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原创 python常见知识点

python常见知识点基础常用函数:print eval dir type range zip enumerate random​ 格式化输出 format %基础类型:str list dict tuple set orderdict引用类型切片 可变与不可变类型深浅拷贝copy.copy,copy.deepcopy三大结构顺序 选择 循环f...

2020-03-30 21:38:41 173

原创 python实现js的escape的编码与解码

因为js的escape函数处理非字母数字的字符,简单来说,汉字均以%u开始4个十六进制数表示,其他符号转换与python无过大区别,不做辨识编码python3使用urillib进行编码,输出结果与js的escape函数的区别在于,%u变为%5Cu,因此只需要在输出时,再进行一次替换即可py2下为urllib.quote(),其他基本不变#编码import urllibprint(url...

2018-12-30 20:02:05 3197 1

原创 python 使用twilio免费发送短信

这里写自定义目录标题python 使用twilio免费发送短信登录获取发送用号码在python中测试,并发送短信python 使用twilio免费发送短信使用twilio提供的服务,貌似使用接口需要付费(即自动验证接收方手机号功能一类),基本的手动添加接收方手机号验证是免费的。主要功能:发送一个带有twilio的账号id和验证token(固定不变的)+短信内容,接收方(提前验证通过)可以收...

2018-12-30 19:43:02 2086

原创 13rd step for python:recursion && breadth traversal && ergodic traversal && time module

#递归遍历import osdef getAllDir(path,sp="  " ):    filesList = os.listdir(path)   #print(filesList)    sp += "  "    for fileName in filesList:        fileAbsPath = os.path.join(path,fileName)        if o...

2018-06-19 10:13:03 233

原创 12th step for python :decorator && partial function

decorator sometime we want to text a function ,but we need not to change this function ,we can use the decorator:def outer2(fun):    def inner():        print("inner")        fun()    return inner@out...

2018-06-19 10:12:26 156

原创 10th step for python:file operate (open ,read, write, close) && file operter && windows control && c

open ,operte,closefp = open("a.txt","r+")fw = open("b.txt","w")a = fp.read()print(a)s = "aaaaaa"fw.write(a)#this opertor will be excuted when the file closed,is not imediately to do.fw.flush()#if we w...

2018-06-19 10:11:17 265

原创 9th step for python:exception && assert && import module && Package && publish module && use pip ins

exceptiontry:    num = int(input("请输入一个整数"))    result = 8 / num    print(result)except ZeroDivisionError :    print("不可以输入零")except ValueError :    print("请勿输入除整数外的字符")except Exception as result :   ...

2018-06-19 10:10:12 148

原创 8th step for python:__new__ && single sample design model

__new__it give the tmp_space when  a object is instantiation and return it for object,after that the __init__ function will be start as nomalbut need to give the super().__new__(cls) ,class MusicPlaye...

2018-06-19 10:08:50 171

原创 7th step for python:class parament && class function && static function

     class Tool():    count = 0    def __init__(self, name):        self.name = name        Tool.count += 1a = Tool("a")b = Tool("b")print(Tool.count)like the globe parament ,but it is for a class ,no...

2018-06-19 10:08:15 159

转载 python-6th step for python :simple Method encapsulation && privete parament && inheritance

class HomeItem :    def __init__(self, name, area):        self.name = name        self.area = area    def __str__(self):        return "%s 的面积是%s"% (self.name, self.area)class house :    def __init__...

2018-05-24 18:12:41 153

原创 python-5th step for python :built-in function and class

built-in functionkey char:__function_name__dir(functionname)will show this functions' built-in functhonclasskey char:class Class_Name :    def function_name (self, parament) :        printinstantiatio...

2018-05-24 13:04:38 199

原创 python-4th step for python

change two parament:a = a+bb = a-ba = a-bor:a,b = (b,a)default parament:def a(b,m="",c=false):    d = "e"    if not c :        d = "f"a(g,c = true)more parament :more than one parament needed for one ...

2018-05-24 13:04:05 822

原创 python -3rd step for python :Advanced variable

Listlike the array in other programming languagea = ['k1'','k2','k3']index->a[0]  a[1]    a[2]List :key signal is "[]"a.a.append a.extend a.insert a.remove a.sort a.count a.index a.pop a.reverseTup...

2018-05-24 13:03:35 169

原创 python -2nd step for python : function_step

filename:a.pydef function_name(parameter1,parameter2) :"""XXXXX,this is the note to introduction this function"""    print    return XXfilename:b.pyimport a.pyb=a.function_name(p1,p2)

2018-05-24 13:02:41 180

原创 python基础-1st step for python

#!/usr/bin/pythonXX---means which version of python to create a program# XXXXXXX---means single notes ,for note"""XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"""---means numbers notes,for notearithmetic operator:+,-*,///,%----mea...

2018-05-24 13:02:02 965

原创 python 基础0-linux常见命令

ls                         |-show this list                            |-ls -l show the more information                             |- ls -a show a file which is hide                            |-ls ...

2018-05-24 12:57:39 204



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