unidac 6.0.1 与kbmmw 的一点小摩擦

      unidac 6.0.1  出来了,虽然支持sql server 直连等新特性,但是由于内部改动比较大,

导致与kmmmw 的集成起来存在有点小问题,就是如果数据库不是interbase 或者firebird 的话,

客户端访问kbmmw会出现"InterBase provider is not registered. You should add the

InterBaseUniProvider unit to the uses clause of any unit in your project or place

the TInterBaseUniProvider component on the form."的错误。其实问题很简单。只要把

kbmMWUniDAc.pas 打开,找到下面地方,注释掉对应的地方,就可以了。

     为什么会有这个问题呢?那是在很久很久的以前,在unidac 还没出世的时候,有一个使用kbmmw

和ibdac  的开发者(Brandon Rock)首先做了一个kbmmwibdac 的数据库插件。后来等unidac 出来后,

他根据kbmmwibdac 重新做了一个kbmmwunidac , 由于他使用的是interbase 数据库,就顺便加了上面的

两句。 kbm  作者也就顺理成章的留下了这一句。这一句一直也好好在那里呆着。没想到unidac 的新版本出来后,



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winxp+delphi7+kbmmw4.0.3+unidac+mssql2000+dbgrideh 基本实现xalion中所说的功能并加上自己的一些编写经验 1、远程方法调用 2、取图像(流的使用) 3、查询数据 4、编辑数据:增、删、改(如果操作错误会进行相应的提示) 5、存储过程使用方法(存储过程参数自动创建) 6、动态创建数据集并执行Insert操作 7、命名查询(namedQuery) 8、事务操作(直接写SQL语句更新表的事务操作,有个重要的属性要设置,否则会更新不成功) 9、使用的数据库:sqlserver 2000,请到服务器的FDM单元把连接参数改下 10、数据库kbm_test结构参见:kbm_test.sql 11、安装kbmMw时请把配置文件 kbmMWConfig.inc中 {$DEFINE KBMMW_UNIDAC_SUPPORT} // UNIDAC support. 前面的//去掉 12、使用delphi7 2012年8月新增功能与说明 1、客户端断线重连:kbmMWTCPIPIndyClientTransport1.MaxRetries := 2;//重连一次 2、对象传输 3、JSON传输(利用kbmmw带的json库实现) 4、客户端断开代码: if FDM.kbmMWSimpleClient1.Transport.IsConnected then begin //memo1.Lines.Add('程序已有300秒没有进行操作,断开连接'); FDM.kbmMWSimpleClient1.Disconnect; end; 5、新增远程过程调用函数(直接SQL语句操作数据库): startTran:启动事务 commitTran:提交事务 rollbackTran:回滚事务 openSql:打开SQL语句 execSql:执行SQL语句 注openSql、execSql两个函数体代码使用对象连接池技术,无对象创建与释放,以提高系统效率, 具体能提高多少,未实测 6、增加HTTP协议例子(参考资料:kbmMW_and_AJAX.pdf),提供http-get的功能,http-post的功能可参照http-get方法实现 7、提供数据集转json与json转数据集 (CDSFromJSon(CDS:TClientDataSet;JsonStr:string):Boolean)单元:uDBJson.pas 参照代码可自行把json转kbmmwQuery kbmmw编译unidac方法: 修改单元kbmMWUNIDAC.pas,本人在数据库中很少用到blob字段,所以在代码里屏蔽掉blob字段的处理, 经测试数据库表字段类型为Text时,程序可以正常处理 报OLE DB error occured. CoInitialize has not been called (server)错误解决: unidac41src\Source\UniProviders\SQLServer\OLEDBAccessUni.pas constructor TOLEDBConnection.Create; begin inherited; CoInitialize(nil);//加此句 FCommand := nil; ... end; destructor TOLEDBConnection.Destroy; begin Disconnect; FCommand.Free; CoUninitialize;//加此句 inherited; end; 作者:chensm@vip.qq.com kbmmw开发交流群:209321818
iOS in C++Builder XE5 is supported RAD Studio XE5 Update 2 is now required Now obj and o files are supplied for C++Builder Compatibility of migrating floating point fields from other components is improved Bug with data loss when updating records in the CachedUpdates mode is fixed Bug with RefreshRecord in the CachedUpdates mode is fixed Bug with Master Detail when a connection and a query are placed in different units is fixed Bug with data display in Detail Dataset when master field is Null is fixed Bug with incorrect parameter sizes when re opening a query is fixed Bug with mapping to BCD fields when using TClientDataSet is fixed Bug with mapping single types to float types is fixed Bug with mapping to BCD and FmtBCD types is fixed Bug with filtering boolean fields is fixed Bug with freeing complex fields after refreshing before editing is fixed Bug with Locate by fields where Data Type Mapping is applied is fixed Bug with RefreshQuick when IndexFieldNames is set is fixed Bug with the TUniLoader AutoCommit property is fixed Oracle data provider An ability to establish OCI and Direct connections in the same application is supported New Oracle 12c connection modes are added SYSBACKUP SYSDG SYSKM Bug with connecting in the Direct mode under Windows 2000 and lower is fixed Bug with Password which length is exactly 16 characters for Oracle 10 in the Direct mode is fixed Bug with DB object names containing the "$" and "#" characters is fixed Memory Leak in the NonBlocking mode is fixed SQLServer data provider Bug with incorrect committing of data by the Loader component on errors is fixed MySQL data provider Bug with connecting in the Direct mode under Windows 2000 and lower is fixed Bug with returning an incorrect value in the RowsAffected property is fixed InterBase data provider Now RowsAffected returns a correct value without the need to prepare a statement explicitly Bug with string truncation when using the Loader component is fixed Bug when working with parameters of the ftTimeStamp type is fixed PostgreSQL data provider Bug with connecting in the Direct mode under Windows 2000 and lower is fixed Bug with handling international characters when using protocol version 2 is fixed Bug with backup of ENUM types using the Dump component is fixed Bug with Memory leak is fixed SQLite data provider Direct mode for x64 platform is supported Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version 3 8 2 Bug with executing multi SQL statements is fixed"> iOS in C++Builder XE5 is supported RAD Studio XE5 Update 2 is now required Now obj and o files are supplied for C++Builder Compatibility of migrating floating point fields from other components is improved Bug with data loss when updating records in the CachedUpdates mode is fixed Bug with R [更多]


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