



DNS Servers

BINDThe most widely used DNS software on the Internet
BundyIntegrated authoritative DNS and DHCP server (the continuation of the BIND 10)
DnsmasqA lightweight, easy to configure DNS forwarder and DHCP server
Knot DNSKnot DNS is a high-performance authoritative-only DNS server
MaraDNSA small open-source DNS server
NSDNSD (Name Server Daemon) : authoritative only, high performance name server
PowerDNSA versatile nameserver which supports a large number of backends
SheerDNSLight-weight, simple and fast DNS server, written with security in mind
UnboundA validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver
YADIFAA name server implementation developed from scratch by .eu

DNS Libraries

c-aresC library that performs DNS requests and name resolves asynchronously
dns.cAsynchronous DNS and SPF Resolver
dnsjavaAn implementation of DNS in Java
dnspythonA DNS toolkit for Python
getdnsA modern and asynchronous DNS API with DNSSEC support
GNU adnsAdvanced, easy to use, asynchronous-capable DNS client library and utilities
Go DNSDNS library in Go
JDNSA simple DNS implementation written in C with no direct dependencies
ldnsC library to simplify DNS programming, supporting DNSSEC
Net::DNSDNS resolver implemented in Perl

DNS Tools

Atomia DNSAn open source and free to use DNS management system
Bind GuardProtect your BIND-based DNS server (Blocking DDoS Attacks and DNS Amplification)
DNS Flood DetectorA tool to detect abusive usage levels on high traffic nameservers
dinesThe definitive DNS packet forger
dnscapNetwork capture utility designed specifically for DNS traffic
dnscat2DNS tunnel, allowing two hosts over the Internet to talk to each other
dnstapA flexible, structured binary log format (using Protocol Buffers) for DNS software
DNSCheckDNS delegation quality checker
DNSChefA highly configurable DNS proxy for Penetration Testers and Malware Analysts
DNSCurveUsable security for DNS
DNSCryptA tool for securing communications between a client and a DNS resolver
dnsdistHighly DNS-, DoS- and abuse-aware loadbalancer
dnsloggerA tool for doing Passive DNS Replication
dnsmapPassive DNS network mapper a.k.a. subdomains bruteforcer
DNSharnessA framework for funcational testing of multiple name server implementations
DNSmezzoA framework for the capture and analysis of DNS packets
DqDNS and DNSCurve related software package
DSCngDNS server monitoring application
DNSPerfA tool to gather accurate latency and throughput metrics for DNS
DNSQuerySnifferDNSQuerySniffer is a network sniffer utility that shows the DNS queries sent on your Windows system
DNSSEC-ToolsA set of tools and plugins that will help ease the deployment of DNSSEC
dnsSnoopyA tool made to snoop DNS cache and check if some domains have been resolved before
dnstopA curses-based application that displays various tables of DNS statistics
DNSVizA DNS visualization tool
DNSwitnessDNSwitness is a AFNIC scientific program to gather information from the DNS
Domain Name Relay DaemonDomain Name Relay Daemon is a caching, forwarding DNS proxy server
DSCA system for collecting and exploring statistics from busy DNS servers
ext-DnsA toolkit to build DNS servers
FastresolvePackage to process web log files to get DNS and domain ownership information
fpdnsA fpdns is a program that remotely determines DNS server versions
GitNamedA project that manage name servers with Git
iodineTunnel IPv4 data through a DNS server (IP over DNS)
myresolverDisplays the source IP address of the recursive DNS resolver currently in use
namebenchOpen source DNS Benchmark Utility
NicToolAn open source DNS management solution
nsdiffCreate an "nsupdate" script from DNS zone file differences
nsnotifydHandle DNS NOTIFY messages by running a command
openresolvDNS management framework
PassiveDNSA network sniffer that logs all DNS server replies for use in a passive DNS setup
RRDAREST API written in Go allowing to perform DNS queries over HTTP
SentryA DNS proxy that allows you to inspect, block, rewrite, redirect and resolve queries in-flight
sshfpGenerate DNS SSHFP records from SSH public keys
StatZoneDNS zone file analyzer targeted at TLD zones
validnsA high performance DNS/DNSSEC zone validator
YAZVSYet Another Zone Validation Script
ZoneCheckDNS zone checking tool
ZonemasterMajor rewrite of DNSCheck from .SE and Zonecheck from AFNIC
zsuUpdate serial numbers in DNS zone files

DNSSEC Resources

DNSSEC CourseA one hour video course about DNSSEC, presented by Bert Hubert (PowerDNS)
DNSSEC Hardware TesterA software project allowing to test network devices for DNSSEC compatibility
DNSSEC Infrastructure Audit FrameworkA framework under which to conduct a review or audit of the DNSSEC related aspects of a registry and authoritative DNS name server service operation
DNSSEC Reference CardA DNSSEC reference card covering BIND, NSD, Unbound, and PowerDNS
DNSSEC Signer migrationSigner migration : a step-by-step guide
Deploying DNSSECWhite paper covering the implemention of DNSSEC validation on DNS resolvers
Deploying DNSSEC: what, how and whereAn introduction guide about DNSSEC released by AFNIC
Costs of DNSSEC DeploymentA study on the costs of DNSSEC deployment
Good Practices on deploying DNSSECA good practices guide for deploying DNSSEC
Recommendations for DNSSEC deploymentRecommendations for DNSSEC deployment at municipal administrations and similar organisations
Secure DNS Deployment GuideNIST Secure Domain Name System (DNS) Deployment Guide
BIND DNSSEC GuideIntroductory information on how DNSSEC works, how to configure BIND to support it


DNSSEC ValidatorDNSSEC Validator add-on for Web Browsers
OpenDNSSECOpen Source software that manages the security of domain names on the Internet
ZKT (Zone Key Tool)A tool to manage keys and signatures for DNSSEC-zones
jdnssec-toolsA collection of Java-based DNSSEC command line tools

DANE Tools

DANE PatrolA fork of Certificate Patrol which brings in implementation of RFC 6698 (DANE) to validate SSL/TLS certificates
DANE ValidatorA tool attempting to perform validation of a TLSA/PKI pair, according to the DANE internet standard
danishA tool for generating TLSA records and checking certain properties of certificates

IANA Resources

DNS ParametersDomain Name System (DNS) Parameters
DNSSEC Algorithm NumbersDomain Name System Security (DNSSEC) Algorithm Numbers
IANA TLD listList of all TLDs in the root zone, updated daily
Root Zone DatabaseThe Root Zone Database represents the delegation details of top-level domains

Other resources

AS112 ProjectProviding a clean, well lit destination for DNS queries concerning RFC1918 and other Special Use networks
DNSCurve CommunityA community for DNSCurve users
DNS LOCGeo-enabling the Domain Name System
DNS LOCCreate DNS LOC records using Google Maps
FREDA set of open source software for running distributed domain registry
Generic NICA project trying to gather in one place all the documents that could be useful for a new NIC
Public Suffix ListA cross-vendor initiative to provide an accurate list of domain name suffixes
Root ServersRoot Server Technical Operations Association
Yeti DNS ProjectA Live Root DNS Server System Testbed


APTLDAsia Pacific Top Level Domain Association
ccNSOCountry Code Names Supporting Organisation
CENTRCouncil of European National Top Level Domain Registries
DNS-OARCThe DNS Operations, Analysis, and Research Center
IANAInternet Assigned Numbers Authority
ICANNInternet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
InterNICPublic Information Regarding Internet Domain Name Registration Services

Audio resources

Ask Mr. DNS PodcastMatt Larson and Cricket Liu expound on DNS and other topics
BSDtalk 206Interview with Peter Losher from the Internet Systems Consortium
HPR 1413Interview with Bert Hubert from PowerDNS


Alternative DNS ServersA very complete book covering open source DNS Servers and running DNS operations
DNS for Rocket ScientistsAn Open Source book about DNS, offering a very good and detailed introduction on the topic

Video resources

DNS explainedA short movie explaining very simply how the DNS works
DNSSEC IntroductionA video introduction to the Domain Name System Security Extensions
The DANE ProtocolWhat is the DANE protocol and how does it help make the Internet more secure?
What is DNSSEC?A short movie aimed at raising public awareness on DNSSEC




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