
int gdriver;
int gmode;
gdriver = DETECT;
initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,”” );

cleardevice ();

closegraph ();

setbkcolor (WHITE) //背景色
setcolor (4);//前景色

颜色代码    字符常量    颜色      用途
0       BLACK       黑       前景,背景  
1       BLUE        蓝       前景。背景  
2       GREEN       绿       前景。背景  
3       CYAN        青       前景,背景  
4       RED     红       前景。背景  
5       MAGENTA     洋红      前景,背景  
6       BROWN       棕       前景。背景  
7       LIGHTGRAY   淡灰      前景
8       DARKGRAY    深灰      前景
9       LIGHTBLUE   淡蓝      前景
10      LIGHTGREEN  淡绿      前景
11      LIGHTCYAN   淡青      前景
12      LIGHTRED    淡红      前景
13      LIGHTMAGENTA    淡洋红     前景
14      YELLOW      黄       前景
15      WHITE       白       前景
128     BLINK       闪烁      前景

int far getmaxx (void)
int far getmaxy (void)
int far getx (void)
int far gety (void)
void far moveto (int x, int y) 光标移动到 (x,y)点,在移动过程中画点
void far moverel (int dx, int dy); 光标从 (x,y)移动到 (x+dx, y+dy)的位置,移动中不画店

void far line (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) 画线

void far setlinestyle (int linestyle, unsigned upattern, int thickness);
linestyle 设置线的形状,
0 实线
1 点线
2 中心线
3 点画线
4 用户定义线

thickness 设置线的宽度
1 一个像素宽(默认值)
3 三个像素宽

当linestyle取值为 4时。还必须设置upattern參数。

此时upattern的16位二进制数 每一位代表一个像素,该位为1则画像素点。为0则不画。

/* 头文件  */
#include "stdio.h"
#include "conio.h"
#include "graphics.h"

void main ()
    int gdriver;
    int gmode;

    int arw[16] = {200, 102,
                   300, 102,
                   300, 107,
                   330, 100,
                   300, 93,
                   300, 98,
                   200, 98,
                   200, 102};
    gdriver = DETECT;
    initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,"" );
    setbkcolor (WHITE);
    cleardevice ();
    setcolor (BLUE);
    circle (320, 240, 98);
    setlinestyle (0, 0, 3);
    setcolor (GREEN);
    rectangle (220, 140, 420, 340);
    setcolor (GREEN);
    setlinestyle (4,0xaaaa, 3);
    line (220, 240, 420, 240);
    line (320, 140, 320, 340);
    closegraph ();
    return 0;


void far circle (int x, int y, int radius); 画圆圈
void far rectangle (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); 画矩形

void far putpixel (int x, int y, int color)画点
void far linerel (int dx, int dy); 从当前光标 (x,y)画线到点 (x +dx , y + dy)
void far arc (int x, int y, int stangle, int endangle, int radius); 画弧线
void far ellipse(int x, int y, int stangle, int endangle, int xradius, int yradius) 画椭型
void far drawpoly (int numpoints , int far * polypoints) 画多边形
顶点数为 numpoints 各顶点坐标由 polypoints 给出

void far setfillstyle (int pattern, int color )

符号常量        数值      含义  
略           0       以背景色颜色填充
            1       以实线填充
            2       以直线填充
            3       以斜线填充(阴影线)
            4       以粗斜线填充(粗阴影线)
            5       以粗反斜线填充(~)
            6       以反斜线填充(~)
            7       以直方网格填充
            8       以斜网格填充
            9       以间隔点填充
            10      以大间隔点填充
            11      以小间隔点填充
            12      以用户自己定义样图填充

做五子棋的时候。 我这样设置红方的棋子。

void far floodfill (int x, int y, int border);

void far outtext (char far *textstring);
void far outtext (int x, int y, far *textstring )
在 (x。y) 位置输出字符串
outtextxy(230,30,”player use Red chess!”);

int sprintf (char * str, char *format, 变量列表)
char s[30];
int i = 400;
sprintf (s, “your score is %d”, i );

void far settextjustify (int horiz, int vert);

參数名     符号常量    值   含义
horiz       LEFT_TEXT   0   左对齐
        CENTER_TEXT 1   中心对齐
        RIGHT_TEXT  2   右对齐

vert        BOTTON  

void far settextstyle (int font, int direction, int charsize);
font 字型
direction 输出方向
charsize 字符大小

符号      数值      含义
DEFAULT_FONT    0       8*8点阵字(默认)
TRIPLEX_FONT    1       三重笔画字体
SMALL_FONT  2       小号画笔字体
SANSSERIF_FONT  3       无衬线画笔字体
GOTHIC_FONT 4       黑体笔画笔

HORIZ_DIR   0       从左到右
VERT_DIR    1       从底到顶

        1       8*8
        2       16*16
        3       24*24
        10      80*80
    USER_CHAR_SIZE=0    用户定义字符大小



/*  结构化课程设计 : 五子棋游戏
 *  时间:  大二上学期
 *  说明:该程序要在 win-xp系统。win-tc下编译才干出现界面
 *  或者下载一个Dos-Box,在win-tc上编译,然后将编译完的.exe文件拖入到dos-box中
 *  由于codeblocks 头文件库中没有 "graphics.h" 该头文件。无法编译。


/* 头文件 */ #include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" #include "graphics.h" #include <bios.h> /* 系统键 玩家1 和 玩家2 的操作键 */ #define Esc 0x11b #define Player1_up 18432 #define Player1_down 20480 #define Player1_left 19200 #define Player1_right 19712 #define Player1_do 7181 /*enter*/ #define Player2_up 4471 #define Player2_down 8051 #define Player2_left 7777 #define Player2_right 8292 #define Player2_do 14624 /*space*/ int i; int j; int key;/*键盘输入*/ int flag;/*标志*/ int PlayMode;/*游戏模式*/ int RedXianhou;/*红方先后*/ int AllChessNumber = 0;/*棋盘中全部的棋子*/ int Chess[15][15] = {0};/*存棋子的棋盘*/ int CountNumber; /*连成五子时画出的五子连接线*/ int JudgeX; int JudgeY; int LineX1; int LineX2; int LineY1; int LineY2; int XiaoQiPanX1 = 230;/*小棋盘数据*/ int XiaoQiPanX2 = 380; int XiaoQiPanY1 = 230; int XiaoQiPanY2 = 380; int XiaoYuanX1 = 100;/*代表红方白方的圆的数据*/ int XiaoYuanY1 = 335; int XiaoYuanX2 = 520; int XiaoYuanY2 = 335; int YuanR = 20; int DaQiPanX1 = 170;/*大棋盘的数据*/ int DaQiPanX2 = 450; int DaQiPanY1 = 100; int DaQiPanY2 = 380; int ChessRedLocalX = 170;/*初始红方棋子的落点 */ int ChessRedLocalY = 100; int ChessWhiteLocalX = 170;/* 初始白方棋子的落点 */ int ChessWhiteLocalY = 100; int ChessLocalBoxX;/*棋子在棋盘二维数组中的位置*/ int ChessLocalBoxY; void Welcome(void);/*欢迎界面*/ void ModeChoose(void);/*模式选择*/ void DrawChessBox(void);/*棋盘*/ void ChooseFirst_Or_Second(void);/*先手后手的选择*/ void DrawChessR_W(int x,int y,int color);/*画棋盘上的红子和白子*/ void DrawStandForRed();/*代表红方的圆*/ void DrawStandForWhite();/*代表白方的圆*/ void Player1_vs_Player2(void);/*人人对战*/ void Player_vs_Computer(void);/*人机对战*/ void ChessNowLocal(int x,int y);/* 光标显示当前棋子位置 */ void ChessActionRed(int key);/*player1*/ void ChessActionWhite(int key); /*player2*/ void RedWin(void);/*红方胜利显示的胜利提示*/ void WhiteWin(void); /*白方。


void PrintfChess(void);/*在清空棋盘后将全部的棋子又一次打印出来*/ void JudgeHeng(int x,int y,int R_or_W);/*各个方向上的推断*/ void JudgeShu(int x,int y,int R_or_W); void JudgeZuoXie(int x,int y,int R_or_W); void JudgeYouXie(int x,int y,int R_or_W); int ComputeYouXie(int x,int y,int R_or_W);/*人机模式时各个方向的分数推断*/ int ComputeShu(int x,int y,int R_or_W); int ComputeZuoXie(int x,int y,int R_or_W); int ComputeHeng(int x,int y,int R_or_W); int ScoreReturn(int CountLeft,int CountRight,int LeftLive,int RightLive,int R_or_W);/*分数计算*/ void PCChessActionWhite();/*机器*/ void Exit();/*退出游戏*/ main()/*主函数*/ { int gdriver; int gmode; gdriver = DETECT; initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,"" ); Welcome();/*欢迎界面*/ outtextxy(230,120,"player1 vs player2"); outtextxy(230,160,"player vs computer"); DrawChessR_W(200,120,BLUE); ModeChoose();/*模式选择,人机或者人人*/ DrawChessBox();/*棋盘*/ ChooseFirst_Or_Second();/*先后*/ DrawChessBox();/*棋盘*/ if(PlayMode == 1) { Player1_vs_Player2();/*人人对战*/ } else { Player_vs_Computer();/*人机对战*/ } } void Player1_vs_Player2(void)/*人人对战*/ { if (RedXianhou == 1)/*红方先手*/ { setcolor(GREEN); outtextxy(220,40,"Red,please put your chess! "); outtextxy(400,400,"press Esc to exit!"); DrawChessR_W(ChessRedLocalX,ChessRedLocalY,RED);/*画红方第一颗棋子*/ ChessNowLocal(ChessRedLocalX,ChessRedLocalY);/*棋子光标*/ DrawStandForRed();/*代表红方的圆*/ while(bioskey(1) == 0); key = bioskey(0); if(key != Esc) { ChessActionRed(key); } else { Exit(); } } else/*白方先手*/ { setcolor(GREEN); outtextxy(220,40,"White,please put your chess! "); outtextxy(400,400,"press Esc to exit!"); DrawChessR_W(ChessWhiteLocalX,ChessWhiteLocalY,WHITE);/*画白方第一颗棋子*/ ChessNowLocal(ChessWhiteLocalX,ChessWhiteLocalY);/*棋子光标*/ DrawStandForWhite(); while(bioskey(1) == 0); key = bioskey(0); if(key != Esc) { ChessActionWhite(key); } else { Exit(); } } } void Player_vs_Computer(void)/*人机对战*/ { if (RedXianhou == 1)/*红方先手*/ { setcolor(GREEN); outtextxy(220,40,"White,please put your chess! "); outtextxy(400,400,"press Esc to exit!"); DrawChessR_W(ChessRedLocalX,ChessRedLocalY,RED);/*画红方第一颗棋子*/ ChessNowLocal(ChessRedLocalX,ChessRedLocalY);/*棋子光标*/ DrawStandForRed(); while(bioskey(1) == 0); key = bioskey(0); if(key != Esc) { ChessActionRed(key); } else { Exit(); } } else/*白方先手*/ { Chess[9][9] = 2; PrintfChess(); setcolor(GREEN); outtextxy(220,40,"Red,please put your chess! "); outtextxy(400,400,"press Esc to exit!"); DrawChessR_W(ChessRedLocalX,ChessRedLocalY,RED);/*画红方第一颗棋子*/ ChessNowLocal(ChessRedLocalX,ChessRedLocalY);/*棋子光标*/ DrawStandForRed(); while(bioskey(1) == 0); key = bioskey(0); if(key != Esc) { ChessActionRed(key); } else { Exit(); } } } void ChessActionRed(int key) { setcolor(GREEN); outtextxy(220,40,"Red,please put your chess。"); do { DrawChessR_W(ChessRedLocalX,ChessRedLocalY,RED); ChessNowLocal(ChessRedLocalX,ChessRedLocalY); ChessLocalBoxX = (ChessRedLocalX - 170) / 20; ChessLocalBoxY = (ChessRedLocalY - 100) / 20; flag = 0; switch(key) { case Player1_up : ChessRedLocalY = ChessRedLocalY - 20;break; case Player1_down : ChessRedLocalY = ChessRedLocalY + 20;break; case Player1_left : ChessRedLocalX = ChessRedLocalX - 20;break; case Player1_right: ChessRedLocalX = ChessRedLocalX + 20;break; case Player1_do : { if (Chess[ChessLocalBoxX][ChessLocalBoxY] != 0)/*若此处不为零则说明有棋子存在,系统提示*/ { flag = 1; setcolor(GREEN); outtextxy(180,60,"Red,you can not put your chess here! "); break; } Chess[ChessLocalBoxX][ChessLocalBoxY] = 1;/*没有棋子的情况下,则运行这里的操作*/ JudgeHeng(ChessLocalBoxX,ChessLocalBoxY,1); cleardevice(); DrawChessBox(); PrintfChess(); DrawStandForWhite(); setcolor(GREEN); outtextxy(220,40,"White,please put your chess! "); if (PlayMode == 1) /*若是人人对战则进入这里*/ { DrawChessR_W(ChessWhiteLocalX,ChessWhiteLocalY,WHITE); ChessNowLocal(ChessWhiteLocalX,ChessWhiteLocalY); setcolor(BLACK); line(ChessRedLocalX-5,ChessRedLocalY,ChessRedLocalX+5,ChessRedLocalY); line(ChessRedLocalX,ChessRedLocalY-5,ChessRedLocalX,ChessRedLocalY+5); while(bioskey(1) == 0); key = bioskey(0); if (key != Esc)/*得到当前白方输入的 key 进行调用,若是输入ESC则退出游戏*/ { ChessActionWhite(key); } else { Exit(); } } else /*人机对战*/ { PCChessActionWhite(); } }break; default : break; } if (ChessRedLocalX >= 170 && ChessRedLocalX <= 450 && ChessRedLocalY >= 100 && ChessRedLocalY <= 380 && key != Player1_do)/*推断是否越界了*/ {/*没有越界则运行移动,*/ cleardevice(); DrawChessBox(); PrintfChess(); DrawChessR_W(ChessRedLocalX,ChessRedLocalY,RED); ChessNowLocal(ChessRedLocalX,ChessRedLocalY); DrawStandForRed(); setcolor(BLACK); line(ChessWhiteLocalX-5,ChessWhiteLocalY,ChessWhiteLocalX+5,ChessWhiteLocalY); line(ChessWhiteLocalX,ChessWhiteLocalY-5,ChessWhiteLocalX,ChessWhiteLocalY+5); setcolor(GREEN); outtextxy(220,40,"Red,please put your chess! "); outtextxy(400,400,"press Esc to exit!"); } else { /*越界了,则将加上的减掉则还是在原来的位置*/ switch (key) { case Player1_up : ChessRedLocalY = ChessRedLocalY + 20;break; case Player1_down : ChessRedLocalY = ChessRedLocalY - 20;break; case Player1_left : ChessRedLocalX = ChessRedLocalX + 20;break; case Player1_right: ChessRedLocalX = ChessRedLocalX - 20;break; } } while(bioskey(1) == 0); key = bioskey(0); if (key == Esc) { Exit(); } }while(1); } void PCChessActionWhite() { int i; int j; int max; int remberx; int rembery; int PCChessScore[15][15] = {0};/*存分数的二维数组*/ int PlayerChessScore[15][15] = {0};/*存分数的二维数组*/ for(i = 0;i < 15;i++) { for (j = 0;j < 15;j++) { if (Chess[i][j] == 0) { PlayerChessScore[i][j] = ComputeHeng (i,j,1) + ComputeShu(i,j,1) + ComputeZuoXie(i,j,1) + ComputeYouXie(i,j,1); PCChessScore[i][j] = ComputeHeng (i,j,2) + ComputeShu(i,j,2) + ComputeZuoXie(i,j,2) + ComputeYouXie(i,j,2); } } } max = PlayerChessScore[0][0]; remberx = 0; rembery = 0; for (i = 0; i < 15;i++) { for (j = 0;j < 15;j++) { if (max < PlayerChessScore[i][j]) { max = PlayerChessScore[i][j]; remberx = i; rembery = j; } if (max < PCChessScore[i][j]) { max = PCChessScore[i][j]; remberx = i; rembery = j; } } } Chess[remberx][rembery] = 2; cleardevice(); DrawChessBox(); PrintfChess(); JudgeHeng(remberx,rembery,2); ChessWhiteLocalX = remberx * 20 + 170; ChessWhiteLocalY = rembery * 20 + 100; setcolor(BLACK); line(ChessWhiteLocalX-5,ChessWhiteLocalY,ChessWhiteLocalX+5,ChessWhiteLocalY); line(ChessWhiteLocalX,ChessWhiteLocalY-5,ChessWhiteLocalX,ChessWhiteLocalY+5); DrawChessR_W(ChessRedLocalX,ChessRedLocalY,RED); ChessNowLocal(ChessRedLocalX,ChessRedLocalY); DrawStandForRed(); while(bioskey(1) == 0); key = bioskey(0); if (key != Esc) { ChessActionRed(key); } else { Exit(); } } int ScoreReturn(int CountLeft,int CountRight,int LeftLive,int RightLive,int R_or_W) { int Score = CountLeft + CountRight; if(R_or_W == 1) { switch(Score) { case 0 : { return 0; }break; case 1 : { if (LeftLive == 1 && RightLive == 1)/*下在这个空格能成活2*/ { return 50; } else { if(LeftLive == 0 && RightLive == 0)/*下在这个空格能成死2*/ { return 10; } else /*下在这个空格能成半活2*/ { return 35; } } }break; case 2: { if (LeftLive == 1 && RightLive == 1)/*下在这个空格能成活3*/ { return 700; } else { if (LeftLive == 0 && RightLive == 0)/*下在这个空格能成死3*/ { return 100; } else/*下在这个空格能成半活3*/ { return 650; } } }break; case 3: { if (LeftLive == 1 && RightLive == 1)/*下在这个空格能成活4*/ { return 3500; } else { if (LeftLive == 0 && RightLive == 0) /*下在这个空格能成死4*/ { return 800; } else/*下在这个空格能成半活4*/ { return 3000; } } }break; case 4: { if (LeftLive == 1 && RightLive == 1)/*下在这个空格能成活5*/ { return 15000; } else { if (LeftLive == 0 && RightLive == 0)/*下在这个空格能成死5*/ { return 15000; } else/*下在这个空格能成半活5*/ { return 15000; } } }break; } } else { switch(Score) { case 0: { return 0; }break; case 1: { if (LeftLive == 1 && RightLive == 1)/*下在这个空格能成活2*/ { return 60; } else { if (LeftLive == 0 && RightLive == 0)/*下在这个空格能成死2*/ { return 10; } else/*下在这个空格能成半活2*/ { return 40; } } }break; case 2: { if (LeftLive == 1 && RightLive == 1)/*下在这个空格能成活3*/ { return 950; } else { if (LeftLive == 0 && RightLive == 0)/*下在这个空格能成死3*/ { return 100;/*下在这个空格能成死3*/ } else/*下在这个空格能成半活3*/ { return 900; } } }break; case 3: { if (LeftLive == 1 && RightLive == 1)/*下在这个空格能成活4*/ { return 6000; } else { if (LeftLive == 0 && RightLive == 0)/*下在这个空格能成死4*/ { return 3600; } else/*下在这个空格能成半活4*/ { return 5000; } } }break; case 4: { if (LeftLive == 1 && RightLive == 1)/*下在这个空格能成活5*/ { return 20000; } else { if (LeftLive == 0 && RightLive == 0) /*下在这个空格能成死5*/ { return 20000; } else { return 20000; } } }break; } } } int xx; int yy; int LeftLive; int RightLive; int CountLeft; int CountRight; int ComputeHeng(int x,int y,int R_or_W) { LeftLive = 1; RightLive = 1; CountLeft = 0; CountRight = 0; xx = x-1; yy = y; while(Chess[xx][yy] == R_or_W && xx >= 0) { CountLeft++; xx = xx-1; } if (Chess[xx][yy] == 0) { LeftLive = 1; } else { LeftLive = 0; } xx = x+1; yy = y; while(Chess[xx][yy] == R_or_W && xx <=14) { CountRight++; xx = xx+1; } if (Chess[xx][yy] == 0) { RightLive = 1; } else { RightLive = 0; } return ScoreReturn(CountLeft,CountRight,LeftLive,RightLive,R_or_W); } int ComputeShu(int x,int y,int R_or_W) { LeftLive = 1; RightLive = 1; CountLeft = 0; CountRight = 0; xx = x; yy = y - 1; while(Chess[xx][yy] == R_or_W && yy >= 0)/*计算左右的己方棋子个数以及推断是 活/死*/ { CountLeft++; yy--; } if (Chess[xx][yy] == 0) { LeftLive = 1; } else { LeftLive = 0; } yy = y + 1; while(Chess[xx][yy] == R_or_W && yy <= 14) { CountRight++; yy++; } if (Chess[xx][yy] == 0) { RightLive = 1; } else { RightLive = 0; } return ScoreReturn(CountLeft,CountRight,LeftLive,RightLive,R_or_W); } int ComputeZuoXie(int x,int y,int R_or_W) { LeftLive = 1; RightLive = 1; CountLeft = 0; CountRight = 0; xx = x-1; yy = y-1; while(Chess[xx][yy] == R_or_W && xx >= 0 && yy >= 0) { CountLeft++; xx = xx-1; yy = yy-1; } if (Chess[xx][yy] == 0) { LeftLive = 1; } else { LeftLive = 0; } xx = x+1; yy = y+ 1; while(Chess[xx][yy] == R_or_W && xx <= 14 && yy <= 14) { CountRight++; xx = xx+1; yy = yy+ 1; } if (Chess[xx][yy] == 0) { RightLive = 1; } else { RightLive = 0; } return ScoreReturn(CountLeft,CountRight,LeftLive,RightLive,R_or_W); } int ComputeYouXie(int x,int y,int R_or_W) { LeftLive = 1; RightLive = 1; CountLeft = 0; CountRight = 0; xx = x+1; yy = y-1; while(Chess[xx][yy] == R_or_W && xx <= 14 && yy >= 0) { CountLeft++; xx = xx+1; yy = yy-1; } if (Chess[xx][yy] == 0) { LeftLive = 1; } else { LeftLive = 0; } xx = x-1; yy = y+ 1; while(Chess[xx][yy] == R_or_W && xx >= 0 && yy <= 14) { CountRight++; xx = xx-1; yy = yy+ 1; } if (Chess[xx][yy] == 0) { RightLive = 1; } else { RightLive = 0; } return ScoreReturn(CountLeft,CountRight,LeftLive,RightLive,R_or_W); } void ChessActionWhite(int key) { setcolor(BLACK); line(ChessRedLocalX-5,ChessRedLocalY,ChessRedLocalX+5,ChessRedLocalY); line(ChessRedLocalX,ChessRedLocalY-5,ChessRedLocalX,ChessRedLocalY+5); setcolor(GREEN); outtextxy(220,40,"White,please put your chess! "); do { DrawChessR_W(ChessWhiteLocalX,ChessWhiteLocalY,WHITE); ChessNowLocal(ChessWhiteLocalX,ChessWhiteLocalY); ChessLocalBoxX = (ChessWhiteLocalX - 170) / 20; ChessLocalBoxY = (ChessWhiteLocalY - 100) / 20; flag = 0; switch(key) { case Player2_up : ChessWhiteLocalY = ChessWhiteLocalY - 20;break; case Player2_down : ChessWhiteLocalY = ChessWhiteLocalY + 20;break; case Player2_left : ChessWhiteLocalX = ChessWhiteLocalX - 20;break; case Player2_right : ChessWhiteLocalX = ChessWhiteLocalX + 20;break; case Player2_do : { if (Chess[ChessLocalBoxX][ChessLocalBoxY] != 0) { flag = 1; setcolor(GREEN); outtextxy(180,60,"White,you can not put your chess here! "); break; } Chess[ChessLocalBoxX][ChessLocalBoxY] = 2; JudgeHeng(ChessLocalBoxX,ChessLocalBoxY,2); cleardevice(); DrawChessBox(); PrintfChess(); DrawStandForRed(); setcolor(GREEN); outtextxy(220,40,"Red,please put your chess!"); DrawChessR_W(ChessRedLocalX,ChessRedLocalY,RED); ChessNowLocal(ChessRedLocalX,ChessRedLocalY); setcolor(BLACK); line(ChessWhiteLocalX-5,ChessWhiteLocalY,ChessWhiteLocalX+5,ChessWhiteLocalY); line(ChessWhiteLocalX,ChessWhiteLocalY-5,ChessWhiteLocalX,ChessWhiteLocalY+5); while(bioskey(1) == 0); key = bioskey(0); if (key != Esc)/*得到当前白方输入的 key 进行调用,若是输入ESC则退出游戏*/ { ChessActionRed(key); } else { Exit(); } }break; default : break; } if (ChessWhiteLocalX >= 170 && ChessWhiteLocalX <= 450 && ChessWhiteLocalY >= 100 && ChessWhiteLocalY <= 380 && key != Player2_do) { cleardevice(); DrawChessBox(); PrintfChess(); DrawChessR_W(ChessWhiteLocalX,ChessWhiteLocalY,WHITE); ChessNowLocal(ChessWhiteLocalX,ChessWhiteLocalY); DrawStandForWhite(); setcolor(BLACK); line(ChessRedLocalX-5,ChessRedLocalY,ChessRedLocalX+5,ChessRedLocalY); line(ChessRedLocalX,ChessRedLocalY-5,ChessRedLocalX,ChessRedLocalY+5); setcolor(GREEN); outtextxy(220,40,"White,please put your chess! "); outtextxy(400,400,"press Esc to exit!"); } else { switch(key) { case Player2_up : ChessWhiteLocalY = ChessWhiteLocalY + 20;break; case Player2_down : ChessWhiteLocalY = ChessWhiteLocalY - 20;break; case Player2_left : ChessWhiteLocalX = ChessWhiteLocalX + 20;break; case Player2_right : ChessWhiteLocalX = ChessWhiteLocalX - 20;break; } } while(bioskey(1) == 0); key = bioskey(0); if (key == Esc) { Exit(); } }while(1); } void PrintfChess(void) { for (i = 0;i < 15;i++) { for (j = 0;j < 15;j++) { if (Chess[i][j] == 1) { DrawChessR_W(170 + 20 * i,100 + 20 * j,RED); } if (Chess[i][j] == 2) { DrawChessR_W(170 + 20 * i,100 + 20 * j,WHITE); } } } } void JudgeHeng(int x,int y,int R_or_W) { CountNumber = 1; JudgeX = x - 1; JudgeY = y; LineX1 = x; LineX2 = x; LineY1 = y; LineY2 = y; while (Chess[JudgeX][JudgeY] == R_or_W && JudgeX >= 0) { LineX1 = JudgeX; LineY1 = JudgeY; CountNumber++; JudgeX--; } JudgeX = x + 1; while (Chess[JudgeX][JudgeY] == R_or_W && JudgeX <= 14) { LineX2 = JudgeX; LineY2 = JudgeY; CountNumber++; JudgeX++; } if (CountNumber >= 5 && R_or_W == 1) { setcolor(WHITE); line (LineX1 * 20 + 170,LineY1 * 20 + 100,LineX2 * 20 + 170,LineY2 * 20 + 100); RedWin(); } if (CountNumber >= 5 && R_or_W == 2) { setcolor(RED); line (LineX1 * 20 + 170,LineY1 * 20 + 100,LineX2 * 20 + 170,LineY2 * 20 + 100); WhiteWin(); } JudgeShu(x,y,R_or_W); } void JudgeShu(int x,int y,int R_or_W) { CountNumber = 1; JudgeX = x; JudgeY = y - 1; LineX1 = x; LineX2 = x; LineY1 = y; LineY2 = y; while (Chess[JudgeX][JudgeY] == R_or_W && JudgeY >= 0) { LineX1 = JudgeX; LineY1 = JudgeY; CountNumber++; JudgeY--; } JudgeY = y + 1; while (Chess[JudgeX][JudgeY] == R_or_W && JudgeY <= 14) { LineX2 = JudgeX; LineY2 = JudgeY; CountNumber++; JudgeY++; } if (CountNumber >= 5 && R_or_W == 1) { setcolor(WHITE); line (LineX1 * 20 + 170,LineY1 * 20 + 100,LineX2 * 20 + 170,LineY2 * 20 + 100); RedWin(); } if (CountNumber >= 5 && R_or_W == 2) { setcolor(RED); line (LineX1 * 20 + 170,LineY1 * 20 + 100,LineX2 * 20 + 170,LineY2 * 20 + 100); WhiteWin(); } JudgeZuoXie(x,y,R_or_W); } void JudgeZuoXie(int x,int y,int R_or_W) { CountNumber = 1; JudgeX = x - 1; JudgeY = y - 1; LineX1 = x; LineX2 = x; LineY1 = y; LineY2 = y; while (Chess[JudgeX][JudgeY] == R_or_W && JudgeY >= 0 && JudgeX >= 0) { LineX1 = JudgeX; LineY1 = JudgeY; CountNumber++; JudgeX--; JudgeY--; } JudgeX = x + 1; JudgeY = y + 1; while (Chess[JudgeX][JudgeY] == R_or_W && JudgeY <= 14 && JudgeX <= 14) { LineX2 = JudgeX; LineY2 = JudgeY; CountNumber++; JudgeX++; JudgeY++; } if (CountNumber >= 5 && R_or_W == 1) { setcolor(WHITE); line (LineX1 * 20 + 170,LineY1 * 20 + 100,LineX2 * 20 + 170,LineY2 * 20 + 100); RedWin(); } if (CountNumber >= 5 && R_or_W == 2) { setcolor(RED); line (LineX1 * 20 + 170,LineY1 * 20 + 100,LineX2 * 20 + 170,LineY2 * 20 + 100); WhiteWin(); } JudgeYouXie(x,y,R_or_W); } void JudgeYouXie(int x,int y,int R_or_W) { CountNumber = 1; JudgeX = x + 1; JudgeY = y - 1; LineX1 = x; LineX2 = x; LineY1 = y; LineY2 = y; while (Chess[JudgeX][JudgeY] == R_or_W && JudgeY >= 0 && JudgeX >= 0) { LineX1 = JudgeX; LineY1 = JudgeY; CountNumber++; JudgeX++; JudgeY--; } JudgeX = x - 1; JudgeY = y + 1; while (Chess[JudgeX][JudgeY] == R_or_W && JudgeY <= 14 && JudgeX <= 14) { LineX2 = JudgeX; LineY2 = JudgeY; CountNumber++; JudgeX--; JudgeY++; } if (CountNumber >= 5 && R_or_W == 1) { setcolor(WHITE); line (LineX1 * 20 + 170,LineY1 * 20 + 100,LineX2 * 20 + 170,LineY2 * 20 + 100); RedWin(); } if (CountNumber >= 5 && R_or_W == 2) { setcolor(RED); line (LineX1 * 20 + 170,LineY1 * 20 + 100,LineX2 * 20 + 170,LineY2 * 20 + 100); WhiteWin(); } } void RedWin(void) { setcolor(RED); outtextxy(470,160,"******************"); outtextxy(470,170,"* *"); outtextxy(470,180,"* *"); outtextxy(470,190," Player:RED "); outtextxy(470,200," Win "); outtextxy(470,210,"* *"); outtextxy(470,220,"* *"); outtextxy(470,230,"******************"); getch(); Exit(); } void WhiteWin(void) { setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(10,160,"******************"); outtextxy(10,170,"* *"); outtextxy(10,180,"* *"); outtextxy(10,190," Player:White "); outtextxy(10,200," Win "); outtextxy(10,210,"* *"); outtextxy(10,220,"* *"); outtextxy(10,230,"******************"); getch(); Exit(); } void ChessNowLocal(int x,int y)/* 光标显示当前棋子位置 */ { setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy (x-20,y-3,">"); outtextxy (x+15,y-3,"<"); outtextxy (x-3,y-20,"v"); outtextxy (x-3,y+15,"^"); } void Welcome(void)/*欢迎界面*/ { setbkcolor(YELLOW); setcolor(1); outtextxy(230,30,"welcome to Wuziqi Game!"); setcolor(2); outtextxy(250,100,"Mode Choose:"); setcolor(3); rectangle(XiaoQiPanX1,XiaoQiPanY1,XiaoQiPanX2,XiaoQiPanY2);/*Welcome界面中的小棋盘*/ for (i = 1;i < 15;i++) { line(XiaoQiPanX1 + i * 10,XiaoQiPanY1,XiaoQiPanX1 + i * 10,XiaoQiPanY2); line(XiaoQiPanX1,XiaoQiPanY1 + i * 10,XiaoQiPanX2,XiaoQiPanY1 + i * 10); } DrawStandForRed();/*代表红方的圆*/ DrawStandForWhite();/*代表白方的圆*/ setcolor(GREEN); /*红方与白方的操作按键*/ rectangle(50,245,150,375); outtextxy(60,235,"Player:Red "); outtextxy(55,255,"UP----up"); outtextxy(55,265,"DOWN--down"); outtextxy(55,275,"LEFT--left"); outtextxy(55,285,"RIGHT-right"); outtextxy(55,295,"DO----enter"); rectangle(460,245,550,375); outtextxy(470,235,"Plyaer:White"); outtextxy(465,255,"UP----w"); outtextxy(465,265,"DOWN--s"); outtextxy(465,275,"LEFT--a"); outtextxy(465,285,"RIGHT-d"); outtextxy(465,295,"DO----space"); } void ModeChoose(void)/*模式选择*/ { PlayMode = 1; do { while(bioskey(1) == 0); key = bioskey(0); if (key == Player1_up) { cleardevice(); Welcome(); outtextxy(230,120,"player1 vs player2"); outtextxy(230,160,"player vs computer"); DrawChessR_W(200,120,BLUE); PlayMode = 1; /* player1 VS player2*/ } if (key == Player1_down) { cleardevice(); Welcome(); outtextxy(230,120,"player1 vs player2"); outtextxy(230,160,"player vs computer"); DrawChessR_W(200,160,BLUE); PlayMode = 2;/* player VS computer*/ } }while (key != Player1_do); } void DrawChessBox(void)/*棋盘*/ { cleardevice(); setbkcolor(BLUE); setcolor(DARKGRAY); rectangle(DaQiPanX1 - 20,DaQiPanY1 - 20,DaQiPanX2 + 20,DaQiPanY2 + 20); /*棋盘外框*/ setfillstyle(1,CYAN); floodfill(DaQiPanX1 - 10,DaQiPanY1 - 10,DARKGRAY); setcolor(CYAN); rectangle(DaQiPanX1,DaQiPanY1,DaQiPanX2,DaQiPanY2); /*棋盘内框*/ setfillstyle(1,CYAN); floodfill(DaQiPanX1 + 10,DaQiPanY1 + 10,DARKGRAY); setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(DaQiPanX1,DaQiPanY1,DaQiPanX2,DaQiPanY2); /*棋盘中间的线*/ for (i = 1;i < 15;i++) { line(DaQiPanX1 + i * 20,DaQiPanY1,DaQiPanX1 + i * 20,DaQiPanY2); line(DaQiPanX1,DaQiPanY1 + i * 20,DaQiPanX2,DaQiPanY1 + i * 20); } circle(230,160,3);/*棋盘中那5个小圆*/ circle(390,160,3); circle(230,320,3); circle(390,320,3); circle(310,240,3); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 + 0 ,DaQiPanY1 - 10,"A"); /*棋盘边的字母和数字*/ outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 + 20 ,DaQiPanY1 - 10,"B"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 + 40 ,DaQiPanY1 - 10,"C"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 + 60 ,DaQiPanY1 - 10,"D"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 + 80 ,DaQiPanY1 - 10,"E"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 + 100,DaQiPanY1 - 10,"F"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 + 120,DaQiPanY1 - 10,"G"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 + 140,DaQiPanY1 - 10,"H"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 + 160,DaQiPanY1 - 10,"I"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 + 180,DaQiPanY1 - 10,"J"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 + 200,DaQiPanY1 - 10,"K"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 + 220,DaQiPanY1 - 10,"L"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 + 240,DaQiPanY1 - 10,"M"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 + 260,DaQiPanY1 - 10,"N"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 + 280,DaQiPanY1 - 10,"O"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 - 15 ,DaQiPanY1 - 0 ,"1"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 - 15 ,DaQiPanY1 + 20,"2"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 - 15 ,DaQiPanY1 + 40,"3"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 - 15 ,DaQiPanY1 + 60,"4"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 - 15 ,DaQiPanY1 + 80,"5"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 - 15 ,DaQiPanY1 + 100,"6"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 - 15 ,DaQiPanY1 + 120,"7"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 - 15 ,DaQiPanY1 + 140,"8"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 - 15 ,DaQiPanY1 + 160,"9"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 - 15 ,DaQiPanY1 + 180,"10"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 - 15 ,DaQiPanY1 + 200,"11"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 - 15 ,DaQiPanY1 + 220,"12"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 - 15 ,DaQiPanY1 + 240,"13"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 - 15 ,DaQiPanY1 + 260,"14"); outtextxy(DaQiPanX1 - 15 ,DaQiPanY1 + 280,"15"); setcolor(GREEN); rectangle(80,20,540,70); outtextxy(260,10,"MessageBox"); } void ChooseFirst_Or_Second(void)/*先手后手的选择*/ { RedXianhou = 1; setcolor(GREEN); if (PlayMode == 1) { outtextxy(230,30,"player1 use Red chess!"); outtextxy(230,40,"player2 use White chess!"); } else { outtextxy(230,30,"player use Red chess!"); outtextxy(230,40,"computer use White chess!"); } outtextxy(100,50,"Red first? (letf/right) to change,(enter)to make sure"); DrawStandForRed(); do { while(bioskey(1) == 0); key = bioskey(0); if (key == Player1_left) { cleardevice(); DrawChessBox(); outtextxy(100,50,"Red first?

(letf/right) to change,(enter)to make sure"

); DrawStandForRed(); RedXianhou = 1; } if (key == Player1_right) { cleardevice(); DrawChessBox(); outtextxy(100,50,"White first?

(letf/right) to change,(enter)to make sure"

); DrawStandForWhite(); RedXianhou = 2; } setcolor(GREEN); if (PlayMode == 1) { outtextxy(230,30,"player1 use Red chess!"); outtextxy(230,40,"player2 use White chess!"); } else { outtextxy(230,30,"player use Red chess!"); outtextxy(230,40,"computer use White chess!"); } }while(Player1_do != key); cleardevice(); } void DrawChessR_W(int x,int y,int color)/*画棋盘上的红子和白子*/ { setcolor(color); circle(x,y,10); setfillstyle(1,color); floodfill(x+5,y+5,color); } void DrawStandForRed()/*代表红方的圆*/ { setcolor(7); circle(XiaoYuanX1,XiaoYuanY1,YuanR); setfillstyle(1,RED); floodfill(XiaoYuanX1+10,XiaoYuanY1+10,7); } void DrawStandForWhite()/*代表白方的圆*/ { setcolor(15); circle(XiaoYuanX2,XiaoYuanY2,YuanR); setfillstyle(1,WHITE); floodfill(XiaoYuanX2+10,XiaoYuanY2+10,15); } void Exit()/*退出游戏*/ { cleardevice(); setbkcolor(BLACK); setcolor(GREEN); outtextxy(280,350,"goodbye!"); getch(); closegraph(); }




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