



Universal Data Access Components Source Code
Copyright 1997-2010, Devart. All Rights Reserved

There are two ways to compile and install UniDAC for Windows manually.

I. Using IDE

Delphi and C++ Builder for Win32

Run your IDE and walk through folowing steps:
  1) Compile DAC run-time package (dacXX.dpk)
  2) Compile DAC GUI related package dacvclXX.dpk
  3) Compile DAC design-time package (dcldacXX.dpk)
  4) Compile UniDAC run-time package (unidacXX.dpk)
  5) Compile UniDAC GUI related package (unidacvclXX.dpk)
     If you are going to create CLX applications compile UniDacClx.pas unit separately.
  6) Compile and install UniDAC design-time package (dclunidacXX.dpk)
  7) Compile providers packages:
    oraproviderXX.dpk, msproviderXX.dpk, myproviderXX.dpk, ibproviderXX.dpk,
    pgproviderXX.dpk, liteproviderXX.dpk, odbcproviderXX.dpk.
    After you have compiled odbcproviderXX.dpk, compile providers that use ODBC:
    accessproviderXX.dpk, adsproviderXX.dpk, aseproviderXX.dpk, db2providerXX.dpk.

You can find these packages in
  Source/Delphi6/*.dpk - for Delphi 6
  Source/CBuilder6/*.bpk - for C++ Builder 6
  Source/Delphi7/*.dpk - for Delphi 7
  Source/Delphi9/*.dpk - for Delphi 2005
  Source/Delphi10/*.dpk - for BDS 2006
  Source/Delphi11/*.dpk - for RAD Studio 2007
  Source/Delphi12/*.dpk - for RAD Studio 2009
  Source/Delphi14/*.dpk - for RAD Studio 2010

To compile UniDAC based application add UniDAC Source directory path
to the "Library Path".

Delphi for .NET

Run your IDE and walk through folowing steps:
  1) Compile DAC run-time package (Devart.Dac.dpk)
  2) Compile DAC design-time package (Devart.Dac.Design.dpk)
  3) Compile UniDAC run-time package (Devart.UniDac.dpk)
  4) Compile and install UniDAC design-time package (Devart.UniDac.Design.dpk)
  5) Compile providers packages:
    Devart.UniDac.Oracle.dpk, Devart.UniDac.SQLServer.dpk, Devart.UniDac.MySQL.dpk,
    Devart.UniDac.InterBase.dpk, Devart.UniDac.PostgreSQL.dpk,
    Devart.UniDac.SQLLite.dpk, Devart.UniDac.ODBC.dpk.
    After you have compiled Devart.UniDac.ODBC.dpk, compile providers that use ODBC:
    Devart.UniDac.Access.dpk, Devart.UniDac.Advantage.dpk, Devart.UniDac.ASE.dpk,
  6) Specify the path to compiled assembles in "Assembly Search Paths"

You can find these packages in
  Source/Delphi9/*.dpk - for Delphi 2005
  Source/Delphi10/*.dpk - for BDS 2006
  Source/Delphi11/*.dpk - for RAD Studio 2007

To compile UniDAC based application add Devart.Dac and Devart.UniDac to
Namespace prefixes, add UniDAC Source directory path to the "Library Path" list.

II. Using make-files

Delphi and C++ Builder for Win32

  1) Go to one of the following folders (let's denote this folder %MakePath%):
     Source/Delphi6 - for Delphi 6
     Source/CBuilder6 - for C++ Builder 6
     Source/Delphi7 - for Delphi 7
     Source/Delphi9 - for Delphi 2005
     Source/Delphi10/*.dpk - for BDS 2006
     Source/Delphi11/*.dpk - for RAD Studio 2007
     Source/Delphi12/*.dpk - for RAD Studio 2009
     Source/Delphi14/*.dpk - for RAD Studio 2010

  2) Find in the 'Make.bat' line containing

     set IdeDir="D:/Program Files/Borland/Delphi7

     and make sure that correct path to IDE is set (always include forward
     quote and do not include ending quote)

  3) Run 'Make.bat'. Binaries will be copied to %MakePath%/UniDac subfolder
  4) Copy %MakePath%/UniDac/*.bpl files to a folder that is included in the
     PATH environment variable
  5) Run IDE and add dclunidacXX.bpl via Component->Install Packages... menu
  6) To compile UniDAC based application add UniDAC Source directory path
     to the "Library Path" list

Delphi for .NET

  1) Go to the following folders (let's denote this folder %MakePath%):
     Source/Delphi9/*.dpk - for Delphi 2005
     Source/Delphi10/*.dpk - for BDS 2006
     Source/Delphi11/*.dpk - for RAD Studio 2007

  2) Find in the 'Make.bat' line containing

     set IdeDir="D:/Program Files/Borland/BDS/4.0

     and make sure that correct path to IDE is set (always include forward
     quote and do not include ending quote)

  3) Run 'Make.bat'. Binaries will be copied to %MakePath%/UniDac subfolder
  4) Run IDE and add Devart.UniDac.Design.dll via Component->Installed
     .NET Components->.NET VCL Components->Add... menu. Specify the path to compiled assembles
     in Component->Assembly Search Paths->Add... menu

  6) To compile UniDAC based application add Devart.Dac and Devart.UniDac to
     Tools->Options->Environment Options->Delphi Options->Library->
     Namespace prefixes

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Ehlib 是著名的数据库连接控制,版本为5.0.13,DBgrid增强VCL控件;支持多表头,多固定列,按表头排序,支持合计列,并支持直接打印。可以和PB的ataWindow媲美。 本版本含完整源代码,支持以下 IDE: Delphi 5,6,7,2005 C++Builder 5,6 BDS 2006 (Delphi 2006, C++Builder 2006) Delphi 2007 RAD Studio 2009 (Delphi 2009, C++Builder 2009) Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010 (Delphi 2010, C++Builder 2010) 本人已在Delphi 2010运行通过,在本人编制的进销存软件应用完全正常。 注:Delphi2010里面安装不要修改bpl文件的输出路径,采用默认值,否则安装难以成功。 Version 5.0的改进: + At design-time grid can show such components as DataSource, DataSet, DataDriver in its the bottom left part. These components can be selected in object inspector by mouse clicking. It allows to find quickly and select components which is connected to the grid. + New mode - RowPanel. In this mode grid allows to show out cells of record one under another and change height of every cell separately. + Grid can have special panel of detail information for record. It is allowed to put any control from component palette on this panel. At run time, panel is hidden and user can open it by pressing on a '+' sign which is shown at the begining of every row. + Grid can scroll data smoothly and by small steps of one pixel size. Grid can scroll data smoothly vertically and horizontally. + Hot track. Grid can highlight a cell or a row under mouse cursor. + Grid can show vertical line in gradient mode between data rows and bottom part of the grid. + In mode Column.AlwaysShowEditButton grid shows EditButtons in shadow mode. It doesn't irritate eyes by big amount of edit buttons in the grid. + New property EditButtonsShowOptions is added in the Grid of type TEditButtonsShowOptionsEh. TEditButtonsShowOptionsEh = set of (sebShowOnlyForCurCellEh, sebShowOnlyForCurRowEh, sebShowOnlyWhenGridActiveEh, sebShowOnlyWhenDataEditingEh); When Column.AlwaysShowEditButton is True, this property allows to customize, in which cases it is need to show EditButtons. : See detail information


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