1. This script is only suitable for CentOS 5.4

  2. Download the servicedesk.txt file from here.

  3. Copy the servicedesk.txt to /etc/init.d/

# cp servicedesk.txt /etc/init.d/servicedesk

  1. Edit the servicedesk file to modify the MDIR Variable. MDIR refers to /bin. Typically, if you have installed ServiceDesk Plus as a guest user, then MDIR will be,


NOTE: To edit the servicedesk file type #vi servicedesk.txt

  1. Give executable permissions for servicedesk startup script.

# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/servicedesk

  1. Create a blank file under /var/log for logging purposes.

# touch /var/log/servicedesk-plus.log

  1. Use chkconfig command to add the script as a startup process.

# chkconfig --add servicedesk
