
1. 在关于用例(use case)的描述中,错误的是
Which one of the following is an objective of alpha tests?
Choice 1
To verify correct processing with alpha CPUs
Choice 2
To identify bugs early
Choice 3
To feature the feedback for next release
Choice 4
To polish the design
Choice 5
To check performance or compatibility with specific equipment
What is NOT an important test case for effectively testing software security?
Choice 1
Firewall integrity
Choice 2
Physical security
Choice 3
Login procedures
Choice 4
File protections
Choice 5
User permissions
What is the definition of "Test Ware"?
Choice 1
It includes verification checklist, verification error statistics, test data, and supporting documentation such as test plans, test specifications, test procedures, test cases, test data, and test reports.
Choice 2
It is a measurement that provides an idea of the real program complexity.
Choice 3
It provides quantitative assessments of the thoroughness and comprehensiveness of validation tests. It includes supporting documentation such as test plans, test specifications, test procedures, test cases, test data, and test reports.
Choice 4
It is the process of translating the functional specification into a detailed set of data structures, data flows, and algorithms.
Choice 5
It is the process of translating the detailed design specification into a specific set of code.
Coding is the process of translating the detailed design specification into a specific set of code. The output of the process is the source code itself. This is often the place where companies start when they begin doing walkthroughs and inspections.
Referring to the statements above, verifying the code does NOT involve which one of the following activities?
Choice 1
Comparing the code with internal design specifications
Choice 2
Using the functional design specification to design function-based tests
Choice 3
Examining the code against a language-specific checklist
Choice 4
Using a static analysis tool to check for compliance of the syntactic/content requirements
Choice 5
Verifying the correspondence of terms in code with a data dictionary and with internal design specifications
Which one of the following items is NOT a common type of review meeting?
Choice 1
Performance Test
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
Design Review
Choice 5
Requirement Review
Which one of the following is the correct way to document graphical data of a program's behavior?
Choice 1
Video thermography
Choice 2
Text description
Choice 3
Choice 4
"In camera" pictures
Choice 5
Screen capture
What is the verification process in software development?
Choice 1
The process of evaluating a system or component to determine whether or not the products of a given development phase satisfy the conditions imposed at the start of that phase
Choice 2
The probability that undesirable things will happen such as loss of human life or large financial losses
Choice 3
The process of evaluating a system or component during or at the end of the sales process to determine whether or not it satisfies specified requirements
Choice 4
The process of trying to discover every conceivable fault or weakness in a work product
Choice 5
The process of monitoring the software to ensure full compliance with established standards and procedures
What problem do you NOT expect during the integration test phase?
Choice 1
Bug fixes in one application trigger a retest of the entire system.
Choice 2
Difficulties in determining system component interactions make selection of test cases difficult.
Choice 3
Defects will be increasingly more difficult to isolate as testing progresses.
Choice 4
Core functional defects in system components will prevent any integration testing at all.
Choice 5
Automated test scripts will not be usable to support this testing.
* There should be one and only one way to report an incident.
Redundant reporting mechanisms created unnecessary work.
* There is a single, master repository for all incident reports.
* Every incident should be reported via the formal mechanism.
* Incidents reports must rigorously identify the software configuration in which the incident occurred. Users must be able to dynamically obtain from the running system all necessary version information.
* Every user of a product should take the time to report incidents.
* In the case of a confirmed error, the correction should be available for customer use before the report is closed.
Referring to the list above, which one of the following test measuring processes is being described?
Choice 1
Measuring maintainability
Choice 2
Measuring verification efficiency
Choice 3
Measuring of test execution status
Choice 4
Measuring tracking of incident reports
Choice 5
Measuring test coverage
What process was developed by The Software Engineering Institute that addresses 18 key process areas for achieving a certain level of maturity?
Choice 1
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Choice 2
Personal Software Process (PSP)
Choice 3
Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
Choice 4
Software Process Improvement and Capability Evaluation (SPICE)
Choice 5
Configuration Management (CM)
* GUI standards or product family style guides that are to be followed
* Screen layout or resolution constraints
* Standard buttons, functions, or navigation links that will appear on every screen (such as a help button)
* Shortcut keys
* Error message display standards
The text above is a list of characteristics used to describe which one of the following external interface requirements?
Choice 1
Software Interfaces
Choice 2
User Interfaces
Choice 3
Hardware Interfaces
Choice 4
Communications Interfaces
Choice 5
External Interfaces
Radio groups and check boxes are examples of which one of the following?
Choice 1
Text items
Choice 2
Choice 3
Event Items
Choice 4
Insertable values
Choice 5
Interface Items
Sample Code
'include 'winapi.inc'
Dim sMachineName as String
sMachineName = space(255)

If GetMachineName (sMachineName, len(sMachineName)) Then
       Print "Machines name is:" SMachineName
       Print "Unable to obtain machine name"
End If
The script in the sample code above identifies which one of the following operations?
Choice 1
Converting a string to a number
Choice 2
Converting an instance of one or more characters to other characters
Choice 3
Obtaining the network name of the computer in which the script is running
Choice 4
Navigating to a file
Choice 5
Finding a string within an existing file
You are installing a program on a Windows 2000 server with workstation and database instances on each. The program requires database access for the authorized users on the system. As a part of the configuration testing, you setup user accounts to the computer system, the program, and the database that integrates with the program on the network.
Referring to the scenario above, to properly configure the program and database with authorized users, accounts, and permissions, which one of the following administrative tasks is required to run the client instance of the program?
Choice 1
Local groups, user accounts, and permissions
Choice 2
Local groups and database user accounts
Choice 3
Local and domain groups and user accounts
Choice 4
Groups in a workgroup
Choice 5
Special identities
Methodologies for Automated Testing:
"Functional Decomposition" script development methodology is to reduce all test cases to their most fundamental tasks.

"Test Plan Driven Method" preserves most of the advantages of the functional decomposition method while eliminating most of the disadvantages. The entire process is data-driven, including functionality.
Referring to the text above, what fundamental tasks are used in the functional decomposition script development methodology?
Choice 1
This method uses driver scripts to perform initialization, business function scripts, sub-routines, and uses business function scripts.
Choice 2
In this method, the entire testing process, including functionality, is data-driven.
Choice 3
In this method, the test is written in a specific format and saved in a particular record-format.
Choice 4
In this method, the key words control the processing and this test case could also be executed manually.
Choice 5
This method uses the pre-written utility scripts to control the entire processing of the automated test.
A product can be installed with no crashes or errors that terminate the installation. Development needs to install the software from the same source accessed by QA (CD-ROM), drop zone, or electronic software distribution archives.
Which one of the following testing types is being described in the statement above?
Choice 1
Confidence Test
Choice 2
Customer Experience Test
Choice 3
Functional Test
Choice 4
Build Acceptance Test
Choice 5
System Test
Configuration testing checks the program for problems in relation to its integration with the hardware and system software.
What type of tests are described in the above text?
Choice 1
Integration tests
Choice 2
Hardware system tests
Choice 3
Compatibility tests
Choice 4
Configuration audits
Choice 5
Software system tests
This type of testing methodology is appropriate and is very often used when a tester wants to become familiar with the product or the environment and when technical/testing materials are not 100 percent complete. It is also largely based on general software product functionality/testing and using normal common sense.
Referring to the statement above, which one of the following testing methodologies is being described?
Choice 1
Build Acceptance Tests
Choice 2
Configuration Testing
Choice 3
Ad-Hoc Testing
Choice 4
Module Testing
Choice 5
Dynamic Testing
Why is it vital to carefully plan each step of integration testing?
Choice 1
Defects discovered by testing get more difficult to isolate as more components are put together.
Choice 2
ISO 9010 certification requires a complete list of all integration testing to be created.
Choice 3
Integration test cases are more complex than functional test cases.
Choice 4
Time constraints almost always preclude completing the planned integration tests.
Choice 5
Integration testing is rarely based on formal test cases and procedures.
Which item is NOT considered to be a characteristic of a good problem report?
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
Choice 5
In testing memory validity and usage, which one of the following is NOT a useful test case?
Choice 1
Maximum input test
Choice 2
Longterm execution test
Choice 3
Memory leak test
Choice 4
Cathartic reaction test
Choice 5
Simultaneous input test
Which trade magazine focuses its articles on software testing concepts, procedures, and current automation tools?
Choice 1
SQL Wire
Choice 2
Current Trends in Automation
Choice 3
XML Journal
Choice 4
Software Testing and Quality Engineering
Choice 5
Testing Computer Software
Unit testing is also referred to as which one of the following?
Choice 1
Eunich testing
Choice 2
Incremental testing
Choice 3
Static testing
Choice 4
Integration testing
Choice 5
Module testing
*Integrity and a commitment to quality
*An empirical frame of reference, rather than a theoretical one
*Some programming background is very useful, but it is not essential.
*Good at error guessing
*Experience using many computers and many software packages
*Excellent spoken and written communication
*Very conscious of efficiency
*Able to juggle many tasks
*Good at scheduling or trainable
*Able to read and understand specifications
*Fast abstraction skills
*Careful observer, patient, attends to detail
Referring to the qualifications list above, which project member is being described?
Choice 1
Program Manager
Choice 2
Test Manager
Choice 3
Developer or Programmer
Choice 4
Tester or QA Engineer
Choice 5
A web site can be quite complex and that complexity is what provides the power. That power can be a real impediment in assuring web site quality. Add in the possibilities of multiple web site page authors, very-rapid updates and changes, and the problem compounds. Here are the major pieces of Web Sites as seen from a Quality perspective: Display Technologies, Navigation, Object Mode, Server Response, Interaction and Feedback, and Concurrent Users.
Referring to the text above, which one of the following is the piece of web site technology that has to be quick and error free, and has to allow users to move to and from pages, click on links, and click on images (thumbnails, for example)?
Choice 1
Concurrent Users
Choice 2
Display Technologies
Choice 3
Choice 4
Object mode
Choice 5
Interaction and Feedback
A major finding at StockIt's project retrospective was that different people in engineering had a different idea of what "ready" meant. Some developers thought the software was ready if it compiled. Some testers thought the product was ready when no more bugs could be found. Some managers thought it was ready when the ship date arrived. The project manager and the chief architect had their own definition of "ready" that was less one-sided. Unfortunately, the project manager and chief architect had not explained their criteria for each milestone. Without agreement on "ready" at the different milestones, the organization was in continuous disagreement about the state of the product and its readiness for testing and shipment.
- "Managing Test Priorities for Packaged Software," Johanna Rothman
Which one of the following test strategies corresponds with the above text?
Choice 1
What functionality will and will not be tested, and how will the testing be performed?
Choice 2
How is the criteria applied to the product at different milestones such as entry into system test, Beta, and Release? What does "Ready" mean for this product at these milestones?
Choice 3
How will priorities be applied to the testing work? In what order will the features be tested? How can you decide on entry and exit criteria?
Choice 4
Is installation, performance, or load testing also required for this product?
Choice 5
Is this a good source for a "Did I remember to do everything" checklist? The "good enough" approach is controversial and subjective. Who set the criteria for "good enough" or do the test managers determine this?
Which one of the following is a major verification stage in developing a guide or online manual?
Choice 1
Unit testing
Choice 2
Preparation Review
Choice 3
Pre-Production Plan
Choice 4
Choice 5
Documentation Review
Two programs run simultaneously. Each needs the same two resources, a printer and extra memory for a printer buffer.  Each grabs one resource, then waits forever for the other program to finish with the other resource.
Referring to the scenario above, what type of multi-processing problem is being described?
Choice 1
I/O failure
Choice 2
Simple logic errors
Choice 3
Wrong interrupt vector
Choice 4
Resource deadlock
Choice 5
Failure to restore or update interrupts
What is path testing?
Choice 1
A sequence of statements from one place in the program to another designed to test path integrity
Choice 2
A sequence of operations that runs from the start of the program to an exit point or end to end path
Choice 3
The execution of every line of code at least once
Choice 4
Testing combinations of pieces of the product
Choice 5
Executing all tests created using the Path Tester software package
What is the biggest challenge of user inter-operability testing?
Choice 1
User interfaces are inherently complex and this confuses testers.
Choice 2
Users are never available for participation in the test program.
Choice 3
It is very difficult to simulate the wide range of user capability/knowledge.
Choice 4
Help files are rarely adequate to cover the needed user functionality.
Choice 5
It is difficult to get users to follow directions so that the program operates correctly.
Security concerns are extremely important for which type of application?
Choice 1
A windows based word processor
Choice 2
A product advertisement website
Choice 3
A requirements tracking database
Choice 4
An e-commerce Web site
Choice 5
An employment application
Which one of the following is NOT a benefit of fully effective documentation?
Choice 1
It improves usability.
Choice 2
It lowers customer support costs.
Choice 3
It improves product quality.
Choice 4
It replaces customer support staff.
Choice 5
It increases maintainability.
What is "ad-hoc" or unstructured testing?
Choice 1
Testing that is not based on structured query languages
Choice 2
Testing that is not based on test cases or procedures
Choice 3
Testing that uses random number generators to determine which test procedures to execute
Choice 4
This type of testing does not exist.
Choice 5
Testing that can be done by anyone with equal effectiveness
What is integration testing?
Choice 1
Ensuring the test team is composed of testers with a variety of skills
Choice 2
Requirements validation testing
Choice 3
The process of putting system components together to ensure they operate together as a complete system
Choice 4
The process of validating each software module's functional paths
Choice 5
Analyzing parametric test results using integral calculus to determine holes in test coverage
A program stops (usually a dead crash) waiting for an event that cannot occur:

Example 1: The computer sends data to a broken output device and waits forever for the device to acknowledge receipt.

Example 2: A similar problem arises between processes in a multi-processing system. One process sends a request or data to another and waits forever for a response that never arrives.
Referring to the scenario above, what type of control flow error has occurred?
Choice 1
Invalid restart after an interrupt
Choice 2
I/O failure
Choice 3
Catastrophic failure
Choice 4
Simple logic errors
Choice 5
Failure to send error messages
Error: The program prints data on the screen instead of the printer.
Referring to the scenario above, what type of load condition error has occurred?
Choice 1
Wrong privilege level for a device
Choice 2
Device returned to wrong type of pool
Choice 3
Wrong device address
Choice 4
Memory corruption
Choice 5
Device use forbidden to caller
If various error reporting tools have selection tabs or indexes for status items, which status option defers the problem report?
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
Open-Future Release
Choice 5
Fix immediately
If a tester does NOT have the skills to understand the code in which a program was written, what type of testing do they normally do?
Choice 1
They use a "white box" approach to testing.
Choice 2
They use a "black box" approach to testing.
Choice 3
They perform system level performance testing.
Choice 4
They use a grammar checker to check for syntax errors in the code.
Choice 5
They create automated testing scripts.
You have been asked to test a data management tool consisting of 30 forms with insert, update, and delete capabilities. You design test cases to test the dialogs, alerts, and other feedback provided to the user when saves and updates are transacted.
Referring to the scenario above, which one of the following testing types is described?
Choice 1
Bottom-up Test
Choice 2
Interface Test
Choice 3
Depth Test
Choice 4
Multi-user Test
Choice 5
Negative Test
* Define any pertinent message formatting.
* Specify information security or encryption issues, data transfer rates, and synchronization mechanisms.
* Describe the requirements associated that any communication product will use including e-mail, web browser, network protocols and electronic forms.
Referring to the list above, what type of external interface requirement is being described?
Choice 1
User Interfaces
Choice 2
Hardware Interfaces
Choice 3
Communications Interfaces
Choice 4
Software Interfaces
Choice 5
Graphical User Interfaces




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