1.Join Domain

对话情景:Employee需要将pc加入公司的Domain,而且要安装公司内部沟通工具Microsoft Lync,所以他打电话给it部的Supporter。
Employee:Hi,is this it part?
Supporter:Yes,is there anything i can help you?
Employee:Yes,first i want to join my pc to our company’s domain,second i hope you can help me to setup lync,because It's very convenient for us in our daily work.
Supporter:Ok,i can help you to fix it,but it will take one hours.
Employee:Thank you.
Supporter:May i remote access to you pc now?
Employee:Yes,you can。
Supporter:Ok,let's begin,please tell me you ip address,system username and system password you are using now.
Employee:My ip adress is;username is admin;password is *****.
Supporter:Wait for a moment please.....,ok,i have connected to you pc,please don't use you pc now,i need your job ID and pc serial number ,you can find serial number on the label that on the right side of you pc,it begins with the two letters like EA,NA or SA.
Employee:My job id is 123456,pc SN is EA12345678.
Supporter:Ok,pc will be restart soon,after pc restart ,your pc will auto logon to the desktop and then auto run a program which window title is “autojoindomain”,wait this program to complete for a while,then you will see a button which named “restart”,please click this button,after you click this button you pc will restart。 then type you job ID and domain password in logon screen。 when you pc logon to the desktop please dial our number 9999,then we will help you to setting lync,outlook ,internet explorer and system.
Employee:Thank you!
Supporter:It is my pleasure,Is there anything else I can help?