
HINTERNET HttpOpenRequest( HINTERNET hConnect, LPCTSTR lpszVerb, LPCTSTR lpszObjectName, LPCTSTR lpszVersion, LPCTSTR lpszReferer, LPCTSTR* lplpszAcceptTypes, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD_PTR dwContext ); 
[in] A handle to an HTTP session returned by   InternetConnect.
[in] A pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the HTTP verb to use in the request. If this parameter is NULL, the function uses GET as the HTTP verb.
[in] A pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the name of the target object of the specified HTTP verb. This is generally a file name, an executable module, or a search specifier.
[in] A pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the HTTP version. If this parameter is NULL, the function uses HTTP/1.1 as the version.
[in] A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the URL of the document from which the URL in the request ( lpszObjectName) was obtained. If this parameter is NULL, no referrer is specified.
[in] A pointer to a null-terminated array of strings that indicates media types accepted by the client. If this parameter is NULL, no types are accepted by the client. Servers generally interpret a lack of accept types to indicate that the client accepts only documents of type "text/*" (that is, only text documents—no pictures or other binary files). For more information and a list of valid media types, see   ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/media-types/media-types.
[in] Internet options. This parameter can be any of the following values.
INTERNET_FLAG_CACHE_IF_NET_FAILReturns the resource from the cache if the network request for the resource fails due to an ERROR_INTERNET_CONNECTION_RESET (the connection with the server has been reset) or ERROR_INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECT (the attempt to connect to the server failed).
INTERNET_FLAG_HYPERLINKForces a reload if there was no Expires time and no LastModified time returned from the server when determining whether to reload the item from the network.
INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_CN_INVALIDDisables checking of SSL/PCT-based certificates that are returned from the server against the host name given in the request. WinINet functions use a simple check against certificates by comparing for matching host names and simple wildcarding rules.
INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_DATE_INVALIDDisables checking of SSL/PCT-based certificates for proper validity dates.
INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_REDIRECT_TO_HTTPDisables detection of this special type of redirect. When this flag is used, WinINet functions transparently allow redirects from HTTPS to HTTP URLs.
INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_REDIRECT_TO_HTTPSDisables detection of this special type of redirect. When this flag is used, WinINet functions transparently allow redirects from HTTP to HTTPS URLs.
INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTIONUses keep-alive semantics, if available, for the connection. This flag is required for Microsoft Network (MSN), NT LAN Manager (NTLM), and other types of authentication.
INTERNET_FLAG_NEED_FILECauses a temporary file to be created if the file cannot be cached.
INTERNET_FLAG_NO_AUTHDoes not attempt authentication automatically.
INTERNET_FLAG_NO_AUTO_REDIRECTDoes not automatically handle redirection in HttpSendRequest.
INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITEDoes not add the returned entity to the cache.
INTERNET_FLAG_NO_COOKIESDoes not automatically add cookie headers to requests, and does not automatically add returned cookies to the cookie database.
INTERNET_FLAG_NO_UIDisables the cookie dialog box.
INTERNET_FLAG_PRAGMA_NOCACHEForces the request to be resolved by the origin server, even if a cached copy exists on the proxy.
INTERNET_FLAG_RELOADForces a download of the requested file, object, or directory listing from the origin server, not from the cache.
INTERNET_FLAG_RESYNCHRONIZEReloads HTTP resources if the resource has been modified since the last time it was downloaded. All FTP and Gopher resources are reloaded.
INTERNET_FLAG_SECUREUses secure transaction semantics. This translates to using Secure Sockets Layer/Private Communications Technology (SSL/PCT) and is only meaningful in HTTP requests.
[in] A pointer to a variable that contains the application-defined value that associates this operation with any application data.
Return Value
Returns an HTTP request handle if successful, or NULL otherwise. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError.