>>>import zipfile , os

//infomation for zip file

>>>zipFileHandle = zipfile.ZipFile('example.zip')   //create zip file handle

>>>zipFileHandle.namelist()      //return all files and directorys in the zip file

>>>spamInfo = zipFileHandle.getinfo('filename') //return a object of file in the zip file

>>>spamInfo.filename     //return filename

>>>spamInfo.file_size    //return file original size

>>>spamInfo.compress_size   // file compressed size

>>>round(spamInfo.compress_size / spamInfo/file_size , 2)    //compress rate


>>>zipFileHandle.extractall()      //unzip all to current directory

>>>zipFileHandle.extract('filename')   //unzip 'filename' file to current directory

//close handle


//create a new zip file

>>>newZip = zipfile.ZipFile('new.zip','w')

>>>newZip.write('filename' , compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)


//add files into a zip file

>>>zipFileHandle = zipfile.ZipFile('oldfile.zip' , 'a')

>>>zipFileHandle.write('filename' , compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
