
< HTML >
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< TITLE > 女性安全期测试 </ TITLE >
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function   montharr(m0,  m1,  m2,  m3,  m4,  m5,  m6,  m7,  m8,  m9,  m10,  m11)
this [ 0 ]   =   m0;
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this [ 2 ]   =   m2;
this [ 3 ]   =   m3;
this [ 4 ]   =   m4;
this [ 5 ]   =   m5;
this [ 6 ]   =   m6;
this [ 7 ]   =   m7;
this [ 8 ]   =   m8;
this [ 9 ]   =   m9;
this [ 10 ]   =   m10;
this [ 11 ]   =   m11;

var   CalendarOuterHTML   =   '';
var   Today   =    new   Date();
var   DaysPerMonth   =    0 ;

// Get  the  number  of  day  in  some  month
function   GetDayPerMonth(year,month)
var   monthDays   =    new   montharr( 31 ,   28 ,   31 ,   30 ,   31 ,   30 ,   31 ,   31 ,   30 ,   31 ,   30 ,   31 );
if   (((year   %    4    ==    0 )   &&   (year   %    100    !=    0 ))   ||   (year   %    400    ==    0 ))
1 ]   =    29 ;
=   monthDays[month];    

function   GetCalendarOuterHTML(CalendarIndex,HaveLayer)
=   '';        
var   thisYear   =   frmInput.txtYear.value;
var   thisMonth   =   parseInt(frmInput.txtMonth.value)   +     CalendarIndex   -    1   ;
// when  thisMonth  beyond  12
     if   (thisMonth   >    12 )  
=   parseInt(thisYear)   +    1 ;
=   thisMonth   %    12 ;

// title  of  the  calendar
    CalendarOuterHTML   =   CalendarOuterHTML   +    " <table  border=0  cellspacing=0  cellpadding=3  align=right  id=Calendar "    +   CalendarIndex   +    " > " ;
=   CalendarOuterHTML   +    " <TR  bgcolor=#84C1FF><TD  colspan=7  class=nine-pt  height=15  align=center> " ;
=   CalendarOuterHTML   +   thisYear + '  年  ';
=   CalendarOuterHTML   +   thisMonth   + '  月';
=   CalendarOuterHTML   +    " <TR  bgcolor=#CAE4FF><TD  width=18  class=nine-pt>日<TD  width=18  class=nine-pt>一<TD  width=18  class=nine-pt>二<TD  width=18  class=nine-pt>三<TD  width=18  class=nine-pt>四<TD  width=18  class=nine-pt>五<TD  width=18  class=nine-pt>六 " ;
=   CalendarOuterHTML   +    " <TR  bgcolor=#FFFFFF> " ;

// Get  the  day  of  the  first  Day
     var   firstDay   =    new   Date(Date.UTC(frmInput.txtYear.value,(parseInt(frmInput.txtMonth.value) - 2 + CalendarIndex), 1 ));
=   firstDay.getDate();
if   (testMe   ==    2 )
0 );  
=   firstDay.getDay();
// display  empty  cells    before  the  first  day  of  the  month                                
        column   =    0 ;
for   (i = 0 ;  i < startDay;  i ++ )
=   CalendarOuterHTML   +    " <TD  width=18  class=nine-pt> " ;
++ ;
// display  the  grids  in  the  calendar
     var   Lastday   =    new   Date(Date.UTC(frmInput.txtYear.value,(parseInt(frmInput.txtMonth.value) - 1 ),frmInput.txtDay.value))    
- 1 )    
for   (i = 1 ;  i <= DaysPerMonth;  i ++ )
=   CalendarOuterHTML   +    " <TD  width=18  class=nine-pt> " ;
var   color   =    " blue " ;         // default  color  without  layer  displayed
// Get  layer  HTML
         if   (HaveLayer)
var   ThisDay   =    new   Date(Date.UTC(thisYear,thisMonth - 1 ,i))
var   msPerDay   =    24    *    60    *    60    *    1000   ;
var   mensesCyc   =   parseInt(frmInput.txtMinMensesCyc.value);         // Min  menses  Cycle
             var   msDiff   =   ThisDay.getTime()   -   Lastday.getTime();
=   Math.floor(msDiff   /   msPerDay);                         // get  the  days  between  thisday  and  lastday
            dayRemainder   =     (dayDiff   %   mensesCyc   +   mensesCyc)   %   mensesCyc;
// if  (i<2)    {alert(ThisDay.toLocaleString());  alert(Lastday.toLocaleString());  alert(dayDiff);alert(dayRemainder);}
var   tooltips   = "" ;         // content  of  layer
if   (dayRemainder >= 0    &&   dayRemainder <= 4 )
            {    color  
=    " #FF9900 " ;
=    " 这是月经期,要注意经期卫生,当然也要“节欲”,避免性事哦! "
if   (dayRemainder >= 5    &&   dayRemainder <= (mensesCyc - 20 ))
            {    color  
=    " #009933 " ;
=    " 这是安全期,性事一般不会受孕,您放心吧! " ;    
if   (dayRemainder >= (mensesCyc - 19 )   &&   dayRemainder <= (mensesCyc - 10 ))
            {    color  
=    " #FF3300 " ;
=    " 这是危险期,亦称排卵期,性事受孕可能性大,千万要注意哦! " ;
if   (dayRemainder >= (mensesCyc - 9 )   &&   dayRemainder <= (mensesCyc - 1 ))    
            {    color  
=    " #009933 " ;
=    " 这是安全期,性事一般不会受孕,您放心吧! " ;    
=    40 * CalendarIndex   +   i  ;         // index  of  layer

=    " <TABLE  border=0  cellPadding=2  cellSpacing=1  width=100%  align=center  bgcolor=#008080> "    +
" <TR><TD  style=BACKGROUND-COLOR:white;COLOR: "    +   color   +    " ;FONT-FAMILY:宋体;FONT-SIZE:9pt;TEXT-DECORATION:none>   "    +
+    " </TD></TR></TABLE> " ;
=   CalendarOuterHTML   +    " <div  id=\ " tooltip "   +  iLayerIndex  +   " \ "   style=\ " position:absolute;visibility:hidden;clip:rect( 0    150    150    0 );width:150px;background - color:seashell\ " > " ;
=   CalendarOuterHTML   +    " <layer  name=\ " nstip "   +  iLayerIndex  +   " \ "   width=\ " 1000px\ "   bgColor=\ " seashell\ "   height=\ " 500px\ " ></layer></div> " ;
=   CalendarOuterHTML   +    " <a  href=\ " #\ "   onMouseOver=\ " showtip2( this ,event,' "   +  tooltips  +   " ', "   +  iLayerIndex  +   " )\ "   onMouseOut=\ " hidetip2( "   +  iLayerIndex  +   " )\ " > " ;
=   CalendarOuterHTML   +    " <FONT  COLOR=\ ""   +  color  +   " \ " > "    +   i   +    " </FONT> " ;
++ ;
if   (column   ==    7 )
=   CalendarOuterHTML   +    " <TR  bgcolor=#FFFFFF> " ;  
=    0 ;
// display  empty  cells    after  the  final  day  of  the  month        
     var   FinalDay   =    new   Date(Date.UTC(frmInput.txtYear.value,(parseInt(frmInput.txtMonth.value) - 2 + CalendarIndex),DaysPerMonth));
=   FinalDay.getDate();
if   (testMe   ==    2 )
0 );  
=   FinalDay.getDay();
for   (i = EndDay;  i < 6 ;  i ++ )
=   CalendarOuterHTML   +    " <TD  width=18  class=nine-pt> " ;
=   CalendarOuterHTML   +    " </TABLE> " ;

// to  check  input  errors  and  display  both  calendars
function   DisplayCalendar()
// check  whether  the  date  is  legal
     if   (frmInput.txtYear.value < 1900 || isNaN(frmInput.txtYear.value))
" 请输入合法年份! " )
return    false ;
if   (isNaN(frmInput.txtMonth.value)   ||   frmInput.txtMonth.value < 1    ||   frmInput.txtMonth.value > 12 )
" 请输入合法月份! " )
return    false ;
- 1 )
if   (isNaN(frmInput.txtDay.value)   ||   frmInput.txtDay.value < 1    ||   frmInput.txtDay.value > DaysPerMonth)
" 请输入合法日期! " )
return    false ;
var   Lastday   =    new   Date(Date.UTC(frmInput.txtYear.value,(parseInt(frmInput.txtMonth.value) - 1 ),frmInput.txtDay.value))    
if   ((Today.getTime()   -   Lastday.getTime()) < 0 )
" 请输入正确的上次月经时间(不能早于当前时间)! " )
return    false ;
// check  input
     if (isNaN(frmInput.txtMinMensesCyc.value))
" 请输入数字! " )
return    false ;
if (parseInt(frmInput.txtMinMensesCyc.value) > 40    ||   parseInt(frmInput.txtMinMensesCyc.value) < 22   )
" 您输入的最短月经周期与标准月经周期相差太大,程序无法测试,请仔细核对。\n\n如输入确无问题请咨询医生! " )
return    false ;
if (isNaN(frmInput.txtMaxMensesCyc.value)   ||   parseInt(frmInput.txtMaxMensesCyc.value) < parseInt(frmInput.txtMinMensesCyc.value))
" 输入错误,请仔细核对您的输入周期! " );
return    false ;
// display  calendars
    GetCalendarOuterHTML( 1 , 1 );
=   CalendarOuterHTML;
2 , 1 );
=   CalendarOuterHTML;

// Initialize
function   InitialCalendar()
// Initialize  the  date  input  boxes
    frmInput.txtYear.value   =   Today.getYear();
=   Today.getMonth() + 1 ;
=   Today.getDate();
// Initialize  the  calendars
    GetCalendarOuterHTML( 1 , 0 );
=   CalendarOuterHTML;
2 , 0 );
=   CalendarOuterHTML;
// Set  focus

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< td   width ="95%"   class ="titletext"   align ="center" > 结果显示 </ td >
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< tr   class ="nine-pt" >   
< td   bgcolor ="#009933"   width ="30" >   </ td >
< td   width ="47" >    &nbsp; 安全期 </ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ td >
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< table   width ="77"   border ="0"   cellspacing ="0"   cellpadding ="0" >
< tr   class ="nine-pt" >   
< td   bgcolor ="#FF3300"   width ="30" >   </ td >
< td   width ="47" >    &nbsp; 危险期 </ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ td >
< td   width ="82"   height ="2" >   
< table   width ="77"   border ="0"   cellspacing ="0"   cellpadding ="0" >
< tr   class ="nine-pt" >   
< td   bgcolor ="#FFCC00"   width ="30" >   </ td >
< td   width ="47" >    &nbsp; 月经期 </ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ td >
</ tr >
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</ tr >
< tr >   
< td   bordercolor ="#FFFFFF"   align ="center" >   
< form   method ="post"   action ="#"   name =frmInput   onsubmit ="javascript:DisplayCalendar();" >
< table   width ="360"   border ="0"   cellspacing ="1"   cellpadding ="2"   bordercolorlight ="#666666"   align ="center"   bordercolordark ="#FFFFFF"   bordercolor ="#000000" >
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</ td >
< td   class ="nine-pt"   height ="12"   colspan ="3"   width ="266" >   最短月经周期   &nbsp;   
< input   type ="text"   name ="txtMinMensesCyc"   size ="2"   maxlength =2   class ="inputform"   value ="28" >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr   bgcolor ="C6EB4C" >   
< td   colspan ="3"   class ="nine-pt"   height ="2"   width ="266"   bgcolor ="#D2E9FF" > 最长月经周期  
< input   type ="text"   name ="txtMaxMensesCyc"   size ="2"   maxlength =2   class ="inputform"   value ="28" >
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
< table   width ="360"   border ="0"   cellspacing ="1"   cellpadding ="2"   bordercolorlight ="#666666"   align ="center"   bordercolordark ="#FFFFFF"   bordercolor ="#000000" >
< tr   bgcolor ="#D2E9FF" >   
< td   width ="80"   class ="nine-pt"   height ="2"   align ="center"   bgcolor ="#D2E9FF" > 上次月经时间 </ td >
< td   colspan ="3"   class ="nine-pt"   height ="2"   width ="266"   bgcolor ="#D2E9FF" >   
< input   type ="text"   name ="txtYear"   size ="4"   maxlength =4   class ="inputform" >
< input   type ="text"   name ="txtMonth"   size ="2"   maxlength =2   class ="inputform" >
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</ td >
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< td   height ="38"   bgcolor ="#D2E9FF" >   
< div   align ="center" >   
< input   type ="button"   name ="Submit3"   value ="设置完成"   class ="nine-pt"   onClick ="javascript:DisplayCalendar();" >
< input   type ="button"   name ="btnCalculate"   value ="开始计算"   class ="nine-pt"     onClick ="javascript:DisplayCalendar();" >
< input   type ="reset"   name ="reset"   value ="重新输入"   class ="nine-pt" >
</ div >
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ form >
< span   class ="nine-pt" >< font   color ="#999999" > 帮助:请先设置好周期后和时间后,按设置完成,再按开始计算 </ font ></ span >< font   color ="#999999" > </ font >< br >
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
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