
Definitions / Descriptions

form:http://pinvoke.net/default.aspx/Constants/WM.html (网站不错)

WM_ACTIVATE0x6The WM_ACTIVATE message is sent when a window is being activated or deactivated. This message is sent first to the window procedure of the top-level window being deactivated; it is then sent to the window procedure of the top-level window being activated.
WM_ACTIVATEAPP0x1CThe WM_ACTIVATEAPP message is sent when a window belonging to a different application than the active window is about to be activated. The message is sent to the application whose window is being activated and to the application whose window is being deactivated.
WM_AFXFIRST0x360The WM_AFXFIRST specifies the first afx message.
WM_AFXLAST0x37FThe WM_AFXFIRST specifies the last afx message.
WM_APP0x8000The WM_APP constant is used by applications to help define private messages, usually of the form WM_APP+X, where X is an integer value.
WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME0x30CThe WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME message is sent to the clipboard owner by a clipboard viewer window to request the name of a CF_OWNERDISPLAY clipboard format.
WM_CANCELJOURNAL0x4BThe WM_CANCELJOURNAL message is posted to an application when a user cancels the application's journaling activities. The message is posted with a NULL window handle.
WM_CANCELMODE0x1FThe WM_CANCELMODE message is sent to cancel certain modes, such as mouse capture. For example, the system sends this message to the active window when a dialog box or message box is displayed. Certain functions also send this message explicitly to the specified window regardless of whether it is the active window. For example, the EnableWindow function sends this message when disabling the specified window.
WM_CAPTURECHANGED0x215The WM_CAPTURECHANGED message is sent to the window that is losing the mouse capture.
WM_CHANGECBCHAIN0x30DThe WM_CHANGECBCHAIN message is sent to the first window in the clipboard viewer chain when a window is being removed from the chain.
WM_CHANGEUISTATE0x127An application sends the WM_CHANGEUISTATE message to indicate that the user interface (UI) state should be changed.
WM_CHAR0x102The WM_CHAR message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when a WM_KEYDOWN message is translated by the TranslateMessage function. The WM_CHAR message contains the character code of the key that was pressed.
WM_CHARTOITEM0x2FSent by a list box with the LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT style to its owner in response to a WM_CHAR message.
WM_CHILDACTIVATE0x22The WM_CHILDACTIVATE message is sent to a child window when the user clicks the window's title bar or when the window is activated, moved, or sized.
WM_CLEAR0x303An application sends a WM_CLEAR message to an edit control or combo box to delete (clear) the current selection, if any, from the edit control.
WM_CLOSE0x10The WM_CLOSE message is sent as a signal that a window or an application should terminate.
WM_COMMAND0x111The WM_COMMAND message is sent when the user selects a command item from a menu, when a control sends a notification message to its parent window, or when an accelerator keystroke is translated.
WM_COMPACTING0x41The WM_COMPACTING message is sent to all top-level windows when the system detects more than 12.5 percent of system time over a 30- to 60-second interval is being spent compacting memory. This indicates that system memory is low.
WM_COMPAREITEM0x39The system sends the WM_COMPAREITEM message to determine the relative position of a new item in the sorted list of an owner-drawn combo box or list box. Whenever the application adds a new item, the system sends this message to the owner of a combo box or list box created with the CBS_SORT or LBS_SORT style.
WM_CONTEXTMENU0x7BThe WM_CONTEXTMENU message notifies a window that the user clicked the right mouse button (right-clicked) in the window.
WM_COPY0x301An application sends the WM_COPY message to an edit control or combo box to copy the current selection to the clipboard in CF_TEXT format.
WM_COPYDATA0x4AAn application sends the WM_COPYDATA message to pass data to another application.
WM_CREATE0x1The WM_CREATE message is sent when an application requests that a window be created by calling the CreateWindowEx or CreateWindow function. (The message is sent before the function returns.) The window procedure of the new window receives this message after the window is created, but before the window becomes visible.
WM_CTLCOLORBTN0x135The WM_CTLCOLORBTN message is sent to the parent window of a button before drawing the button. The parent window can change the button's text and background colors. However, only owner-drawn buttons respond to the parent window processing this message.
WM_CTLCOLORDLG0x136The WM_CTLCOLORDLG message is sent to a dialog box before the system draws the dialog box. By responding to this message, the dialog box can set its text and background colors using the specified display device context handle.
WM_CTLCOLOREDIT0x133An edit control that is not read-only or disabled sends the WM_CTLCOLOREDIT message to its parent window when the control is about to be drawn. By responding to this message, the parent window can use the specified device context handle to set the text and background colors of the edit control.
WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX0x134Sent to the parent window of a list box before the system draws the list box. By responding to this message, the parent window can set the text and background colors of the list box by using the specified display device context handle.
WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX0x132The WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX message is sent to the owner window of a message box before Windows draws the message box. By responding to this message, the owner window can set the text and background colors of the message box by using the given display device context handle.
WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR0x137The WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR message is sent to the parent window of a scroll bar control when the control is about to be drawn. By responding to this message, the parent window can use the display context handle to set the background color of the scroll bar control.
WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC0x138A static control, or an edit control that is read-only or disabled, sends the WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC message to its parent window when the control is about to be drawn. By responding to this message, the parent window can use the specified device context handle to set the text and background colors of the static control.
WM_CUT0x300An application sends a WM_CUT message to an edit control or combo box to delete (cut) the current selection, if any, in the edit control and copy the deleted text to the clipboard in CF_TEXT format.
WM_DEADCHAR0x103The WM_DEADCHAR message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when a WM_KEYUP message is translated by the TranslateMessage function. WM_DEADCHAR specifies a character code generated by a dead key. A dead key is a key that generates a character, such as the umlaut (double-dot), that is combined with another character to form a composite character. For example, the umlaut-O character (Ö) is generated by typing the dead key for the umlaut character, and then typing the O key.
WM_DELETEITEM0x2DSent to the owner of a list box or combo box when the list box or combo box is destroyed or when items are removed by the LB_DELETESTRING, LB_RESETCONTENT, CB_DELETESTRING, or CB_RESETCONTENT message. The system sends a WM_DELETEITEM message for each deleted item. The system sends the WM_DELETEITEM message for any deleted list box or combo box item with nonzero item data.
WM_DESTROY0x2The WM_DESTROY message is sent when a window is being destroyed. It is sent to the window procedure of the window being destroyed after the window is removed from the screen. This message is sent first to the window being destroyed and then to the child windows (if any) as they are destroyed. During the processing of the message, it can be assumed that all child windows still exist.
WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD0x307The WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD message is sent to the clipboard owner when a call to the EmptyClipboard function empties the clipboard.
WM_DEVICECHANGE0x219Notifies an application of a change to the hardware configuration of a device or the computer.
WM_DEVMODECHANGE0x1BThe WM_DEVMODECHANGE message is sent to all top-level windows whenever the user changes device-mode settings.
WM_DISPLAYCHANGE0x7EThe WM_DISPLAYCHANGE message is sent to all windows when the display resolution has changed.
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD0x308The WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD message is sent to the first window in the clipboard viewer chain when the content of the clipboard changes. This enables a clipboard viewer window to display the new content of the clipboard.
WM_DRAWITEM0x2BThe WM_DRAWITEM message is sent to the parent window of an owner-drawn button, combo box, list box, or menu when a visual aspect of the button, combo box, list box, or menu has changed.
WM_DROPFILES0x233Sent when the user drops a file on the window of an application that has registered itself as a recipient of dropped files.
WM_ENABLE0xAThe WM_ENABLE message is sent when an application changes the enabled state of a window. It is sent to the window whose enabled state is changing. This message is sent before the EnableWindow function returns, but after the enabled state (WS_DISABLED style bit) of the window has changed.
WM_ENDSESSION0x16The WM_ENDSESSION message is sent to an application after the system processes the results of the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message. The WM_ENDSESSION message informs the application whether the session is ending.
WM_ENTERIDLE0x121The WM_ENTERIDLE message is sent to the owner window of a modal dialog box or menu that is entering an idle state. A modal dialog box or menu enters an idle state when no messages are waiting in its queue after it has processed one or more previous messages.
WM_ENTERMENULOOP0x211The WM_ENTERMENULOOP message informs an application's main window procedure that a menu modal loop has been entered.
WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE0x231The WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE message is sent one time to a window after it enters the moving or sizing modal loop. The window enters the moving or sizing modal loop when the user clicks the window's title bar or sizing border, or when the window passes the WM_SYSCOMMAND message to the DefWindowProc function and the wParam parameter of the message specifies the SC_MOVE or SC_SIZE value. The operation is complete when DefWindowProc returns.
WM_ERASEBKGND0x14The WM_ERASEBKGND message is sent when the window background must be erased (for example, when a window is resized). The message is sent to prepare an invalidated portion of a window for painting.
WM_EXITMENULOOP0x212The WM_EXITMENULOOP message informs an application's main window procedure that a menu modal loop has been exited.
WM_EXITSIZEMOVE0x232The WM_EXITSIZEMOVE message is sent one time to a window, after it has exited the moving or sizing modal loop. The window enters the moving or sizing modal loop when the user clicks the window's title bar or sizing border, or when the window passes the WM_SYSCOMMAND message to the DefWindowProc function and the wParam parameter of the message specifies the SC_MOVE or SC_SIZE value. The operation is complete when DefWindowProc returns.
WM_FONTCHANGE0x1DAn application sends the WM_FONTCHANGE message to all top-level windows in the system after changing the pool of font resources.
WM_GETDLGCODE0x87The WM_GETDLGCODE message is sent to the window procedure associated with a control. By default, the system handles all keyboard input to the control; the system interprets certain types of keyboard input as dialog box navigation keys. To override this default behavior, the control can respond to the WM_GETDLGCODE message to indicate the types of input it wants to process itself.
WM_GETFONT0x31An application sends a WM_GETFONT message to a control to retrieve the font with which the control is currently drawing its text.
WM_GETHOTKEY0x33An application sends a WM_GETHOTKEY message to determine the hot key associated with a window.
WM_GETICON0x7FThe WM_GETICON message is sent to a window to retrieve a handle to the large or small icon associated with a window. The system displays the large icon in the ALT+TAB dialog, and the small icon in the window caption.
WM_GETMINMAXINFO0x24The WM_GETMINMAXINFO message is sent to a window when the size or position of the window is about to change. An application can use this message to override the window's default maximized size and position, or its default minimum or maximum tracking size.
WM_GETOBJECT0x3DActive Accessibility sends the WM_GETOBJECT message to obtain information about an accessible object contained in a server application. Applications never send this message directly. It is sent only by Active Accessibility in response to calls to AccessibleObjectFromPoint, AccessibleObjectFromEvent, or AccessibleObjectFromWindow. However, server applications handle this message.
WM_GETTEXT0xDAn application sends a WM_GETTEXT message to copy the text that corresponds to a window into a buffer provided by the caller.
WM_GETTEXTLENGTH0xEAn application sends a WM_GETTEXTLENGTH message to determine the length, in characters, of the text associated with a window.
WM_HANDHELDFIRST0x358Definition Needed
WM_HANDHELDLAST0x35FDefinition Needed
WM_HELP0x53Indicates that the user pressed the F1 key. If a menu is active when F1 is pressed, WM_HELP is sent to the window associated with the menu; otherwise, WM_HELP is sent to the window that has the keyboard focus. If no window has the keyboard focus, WM_HELP is sent to the currently active window.
WM_HOTKEY0x312The WM_HOTKEY message is posted when the user presses a hot key registered by the RegisterHotKey function. The message is placed at the top of the message queue associated with the thread that registered the hot key.
WM_HSCROLL0x114This message is sent to a window when a scroll event occurs in the window's standard horizontal scroll bar. This message is also sent to the owner of a horizontal scroll bar control when a scroll event occurs in the control.
WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD0x30EThe WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD message is sent to the clipboard owner by a clipboard viewer window. This occurs when the clipboard contains data in the CF_OWNERDISPLAY format and an event occurs in the clipboard viewer's horizontal scroll bar. The owner should scroll the clipboard image and update the scroll bar values.
WM_ICONERASEBKGND0x27Windows NT 3.51 and earlier: The WM_ICONERASEBKGND message is sent to a minimized window when the background of the icon must be filled before painting the icon. A window receives this message only if a class icon is defined for the window; otherwise, WM_ERASEBKGND is sent. This message is not sent by newer versions of Windows.
WM_IME_CHAR0x286Sent to an application when the IME gets a character of the conversion result. A window receives this message through its WindowProc function.
WM_IME_COMPOSITION0x10FSent to an application when the IME changes composition status as a result of a keystroke. A window receives this message through its WindowProc function.
WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL0x284Sent to an application when the IME window finds no space to extend the area for the composition window. A window receives this message through its WindowProc function.
WM_IME_CONTROL0x283Sent by an application to direct the IME window to carry out the requested command. The application uses this message to control the IME window that it has created. To send this message, the application calls the SendMessage function with the following parameters.
WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION0x10ESent to an application when the IME ends composition. A window receives this message through its WindowProc function.
WM_IME_KEYDOWN0x290Sent to an application by the IME to notify the application of a key press and to keep message order. A window receives this message through its WindowProc function.
WM_IME_KEYLAST0x10FDefinition Needed
WM_IME_KEYUP0x291Sent to an application by the IME to notify the application of a key release and to keep message order. A window receives this message through its WindowProc function.
WM_IME_NOTIFY0x282Sent to an application to notify it of changes to the IME window. A window receives this message through its WindowProc function.
WM_IME_REQUEST0x288Sent to an application to provide commands and request information. A window receives this message through its WindowProc function.
WM_IME_SELECT0x285Sent to an application when the operating system is about to change the current IME. A window receives this message through its WindowProc function.
WM_IME_SETCONTEXT0x281Sent to an application when a window is activated. A window receives this message through its WindowProc function.
WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION0x10DSent immediately before the IME generates the composition string as a result of a keystroke. A window receives this message through its WindowProc function.
WM_INITDIALOG0x110The WM_INITDIALOG message is sent to the dialog box procedure immediately before a dialog box is displayed. Dialog box procedures typically use this message to initialize controls and carry out any other initialization tasks that affect the appearance of the dialog box.
WM_INITMENU0x116The WM_INITMENU message is sent when a menu is about to become active. It occurs when the user clicks an item on the menu bar or presses a menu key. This allows the application to modify the menu before it is displayed.
WM_INITMENUPOPUP0x117The WM_INITMENUPOPUP message is sent when a drop-down menu or submenu is about to become active. This allows an application to modify the menu before it is displayed, without changing the entire menu.
WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE0x51The WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE message is sent to the topmost affected window after an application's input language has been changed. You should make any application-specific settings and pass the message to the DefWindowProc function, which passes the message to all first-level child windows. These child windows can pass the message to DefWindowProc to have it pass the message to their child windows, and so on.
WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST0x50The WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST message is posted to the window with the focus when the user chooses a new input language, either with the hotkey (specified in the Keyboard control panel application) or from the indicator on the system taskbar. An application can accept the change by passing the message to the DefWindowProc function or reject the change (and prevent it from taking place) by returning immediately.
WM_KEYDOWN0x100The WM_KEYDOWN message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when a nonsystem key is pressed. A nonsystem key is a key that is pressed when the ALT key is not pressed.
WM_KEYFIRST0x100This message filters for keyboard messages.
WM_KEYLAST0x108This message filters for keyboard messages.
WM_KEYUP0x101The WM_KEYUP message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when a nonsystem key is released. A nonsystem key is a key that is pressed when the ALT key is not pressed, or a keyboard key that is pressed when a window has the keyboard focus.
WM_KILLFOCUS0x8The WM_KILLFOCUS message is sent to a window immediately before it loses the keyboard focus.
WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK0x203The WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK message is posted when the user double-clicks the left mouse button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse.
WM_LBUTTONDOWN0x201The WM_LBUTTONDOWN message is posted when the user presses the left mouse button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse.
WM_LBUTTONUP0x202The WM_LBUTTONUP message is posted when the user releases the left mouse button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse.
WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK0x209The WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK message is posted when the user double-clicks the middle mouse button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse.
WM_MBUTTONDOWN0x207The WM_MBUTTONDOWN message is posted when the user presses the middle mouse button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse.
WM_MBUTTONUP0x208The WM_MBUTTONUP message is posted when the user releases the middle mouse button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse.
WM_MDIACTIVATE0x222An application sends the WM_MDIACTIVATE message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to instruct the client window to activate a different MDI child window.
WM_MDICASCADE0x227An application sends the WM_MDICASCADE message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to arrange all its child windows in a cascade format.
WM_MDICREATE0x220An application sends the WM_MDICREATE message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to create an MDI child window.
WM_MDIDESTROY0x221An application sends the WM_MDIDESTROY message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to close an MDI child window.
WM_MDIGETACTIVE0x229An application sends the WM_MDIGETACTIVE message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to retrieve the handle to the active MDI child window.
WM_MDIICONARRANGE0x228An application sends the WM_MDIICONARRANGE message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to arrange all minimized MDI child windows. It does not affect child windows that are not minimized.
WM_MDIMAXIMIZE0x225An application sends the WM_MDIMAXIMIZE message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to maximize an MDI child window. The system resizes the child window to make its client area fill the client window. The system places the child window's window menu icon in the rightmost position of the frame window's menu bar, and places the child window's restore icon in the leftmost position. The system also appends the title bar text of the child window to that of the frame window.
WM_MDINEXT0x224An application sends the WM_MDINEXT message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to activate the next or previous child window.
WM_MDIREFRESHMENU0x234An application sends the WM_MDIREFRESHMENU message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to refresh the window menu of the MDI frame window.
WM_MDIRESTORE0x223An application sends the WM_MDIRESTORE message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to restore an MDI child window from maximized or minimized size.
WM_MDISETMENU0x230An application sends the WM_MDISETMENU message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to replace the entire menu of an MDI frame window, to replace the window menu of the frame window, or both.
WM_MDITILE0x226An application sends the WM_MDITILE message to a multiple-document interface (MDI) client window to arrange all of its MDI child windows in a tile format.
WM_MEASUREITEM0x2CThe WM_MEASUREITEM message is sent to the owner window of a combo box, list box, list view control, or menu item when the control or menu is created.
WM_MENUCHAR0x120The WM_MENUCHAR message is sent when a menu is active and the user presses a key that does not correspond to any mnemonic or accelerator key. This message is sent to the window that owns the menu.
WM_MENUCOMMAND0x126The WM_MENUCOMMAND message is sent when the user makes a selection from a menu.
WM_MENUDRAG0x123The WM_MENUDRAG message is sent to the owner of a drag-and-drop menu when the user drags a menu item.
WM_MENUGETOBJECT0x124The WM_MENUGETOBJECT message is sent to the owner of a drag-and-drop menu when the mouse cursor enters a menu item or moves from the center of the item to the top or bottom of the item.
WM_MENURBUTTONUP0x122The WM_MENURBUTTONUP message is sent when the user releases the right mouse button while the cursor is on a menu item.
WM_MENUSELECT0x11FThe WM_MENUSELECT message is sent to a menu's owner window when the user selects a menu item.
WM_MOUSEACTIVATE0x21The WM_MOUSEACTIVATE message is sent when the cursor is in an inactive window and the user presses a mouse button. The parent window receives this message only if the child window passes it to the DefWindowProc function.
WM_MOUSEFIRST0x200Use WM_MOUSEFIRST to specify the first mouse message. Use the PeekMessage() Function.
WM_MOUSEHOVER0x2A1The WM_MOUSEHOVER message is posted to a window when the cursor hovers over the client area of the window for the period of time specified in a prior call to TrackMouseEvent.
WM_MOUSELAST0x20DDefinition Needed
WM_MOUSELEAVE0x2A3The WM_MOUSELEAVE message is posted to a window when the cursor leaves the client area of the window specified in a prior call to TrackMouseEvent.
WM_MOUSEMOVE0x200The WM_MOUSEMOVE message is posted to a window when the cursor moves. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse.
WM_MOUSEWHEEL0x20AThe WM_MOUSEWHEEL message is sent to the focus window when the mouse wheel is rotated. The DefWindowProc function propagates the message to the window's parent. There should be no internal forwarding of the message, since DefWindowProc propagates it up the parent chain until it finds a window that processes it.
WM_MOUSEHWHEEL0x20EThe WM_MOUSEHWHEEL message is sent to the focus window when the mouse's horizontal scroll wheel is tilted or rotated. The DefWindowProc function propagates the message to the window's parent. There should be no internal forwarding of the message, since DefWindowProc propagates it up the parent chain until it finds a window that processes it.
WM_MOVE0x3The WM_MOVE message is sent after a window has been moved.
WM_MOVING0x216The WM_MOVING message is sent to a window that the user is moving. By processing this message, an application can monitor the position of the drag rectangle and, if needed, change its position.
WM_NCACTIVATE0x86Non Client Area Activated Caption(Title) of the Form
WM_NCCALCSIZE0x83The WM_NCCALCSIZE message is sent when the size and position of a window's client area must be calculated. By processing this message, an application can control the content of the window's client area when the size or position of the window changes.
WM_NCCREATE0x81The WM_NCCREATE message is sent prior to the WM_CREATE message when a window is first created.
WM_NCDESTROY0x82The WM_NCDESTROY message informs a window that its nonclient area is being destroyed. The DestroyWindow function sends the WM_NCDESTROY message to the window following the WM_DESTROY message. WM_DESTROY is used to free the allocated memory object associated with the window.
WM_NCHITTEST0x84The WM_NCHITTEST message is sent to a window when the cursor moves, or when a mouse button is pressed or released. If the mouse is not captured, the message is sent to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is sent to the window that has captured the mouse.
WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK0xA3The WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK message is posted when the user double-clicks the left mouse button while the cursor is within the nonclient area of a window. This message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. If a window has captured the mouse, this message is not posted.
WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN0xA1The WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN message is posted when the user presses the left mouse button while the cursor is within the nonclient area of a window. This message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. If a window has captured the mouse, this message is not posted.
WM_NCLBUTTONUP0xA2The WM_NCLBUTTONUP message is posted when the user releases the left mouse button while the cursor is within the nonclient area of a window. This message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. If a window has captured the mouse, this message is not posted.
WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK0xA9The WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK message is posted when the user double-clicks the middle mouse button while the cursor is within the nonclient area of a window. This message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. If a window has captured the mouse, this message is not posted.
WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN0xA7The WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN message is posted when the user presses the middle mouse button while the cursor is within the nonclient area of a window. This message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. If a window has captured the mouse, this message is not posted.
WM_NCMBUTTONUP0xA8The WM_NCMBUTTONUP message is posted when the user releases the middle mouse button while the cursor is within the nonclient area of a window. This message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. If a window has captured the mouse, this message is not posted.
WM_NCMOUSEMOVE0xA0The WM_NCMOUSEMOVE message is posted to a window when the cursor is moved within the nonclient area of the window. This message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. If a window has captured the mouse, this message is not posted.
WM_NCPAINT0x85The WM_NCPAINT message is sent to a window when its frame must be painted.
WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK0xA6The WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK message is posted when the user double-clicks the right mouse button while the cursor is within the nonclient area of a window. This message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. If a window has captured the mouse, this message is not posted.
WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN0xA4The WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN message is posted when the user presses the right mouse button while the cursor is within the nonclient area of a window. This message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. If a window has captured the mouse, this message is not posted.
WM_NCRBUTTONUP0xA5The WM_NCRBUTTONUP message is posted when the user releases the right mouse button while the cursor is within the nonclient area of a window. This message is posted to the window that contains the cursor. If a window has captured the mouse, this message is not posted.
WM_NEXTDLGCTL0x28The WM_NEXTDLGCTL message is sent to a dialog box procedure to set the keyboard focus to a different control in the dialog box
WM_NEXTMENU0x213The WM_NEXTMENU message is sent to an application when the right or left arrow key is used to switch between the menu bar and the system menu.
WM_NOTIFY0x4ESent by a common control to its parent window when an event has occurred or the control requires some information.
WM_NOTIFYFORMAT0x55Determines if a window accepts ANSI or Unicode structures in the WM_NOTIFY notification message. WM_NOTIFYFORMAT messages are sent from a common control to its parent window and from the parent window to the common control.
WM_NULL0x0The WM_NULL message performs no operation. An application sends the WM_NULL message if it wants to post a message that the recipient window will ignore.
WM_PAINT0xFOccurs when the control needs repainting
WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD0x309The WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD message is sent to the clipboard owner by a clipboard viewer window when the clipboard contains data in the CF_OWNERDISPLAY format and the clipboard viewer's client area needs repainting.
WM_PAINTICON0x26Windows NT 3.51 and earlier: The WM_PAINTICON message is sent to a minimized window when the icon is to be painted. This message is not sent by newer versions of Microsoft Windows, except in unusual circumstances explained in the Remarks.
WM_PALETTECHANGED0x311This message is sent by the OS to all top-level and overlapped windows after the window with the keyboard focus realizes its logical palette. This message enables windows that do not have the keyboard focus to realize their logical palettes and update their client areas.
WM_PALETTEISCHANGING0x310The WM_PALETTEISCHANGING message informs applications that an application is going to realize its logical palette.
WM_PARENTNOTIFY0x210The WM_PARENTNOTIFY message is sent to the parent of a child window when the child window is created or destroyed, or when the user clicks a mouse button while the cursor is over the child window. When the child window is being created, the system sends WM_PARENTNOTIFY just before the CreateWindow or CreateWindowEx function that creates the window returns. When the child window is being destroyed, the system sends the message before any processing to destroy the window takes place.
WM_PASTE0x302An application sends a WM_PASTE message to an edit control or combo box to copy the current content of the clipboard to the edit control at the current caret position. Data is inserted only if the clipboard contains data in CF_TEXT format.
WM_PENWINFIRST0x380Definition Needed
WM_PENWINLAST0x38FDefinition Needed
WM_POWER0x48Notifies applications that the system, typically a battery-powered personal computer, is about to enter a suspended mode. Obsolete : use POWERBROADCAST instead
WM_POWERBROADCAST0x218Notifies applications that a power-management event has occurred.
WM_PRINT0x317The WM_PRINT message is sent to a window to request that it draw itself in the specified device context, most commonly in a printer device context.
WM_PRINTCLIENT0x318The WM_PRINTCLIENT message is sent to a window to request that it draw its client area in the specified device context, most commonly in a printer device context.
WM_QUERYDRAGICON0x37The WM_QUERYDRAGICON message is sent to a minimized (iconic) window. The window is about to be dragged by the user but does not have an icon defined for its class. An application can return a handle to an icon or cursor. The system displays this cursor or icon while the user drags the icon.
WM_QUERYENDSESSION0x11The WM_QUERYENDSESSION message is sent when the user chooses to end the session or when an application calls one of the system shutdown functions. If any application returns zero, the session is not ended. The system stops sending WM_QUERYENDSESSION messages as soon as one application returns zero. After processing this message, the system sends the WM_ENDSESSION message with the wParam parameter set to the results of the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message.
WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE0x30FThis message informs a window that it is about to receive the keyboard focus, giving the window the opportunity to realize its logical palette when it receives the focus.
WM_QUERYOPEN0x13The WM_QUERYOPEN message is sent to an icon when the user requests that the window be restored to its previous size and position.
WM_QUEUESYNC0x23The WM_QUEUESYNC message is sent by a computer-based training (CBT) application to separate user-input messages from other messages sent through the WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK Hook procedure.
WM_QUIT0x12Once received, it ends the application's Message Loop, signaling the application to end. It can be sent by pressing Alt+F4, Clicking the X in the upper right-hand of the program, or going to File->Exit.
WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK0x206he WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK message is posted when the user double-clicks the right mouse button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse.
WM_RBUTTONDOWN0x204The WM_RBUTTONDOWN message is posted when the user presses the right mouse button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse.
WM_RBUTTONUP0x205The WM_RBUTTONUP message is posted when the user releases the right mouse button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse.
WM_RENDERALLFORMATS0x306The WM_RENDERALLFORMATS message is sent to the clipboard owner before it is destroyed, if the clipboard owner has delayed rendering one or more clipboard formats. For the content of the clipboard to remain available to other applications, the clipboard owner must render data in all the formats it is capable of generating, and place the data on the clipboard by calling the SetClipboardData function.
WM_RENDERFORMAT0x305The WM_RENDERFORMAT message is sent to the clipboard owner if it has delayed rendering a specific clipboard format and if an application has requested data in that format. The clipboard owner must render data in the specified format and place it on the clipboard by calling the SetClipboardData function.
WM_SETCURSOR0x20The WM_SETCURSOR message is sent to a window if the mouse causes the cursor to move within a window and mouse input is not captured.
WM_SETFOCUS0x7When the controll got the focus
WM_SETFONT0x30An application sends a WM_SETFONT message to specify the font that a control is to use when drawing text.
WM_SETHOTKEY0x32An application sends a WM_SETHOTKEY message to a window to associate a hot key with the window. When the user presses the hot key, the system activates the window.
WM_SETICON0x80An application sends the WM_SETICON message to associate a new large or small icon with a window. The system displays the large icon in the ALT+TAB dialog box, and the small icon in the window caption.
WM_SETREDRAW0xBAn application sends the WM_SETREDRAW message to a window to allow changes in that window to be redrawn or to prevent changes in that window from being redrawn.
WM_SETTEXT0xCText / Caption changed on the control. An application sends a WM_SETTEXT message to set the text of a window.
WM_SETTINGCHANGE0x1AAn application sends the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message to all top-level windows after making a change to the WIN.INI file. The SystemParametersInfo function sends this message after an application uses the function to change a setting in WIN.INI.
WM_SHOWWINDOW0x18The WM_SHOWWINDOW message is sent to a window when the window is about to be hidden or shown
WM_SIZE0x5The WM_SIZE message is sent to a window after its size has changed.
WM_SIZECLIPBOARD0x30BThe WM_SIZECLIPBOARD message is sent to the clipboard owner by a clipboard viewer window when the clipboard contains data in the CF_OWNERDISPLAY format and the clipboard viewer's client area has changed size.
WM_SIZING0x214The WM_SIZING message is sent to a window that the user is resizing. By processing this message, an application can monitor the size and position of the drag rectangle and, if needed, change its size or position.
WM_SPOOLERSTATUS0x2AThe WM_SPOOLERSTATUS message is sent from Print Manager whenever a job is added to or removed from the Print Manager queue.
WM_STYLECHANGED0x7DThe WM_STYLECHANGED message is sent to a window after the SetWindowLong function has changed one or more of the window's styles.
WM_STYLECHANGING0x7CThe WM_STYLECHANGING message is sent to a window when the SetWindowLong function is about to change one or more of the window's styles.
WM_SYNCPAINT0x88The WM_SYNCPAINT message is used to synchronize painting while avoiding linking independent GUI threads.
WM_SYSCHAR0x106The WM_SYSCHAR message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when a WM_SYSKEYDOWN message is translated by the TranslateMessage function. It specifies the character code of a system character key — that is, a character key that is pressed while the ALT key is down.
WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE0x15This message is sent to all top-level windows when a change is made to a system color setting.
WM_SYSCOMMAND0x112A window receives this message when the user chooses a command from the Window menu (formerly known as the system or control menu) or when the user chooses the maximize button, minimize button, restore button, or close button.
WM_SYSDEADCHAR0x107The WM_SYSDEADCHAR message is sent to the window with the keyboard focus when a WM_SYSKEYDOWN message is translated by the TranslateMessage function. WM_SYSDEADCHAR specifies the character code of a system dead key — that is, a dead key that is pressed while holding down the ALT key.
WM_SYSKEYDOWN0x104The WM_SYSKEYDOWN message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when the user presses the F10 key (which activates the menu bar) or holds down the ALT key and then presses another key. It also occurs when no window currently has the keyboard focus; in this case, the WM_SYSKEYDOWN message is sent to the active window. The window that receives the message can distinguish between these two contexts by checking the context code in the lParam parameter.
WM_SYSKEYUP0x105The WM_SYSKEYUP message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when the user releases a key that was pressed while the ALT key was held down. It also occurs when no window currently has the keyboard focus; in this case, the WM_SYSKEYUP message is sent to the active window. The window that receives the message can distinguish between these two contexts by checking the context code in the lParam parameter.
WM_TCARD0x52Sent to an application that has initiated a training card with Microsoft Windows Help. The message informs the application when the user clicks an authorable button. An application initiates a training card by specifying the HELP_TCARD command in a call to the WinHelp function.
WM_TIMECHANGE0x1EA message that is sent whenever there is a change in the system time.
WM_TIMER0x113The WM_TIMER message is posted to the installing thread's message queue when a timer expires. The message is posted by the GetMessage or PeekMessage function.
WM_UNDO0x304An application sends a WM_UNDO message to an edit control to undo the last operation. When this message is sent to an edit control, the previously deleted text is restored or the previously added text is deleted.
WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP0x125The WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP message is sent when a drop-down menu or submenu has been destroyed.
WM_USER0x400The WM_USER constant is used by applications to help define private messages for use by private window classes, usually of the form WM_USER+X, where X is an integer value.
WM_USERCHANGED0x54The WM_USERCHANGED message is sent to all windows after the user has logged on or off. When the user logs on or off, the system updates the user-specific settings. The system sends this message immediately after updating the settings.
WM_VKEYTOITEM0x2ESent by a list box with the LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT style to its owner in response to a WM_KEYDOWN message.
WM_VSCROLL0x115The WM_VSCROLL message is sent to a window when a scroll event occurs in the window's standard vertical scroll bar. This message is also sent to the owner of a vertical scroll bar control when a scroll event occurs in the control.
WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD0x30AThe WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD message is sent to the clipboard owner by a clipboard viewer window when the clipboard contains data in the CF_OWNERDISPLAY format and an event occurs in the clipboard viewer's vertical scroll bar. The owner should scroll the clipboard image and update the scroll bar values.
WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED0x47The WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED message is sent to a window whose size, position, or place in the Z order has changed as a result of a call to the SetWindowPos function or another window-management function.
WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING0x46The WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message is sent to a window whose size, position, or place in the Z order is about to change as a result of a call to the SetWindowPos function or another window-management function.
WM_WININICHANGE0x1AAn application sends the WM_WININICHANGE message to all top-level windows after making a change to the WIN.INI file. The SystemParametersInfo function sends this message after an application uses the function to change a setting in WIN.INI. Note The WM_WININICHANGE message is provided only for compatibility with earlier versions of the system. Applications should use the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message.
WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK0x20DThe WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK message is posted when the user double-clicks the first or second X button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse.
WM_XBUTTONDOWN0x20BThe WM_XBUTTONDOWN message is posted when the user presses the first or second X button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse.
WM_XBUTTONUP0x20CThe WM_XBUTTONUP message is posted when the user releases the first or second X button while the cursor is in the client area of a window. If the mouse is not captured, the message is posted to the window beneath the cursor. Otherwise, the message is posted to the window that has captured the mouse.


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