LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN 是指当前登录用户的login_id。



  1. select * from fnd_logins; 
  3. gl_last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id; 
  4. gl_user_id := fnd_global.user_id; 




Last Updated By = FND_USER.USER_ID of the user who was logged on
when the change was made.

Last Update Login = FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID of the session which made
the changes.

Note that the data in FND_LOGINS will probably be purged (we only
appear to have two weeks data) and so you will only be able to
find the details of the most recent logins still in the table.
Let's assume you have a user called FRED (say User Id = 123).

When user FRED logs on to Oracle Applications a record is created
in the FND_LOGINS table (say Login Id = 4321). While logged in,
a change is made to a Project record (PA_PROJECTS_ALL table) -
the Last Updated By will be set to 123 and the Last Update Login
will be set to 4321.

If FRED logs off and then logs on again, another record is
created in the FND_LOGINS table (say Login Id = 5432). While
logged in this time, another change is made to the Project
record - the Last Updated By will still be 123 and the Last
Update Login will be updated to 5432.