

现在完成时的形式-----Have/ has +过去分词P.P



过去时                现在时               将来时,未来时


He was busy yesterday  He is busy now        He will be busy tomorrow  




He studied yesterday   He studies very day    He is going to study tomorrow

  第三人称单数        第三人称单数






过去时                现在时               将来时,未来时







现在完成时肯定句 主语+ have /has P.P



He    has        been   busy  since yesterday.     他从昨天到现在一直很忙。

   第三人称单数  beP,P  形容词



He  has  studied  for two day. 他读书读了两天。




 否定句主语+Have/ has not P.P


 疑问句---Have /has +主语 + P.P


肯定 He has heard a lot of Mr.Li  他久仰李先生的大名。   Hear……..of 听说


否定 He hasn’t heard a lot of Mr.Li 他没有听说过太多的李先生的事。


疑问 Has he heard a lot of Mr. Li 他听过很多关于李先生的事情吗?


 答句yes,he has (heard a lot of Mr.Li)省略

      No, he hasnt




现在完成时的使用时机   持续, 完成,经验

1. 持续

例如1. I began to learn English three years ago  我在三年前开始学英文。(过去时)


例如2. I have learned  English for three years   我学英文学三年了。( 现在完成时)


例如3. I have  learned englsih scince three years ago .我从三年前就学英文了。(现在完成时)


谢孟媛英文初级文法  第32集 笔记




1. for +时间长度




2. since +时间起点




例如1. 我们彼此认识10年了。

      for ten years

We have known each other         ten years ago

        P.P               Since

      we were children. 我们从小孩子时就认识了。


Since前是现在完成时,since 后是过去时。


例如2. 好久不见了。

I havent seen you for long time .

It was been a long time since I last saw you .

Long time no see you .


其他副词  all day全天, always一直 ,recently最近 this week这星期


例如1.  I   have       had      a  headache  all  day(long )我头痛了一天。

           助动词   haveP.P

                                       Have  a 病的内容--生病


                         Be VS

回答   Yes/ no 疑问句  



                                           Be VS

直接回答 W疑问句----------W.H




例如2. How long 多久



How long has he played the piano? For two hours .




      How long 多久----时间


      How often 多久一次 次数,频率


例如1. How long have you lived in Taipei? 你住在台北多久了。

We have lived in taipei for 10 years / since 1994 我们已经住了10年了。

或 从1994年我们就住在台北。


例如2. How often do you go to a beauty parlor 。你多久去一次美容院?


回答  Once a week 一个星期一次。


3. 完成






 过去时                   现在时                     将来时





动作的起点   持续到现在的结果    刚才   完成         





现在完成时  强调的是后面的结果。


谢孟媛英文初级文法  第33集 笔记



1.  Already (已经)---have /has  already P.P




2..  just(刚才)-------have / has  just  P.P



3. yet(尚未)                 

    一般用在       hasn’t      yet P.P


疑问句中       句尾


4. 其他副词   today this morning  lately(最近) recently (最近) now



例如1. 往高雄的火车已经到了。

The train for kaoxiong has already arrived


例如2. 我刚刚读过那本漫画书。

I have  just read comic book.


例如3. 你找到我的数码相机吗

      Have you found my digital camera yet ? No, I havent found it yet

                                       No, not yet 省略回答


比较: just (刚才)------现在时,过去时。

       Just now -----过去时 刚才

                  现在时 此刻现在

                  未来时  马上


例如1.Tom came jsut nowhe's probably upstairs。他刚才进来了,或许他在楼上。


例如2.he is just now answering the call。 他现在正在接电话


例如3.I'll do it jsut now 。我马上就要做。




1. every, never, often

2. once, twice . before





例如1. 你曾参观过故宫吗?不,以前从来没有过。

Have you ever visited national palace museum?

NO,I have  never visited there before

No, never have . No never.

或 Did you ever visit national palace museum?

No. I never visited there before

                               No, never did.


例如2. 我的妹妹真的很喜欢那部电影,她已经看了5次。


My young sister really likes that movie ,she has watched  it five times.



例如3  你空闲时回去参观故宫吗?


Do you ever visite National palace museum in your free time .


谢孟媛英文初级文法  第34集 笔记




例如1. Mr Green has gone toNew York on business.他已经去纽约出差了。(现在完成时)


2Mr Green went to New York on business 他去纽约出差过  (过去时)


2 Have been to Have gone to

Have been to -------曾经去过(某处)刚才去了(某处)


Have gone to -------已经去了(某处)只用第三人称。


例如1.我刚才去了车站替她送行(see off

 I have just been to the station to see her off


例如2.你曾经去过图书馆吗? Libraria 图书馆的管理员。

Have you ever been to library ?


例如3. she has gone to Europe . 她已经去欧洲了。



Did you ever go to a basketball game ? 你曾经去看过篮球比赛吗?(过去时)


Have you ever been to a basketball game ? 你曾经去看过篮球比赛吗?现在完成时)


3瞬间动作用现在完成时 其后不课加一段时间。

                                   Died 动词不能持续          pass away 死亡

例如1. 他父亲过逝十年了。     死



His father has died for ten years  这句话是不对的。×


His father died ten years ago .  过去式


His father has been dead for ten years  完成时持续的状态。






例如2.  Amy已经买车了.

Amy has bought the car for one year. 这句话是不对的。×


Amy has bought the car already.


Amy bought the car ans has owned for one year. Amy买车已经有一年了。


例如3.  王先生去美国了


Mr wang has gone to America for three days .这句话是不对的。×


Mr wang has gone to America.


Mr wang has been in America for three days



1. this monthe I have been so lucky that I can hardlybeilever it .


2. at the begainning of the month. I got 90 points on my monthly exam.


3. in the middle of the month.I won the second place in an English speech contact.

                           在月中我在英文讲演比赛中得了第2 名。

4. the otherday . my father  gave me computer as a birthdaty present.


5. I have never been so lucky so far in my life

                          我这辈子都没有这样如此的幸运。So far到目前为止。