Fred gave the right answers to the questions theinstructor asked.

   instruct,是给别人填充,给别人传输知识。有时候他带点命令的色彩。例句的意思是,Fred 正确地的回答了讲师的问题。

A: I’ve had my new stereo for a whole week. But I haven’t yet figure out how to record a cassette.
B: Didn’t an instruction manualcome with it?

  这个音响我买了一个星期了,但是我到现在还不知道怎么用磁带去录音。cassette是放磁带的卡盒。instruction manual 是说明书。come with it,说明你买这个音响的时候,附带了说明书。

I  am the president of the united states.

president 不仅可以称为总统,所有组织的最高领导人都可以叫做 president。另外,the united states 在北美很多人都会说成 the states

Origin – original – originallyorigin 坐标轴的原点Original – hard copy – notarized copy

  当你复印东西时,复印件就是 hard copy,你去公证一样东西,公证出来的拷贝叫做 notarized copy,原先那个原件即是original

The seminar originally scheduled for today has been canceled.

   本来预定在今天的研讨会被取消了。seminar  研讨会

Be allowedto
you‘re allowed only one mistake.你只能犯一次错误。

You are not allowed to laugh at my joke.我讲的笑话你不准笑。

Am I allowed to drink anything?我能喝点东西吗?






go to extremes,走极端


to write an article on,写一篇有关……的报道。

lead to...作“通往……”、“导致……”解。

go to press,付印。

not only置于句首,后面主谓语应采取倒装结构。