X86调用约定 calling convention



这里描述了在x86芯片架构上的调用约定(calling conventions)。 调用约定描述了被调用代码的接口:

  • 原子(标量)参数,或复杂参数独立部分的分配顺序;
  • 参数是如何被传递的(放置在栈上,或是寄存器中,亦或两者混合);
  • 被调用者应保存调用者的哪个寄存器;
  • 调用函数时如何为任务准备堆栈,以及任务完成如何恢复;






调用者清理 cdecl syscall optlink



cdecl(C declaration,即C声明)是源起C语言的一种调用约定,x86架构上的许多C编译器都使用这个约定。
在cdecl中,子例程变元是在栈上传递的。EAX寄存器返回整型值和内存地址,浮点数则是在ST0 x87寄存器上。
EAX, ECX和EDX寄存器是由调用者保存的,其余的寄存器由被调用者保存。(EBX, EBP, ESI, EDI)
在C语言中,函数参数是以相反顺序推入栈的。在GNU/Linux GCC,把这一约定做为事实上的标准。

cdecl调用约定通常作为x86 C编译器的默认调用规则,许多编译器也提供了自动切换调用约定的选项。

void _cdecl funct();




与cdecl类似,变元被从右到左推入栈中。EAX, ECX和EDX不会保留值。参数列表的大小被放置在AL寄存器中(?)。

syscall是32位OS/2 API的标准。


变元也是从右到左被推入栈。从最左边开始的三个字符变元会被放置在EAX, EDX和ECX中,最多四个浮点变元会被传入ST(0)到ST(3)中----

虽然这四个参数的空间也会在参数列表的栈上保留。函数的返回值在EAX或ST(0)中。保留的寄存器有EBP, EBX, ESI和EDI。

optlink在IBM VisualAge编译器中被使用。 


被调用者清理 pascal register stdcall fastcall (microsoft, borland )

x86 ret指令允许一个可选的16位参数说明栈字节数,用来在返回给调用者之前解堆栈。代码类似如下:


ret 12


基于Pascal语言的调用约定,参数从左至右入栈(与cdecl相反)。被调用者负责在返回前清理堆栈。 此调用约定常见在如下16-bit API中:OS/2 1.x,微软Windows 3.x,以及Borland Delphi版本1.x。


Borland fastcall的别名而已。



寄存器EAX, ECX和EDX被指定在函数中使用,返回值放置在EAX中。

stdcall对于微软Win32 API和Open Watcom C++是标准。


此约定还未被标准化,不同编译器的实现也不一致。 典型的fastcall约定会传递一个或多个变元到寄存器上,减少对内存的访问。

Microsoft fastcall


Borland fastcall

从左至右,传入三个参数至EAX, EDX和ECX中。剩下的参数推入栈,也是从左至右。

在32位编译器Embarcadero Delphi中,这是缺省调用约定,在编译器中以register形式为人知。 在i386上的某些版本Linux也使用了此约定。


调用者或被调用者清理 thiscall




在微软Visual C++编译器中,this指针被传到ECX寄存器上,被调用者负责清理堆栈其余同此编译器的C版本和Windows API函数使用的stdcall约定。
当函数使用可变参数,此时调用者负责清理堆栈(参考cdecl)。 thiscall约定只在微软Visual C++ 2005及其之后的版本被显式指定。





微软x64调用约定使用RCX, RDX, R8, R9这四个寄存器传递头四个整型或指针变量(从左到右),
使用XMM0, XMM1, XMM2, XMM3来传递浮点变量。



在Windows x64环境下编译代码时,只有一种调用约定----就是上面描述的约定,也就是说,32位下的各种约定在64位下统一成一种了。


影子空间是用来给RCX, RDX, R8和R9提供溢出空间的(?),即使是对于少于四个参数的函数而言。

例如, 一个函数拥有5个整型参数,第一个到第四个放在寄存器中,第五个就被推到影子空间栈顶上。


在x86-64体系下,Visual Studio 2008在XMM6和XMM7中(同样的有XMM8到XMM15)存储浮点数。



System V AMD64 ABI


头六个整型参数放在寄存器RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX, R8和R9上;同时XMM0到XMM7用来放置浮点变元。











        调用约定        堆栈清除    参数传递 
        __cdecl        调用者      从右到左,通过堆栈传递 
        __stdcall      函数体      从右到左,通过堆栈传递 
        __fastcall     函数体      从右到左,优先使用寄存器(ECX,EDX),然后使用堆栈 
        thiscall       函数体      this指针默认通过ECX传递,其它参数从右到左入栈


__cdecl是C/C++的默认调用约定; VC的调用约定中并没有thiscall这个关键字,它是类成员函数默认调用约定; 



        调用约定        堆栈清除    参数传递 
        register       函数体      从左到右,优先使用寄存器(EAX,EDX,ECX),然后使用堆栈 
        pascal         函数体      从左到右,通过堆栈传递 
        cdecl          调用者      从右到左,通过堆栈传递(与C/C++默认调用约定兼容) 
        stdcall        函数体      从右到左,通过堆栈传递(与VC中的__stdcall兼容) 
        safecall       函数体      从右到左,通过堆栈传递(同stdcall)





        调用约定        堆栈清除    参数传递 
__fastcall 函数体 从左到右,优先使用寄存器(EAX,EDX,ECX),然后使用堆栈 (兼容Delphi的register) register 函数体 从左到右,优先使用寄存器(EAX,EDX,ECX),然后使用堆栈 (兼容Delphi的register) __pascal 函数体 从左到右,通过堆栈传递
        __cdecl        调用者      从右到左,通过堆栈传递(与C/C++默认调用约定兼容) 
        __stdcall      函数体      从右到左,通过堆栈传递(与VC中的__stdcall兼容) 
        __msfastcall   函数体      从右到左,优先使用寄存器(ECX,EDX),然后使用堆栈(兼容VC的__fastcall)




所以函数体不能方便的知道应该怎样清除堆栈,那么最好的办法就是把清除堆栈的责任交给调用者; 这应该就是cdecl调用约定存在的原因吧;

Windows的API中,一般使用的是stdcall约定;(ps: 有更强的保证吗) 


   其实,返回值的传递从处理上也可以想象为函数调用的一个out形参数; 函数返回值传递方式也是函数调用约定的一部分;
   特别的__int64等64bit结构(struct) 通过edx,eax两个寄存器来传递(同理:32bit整形在16bit环境中通过dx,ax传递);



按从右至左的顺序压参数入栈,由被调用者把参数弹出栈。_stdcall是Pascal程序的缺省调用方式,通常用于Win32 Api中,切记:函数自己在退出时清空堆栈,返回值在EAX中。  
__stdcall调用约定在输出函数名前加上一个下划线前缀,后面加上一个“@”符号和其参数的字节数,格式为_functionname@number。如函数int func(int a, double b)的修饰名是_func@12。






调用约定可以通过工程设置:Setting...\C/C++ \Code Generation项进行选择,缺省状态为__cdecl。


函數調用方式: Stdcall Cdecl Fastcall WINAPI CALLBACK PASCAL Thiscall Fortran Syscall Declspec(Naked)



2.函数的结尾处理方式(善后处理 如:栈的恢复由谁恢复? 函数内恢复/还是调用后恢复


__cdecl    由调用者平栈,参数从右到左依次入栈 是C和C++程序的缺省调用方式。每一个调用它的函数都包含清空堆栈的代码
__stdcall ,WINAPI,CALLBACK ,PASCAL 由被调用者平栈,参数从右到左依次入栈 ._stdcall是Pascal程序的缺省调用方式,
通常用于Win32   Api中,函数采用从右到左的压栈方式,自己在退出时清空堆栈。VC将函数编译后会在函数名前面加上下划

__fastcall 由被调用者平栈,参数先赋值给寄存器,然后入栈 “人”如其名,它的主要特点就是快,因为它是通过寄存器来传送参数的

__thiscall 由被调用者平栈,参数入栈,this 指针赋给 ecx 寄存器 仅仅应用于“C++”成员函数。this指针存放于CX寄存器,参数从右

__declspec(naked) 这是一个很少见的调用约定,一般程序设计者建议不要使用。编译器不会给这种函数增加初始化和清理代码


int __stdcall test_stdcall(char para1, char para2)
  para1 = para2;
  return 0;
int __cdecl test_cdecl(char para, )
  char p = '\n';
  va_list marker;
  va_start( marker, para );
  while( p != '\0' )
    p = va_arg( marker, char);
    printf("%c\n", p);
  va_end( marker );
  return 0;

int pascal test_pascal(char para1, char para2)
  return 0;

int __fastcall test_fastcall(char para1, char para2, char para3, char para4)
  para1 = (char)1;
  para2 = (char)2;
  para3 = (char)3;
  para4 = (char)4;
  return 0;
__declspec(naked) void __stdcall test_naked(char para1, char para2)
    push ebp
    mov ebp, esp
    push eax
    mov al,byte ptr [ebp + 0Ch]
    xchg byte ptr [ebp + 8],al
    pop eax
    pop ebp
    ret 8
//    return ;

int main( int argc, char* argv[ ] )
  test_stdcall( 'a', 'b' );
  test_cdecl( 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', '\0' );
  test_pascal( 'e', 'f' );
  test_fastcall( 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j' );
  test_naked( 'k', 'l' );
  return 0;



int main(int argc, char* argv[])
00411350  push        ebp  
00411351  mov         ebp,esp 
00411353  sub         esp,0C0h 
00411359  push        ebx  
0041135A  push        esi  
0041135B  push        edi  
0041135C  lea         edi,[ebp-0C0h] 
00411362  mov         ecx,30h 
00411367  mov         eax,0CCCCCCCCh 
0041136C  rep stos    dword ptr es:[edi] 
'a', 'b' ); 0041136E push 62h 00411370 push 61h 00411372 call _test_stdcall@8
'c','d','e','f','g' ,'h' ,'\0'); 00411377 push 0 00411379 push 68h 0041137B push 67h 0041137D push 66h 0041137F push 65h 00411381 push 64h 00411383 push 63h 00411385 call _test_cdecl 0041138A add esp,1Ch ;恢复_test_cdecl参数压入前的堆栈指令是: add esp,n*4 n=7, 参数的数量

test_fastcall( 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j' ); 0041138D push 6Ah 0041138F push 69h 00411391 mov dl,68h 00411393 mov cl,67h 00411395 call test_fastcall
'k', 'l'); 0041139A push 6Ch 0041139C push 6Bh 0041139E call _test_naked
0; 004113A3 xor eax,eax } int __stdcall test_stdcall(char para1, char para2) { 004111F0 push ebp 004111F1 mov ebp,esp 004111F3 sub esp,0C0h
004111F9 push ebx 004111FA push esi 004111FB push edi 004111FC lea edi,[ebp-0C0h] 00411202 mov ecx,30h 00411207 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh 0041120C rep stos dword ptr es:[edi] ;初始edi para1 = para2; 0041120E mov al,byte ptr [para2] ;mov al,byte ptr[ebp+c] 00411211 mov byte ptr [para1],al ;mov byte ptr[ebp+8],al return 0; 00411214 xor eax,eax 00411216 pop edi 00411217 pop esi 00411218 pop ebx
00411219 mov esp,ebp 0041121B pop ebp 0041121C ret 8 ;恢复到压入函数参数前堆栈,由于有两个参数所以ret 8 相当于 pop eip 然后esp+8 }
int __cdecl test_cdecl(char para,... ) { 00411230 push ebp 00411231 mov ebp,esp 00411233 sub esp,0D8h 0041123C lea edi,[ebp-0D8h] 00411242 mov ecx,36h 00411247 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh 0041124C rep stos dword ptr es:[edi] char p = '\n'; 0041124E mov byte ptr [p],0Ah va_list marker; va_start( marker, para ); 00411252 lea eax,[ebp+0Ch] 00411255 mov dword ptr [marker],eax while( p != '\0' ) 00411258 movsx eax,byte ptr [p] 0041125C test eax,eax 0041125E je test_cdecl+60h (411290h) { p = va_arg( marker, char); 00411260 mov eax,dword ptr [marker] 00411263 add eax,4 00411266 mov dword ptr [marker],eax 00411269 mov ecx,dword ptr [marker] 0041126C mov dl,byte ptr [ecx-4] 0041126F mov byte ptr [p],dl printf("%c\n", p); 00411272 movsx eax,byte ptr [p] 00411276 mov esi,esp 00411278 push eax 00411279 push offset string "%c\n" (41401Ch) 0041127E call dword ptr [__imp__printf (416180h)] 00411284 add esp,8 0041128E jmp test_cdecl+28h (411258h) } va_end( marker ); 00411290 mov dword ptr [marker],0 return 0; 00411297 xor eax,eax 004112A9 mov esp,ebp 004112AB pop ebp 004112AC ret } int __fastcall test_fastcall(char para1, char para2, char para3, char para4) { 004112D0 push ebp 004112D1 mov ebp,esp 004112D3 sub esp,0D8h 004112DD lea edi,[ebp-0D8h] 004112E3 mov ecx,36h 004112E8 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh 004112ED rep stos dword ptr es:[edi] 004112EF pop ecx 004112F0 mov byte ptr [ebp-14h],dl 004112F3 mov byte ptr [ebp-8],cl para1 = (char)1; 004112F6 mov byte ptr [para1],1 para2 = (char)2; 004112FA mov byte ptr [para2],2 para3 = (char)3; 004112FE mov byte ptr [para3],3 para4 = (char)4; 00411302 mov byte ptr [para4],4 return 0; 00411306 xor eax,eax 0041130B mov esp,ebp 0041130D pop ebp 0041130E ret 8 ;由于使用了ecx ,edx 传递参数 本来4个参数只使用两push 所以这里是 ret 4*2 } __declspec(naked) void __stdcall test_naked(char para1, char para2) { 00411330 push ebp ;这里编译器没加入任何初始化和清栈的指令,你代码如何写它就复制过来 00411331 mov ebp,esp 00411333 push eax 00411334 mov al,byte ptr [para2] 00411337 xchg al,byte ptr [para1] 0041133A pop eax 0041133B pop ebp 0041133C ret 8 }




Calling Conventions Hunting

When trying to understand a binary, it’s key to be able to identify functions, and with them, their parameters and local variables. This will help the reverser figuring out APIs, data structures, etc. In short, gaining a deep understanding of the software. When dealing with functions, it’s essential to be able to identify the calling convention in use, as many times that will allow the reverser to perform educated guesses on the arguments and local variables used by the function. I’ll try to describe here a couple of points that may aid in identifying the calling convention of any given function and the number and ordering of its parameters.

Calling Conventions

A calling convention defines how functions are called in a program. They influence how data (arguments/variables) is laid on the stack when the function call takes place. A comprehensive definition of calling conventions is beyond the scope of this blog, nonetheless the most common ones are briefly described below.


Description: Standard C/C++ calling convention. Allows functions to receive a dynamic number of parameters.

Cleans the stack: The caller is responsible for restoring the stack after making a function call.

Arguments passed: On the stack. Arguments are received in reverse order (i.e. from right to left). This is because the first argument is pushed onto the stack first, and the last is pushed last.

void _cdecl fun();


Description: Slightly better performance calling convention.

Cleans the stack: The callee is responsible for restoring the stack before returning.

Arguments passed: First two arguments are passed in registers (ECX and EDX). The rest are passed through the stack.

void __fastcall func();


Description: Very common in Windows (used by most APIs).

Cleans the stack: The callee is responsible for cleaning up the stack before returning. Usually by means of a RETN #N instruction.

Arguments passed: On the stack. Arguments received from left to right (opposite to cdecl). First argument is pushed last.

void __stdcall fun();


Description: Used when C++ method with a static number of parameters is called. Specially thought to improve performance of OO languages (saves EDX for the this pointer with VC++. GCC pushes the this pointer onto the stack last). When a dynamic number of parameters is required, compilers usually fall back to cdecl and pass the this pointer as the first parameter on the stack.

Cleans the stack: In GCC, caller cleans the stack. In Microsoft VC++ the callee is responsible for cleaning up.

Arguments passed: From right to left (as cdecl). First argument is pushed first, and last argument is pushed last.

void __thiscall func();

Let the small table below serve as a quick reminder.







Calling Convention

To allow separate programmers to share code and develop libraries for use by many programs,

and to simplify the use of subroutines in general, programmers typically adopt a common calling convention.

The calling convention is a protocol about how to call and return from routines.

For example, given a set of calling convention rules, a programmer need not examine the definition of a subroutine to determine

how parameters should be passed to that subroutine.

Furthermore, given a set of calling convention rules, high-level language compilers can be made to follow the rules,

thus allowing hand-coded assembly language routines and high-level language routines to call one another.


In practice, many calling conventions are possible.

We will use the widely used C language calling convention.

Following this convention will allow you to write assembly language subroutines that are safely callable from C (and C++) code,

and will also enable you to call C library functions from your assembly language code.


The C calling convention is based heavily on the use of the hardware-supported stack.

It is based on the pushpopcall, and ret instructions.

Subroutine parameters are passed on the stack.

Registers are saved on the stack, and local variables used by subroutines are placed in memory on the stack.

The vast majority of high-level procedural languages implemented on most processors have used similar calling conventions.


The calling convention is broken into two sets of rules.

The first set of rules is employed by the caller of the subroutine, and the second set of rules is observed by the writer of the subroutine (the callee).

It should be emphasized that mistakes in the observance of these rules quickly result in fatal program errors

since the stack will be left in an inconsistent state; thus meticulous care should be used when implementing the call convention in your own subroutines.



A good way to visualize the operation of the calling convention is to draw the contents of the nearby region of the stack during subroutine execution. The image above depicts the contents of the stack during the execution of a subroutine with three parameters and three local variables. The cells depicted in the stack are 32-bit wide memory locations, thus the memory addresses of the cells are 4 bytes apart. The first parameter resides at an offset of 8 bytes from the base pointer. Above the parameters on the stack (and below the base pointer), the call instruction placed the return address, thus leading to an extra 4 bytes of offset from the base pointer to the first parameter. When the ret instruction is used to return from the subroutine, it will jump to the return address stored on the stack.

Caller Rules

To make a subrouting call, the caller should:

  1. Before calling a subroutine, the caller should save the contents of certain registers that are designated caller-saved. The caller-saved registers are EAX, ECX, EDX. Since the called subroutine is allowed to modify these registers, if the caller relies on their values after the subroutine returns, the caller must push the values in these registers onto the stack (so they can be restore after the subroutine returns.
  2. To pass parameters to the subroutine, push them onto the stack before the call. The parameters should be pushed in inverted order (i.e. last parameter first). Since the stack grows down, the first parameter will be stored at the lowest address (this inversion of parameters was historically used to allow functions to be passed a variable number of parameters).
  3. To call the subroutine, use the call instruction. This instruction places the return address on top of the parameters on the stack, and branches to the subroutine code. This invokes the subroutine, which should follow the callee rules below.

After the subroutine returns (immediately following the call instruction), the caller can expect to find the return value of the subroutine in the register EAX. To restore the machine state, the caller should:

  1. Remove the parameters from stack. This restores the stack to its state before the call was performed.
  2. Restore the contents of caller-saved registers (EAX, ECX, EDX) by popping them off of the stack. The caller can assume that no other registers were modified by the subroutine.

The code below shows a function call that follows the caller rules. The caller is calling a function _myFunc that takes three integer parameters. First parameter is in EAX, the second parameter is the constant 216; the third parameter is in memory location var.

push [var] ; Push last parameter first
push 216   ; Push the second parameter
push eax   ; Push first parameter last

call _myFunc ; Call the function (assume C naming)

add esp, 12

Note that after the call returns, the caller cleans up the stack using the add instruction.

We have 12 bytes (3 parameters * 4 bytes each) on the stack, and the stack grows down.

Thus, to get rid of the parameters, we can simply add 12 to the stack pointer.

The result produced by _myFunc is now available for use in the register EAX.

The values of the caller-saved registers (ECX and EDX), may have been changed.

If the caller uses them after the call, it would have needed to save them on the stack before the call and restore them after it.

Callee Rules

The definition of the subroutine should adhere to the following rules at the beginning of the subroutine:

  1. Push the value of EBP onto the stack, and then copy the value of ESP into EBP using the following instructions:
        push ebp
        mov  ebp, esp


    This initial action maintains the base pointer, EBP. The base pointer is used by convention as a point of reference for finding parameters and local variables on the stack.
    When a subroutine is executing, the base pointer holds a copy of the stack pointer value from when the subroutine started executing.
    Parameters and local variables will always be located at known, constant offsets away from the base pointer value.

    We push the old base pointer value at the beginning of the subroutine so that we can later restore the appropriate base pointer value for the caller when the subroutine returns.
    Remember, the caller is not expecting the subroutine to change the value of the base pointer.
    We then move the stack pointer into EBP to obtain our point of reference for accessing parameters and local variables.

  2. Next, allocate local variables by making space on the stack. Recall, the stack grows down, so to make space on the top of the stack, the stack pointer should be decremented.
    The amount by which the stack pointer is decremented depends on the number and size of local variables needed.
    For example, if 3 local integers (4 bytes each) were required, the stack pointer would need to be decremented by 12 to make space for these local variables
    (i.e., sub esp, 12). As with parameters, local variables will be located at known offsets from the base pointer.
  3. Next, save the values of the callee-saved registers that will be used by the function must be saved.
    To save registers, push them onto the stack. The callee-saved registers are EBX, EDI, and ESI
    (ESP and EBP will also be preserved by the calling convention, but need not be pushed on the stack during this step).

After these three actions are performed, the body of the subroutine may proceed. When the subroutine is returns, it must follow these steps:

  1. Leave the return value in EAX.
  2. Restore the old values of any callee-saved registers (EDI and ESI) that were modified.
    The register contents are restored by popping them from the stack. The registers should be popped in the inverse order that they were pushed.

  3. Deallocate local variables.
    The obvious way to do this might be to add the appropriate value to the stack pointer (since the space was allocated by subtracting the needed amount from the stack pointer).
    In practice, a less error-prone way to deallocate the variables is to move the value in the base pointer into the stack pointer:
    mov esp, ebp.
    This works because the base pointer always contains the value that the stack pointer contained immediately prior to the allocation of the local variables.

  4. Immediately before returning, restore the caller's base pointer value by popping EBP off the stack.
    Recall that the first thing we did on entry to the subroutine was to push the base pointer to save its old value.

  5. Finally, return to the caller by executing a ret instruction. This instruction will find and remove the appropriate return address from the stack.

Note that the callee's rules fall cleanly into two halves that are basically mirror images of one another.

The first half of the rules apply to the beginning of the function, and are commonly said to define the prologue to the function.

The latter half of the rules apply to the end of the function, and are thus commonly said to define the epilogue of the function. 

Here is an example function definition that follows the callee rules:

PUBLIC _myFunc
_myFunc PROC
  ; Subroutine Prologue
  push ebp     ; Save the old base pointer value.
  mov ebp, esp ; Set the new base pointer value.
  sub esp, 4   ; Make room for one 4-byte local variable.
  push edi     ; Save the values of registers that the function
  push esi     ; will modify. This function uses EDI and ESI.
  ; (no need to save EBX, EBP, or ESP)

  ; Subroutine Body
  mov eax, [ebp+8]   ; Move value of parameter 1 into EAX
  mov esi, [ebp+12]  ; Move value of parameter 2 into ESI
  mov edi, [ebp+16]  ; Move value of parameter 3 into EDI

  mov [ebp-4], edi   ; Move EDI into the local variable
  add [ebp-4], esi   ; Add ESI into the local variable
  add eax, [ebp-4]   ; Add the contents of the local variable
                     ; into EAX (final result)

  ; Subroutine Epilogue 
  pop esi      ; Recover register values
  pop  edi
  mov esp, ebp ; Deallocate local variables
  pop ebp ; Restore the caller's base pointer value
_myFunc ENDP

The subroutine prologue performs the standard actions of saving a snapshot of the stack pointer in EBP (the base pointer),
allocating local variables by decrementing the stack pointer, and saving register values on the stack.

In the body of the subroutine we can see the use of the base pointer.
Both parameters and local variables are located at constant offsets from the base pointer for the duration of the subroutines execution.
In particular, we notice that since parameters were placed onto the stack before the subroutine was called, they are always located below the base pointer (i.e. at higher addresses) on the stack.
The first parameter to the subroutine can always be found at memory location [EBP+8], the second at [EBP+12], the third at [EBP+16].

Similarly, since local variables are allocated after the base pointer is set, they always reside above the base pointer (i.e. at lower addresses) on the stack.

In particular, the first local variable is always located at [EBP-4], the second at [EBP-8], and so on.

This conventional use of the base pointer allows us to quickly identify the use of local variables and parameters within a function body. 

The function epilogue is basically a mirror image of the function prologue.
The caller's register values are recovered from the stack, the local variables are deallocated by resetting the stack pointer,
the caller's base pointer value is recovered, and the ret instruction is used to return to the appropriate code location in the caller.







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