一. 打招呼 Greetings


Ø      您好!                              Hello

Ø      打扰您了                          Excuse me.

Ø      见到您很高兴!               Nice to meet you!

Ø      再见!                              Bye! /See you

Ø      好久不见!                       Long time no see!

Ø      我能为您做点什么?         What can I do for you?/ May I help you.

Ø      能够认识您是我的荣幸。 Can know you are my being honored.                


二. 感激与祝福 Gratitude& Benison


Ø      祝您周末愉快! Have a good weekend.

Ø      感谢您的合作。 Thank you for your cooperation.

Ø      感谢您对我们工作的支持。 Thank you for your support with our work.

Ø      祝您一天过得愉快。 Have a nice day.

Ø      不用客气,这是我们应该做的。   You re welcome, this is my pleasure.


三. 交流 Communion


Ø      您是来自 NSN Susan 吗?

Ø      Are you Susan from NSN?


Ø      我们占用了您宝贵的时间,非常感谢。

Ø      Thank you very much for giving us your valuable time.


Ø      我能借用您的电话吗?

Ø      Can I borrow your telephone for a moment?


Ø      我已经解决了您的问题,请您测试一下。

Ø      I have solved problem, please have to try.


Ø      我将尽我所能。

Ø      I ll do my best for you. 



四. 留言 Leave word



Ø      感谢您的合作

Ø      Thank you for your cooperation.


Ø      如果您还有其他的问题请拨打 64766476

Ø      If you have other problem please call 64766476.


Ø      您好,我是 NSN IT 工程师,我们收到您的服务单,但是我们联系不到您,请您听到留言后及时联系我们,联系人: xxx, 联系电话: xxx-xxx

Ø      Hello, I am NSN onsite engineer, we already received service order and I can t contact you, please call back to me when you received the voice ,my name is xxx, my telephone is xxx-xxx.


五. 电话沟通 Telephone communication


Ø      我是 NSN OSS 工程师 XXX

Ø      This is X speaking from NSN OSS engineer .


Ø      我想到您的办公室尽快帮您解决您的问题。

Ø      I want to go to your office and solve your problem as soon as possible.


Ø      请您说的慢些好吗?

Ø      Could you speak slowly please?


Ø      请问您是哪位?

Ø       Who am I talking to?


Ø      我明天给您打电话

Ø      I ll call you tomorrow.


Ø      我过一会儿再打给你好吗?

Ø      Can I call you back later?


Ø      请重复一遍。  

Ø      Sorry, Pardan


Ø      我打哪个号码能够找到您?

Ø      Which number can I reach you at?



六. 预约 Make appointments


Ø      我想我们需要预约一个时间

Ø      I think we need make an appointment.


Ø      下周一可以吗?

Ø       How about next Monday?


Ø        可以。

Ø       That should be fine.


Ø        我想约个时间到您的办公室去。

Ø       I wanted to set up a time to go to youroffice ok


Ø        什么时间比较合适?

Ø       When would be a good time?


Ø      你现在能来吗?

Ø      Can you come right now?


Ø        我可以明天过去吗?

Ø      Can I go to your office tomorrow?


Ø      这个星期您什么时候有空吗?

Ø      Do you have free time this week?


七. 道歉 Apologies


Ø      对不起

Ø      I am so sorry.


Ø      我向您表示道歉。

Ø      I apologize to you.


Ø      请接受我的道歉。

Ø       Please accept my apology.


Ø        很抱歉,我来晚了。

Ø       I m sorry I was late.


Ø        您能原谅我吗?

Ø        Could you forgive me please?