    DNN uses the provider model extensively. A provider pattern enables you to abstract out certain functionality. For example in the architectural diagram (see Figure x) you can see how there is a Abstract Data Provider between the Business Components, and the Concrete Data Provider, this enables you to plug in different providers without having to modify or recompile the core code within DNN.

    DNN uses a provider pattern extensively in it’s architecture. We talked about the database provider, but several other features use this pattern as well.

Security and Membership Provider
Text/HTML Provider
Logging Provider
Friendly URLs


    As mentioned, provider patterns enable you to abstract out certain functions, but the actual physical providers are then defined in the web.config. For example, in DNN if you open the web.config you will see a section for the providers:


    By reviewing the web.config definition you can see that each provider is defined by a key, and then specific configuration properties are specified in order to define which physical provider to use. For example in the data section you see the following:


    The defaultProvider is defined as SQLDataProvider, then within the data key you can see the configuration information for the SQLDataProvider:


    You can see within the provider section of the web.config is the actual physical database information. You could have as many providers as you want defined here, and then switch the defaultProvider value to point to a new physical database provider. Of course you would need to have a provider developed and loaded within your bin folder in order for it to be used. In addition to having a provider for DNN, you would also need to have a provider developed for your module that uses the same physical database as DNN.



Quick Tip: Learn More About Provider Patterns

Rob Howard details out the Provider Pattern in a two part series at Microsoft’s MSDN site:


Provider Model Design Pattern and Specification, Part 1:



Provider Design Pattern, Part 2:



Folder Structure

    DotNetNuke strives to logically structure the folders within the application root folder. The following list provides the folders under the root folder that are important to your development efforts, and what they contain.


/Admin – Contains interfaces to the various administrative functions within DNN, for example, the scheduler, tab management, search manager, and any interface that is to be secured and accessible by a portal host or admin.


/App_GlobalResources – Contains application specific data like time zone information, and application settings.


/bin – Contains the compiled assemblies of your DNN solution, and supporting assemblies.


/Components – Contains core functionality for DNN.


/controls – Contains the various controls for enhancing the user interface of DNN, for example the Text/HTML provider is located within this folder.


/DesktopModules – Contains all module projects for DNN. This is where you would place your directory for your module project.


/HttpModules – All HTTPModule projects are contained in here, for example, the exception handler, URLRewriter, Scheduler, and others.

/images – Contains any images used by DNN such as icons.


/js – Contains any client side scripts in use by DNN, for example the calendar popup control.


/portals – Contains the default portal folder, and will contain any portal folders for newly created portals. This provides any new child portal with it’s own personal folder for storing files, and portal skins. Portal folders are identified by a unique integer value which matches up with the Portal ID field value in the Portals table in the DNN database.

文件夹使用一个和DNN数据库中portals表中portal ID对应的数字作为名称。


/Providers – Contains the providers for your DNN portal, for example the database providers are located in a sub directory off of this folder.

/Web references – This folder contains references for Web services, currently the exceptions Web service which allows a portal admin to optionally notify the DNN core team about errors being generated by the portal.


Beginning Module Development

Now that we have covered what modules are, and how they interface with DNN, let’s get started developing modules. In the next sections we will cover how to set up a Visual Studio.Net project, and begin development.




Configuring Your Visual Studio.NET Project

    Some basic assumptions of this guide are that you have a development machine configured with a default DNN installation within a virtual directory. You should also have some basic knowledge of developing ASP.NET applications in Visual Studio.NET. We are going to build off our default installation of DNN and add our module projects to the solution. By adding to the main DNN solution you ensure you are compiling to the DNN bin directory, and enable debugging for your module project.





Creating the Module Project

    In order to create our module project you should have your DNN solution open, and we’ll need to add a new project to the solution in order to begin.

    There are various methods for creating modules for DNN, but we prefer to configure a separate project for module creation and then compile the assemblies within each module’s own bin folder. The following procedure provides a method for configuring a portal module project in Visual Studio.NET.




    Create a new class project, be sure to use a logical naming structure. For example: CompanyName.ModuleName. By using this format you ensure your module will not conflict with modules developed by other companies or developers.


    When creating the new project folder, create a folder off of the DotNetNuke Root\DesktopModules\ directory.

建立新项目目录时,选择DotNetNuke Root\DesktopModules\ directory这里建立。

    Clear any namespace from the project properties. Right click on properties of the project, under general clear the root namespace box.


    Add a reference to the DotNetNuke project in your new module project.


    In the BuildSupport project in the \Solutions\DotNetNuke.DesktopModules\BuildSupport\ directory add a reference to your project. By adding the reference to the BuildSupport project will take the references from your solution to be built within the main DotNetNuke bin directory.



Figure 8 – Class Project Properties Dialog

    Now that your project has been created we will create some user controls for your module interface. A simple module can be as basic as a view control to display an interface for your user, and then a settings control for specifying unique values that are specific for a module instance.


    This is one area of difficulty when developing module projects for DNN. Since we want to be able to see the results of our development within the portal, the method to accomplish this is by using a class project which allows you in Visual Studio.NET to change the compilation path. Since we are working within a class project the ability to create user controls in Visual Studio.NET is limited and only available when you’re in a Web project. As of this writing, this author has included the Quick Tip below to point you to templates that will make the creation of the controls easier. For the purposes of this guide, we will manually create an item and add our code.


    In our example we work with the Survey module that is included in the DNN distribution. This module is located within the /DesktopModules/Survey directory included in the distribution.


    You see some controls, as well as some class files within this folder. Initially when starting a project, you will need to create a few user controls for your user to interact with your module, and for your administrators to configure some module instance settings.



Quick Tip: Ease DNN File Creation

    In this guide we cover creating a module project from scratch; you can streamline this development process by using resources available on the Web. These we’re initially targeted at DNN 2.x, but should also work for DNN 3.x. Try using DNN Project Templates available http://dnnjungle.vmasanas.net/Default.aspx?tabid=28 for creating your module projects, and controls.


Creating the Data Provider Project

    The Data Provider project is for developing the methods for interfacing with the physical database. In this guide we discuss SQL Server 2000 as our physical database provider, but your actual provider could be particularly any database such as Access, Oracle, or even MySQL. One of the big advantages of the DNN architecture is a provider model pattern, which enables to you to plug in any provider you wish for the physical database provider. We will discuss the provider pattern later in this guide.



    provider项目是为了和实际数据库交互而开发的。在这里我们使用Sql Server2000作为我们的provider。但你的provider可以是任意数据库例如Access,Oracle,甚至是MySql。DNN架构的最大特点之一就是provider模块模式,这样可以使用任意物理数据库的provider。稍后我们将讨论provider模式。

    In module development you create a separate project for each physical dataprovider. You do this similar to the way you configured your module project.

    在模块开发中需要为每个物理数据provider开发独立的项目。建立步骤和建立模块项目是 类似的。

    Create a new class project, be sure to use a logical naming structure. For example: CompanyName.ModuleName.SQLDataProvider. Again, this will avoid naming conflicts with other modules, and keeps you within the naming structure of the module that this provider is going to support.

    When creating the new project folder, create a folder off of the DotNetNuke Root\DesktopModules\ModuleName\ directory, call this directory “Providers”, and create a subdirectory for each provider type you will develop, for example:

    Clear any namespace from the project properties. Right click on properties of the project, under general clear the root namespace box.
Now add project references to the main DotNetNuke and CompanyName.ModuleName projects.
Add a reference to the BuildSupport project as we did in the module setup.

    Once both projects are configured they should look similar to Figure 9.


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