* Perform command line parsing and common replication setup for the repmgr
* and base replication example programs.
common_rep_setup(dbenv, argc, argv, setup_info)
DB_ENV *dbenv;
int argc;
char *argv[];
SETUP_DATA *setup_info;
repsite_t site;
extern char *optarg;
char ch, *portstr;
int ack_policy, got_self, is_repmgr, maxsites, priority, ret;

got_self = is_repmgr = maxsites = ret = site.peer = 0;

 * 站点的优先级。在选举的时候,如果多个站点具有最新的日志,那么
 * 优先级最高的站点成为master。所以,应该把后备做master的站点
 * 设置更高的优先级。
priority = 100;

 * 持久消息(permanent message, i.e. commit/abort/checkpoint日志)
 * 确认策略。repmgr要求replica根据持久消息做相同的动作
 * (commit/abort/checkpoint),然后对持久消息进行确认。repmgr等待一定
 * 数目的replica确认,这个数目字这里设置。
setup_info->role = UNKNOWN;
if (strncmp(setup_info->progname, "ex_rep_mgr", 10) == 0)
 is_repmgr = 1;

 * Replication setup calls that are only needed if a command
 * line option is specified are made within this while/switch
 * statement.  Replication setup calls that should be made
 * whether or not a command line option is specified are after
 * this while/switch statement.
while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "a:bCh:l:Mn:p:R:r:v")) != EOF) {
 switch (ch) {
 case 'a':
  if (!is_repmgr)
   usage(is_repmgr, setup_info->progname);
  if (strncmp(optarg, "all", 3) == 0)
   ack_policy = DB_REPMGR_ACKS_ALL;
  /* repmgr等待所有站点的持久消息确认。*/
  else if (strncmp(optarg, "quorum", 6) != 0)
   usage(is_repmgr, setup_info->progname);
 case 'b':
   * 批量传输设置。在bulk buffer满了或者有了持久消息
   * (permanent message)的时候才传输所有的消息。
   * Configure bulk transfer to send groups of records
   * to clients in a single network transfer.  This is
   * useful for master sites and clients participating
   * in client-to-client synchronization.
  if ((ret = dbenv->rep_set_config(dbenv,
      DB_REP_CONF_BULK, 1)) != 0) {
   dbenv->err(dbenv, ret,
       "Could not configure bulk transfer./n");
   goto err;
 case 'C':
  setup_info->role = CLIENT;
 case 'h':
  setup_info->home = optarg;
 case 'l':
  setup_info->self.host = strtok(optarg, ":");
  if ((portstr = strtok(NULL, ":")) == NULL) {
   fprintf(stderr, "Bad host specification./n");
   goto err;
  setup_info->self.port = (unsigned short)atoi(portstr);
  setup_info->self.peer = 0;
  got_self = 1;
 case 'M':
  setup_info->role = MASTER;
 case 'n':
  setup_info->nsites = atoi(optarg);
   * For repmgr, set the total number of sites in the
   * replication group.  This is used by repmgr internal
   * election processing.  For base replication, nsites
   * is simply passed back to main for use in its
   * communications and election processing.
  if (is_repmgr && setup_info->nsites > 0 &&
      (ret = dbenv->rep_set_nsites(dbenv,
      setup_info->nsites)) != 0) {
   dbenv->err(dbenv, ret,
       "Could not set nsites./n");
   goto err;
 case 'p':
  priority = atoi(optarg);
 case 'R':
  if (!is_repmgr)
   usage(is_repmgr, setup_info->progname);
  site.peer = 1; /* FALLTHROUGH */
 case 'r':
  site.host = optarg;
  site.host = strtok(site.host, ":");
  if ((portstr = strtok(NULL, ":")) == NULL) {
   fprintf(stderr, "Bad host specification./n");
   goto err;
  site.port = (unsigned short)atoi(portstr);
  if (setup_info->site_list == NULL ||
      setup_info->remotesites >= maxsites) {
   maxsites = maxsites == 0 ? 10 : 2 * maxsites;
   if ((setup_info->site_list =
       maxsites * sizeof(repsite_t))) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "System error %s/n",
    goto err;
  (setup_info->site_list)[(setup_info->remotesites)++] =
  site.peer = 0;
 case 'v':
  if ((ret = dbenv->set_verbose(dbenv,
      DB_VERB_REPLICATION, 1)) != 0)
   goto err;
 case '?':
  usage(is_repmgr, setup_info->progname);

/* Error check command line. */
if (!got_self || setup_info->home == NULL)
 usage(is_repmgr, setup_info->progname);
if (!is_repmgr && setup_info->role == UNKNOWN) {
 fprintf(stderr, "Must specify -M or -C./n");
 goto err;

 * Set replication group election priority for this environment.
 * An election first selects the site with the most recent log
 * records as the new master.  If multiple sites have the most
 * recent log records, the site with the highest priority value
 * is selected as master.
if ((ret = dbenv->rep_set_priority(dbenv, priority)) != 0) {
 dbenv->err(dbenv, ret, "Could not set priority./n");
 goto err;

 * 设置持久消息确认策略。
 * For repmgr, set the policy that determines how master and client
 * sites handle acknowledgement of replication messages needed for
 * permanent records.  The default policy of "quorum" requires only
 * a quorum of electable peers sufficient to ensure a permanent
 * record remains durable if an election is held.  The "all" option
 * requires all clients to acknowledge a permanent replication
 * message instead.
if (is_repmgr &&
    (ret = dbenv->repmgr_set_ack_policy(dbenv, ack_policy)) != 0) {
 dbenv->err(dbenv, ret, "Could not set ack policy./n");
 goto err;

 * Set the threshold for the minimum and maximum time the client
 * waits before requesting retransmission of a missing message.
 * Base these values on the performance and load characteristics
 * of the master and client host platforms as well as the round
 * trip message time.
 * 设置丢失的日志消息的重传时限。如果Berkeley DB发现有日志消息丢失,
 * 比如它发现连续收到的两条日志消息并不连续,它会在等待20秒后请求
 * 重传这条日志消息,如果仍然没有收到,它会加倍等待的时间,直到该
 * 等待时间达到500秒。
 * 在使用repmgr的时候,由于使用了TCP/IP协议,不可能丢失消息,
 * 所以可以不设置;如果使用不可靠的传输协议比如udp,那么可以通过
 * 设置这个时限,确保能够收到丢失的日志消息。也就是说,Berkeley DB
 * 内部实现了一个确保不可靠传输协议可靠地传输数据的协议,这样如果
 * 我们使用UDP协议来传输Berkeley DB replication消息,那么丢包和
 * 包错序不会影响Berkeley DB replication 的正常工作。
if ((ret = dbenv->rep_set_request(dbenv, 20000, 500000)) != 0) {
 dbenv->err(dbenv, ret,
     "Could not set client_retransmission defaults./n");
 goto err;

 * Configure deadlock detection to ensure that any deadlocks
 * are broken by having one of the conflicting lock requests
 * rejected. DB_LOCK_DEFAULT uses the lock policy specified
 * at environment creation time or DB_LOCK_RANDOM if none was
 * specified.
if ((ret = dbenv->set_lk_detect(dbenv, DB_LOCK_DEFAULT)) != 0) {
 dbenv->err(dbenv, ret,
     "Could not configure deadlock detection./n");
 goto err;

/* The following base replication features may also be useful to your
 * application. See Berkeley DB documentation for more details.
 *   - Master leases: Provide stricter consistency for data reads
 *     on a master site.
 *   - Timeouts: Customize the amount of time Berkeley DB waits
 *     for such things as an election to be concluded or a master
 *     lease to be granted.
 *   - Delayed client synchronization: Manage the master site's
 *     resources by spreading out resource-intensive client
 *     synchronizations.
 *   - Blocked client operations: Return immediately with an error
 *     instead of waiting indefinitely if a client operation is
 *     blocked by an ongoing client synchronization.

return (ret);

static int
DB *dbp;
DBC *dbc;
DBT key, data;
#define MAXKEYSIZE 10
#define MAXDATASIZE 20
char keybuf[MAXKEYSIZE + 1], databuf[MAXDATASIZE + 1];
int ret, t_ret;
u_int32_t keysize, datasize;

/* 读取数据,打印数据库当中所有记录。这个函数可以在master和每一个
 * replica上面执行。*/
if ((ret = dbp->cursor(dbp, NULL, &dbc, 0)) != 0) {
 dbp->err(dbp, ret, "can't open cursor");
 return (ret);

memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key));
memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));

/* 无论master上面还是replica上面,都是用完全相同的方法读取数据。*/
for (ret = dbc->get(dbc, &key, &data, DB_FIRST);
    ret == 0;
    ret = dbc->get(dbc, &key, &data, DB_NEXT)) {
 keysize = key.size > MAXKEYSIZE ? MAXKEYSIZE : key.size;
 memcpy(keybuf, key.data, keysize);
 keybuf[keysize] = '/0';

 datasize = data.size >= MAXDATASIZE ? MAXDATASIZE : data.size;
 memcpy(databuf, data.data, datasize);
 databuf[datasize] = '/0';

 printf("/t%s/t%s/n", keybuf, databuf);

if ((t_ret = dbc->close(dbc)) != 0 && ret == 0)
 ret = t_ret;

switch (ret) {
case 0:
 return (0);
 return (ret);

/* Start checkpoint and log archive support threads. */
start_support_threads(dbenv, sup_args, ckp_thr, lga_thr)
DB_ENV *dbenv;
supthr_args *sup_args;
thread_t *ckp_thr;
thread_t *lga_thr;
int ret;

ret = 0;
if ((ret = thread_create(ckp_thr, NULL, checkpoint_thread,
    sup_args)) != 0) {
 dbenv->errx(dbenv, "can't create checkpoint thread");
 goto err;
if ((ret = thread_create(lga_thr, NULL, log_archive_thread,
    sup_args)) != 0)
 dbenv->errx(dbenv, "can't create log archive thread");
return (ret);


/* Wait for checkpoint and log archive support threads to finish. */
finish_support_threads(ckp_thr, lga_thr)
thread_t *ckp_thr;
thread_t *lga_thr;
void *ctstatus, *ltstatus;
int ret;

ret = 0;
if (thread_join(*lga_thr, &ltstatus) ||
    thread_join(*ckp_thr, &ctstatus)) {
 ret = -1;
 goto err;
if ((uintptr_t)ltstatus != EXIT_SUCCESS ||
    (uintptr_t)ctstatus != EXIT_SUCCESS)
 ret = -1;
return (ret);

#define BUFSIZE 1024

doloop(dbenv, shared_data)
DB_ENV *dbenv;
SHARED_DATA *shared_data;
DB *dbp;
DBT key, data;
char buf[BUFSIZE], *first, *price;
u_int32_t flags;
int ret;

dbp = NULL;
ret = 0;
memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key));
memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));

for (;;) {
 printf("QUOTESERVER%s> ",
     shared_data->is_master ? "" : " (read-only)");

 if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) == NULL)

#define DELIM " /t/n"
 if ((first = strtok(&buf[0], DELIM)) == NULL) {
  /* Blank input line. */
  price = NULL;
 } else if ((price = strtok(NULL, DELIM)) == NULL) {
  /* Just one input token. */
  if (strncmp(buf, "exit", 4) == 0 ||
      strncmp(buf, "quit", 4) == 0) {
    * This makes the checkpoint and log
    * archive threads stop.
   shared_data->app_finished = 1;
  dbenv->errx(dbenv, "Format: TICKER VALUE");
 } else {
  /* Normal two-token input line. */
  if (first != NULL && !shared_data->is_master) {
   dbenv->errx(dbenv, "Can't update at client");

 if (dbp == NULL) {
  if ((ret = db_create(&dbp, dbenv, 0)) != 0)
   return (ret);

  flags = DB_AUTO_COMMIT;
   * Open database with DB_CREATE only if this is
   * a master database.  A client database uses
   * polling to attempt to open the database without
   * DB_CREATE until it is successful. 由于数据库
   * 的创建也是一个写入操作,所以,replica不应该自
   * 己创建数据库,而是定期检查是否有数据库被创建
   * 好。当master创建了数据库后,这个日志消息会到
   * 达所有的replica上面,于是Berkeley DB的
   * replication功能自动创建好这个数据库。
   * This DB_CREATE polling logic can be simplified
   * under some circumstances.  For example, if the
   * application can be sure a database is already
   * there, it would never need to open it with
  if (shared_data->is_master)
   flags |= DB_CREATE;
  if ((ret = dbp->open(dbp,
      NULL, DATABASE, NULL, DB_BTREE, flags, 0)) != 0) {
   if (ret == ENOENT) {
      "No stock database yet available./n");
    if ((ret = dbp->close(dbp, 0)) != 0) {
     dbenv->err(dbenv, ret,
     goto err;
    dbp = NULL;
   if (ret == DB_REP_HANDLE_DEAD ||
       ret == DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK) {
    dbenv->err(dbenv, ret,
        "please retry the operation");
    dbp->close(dbp, DB_NOSYNC);
    dbp = NULL;
   dbenv->err(dbenv, ret, "DB->open");
   goto err;

 if (first == NULL) {
   * If this is a client in the middle of
   * synchronizing with the master, the client data
   * is possibly stale and won't be displayed until
   * client synchronization is finished.  It is also
   * possible to display the stale data if this is
   * acceptable to the application.
  if (shared_data->in_client_sync)
"Cannot read data during client synchronization - please try again./n");
   switch ((ret = print_stocks(dbp))) {
   case 0:
    (void)dbp->close(dbp, DB_NOSYNC);
    dbp = NULL;
    dbp->err(dbp, ret,
        "Error traversing data");
    goto err;
 } else {
  key.data = first;
  key.size = (u_int32_t)strlen(first);

  data.data = price;
  data.size = (u_int32_t)strlen(price);

  if ((ret = dbp->put(dbp,
    NULL, &key, &data, DB_AUTO_COMMIT)) != 0) {
   dbp->err(dbp, ret, "DB->put");
   goto err;

err: if (dbp != NULL)
 (void)dbp->close(dbp, DB_NOSYNC);
return (ret);

create_env(progname, dbenvp)
const char *progname;
DB_ENV **dbenvp;
DB_ENV *dbenv;
int ret;

if ((ret = db_env_create(&dbenv, 0)) != 0) {
 fprintf(stderr, "can't create env handle: %s/n",
 return (ret);

dbenv->set_errfile(dbenv, stderr);
dbenv->set_errpfx(dbenv, progname);

*dbenvp = dbenv;
return (0);

/* Open and configure an environment. */
env_init(dbenv, home)
DB_ENV *dbenv;
const char *home;
u_int32_t flags;
int ret;

(void)dbenv->set_cachesize(dbenv, 0, CACHESIZE, 0);
(void)dbenv->set_flags(dbenv, DB_TXN_NOSYNC, 1);

if ((ret = dbenv->open(dbenv, home, flags, 0)) != 0)
 dbenv->err(dbenv, ret, "can't open environment");
return (ret);

* In this application, we specify all communication via the command line.  In
* a real application, we would expect that information about the other sites
* in the system would be maintained in some sort of configuration file.  The
* critical part of this interface is that we assume at startup that we can
* find out
* 1) what host/port we wish to listen on for connections,
* 2) a (possibly empty) list of other sites we should attempt to connect
* to; and
* 3) what our Berkeley DB home environment is.
* These pieces of information are expressed by the following flags.
* -a all|quorum (optional; repmgr only, a stands for ack policy)
* -b (optional, b stands for bulk)
* -C or -M start up as client or master (optional for repmgr, required
*      for base example)
* -h home directory (required)
* -l host:port (required; l stands for local)
* -n nsites (optional; number of sites in replication group; defaults to 0
* in which case we try to dynamically compute the number of sites in
* the replication group)
* -p priority (optional: defaults to 100)
* -r host:port (optional; r stands for remote; any number of these may be
* specified)
* -R host:port (optional; repmgr only, remote peer)
* -v (optional; v stands for verbose)
usage(is_repmgr, progname)
const int is_repmgr;
const char *progname;
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s ", progname);
if (is_repmgr)
 fprintf(stderr, "[-CM]-h home -l host:port[-r host:port]%s%s",
     "[-R host:port][-a all|quorum][-b][-n nsites]",
     "[-p priority][-v]/n");
 fprintf(stderr, "-CM -h home -l host:port[-r host:port]%s",
     "[-b][-n nsites][-p priority][-v]/n");

* This is a very simple thread that performs checkpoints at a fixed
* time interval.  For a master site, the time interval is one minute
* plus the duration of the checkpoint_delay timeout (30 seconds by
* default.)  For a client site, the time interval is one minute.
void *
void *args;
DB_ENV *dbenv;
SHARED_DATA *shared;
supthr_args *ca;
int i, ret;

ca = (supthr_args *)args;
dbenv = ca->dbenv;
shared = ca->shared;

for (;;) {
  * Wait for one minute, polling once per second to see if
  * application has finished.  When application has finished,
  * terminate this thread.
 for (i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
  if (shared->app_finished == 1)
   return ((void *)EXIT_SUCCESS);

 /* Perform a checkpoint. */
 if ((ret = dbenv->txn_checkpoint(dbenv, 0, 0, 0)) != 0) {
  dbenv->err(dbenv, ret,
      "Could not perform checkpoint./n");
  return ((void *)EXIT_FAILURE);

* This is a simple log archive thread.  Once per minute, it removes all but
* the most recent 3 logs that are safe to remove according to a call to
* DB_ENV->log_archive().
* Log cleanup is needed to conserve disk space, but aggressive log cleanup
* can cause more frequent client initializations if a client lags too far
* behind the current master.  This can happen in the event of a slow client,
* a network partition, or a new master that has not kept as many logs as the
* previous master.
* The approach in this routine balances the need to mitigate against a
* lagging client by keeping a few more of the most recent unneeded logs
* with the need to conserve disk space by regularly cleaning up log files.
* Use of automatic log removal (DB_ENV->log_set_config() DB_LOG_AUTO_REMOVE
* flag) is not recommended for replication due to the risk of frequent
* client initializations.
void *
void *args;
DB_ENV *dbenv;
SHARED_DATA *shared;
char **begin, **list;
supthr_args *la;
int i, listlen, logs_to_keep, minlog, ret;

la = (supthr_args *)args;
dbenv = la->dbenv;
shared = la->shared;
logs_to_keep = 3;

for (;;) {
  * Wait for one minute, polling once per second to see if
  * application has finished.  When application has finished,
  * terminate this thread.
 for (i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
  if (shared->app_finished == 1)
   return ((void *)EXIT_SUCCESS);

 /* Get the list of unneeded log files. */
 if ((ret = dbenv->log_archive(dbenv, &list, DB_ARCH_ABS))
     != 0) {
  dbenv->err(dbenv, ret,
      "Could not get log archive list.");
  return ((void *)EXIT_FAILURE);
 if (list != NULL) {
  listlen = 0;
  /* Get the number of logs in the list. */
  for (begin = list; *begin != NULL; begin++, listlen++);
   * Remove all but the logs_to_keep most recent
   * unneeded log files.
  minlog = listlen - logs_to_keep;
  for (begin = list, i= 0; i < minlog; list++, i++) {
   if ((ret = unlink(*list)) != 0) {
    dbenv->err(dbenv, ret,
        "logclean: remove %s", *list);
        "logclean: Error remove %s", *list);
    return ((void *)EXIT_FAILURE);