(原創) 如何在DE2-70使用SSRAM? (SOC) (Nios II) (DE2-70)

一直有人反應無法在DE2-70使用SSRAM,主要是top module接法的錯誤,本文提出解決方法。

使用環境:Quartus II 8.1 + Nios II 8.1 EDS + DE2-70 (Cyclone II EP2C70F896C6N)


在DE2-70 CD的範例中,DE2_70_NET、DE2_70_NIOS_DEVICE_LED、DE2_70_NIOS_HOST_MOUSE_VGA的top module,SSRAM的接法皆為

// the_tristate_bridge_1_avalon_slave (ssram)
.address_to_the_ssram({oSRAM_A[ 17 : 0 ],SRAM_DUMMY_ADDR}),

所以在(原創) 如何以32 bit的方式存取SDRAM? (SOC) (Nios II) (SOPC Builder) (DE2-70)這一篇中,我也是依照DE2-70 CD的範例連接SSRAM,core_duo提出了SRAM_A[17..0]和原理图上[18..0]19根地址不符的疑問,若軟體很小,如Hello World,這種寫法仍可正常執行,但若大一點的軟體,如DE2_70_SD_Card_Audio_Player,就會發現無法跑在SSRAM。


wire [ 1 : 0 ] sram_dummy_addr;   // used to ignore the a0/a1 pin from cypress ssram ip core

18 : 0 ],sram_dummy_addr}), // sram address bus 21 bits
.adsc_n_to_the_ssram(oSRAM_ADSC_N),                                       // sram controller address status
.bw_n_to_the_ssram(oSRAM_BE_N),                                           // sram byte write enable
.bwe_n_to_the_ssram(oSRAM_WE_N),                                          // sram write enable
.chipenable1_n_to_the_ssram(oSRAM_CE1_N),                                 // sram chip enable
.data_to_and_from_the_ssram((SRAM_DQ)),                                   // sram data bus 32 bits
.outputenable_n_to_the_ssram(oSRAM_OE_N),                                 // sram output enable

完整的top module如下所示。

DE2_70_NIOS.v / Verilog

  1  /*  
  2  (C) OOMusou 2009 http://oomusou.cnblogs.com
  4  Filename    : DE2_70_NIOS.v
  5  Compiler    : Quartus II 8.1 + Nios II 8.1
  6  Description : DE2_70_NIOS reference design 1.4
  7  Release     : 02/14/2009 1.0
  8  */
10  module DE2_70_NIOS (
11    input          iCLK_28,        // 28.63636 MHz
12    input          iCLK_50,        // 50 MHz
13    input          iCLK_50_2,      // 50 MHz
14    input          iCLK_50_3,      // 50 MHz
15    input          iCLK_50_4,      // 50 MHz
16    input          iEXT_CLOCK,     // External Clock
17    // Push Button
18    input   [ 3 : 0 ]  iKEY,           // Pushbutton[3:0]
19    // DPDT Switch
20    input   [ 17 : 0 ] iSW,            // Toggle Switch[17:0]
21    // 7-SEG Dispaly 
22    output [ 6 : 0 ]  oHEX0_D,        // Seven Segment Digit 0
23    output         oHEX0_DP,       // Seven Segment Digit 0 decimal point
24    output [ 6 : 0 ]  oHEX1_D,        // Seven Segment Digit 1
25    output         oHEX1_DP,       // Seven Segment Digit 1 decimal point
26    output [ 6 : 0 ]  oHEX2_D,        // Seven Segment Digit 2
27    output         oHEX2_DP,       // Seven Segment Digit 2 decimal point
28    output [ 6 : 0 ]  oHEX3_D,        // Seven Segment Digit 3
29    output         oHEX3_DP,       // Seven Segment Digit 3 decimal point
30    output [ 6 : 0 ]  oHEX4_D,        // Seven Segment Digit 4
31    output         oHEX4_DP,       // Seven Segment Digit 4 decimal point
32    output [ 6 : 0 ]  oHEX5_D,        // Seven Segment Digit 5
33    output         oHEX5_DP,       // Seven Segment Digit 5 decimal point
34    output [ 6 : 0 ]  oHEX6_D,        // Seven Segment Digit 6
35    output         oHEX6_DP,       // Seven Segment Digit 6 decimal point
36    output [ 6 : 0 ]  oHEX7_D,        // Seven Segment Digit 7
37    output         oHEX7_DP,       // Seven Segment Digit 7 decimal point
38    // // LED /// /
39    output [ 8 : 0 ]  oLEDG,          // LED Green[8:0]
40    output [ 17 : 0 ] oLEDR,          // LED Red[17:0]
41    // // UART /// /
42    output         oUART_TXD,      // UART Transmitter
43    input          iUART_RXD,      // UART Receiver
44    output         oUART_CTS,      // UART Clear To Send
45    input          iUART_RTS,      // UART Requst To Send
46    // // IRDA /// /
47    output         oIRDA_TXD,      // IRDA Transmitter
48    input          iIRDA_RXD,      // IRDA Receiver
49    // // SDRAM Interface
50    inout   [ 31 : 0 ] DRAM_DQ,        // SDRAM Data bus 32 Bits
51    output [ 12 : 0 ] oDRAM0_A,       // SDRAM0 Address bus 12 Bits
52    output [ 12 : 0 ] oDRAM1_A,       // SDRAM1 Address bus 12 Bits
53    output         oDRAM0_LDQM0,   // SDRAM0 Low-byte Data Mask
54    output         oDRAM1_LDQM0,   // SDRAM1 Low-byte Data Mask
55    output         oDRAM0_UDQM1,   // SDRAM0 High-byte Data Mask
56    output         oDRAM1_UDQM1,   // SDRAM1 High-byte Data Mask
57    output         oDRAM0_WE_N,    // SDRAM0 Write Enable
58    output         oDRAM1_WE_N,    // SDRAM1 Write Enable
59    output         oDRAM0_CAS_N,   // SDRAM0 Column Address Strobe
60    output         oDRAM1_CAS_N,   // SDRAM1 Column Address Strobe
61    output         oDRAM0_RAS_N,   // SDRAM0 Row Address Strobe
62    output         oDRAM1_RAS_N,   // SDRAM1 Row Address Strobe
63    output         oDRAM0_CS_N,    // SDRAM0 Chip Select
64    output         oDRAM1_CS_N,    // SDRAM1 Chip Select
65    output [ 1 : 0 ]  oDRAM0_BA,      // SDRAM0 Bank Address
66    output [ 1 : 0 ]  oDRAM1_BA,      // SDRAM1 Bank Address
67    output         oDRAM0_CLK,     // SDRAM0 Clock
68    output         oDRAM1_CLK,     // SDRAM0 Clock
69    output         oDRAM0_CKE,     // SDRAM0 Clock Enable
70    output         oDRAM1_CKE,     // SDRAM1 Clock Enable
71    // // Flash Interface
72    inout   [ 14 : 0 ] FLASH_DQ,       // FLASH Data bus 15 Bits (0 to 14)
73    inout          FLASH_DQ15_AM1, // FLASH Data bus Bit 15 or Address A-1
74    output [ 25 : 0 ] oFLASH_A,       // FLASH Address bus 26 Bits
75    output         oFLASH_WE_N,    // FLASH Write Enable
76    output         oFLASH_RST_N,   // FLASH Reset
77    output         oFLASH_WP_N,    // FLASH Write Protect /Programming Acceleration
78    input          iFLASH_RY_N,    // FLASH Ready/Busy output
79    output         oFLASH_BYTE_N,  // FLASH Byte/Word Mode Configuration
80    output         oFLASH_OE_N,    // FLASH Output Enable
81    output         oFLASH_CE_N,    // FLASH Chip Enable
82    // // SRAM Interface
83    inout   [ 31 : 0 ] SRAM_DQ,        // SRAM Data Bus 32 Bits
84    inout   [ 3 : 0 ]  SRAM_DPA,       // SRAM Parity Data Bus
85    output [ 20 : 0 ] oSRAM_A,        // SRAM Address bus 21 Bits
86    output         oSRAM_ADSC_N,   // RAM Controller Address Status    
87    output         oSRAM_ADSP_N,   // SRAM Processor Address Status
88    output         oSRAM_ADV_N,    // SRAM Burst Address Advance
89    output [ 3 : 0 ]  oSRAM_BE_N,     // SRAM Byte Write Enable
90    output         oSRAM_CE1_N,    // SRAM Chip Enable
91    output         oSRAM_CE2,      // SRAM Chip Enable
92    output         oSRAM_CE3_N,    // SRAM Chip Enable
93    output         oSRAM_CLK,      // SRAM Clock
94    output         oSRAM_GW_N,     // SRAM Global Write Enable
95    output         oSRAM_OE_N,     // SRAM Output Enable
96    output         oSRAM_WE_N,     // SRAM Write Enable
97    // // ISP1362 Interface
98    inout   [ 15 : 0 ] OTG_D,          // ISP1362 Data bus 16 Bits
99    output [ 1 : 0 ]  oOTG_A,         // ISP1362 Address 2 Bits
100    output         oOTG_CS_N,      // ISP1362 Chip Select
101    output         oOTG_OE_N,      // ISP1362 Read
102    output         oOTG_WE_N,      // ISP1362 Write
103    output         oOTG_RESET_N,   // ISP1362 Reset
104    inout          OTG_FSPEED,     // USB Full Speed, 0 = Enable, Z = Disable
105    inout          OTG_LSPEED,     // USB Low Speed,     0 = Enable, Z = Disable
106    input          iOTG_INT0,      // ISP1362 Interrupt 0
107    input          iOTG_INT1,      // ISP1362 Interrupt 1
108    input          iOTG_DREQ0,     // ISP1362 DMA Request 0
109    input          iOTG_DREQ1,     // ISP1362 DMA Request 1
110    output         oOTG_DACK0_N,   // ISP1362 DMA Acknowledge 0
111    output         oOTG_DACK1_N,   // ISP1362 DMA Acknowledge 1
112    // // LCD Module 16X2 /// /
113    inout   [ 7 : 0 ]  LCD_D,          // LCD Data bus 8 bits
114    output         oLCD_ON,        // LCD Power ON/OFF
115    output         oLCD_BLON,      // LCD Back Light ON/OFF
116    output         oLCD_RW,        // LCD Read/Write Select, 0 = Write, 1 = Read
117    output         oLCD_EN,        // LCD Enable
118    output         oLCD_RS,        // LCD Command/Data Select, 0 = Command, 1 = Data
119    // // SD Card Interface
120    inout          SD_DAT,         // SD Card Data
121    inout          SD_DAT3,        // SD Card Data 3
122    inout          SD_CMD,         // SD Card Command Signal
123    output         oSD_CLK,        // SD Card Clock
124    // // I2C // //
125    inout          I2C_SDAT,       // I2C Data
126    output         oI2C_SCLK,      // I2C Clock
127    // // PS2 /// /
128    inout          PS2_KBDAT,      // PS2 Keyboard Data
129    inout          PS2_KBCLK,      // PS2 Keyboard Clock
130    inout          PS2_MSDAT,      // PS2 Mouse Data
131    inout          PS2_MSCLK,      // PS2 Mouse Clock
132    // // VGA /// /
133    output         oVGA_CLOCK,     // VGA Clock
134    output         oVGA_HS,        // VGA H_SYNC
135    output         oVGA_VS,        // VGA V_SYNC
136    output         oVGA_BLANK_N,   // VGA BLANK
137    output         oVGA_SYNC_N,    // VGA SYNC
138    output [ 9 : 0 ]  oVGA_R,         // VGA Red[9:0]
139    output [ 9 : 0 ]  oVGA_G,         // VGA Green[9:0]
140    output [ 9 : 0 ]  oVGA_B,         // VGA Blue[9:0]
141    // // Ethernet Interface /// /
142    inout   [ 15 : 0 ] ENET_D,         // DM9000A DATA bus 16Bits
143    output         oENET_CMD,      // DM9000A Command/Data Select, 0 = Command, 1 = Data
144    output         oENET_CS_N,     // DM9000A Chip Select
145    output         oENET_IOW_N,    // DM9000A Write
146    output         oENET_IOR_N,    // DM9000A Read
147    output         oENET_RESET_N,  // DM9000A Reset
148    input          iENET_INT,      // DM9000A Interrupt
149    output         oENET_CLK,      // DM9000A Clock 25 MHz
150    // // Audio CODEC /// /
151    inout          AUD_ADCLRCK,    // Audio CODEC ADC LR Clock
152    input          iAUD_ADCDAT,    // Audio CODEC ADC Data
153    inout          AUD_DACLRCK,    // Audio CODEC DAC LR Clock
154    output         oAUD_DACDAT,    // Audio CODEC DAC Data
155    inout          AUD_BCLK,       // Audio CODEC Bit-Stream Clock
156    output         oAUD_XCK,       // Audio CODEC Chip Clock
157    // // TV Devoder /// /
158    input          iTD1_CLK27,     // TV Decoder1 Line_Lock Output Clock
159    input   [ 7 : 0 ]  iTD1_D,         // TV Decoder1 Data bus 8 bits
160    input          iTD1_HS,        // TV Decoder1 H_SYNC
161    input          iTD1_VS,        // TV Decoder1 V_SYNC
162    output         oTD1_RESET_N,   // TV Decoder1 Reset
163    input          iTD2_CLK27,     // TV Decoder2 Line_Lock Output Clock        
164    input   [ 7 : 0 ]  iTD2_D,         // TV Decoder2 Data bus 8 bits
165    input          iTD2_HS,        // TV Decoder2 H_SYNC
166    input          iTD2_VS,        // TV Decoder2 V_SYNC
167    output         oTD2_RESET_N,   // TV Decoder2 Reset
168    // // GPIO // //
169    inout   [ 31 : 0 ] GPIO_0,         // GPIO Connection 0 I/O
170    input          GPIO_CLKIN_N0,  // GPIO Connection 0 Clock Input 0
171    input          GPIO_CLKIN_P0,  // GPIO Connection 0 Clock Input 1
172    output         GPIO_CLKOUT_N0, // GPIO Connection 0 Clock Output 0
173    output         GPIO_CLKOUT_P0, // GPIO Connection 0 Clock Output 1
174    inout   [ 31 : 0 ] GPIO_1,         // GPIO Connection 1 I/O
175    input          GPIO_CLKIN_N1,  // GPIO Connection 1 Clock Input 0
176    input          GPIO_CLKIN_P1,  // GPIO Connection 1 Clock Input 1
177    output         GPIO_CLKOUT_N1, // GPIO Connection 1 Clock Output 0
178    output         GPIO_CLKOUT_P1  // PIO Connection 1 Clock Output 1
179  );
181  // All inout port turn to tri-state
182  assign SD_DAT      =   1 ' bz;
183  assign GPIO_0      =   32 ' hzzzzzzzzz;
184  assign GPIO_1      =   32 ' hzzzzzzzzz;
185  assign AUD_ADCLRCK =   1 ' bz;
187  // Turn On TV Decoder
188  assign oTD1_RESET_N =   1 ' bz;
189  assign oTD2_RESET_N =   1 ' bz;
191  // Flash
192  assign FL_RST_N =   1 ' b1;
194  // 16*2 LCD Module
195  assign oLCD_ON   =   1 ' b1; // LCD ON
196  assign oLCD_BLON =   1 ' b1; // LCD Back Light
198  // Disable USB speed select
199  assign OTG_FSPEED =   1 ' bz;
200  assign OTG_LSPEED =   1 ' bz;
202  // FLASH
203  wire FLASH_16BIT_IP_A0;
204  assign oFLASH_BYTE_N =   1 ' b1; // FLASH Byte/Word Mode Configuration
205  assign oFLASH_RST_N  =   1 ' b1; // FLASH Reset
206  assign oFLASH_WP_N   =   1 ' b1; // FLASH Write Protect /Programming Acceleration
208  // ssram
209  wire        sram_clk;          // sram clock
210  wire [ 1 : 0 ] sram_dummy_addr;   // used to ignore the a0/a1 pin from cypress ssram ip core
211  wire        sram_dummy_addr0;  // used to ignore msb of sram address
214  assign oSRAM_ADSP_N =   1 ' b1;         // SRAM Processor Address Status
215  assign oSRAM_ADV_N  =   1 ' b1;         // SRAM Burst Address Advance
216  assign oSRAM_CE2    =   ~ oSRAM_CE1_N; // SRAM Chip Enable
217  assign oSRAM_CE3_N  = oSRAM_CE1_N;  // SRAM Chip Enable
218  assign oSRAM_GW_N   =   1 ' b1;         // SRAM Global Write Enable
219  assign oSRAM_CLK    = SRAM_CLK;
221  // SDRAM
222  // the sdram is shahred with rtl and nios
223  wire [ 12 : 0 ] dram_a;
224  wire [ 1 : 0 ]  dram_ba;
225  wire         dram_cas_n;
226  wire         dram_cke;
227  wire         dram_cs_n;
228  wire [ 3 : 0 ]  dram_dqm;
229  wire         dram_ras_n;
230  wire         dram_we_n;
232  // dram1
233  assign oDRAM0_CLK = SRAM_CLK;        // SDRAM0 Clock
234  assign oDRAM1_CLK = SRAM_CLK;        // SDRAM1 Clock
236  assign oDRAM0_A     = dram_a;
237  assign oDRAM0_BA    = dram_ba;
238  assign oDRAM0_CAS_N = dram_cas_n;
239  assign oDRAM0_CKE   = dram_cke;
240  assign oDRAM0_CS_N  = dram_cs_n;
241  assign oDRAM0_LDQM0 = dram_dqm[ 0 ];
242  assign oDRAM0_UDQM1 = dram_dqm[ 1 ];
243  assign oDRAM0_RAS_N = dram_ras_n;
244  assign oDRAM0_WE_N  = dram_we_n;
246  // dram2
247  assign oDRAM1_A     = dram_a;
248  assign oDRAM1_BA    = dram_ba;
249  assign oDRAM1_CAS_N = dram_cas_n;
250  assign oDRAM1_CKE   = dram_cke;
251  assign oDRAM1_CS_N  = dram_cs_n;
252  assign oDRAM1_LDQM0 = dram_dqm[ 2 ];
253  assign oDRAM1_UDQM1 = dram_dqm[ 3 ];
254  assign oDRAM1_RAS_N = dram_ras_n;
255  assign oDRAM1_WE_N  = dram_we_n;
257  // USB
258  assign OTG_FSPEED =   1 ' bz; // USB Full Speed, 0 = Enable, Z = Disable
259  assign OTG_LSPEED =   1 ' bz; // USB Low Speed,  0 = Enable, Z = Disable
261  // Clock 25MHz
262  reg iCLK_25;
264  always @( posedge iCLK_50)
265    iCLK_25 <=   ~ iCLK_25;
267  // NIOS CPU
268  wire CPU_CLK;
269  wire CPU_RESET_N;
271  Reset_Delay delay0 (
272    .iRST(iKEY[ 0 ]),
273    .iCLK(iCLK_50),
275  );
277  // NIOS II system
278  nios_ii nios_ii0 (
279    // 1) global signals:
280    .clk_50(iCLK_50),
281    .pll_c0_system(CPU_CLK),
282    .pll_c1_memory(SRAM_CLK),
283    .pll_c2_audio(oAUD_XCK),
284    .reset_n(CPU_RESET_N),
285    .clk_25(iCLK_25),
286    // the_DM9000A_IF_0
287    .avs_s1_export_ENET_CLK_from_the_DM9000A(oENET_CLK),
288    .avs_s1_export_ENET_CMD_from_the_DM9000A(oENET_CMD),
289    .avs_s1_export_ENET_CS_N_from_the_DM9000A(oENET_CS_N),
290    .avs_s1_export_ENET_DATA_to_and_from_the_DM9000A(ENET_D),
291    .avs_s1_export_ENET_INT_to_the_DM9000A(iENET_INT),
292    .avs_s1_export_ENET_RD_N_from_the_DM9000A(oENET_IOR_N),
293    .avs_s1_export_ENET_RST_N_from_the_DM9000A(oENET_RESET_N),
294    .avs_s1_export_ENET_WR_N_from_the_DM9000A(oENET_IOW_N),
295    // the_ISP1362
296    .avs_hc_export_OTG_ADDR_from_the_ISP1362(oOTG_A),
297    .avs_hc_export_OTG_CS_N_from_the_ISP1362(oOTG_CS_N),
298    .avs_hc_export_OTG_DATA_to_and_from_the_ISP1362(OTG_D),
299    .avs_hc_export_OTG_INT0_to_the_ISP1362(iOTG_INT0),
300    .avs_hc_export_OTG_RD_N_from_the_ISP1362(oOTG_OE_N),
301    .avs_hc_export_OTG_RST_N_from_the_ISP1362(oOTG_RESET_N),
302    .avs_hc_export_OTG_WR_N_from_the_ISP1362(oOTG_WE_N),
303    .avs_dc_export_OTG_INT1_to_the_ISP1362(iOTG_INT1),
304    // the_audio
305    .avs_s1_export_BCLK_to_the_AUDIO(AUD_BCLK),
306    .avs_s1_export_DACLRC_to_the_AUDIO(AUD_DACLRCK),
307    .avs_s1_export_DACDAT_from_the_AUDIO(oAUD_DACDAT),
308    .avs_s1_export_ADCLRC_to_the_AUDIO(AUD_ADCLRCK),
309    .avs_s1_export_ADCDAT_to_the_AUDIO(iAUD_ADCDAT),
310    // the_i2c_sclk
311    .out_port_from_the_i2c_sclk(oI2C_SCLK),
312    // the_i2c_sdat
313    .bidir_port_to_and_from_the_i2c_sdat(I2C_SDAT),
314    // the_lcd
315    .LCD_E_from_the_lcd(oLCD_EN),
316    .LCD_RS_from_the_lcd(oLCD_RS),
317    .LCD_RW_from_the_lcd(oLCD_RW),
318    .LCD_data_to_and_from_the_lcd(LCD_D),
319    // the_pio_button
320    .in_port_to_the_pio_button(iKEY),
321    // the_pio_green_led
322    .out_port_from_the_pio_green_led(oLEDG),
323    // the_pio_red_led
324    .out_port_from_the_pio_red_led(oLEDR),
325    // the_seg7 
326    .avs_s1_export_seg7_from_the_SEG7({oHEX7_DP, oHEX7_D, oHEX6_DP, oHEX6_D, oHEX5_DP,
327      oHEX5_D, oHEX4_DP,oHEX4_D, oHEX3_DP, oHEX3_D, oHEX2_DP, oHEX2_D, oHEX1_DP, oHEX1_D,
328      oHEX0_DP, oHEX0_D}),
329    // the_pio_switch
330    .in_port_to_the_pio_switch(iSW),
331    // the_sd_clk
332    .out_port_from_the_sd_clk(oSD_CLK),
333    // the_sd_cmd
334    .bidir_port_to_and_from_the_sd_cmd(SD_CMD),
335    // the_sd_dat
336    .bidir_port_to_and_from_the_sd_dat(SD_DAT),
337    // the_sd_dat3
338    .bidir_port_to_and_from_the_sd_dat3(SD_DAT3),
339    // the_sdram (u1)
340    .zs_addr_from_the_sdram(dram_a),
341    .zs_ba_from_the_sdram(dram_ba),
342    .zs_cas_n_from_the_sdram(dram_cas_n),
343    .zs_cke_from_the_sdram(dram_cke),
344    .zs_cs_n_from_the_sdram(dram_cs_n),
345    .zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram(DRAM_DQ),
346    .zs_dqm_from_the_sdram(dram_dqm),
347    .zs_ras_n_from_the_sdram(dram_ras_n),
348    .zs_we_n_from_the_sdram(dram_we_n),
349    // the_tristate_bridge_avalon_slave (flash)
350    .address_to_the_cfi_flash({oFLASH_A[ 21 : 0 ],FLASH_16BIT_IP_A0}),
351    .data_to_and_from_the_cfi_flash({FLASH_DQ15_AM1,FLASH_DQ}),
352    .read_n_to_the_cfi_flash(oFLASH_OE_N),
353    .select_n_to_the_cfi_flash(oFLASH_CE_N),
354    .write_n_to_the_cfi_flash(oFLASH_WE_N),
355    .address_to_the_ssram({oSRAM_A[ 18 : 0 ],sram_dummy_addr}), // sram address bus 21 bits
356    .adsc_n_to_the_ssram(oSRAM_ADSC_N),                                       // sram controller address status
357    .bw_n_to_the_ssram(oSRAM_BE_N),                                           // sram byte write enable
358    .bwe_n_to_the_ssram(oSRAM_WE_N),                                          // sram write enable
359    .chipenable1_n_to_the_ssram(oSRAM_CE1_N),                                 // sram chip enable
360    .data_to_and_from_the_ssram((SRAM_DQ)),                                   // sram data bus 32 bits
361    .outputenable_n_to_the_ssram(oSRAM_OE_N),                                 // sram output enable
362    // the_uart
363    .cts_n_to_the_uart(oUART_CTS),
364    .rts_n_from_the_uart(iUART_RTS),
365    .rxd_to_the_uart(iUART_RXD),
366    .txd_from_the_uart(oUART_TXD),
367  );
369  endmodule


See Also
(原創) 如何以32 bit的方式存取SDRAM? (SOC) (Nios II) (SOPC Builder) (DE2-70)

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这是从外网好不容易找到的,上传与大家共享,不要积分随便下!我也是下载的,不是自己发明的,如果再去要下载积分,人品还不至于这么差! 里面有加密的,官方说明是这样的:There are two encrypted verilog files in the "DE2_70_TV_PIP" demonstraction. If users want to modify this demonstration and re-compile the project, please perform the following steps: 1.Use Notepad or other text edit software to open the file "Teraisc_license.dat", which is located in the "DE2_70_demonstrations/License for encrypted IP" folder of the DE2-70 System CD-ROM. 2. The license contains the FEATURE lines required to license the IP Cores as shown below FEATURE 535C_0009 alterad 9999.12 permanent uncounted D702CF471AC0 \ VENDOR_STRING="ddddddddhbilhyyyyyyyyUCIwiFFFFFFFF170M8XXXXXXXXpLsGcTTTTTTTTt7X8GAAAAAAAAbEQP0hhhhhhhhgrtJieeeeeeeebTNOVJJJJJJJJBLNGkuuuuuuuuDLxzRPPPPPPPPW01t4" \ HOSTID=ANY SIGN="0F45 927A 00F9 DBF3 3AAB D703 4F3D 2406 B374 \ 0E5C 87A1 34BA 10C6 0C08 E554 183B BD2D B79D D64E 3F98 393E \ 94FB F798 07B8 C334 C8B6 D1E4 36F5 67D5 1690" FEATURE 535C_000A alterad 9999.12 permanent uncounted F7FD875F1A28 \ VENDOR_STRING="ddddddddhbilhyyyyyyyyUCIwiFFFFFFFF170M8XXXXXXXXpLsGcTTTTTTTTt7X8GAAAAAAAAbEQP0hhhhhhhhgrtJieeeeeeeebTNOVJJJJJJJJBLNGkuuuuuuuuDLxzRPPPPPPPPW01t4" \ HOSTID=ANY SIGN="1834 5F1A 9CE6 15FD 9246 A640 66FE 918D 1091 \ A2D0 7DF8 7584 0E78 3732 1F48 0B24 3A92 870A EDAA F6F0 2145 \ 3098 5631 C5E1 4DC2 B14D C81A D30D 5518 63D0" 3.Open your Quartus II license.dat file in a text editor. 4.Copy the all the contents of the Terasic_license.dat and paste it at the end of your Quartus II license file. (Note: Do not delete any FEATURE lines from the Quartus II license file. Doing so will result in a non-usable license file.) 5.Open the "DE2_70_TV_PIP" project from Quartus II and compile this project. 6.After compilation is completed, it will generate a sof file named "DE2_70_TV_PIP_time_limited.sof" 7.Load this sof file into the FPGA and the demonstration will have at most one hour to be modified. In another words, the VGA output will be turned off after one hour. If users want to know more information about this demonstration, please contact us at support@terasic.com.




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


