每日英语:Instant Gratification: China Luxury Buyers Getting More Impulsive

Think China's well-to-do shoppers spend precious hours deliberating how to drop that extra $20,000? Think again.

China's upscale shoppers are increasingly impulsive, according to a new report from consulting firm McKinsey & Co, which surveyed 1,000 Chinese luxury consumers in 14 cities during July and August this year. When asked how long they deliberated buying luxury bags, purses or wallets this year, 37% said less than a single day, up from 24% in 2010. For luxury watch buyers, 19% bought on impulse, pondering their purchases in less than a day, compared to 11% two years earlier.

Lavish impulse purchases are also more likely to happen on home turf. Chinese travelers, while accounting for nearly half of luxury items bought overseas, plan their shopping sprees, with only 15% spending spontaneously. Nearly 40% of shoppers on the home front are buying spur-of-the-moment indulgences, the study says.

The rise of the impromptu splurge has big consequences for luxury retailers, according to the report. On-the-spot Gucci gorges, Burberry benders and the like are done in shops, which means that the in-store experience is make or break. Skillful sales staff who know how to upsell and ask the luxury version of 'would you like fries with that?' are key, says Yuval Atsmon, a principal at McKinsey.

Poaching talented workers is all too common between luxury companies, but luxury firms will have to figure out a way to retain their assets, Mr. Atsmon said.

Many companies have already figured out the importance of employee retention. Closely held Ermenegildo Zegna Holditalia SpA executives have said that since the Italian fashion label was one of the first luxury companies to set up shop in China, in 1991, its rivals often attempt to steal away its employees. The company offers its employees a chance to work overseas and give them new opportunities in order to keep them.

Versace has launched a language training service to help its Chinese workers improve their English and work up the ladder to become managers.

Many companies have also already begun tapping into in-store impulses and are rolling out VIP services for their prized spenders. Companies such as Burberry PLC have started hosting private shopping experiences for their preferred clients.

New York-based Affinity China runs luxury shopping tours for groups of high-level Chinese consumers, offering them exclusive experiences. Last January it organized a private fashion show at Bergdorf Goodman's Fifth Avenue store and a meet-and-greet session with bigwig designer Oscar de la Renta.

Rolling out the red carpet will continue to be important, the McKinsey study said. By 2015, Chinese consumers will account for 34% of the more than $175 billion luxury goods consumed world-wide.

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Sure, here's a sample IELTS essay: In many countries, people are becoming increasingly concerned about the impact of fast food on their health. In your opinion, do you think the advantages of fast food outweigh the disadvantages? Fast food has become a popular choice for many people due to its convenience and affordability. However, there are growing concerns about its impact on health. In my opinion, the disadvantages of fast food outweigh the advantages. One of the main disadvantages of fast food is that it typically contains high amounts of fat, salt, and sugar. This can lead to a range of health problems, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Additionally, fast food is often low in nutrients, which means that people who consume it regularly may not be getting the vitamins and minerals they need to maintain good health. Another disadvantage of fast food is that it contributes to a culture of convenience and instant gratification that can be harmful to society. When people become accustomed to getting everything quickly and easily, they may lose the ability to work hard and achieve long-term goals. This can lead to a sense of complacency and a lack of motivation, which can be detrimental to personal and societal growth. Despite these disadvantages, fast food does have some advantages. For example, it can be a convenient option for people who are short on time or money. Additionally, fast food restaurants often provide job opportunities for people in low-income areas, which can be important for local economies. In conclusion, while fast food may have some advantages, the disadvantages outweigh them. The negative impact of fast food on health and society is too great to be ignored. It is important for individuals to make informed choices about what they eat, and for governments to regulate the food industry to ensure that people have access to healthy options.




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