#include "qsqldriverplugin.h"<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />





    \class QSqlDriverPlugin

    \brief The QSqlDriverPlugin class provides an abstract base for custom QSqlDriver plugins.



    \ingroup plugins

    \inmodule QtSql



    The SQL driver plugin is a simple plugin interface that makes it

    easy to create your own SQL driver plugins that can be loaded

    dynamically by Qt.



    Writing a SQL plugin is achieved by subclassing this base class,

    reimplementing the pure virtual functions keys() and create(), and

    exporting the class with the Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2() macro. See the SQL

    plugins that come with Qt for example implementations (in the

    \c{plugins/src/sqldrivers} subdirectory of the source




\sa {How to Create Qt Plugins}





    \fn QStringList QSqlDriverPlugin::keys() const


    Returns the list of drivers (keys) this plugin supports.


    These keys are usually the class names of the custom drivers that

    are implemented in the plugin.


\sa create()





    \fn QSqlDriver *QSqlDriverPlugin::create(const QString& key)


    Creates and returns a QSqlDriver object for the driver called \a

    key. The driver key is usually the class name of the required

    driver. Keys are case sensitive.


\sa keys()





    Constructs a SQL driver plugin and sets the parent to \a parent.

This is invoked automatically by the Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2() macro.




QSqlDriverPlugin::QSqlDriverPlugin(QObject *parent)

    : QObject(parent)





    Destroys the SQL driver plugin.


    You never have to call this explicitly. Qt destroys a plugin

    automatically when it is no longer used.





