            [root@linux_basic ~]# echo $PATH
[root@linux_basic ~]# type hash
hash is a shell builtin
为内置命令,则可以通过help hash来查看帮助信息
[root@linux_basic ~]# help hash
hash: hash [-lr] [-p pathname] [-dt] [name ...]
    Remember or display program locations.
    Determine and remember the full pathname of each command NAME.  If
    no arguments are given, information about remembered commands is displayed.
      -d                forget the remembered location of each NAME 忘记所指定记住的路径
      -l                display in a format that may be reused as input
      -p pathname       use PATHNAME is the full pathname of NAME
      -r                forget all remembered locations  忘记所有记住的路径
      -t                print the remembered location of each NAME, preceding
                each location with the corresponding NAME if multiple
                NAMEs are given
      NAME              Each NAME is searched for in $PATH and added to the list
                of remembered commands.
    Exit Status:
    Returns success unless NAME is not found or an invalid option is given.
                        -d: 清除指定名称的缓存内容
                        -r: 清空全部缓存
[root@linux_basic ~]# hash
hits    command
   1    /sbin/ifconfig
   1    /usr/bin/man
   3    /bin/ls
   1    /sbin/ip
[root@linux_basic ~]# hash -d ifconfig
[root@linux_basic ~]# hash
hits    command
   1    /usr/bin/man
   3    /bin/ls
   1    /sbin/ip
[root@linux_basic ~]# hash
hits    command
   1    /usr/bin/man
   3    /bin/ls
   1    /sbin/ip
[root@linux_basic ~]# hash -r
[root@linux_basic ~]# hash
hash: hash table empty  缓存信息已经为空了,因为刚清空了所有的缓存信息


        2、所有文件都位于根目录下,Linux目录一个一颗倒置树 FHS


                basename  /path/to/somewhere  可以获取其基名
                dirname /path/to/somewhere 可以获取其目录名
[root@linux_basic network-scripts]# basename /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
[root@linux_basic network-scripts]# dirname /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

[root@linux_basic network-scripts]# echo $HISTSIZE
[root@linux_basic network-scripts]# echo $HISTFILE
[root@linux_basic network-scripts]# echo $HISTFILESIZE
            ignoredups: 忽略重复的命令,输入的是连续的相同命令才会为重复,只显示一次
            ignorespace: 忽略以空白字符开头的命令(可以用此值给HISTCONTROL赋值,不让他人看到命令历史中我们输入的命令,可以在输入命令是先输入空白符再输命令)
            ignoreboth: 以上二者同时生效;
[root@linux_basic ~]# echo $HISTCONTROL
[root@linux_basic ~]# HISTCONTROL=ignorespace
        shutdown, date, hwclock, ntpdate, reboot, halt, who, whoami, which, hash

        reboot: 重启
        halt: 关机
[root@linux_basic ~]# halt

Broadcast message from root@linux_basic
        (/dev/pts/1) at 12:19 ...

The system is going down for halt NOW!  执行后,在每个终端都会有此信息接收        
        poweroff: 关机

        shutdown -h
                 -r     执行之后系统重启
                 -r     Requests that the system be rebooted after it has been brought down.
                 -c     取消系统关闭
                 -c     Cancels a running shutdown.  TIME is not specified with this option, the first argument is MESSAGE.
                 -h     Requests that the system be either halted or powered off after it has been brought down, with the choice as to which left up to the

            TIME may have different formats, the most common is simply the word ’now’ which will bring the system down immediately.  Other valid  for-
       mats are +m, where m is the number of minutes to wait until shutting down and hh:mm which specifies the time on the 24hr clock.
shutdown - bring the system down

       shutdown [OPTION]...  TIME [MESSAGE]
shutdown -h now 现在马上关机
[root@linux_basic ~]# shutdown -h +5 过5分钟后关机

Broadcast message from root@linux_basic
        (/dev/pts/0) at 13:14 ...

The system is going down for halt in 5 minutes!
[root@linux_basic ~]# shutdown -c 取消系统关机

    date: 显示和设置系统日期和时间
    date - print or set the system date and time
        date [options] [+FORMAT]
            %s: %s     seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC 时间戳计时法,从Unix元年(1970-01-01 00:00:00)到此刻所经过的秒数
            %F, %D
            %F     full date; same as %Y-%m-%d
            %D     date; same as %m/%d/%y
            %T     time; same as %H:%M:%S
            %Y     year
            %m     month (01..12)
            %d     day of month (e.g, 01)
            %H     hour (00..23)
            %M     minute (00..59)
            %S     second (00..60)
            %u     day of week (1..7); 1 is Monday
        date [MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]]
[root@linux_basic ~]# date
Sat Dec 20 13:17:18 CST 2014
[root@linux_basic ~]# date +%F
[root@linux_basic ~]# date +%D
[root@linux_basic ~]# date +%T
[root@linux_basic ~]# date +%Y-%m-%d
[root@linux_basic ~]# date +%H:%M:%S
        hwclock  查询和设置硬件时钟
        hwclock - query and set the hardware clock (RTC)
            -s: 以硬件为准
            -s, --hctosys
        Set the System Time from the Hardware Clock.

        Also set the kernel’s timezone value to the local timezone as indicated by the TZ environment variable and/or  /usr/share/zoneinfo,
        as tzset(3) would interpret them.  The obsolete tz_dsttime field of the kernel’s timezone value is set to DST_NONE. (For details on
        what this field used to mean, see settimeofday(2).)

        This is a good option to use in one of the system startup scripts.
            -w, --systohc
              Set the Hardware Clock to the current System Time.
[root@linux_basic network-scripts]# hwclock ; date
Sat 20 Dec 2014 08:52:26 AM CST  -0.982617 seconds
Sat Dec 20 08:52:25 CST 2014            

    ntp: Network Time Protocol   网络时间协议
    centos 7之后不在使用ntp协议了

        是C/S架构的: Server, Client
    ntpdate server  同步到server上的时间
    ntpdate ipaddr_server
[root@linux_basic ~]# mtpdate --help
-bash: mtpdate: command not found
[root@linux_basic ~]# ntpdate --help
ntpdate: unknown option --
ntpdate: unknown option -h
ntpdate: encryption delay lp is unlikely
usage: ntpdate [-46bBdqsuv] [-a key#] [-e delay] [-k file] [-p samples] [-o version#] [-t timeo] [-U username] server ...

    who: 登录至当前系统的所有用户
    who - show who is logged on
[root@linux_basic ~]# who
root     tty1         2014-12-10 19:34  没有显示ip为本地登录
root     pts/0        2014-12-20 07:39 ( 在192.168.20.93主机上登录
root     pts/1        2014-12-20 08:38 (
    whoami: 当前终端上登录的用户
    whoami - print effective userid
[root@linux_basic ~]# whoami

    which: 显示指定命令的完整路径
    which - shows the full path of (shell) commands.
[root@linux_basic ~]# which ls
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
        --skip-alias: 跳过命令别名
   Ignore option `--read-alias′, if any. This is useful to explicity search for normal binaries, while using the `--read-alias′ option in
   an alias or function for which.
[root@linux_basic ~]# which --skip-alias ls
FHS: 文件系统层次结构标准(Filesystem Hierarchy Standard)
    /bin, /sbin: 系统自身启动和运行时可能会用到的核心二进制命令
    /lib: 共享库文件和内核模块
    /etc: 存放配置文件
    /etc : Host-specific system configuration
        /usr/bin, /usr/sbin: 系统运行中,用户为完成某些操作可能用到的命令
        /usr/lib, /usr/lib64: 库文件  非核心命令依赖的共享库
        /usr/share/man, /usr/share/doc  帮助文档
    /dev: devices的简写,所有设备的设备文件都存放于此处;设备文件通常也称为特殊文件(仅有元数据,而没有数据)
    /dev : Device files
    /proc: 伪文件系统,内核和进程信息的虚拟文件系统接口
    /proc : Kernel and process information virtual filesystem
    /sys: 伪文件系统,硬件设备信息虚拟文件系统接口
    /sys : Kernel and system information virtual filesystem
    /boot: 系统引导加载时用到的静态文件,内核(vmlinuz)和ramdisk(CentOS5:initrd, CentOS6:initramfs), 引导加载器grub(bootloader(X86机器才会常见))
    /boot : Static files of the boot loader

    /home : User home directories (optional)

    /mnt  用来临时挂载的目录的

    /srv: 服务所用到的数据
    /srv : Data for services provided by this system

    /tmp: 临时文件存储位置

    /var: 经常发生变化的文件
        /var/log  存放日志的目录

    /misc: 备用目录

    /opt: 第三方应用程序的安装目录

        Security Enhanced Linux: 安全加强的Linux
[root@linux_basic ~]# getenforce
修改改可以通过setenforce Value


[root@linux_basic ~]# ls -l
total 3936
-rw-------. 1 root root    1248 Dec  5 23:44 anaconda-ks.cfg  总共7部分
-r--r--r--. 1 root root  186584 Dec  6 01:46 bind-utils-9.8.2-0.17.rc1.el6_4.6.x86_64.rpm
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root       0 Dec 11 12:03 blank
[root@linux_basic ~]# whatis ls
ls                   (1)  - list directory contents
ls                   (1p)  - list directory contents
[root@linux_basic ~]# ls /usr/share/man/  我们发现有1p
bg  da  el  es  fr  hu  it  ko     man1   man1x  man2x  man3p  man4   man5   man6   man7   man8   man9   mann  overrides  pt     ro  sk  sv  zh_CN
cs  de  en  fi  hr  id  ja  man0p  man1p  man2   man3   man3x  man4x  man5x  man6x  man7x  man8x  man9x  nl    pl         pt_BR  ru  sl  tr  zh
[root@linux_basic ~]# man ls
LS(1)                            User Commands                           LS(1)

       ls - list directory contents
-l     use a long listing format
[root@linux_basic ~]# man 1p ls
LS(1P)                     POSIX Programmer’s Manual                    LS(1P)
-l     (The  letter ell.) Do not follow symbolic links named as operands unless the -H or -L options are specified. Write out in long for-
              mat (see the STDOUT section). When -l (ell) is specified, -1 (one) shall be assumed.
 If the -l option is specified without -L, the following information shall be written:

              "%s %u %s %s %u %s %s\n", <file mode>, <number of links>,
                  <owner name>, <group name>, <number of bytes in the file>,
                  <date and time>, <pathname>    总共7部分信息,"%s %u %s %s %u %s %s\n"和后面的格式显示是对应的,详细解释可以自己去man
      -      Regular file.
        普通文件:-, f
        d      Directory.
        目录文件: d
        l (ell)
              Symbolic link.
          c      Character special file.
            字符设备:c (线性设备,只能通过顺序访问的)  键盘,鼠标
             b      Block special file.
            块设备:b (随机设备,可以随机访问)   硬盘
        p      FIFO.
        套接字文件:s (unix sock文件)
        file /path/to/somefile
[root@linux_basic network-scripts]# file /dev/disk/
/dev/disk/: directory
[root@linux_basic network-scripts]# file ifcfg-eth0
ifcfg-eth0: ASCII text