

1. iostat  
iostat 5 10  
tty:      tin         tout    avg-cpu: % user % sys % idle % iowait
          0.0        102.2                0.2   0.7   99.0      0.1
Disks:        % tm_act     Kbps      tps    Kb_read   Kb_wrtn
hdisk2           0.0       0.0       0.0          0         0
hdisk3           0.0       0.0       0.0          0         0
hdisk0           0.4      33.8       2.6          0       172
hdisk1           0.0       2.4       0.6          0        12
cd0              0.0       0.0       0.0          0         0

%iowait 等待本地 I/O 时CPU 空闲时间的百分比  
%idle 未等待本地 I/O 时CPU 空闲时间的百分比  
当没有需使用CPU的进程但至少有一个进程在等待I/O 时, CPU时间属性标为iowait。
如果iowait 时间的百分比很高,sample示该磁盘输入输出(I/O)是导致系统运行速度缓慢的主要原因。  
%tm_act 硬盘繁忙的百分比  
注: tm_act的值很高,表明硬盘存在I/O瓶颈。  
1. 观察繁忙与空闲的硬盘,将数据从忙的盘移至相对空闲的的盘上,这会在一定程度上减轻由此引起的I/O 瓶颈。  
2. 依照上面"内存瓶颈"中介绍的方法检查内存换页的频繁程度。大量的换页操作会增加I/O负载。  

2. filemon  
filemon 命令用于查看哪些文件/逻辑卷/硬盘处于繁忙状态。在系统I/O 处于繁忙状态时运行下面的命令:  
#filemon -u -O all -o /tmp/fmon.out; sleep 30; trcstop  
30秒钟后会生成记录跟踪信息的文件 /tmp/fmon.out。从该文件中可以找出:  
1. 最为繁忙的虚拟内存段(segment)、逻辑卷和物理卷;  
2. 对页空间(paging space)的读写次数,确认硬盘I/O 是由于应用程序操作还是频繁的换页操作;  
3. 最为活跃的文件或逻辑卷,如果它们存放在繁忙的物理卷上,可以考虑将数据移至相对空闲的硬盘上,
文件系统的安装点(mount point)及文件的i节点(inode)可与命令ncheck一起使用,来找出相对应的文件。
这个报sample可用来判断该I/O操作是针对文件系统、JFS Log 还是系统页空间的。  
通过检查字段"reads"和"read sequences"的值,可以判断该操作是顺序读取还是随机读取。
当 "read sequences"接近"reads"时,对该文件的访问则以随机读取方式居多。

附filemon 的输出示例:
P650A:/#filemon -u -O all -o /tmp/fmon.out; sleep 30; trcstop
Mon May 16 15:51:49 2011
System: AIX 5.3 Node: P650A Machine: 00C3EE9E4C00
Run trcstop command to signal end of trace.
P650A:/#[filemon: Reporting started]
[filemon: Reporting completed]
[filemon: 30.013 secs in measured interval]
P650A:/#more /tmp/fmon.out 
Mon May 16 15:51:49 2011
System: AIX 5.3 Node: P650A Machine: 00C3EE9E4C00
Cpu utilization:  53.9%
Cpu allocation:   97.1%
9185662 events were lost.  Reported data may have inconsistencies or errors.
Most Active Files
  #MBs  #opns   #rds   #wrs  file                     volume:inode
 168.4      0  43111      0  pid=1511880_fd=0       
   0.8      3    204      0  unix                     /dev/hd2:37196
   0.7      0     47      0  pid=405822_fd=9        
   0.4      0     25      0  pid=364696_fd=15       
   0.2      0    158      0  pid=7827780_fd=5       
   0.1      0    210      0  pid=1_fd=0             
   0.1      0      7      0  pid=381286_fd=13       
   0.1     11     22      0                  /dev/hd2:66100
   0.1      0      5      0  pid=364696_fd=16       
   0.1      0     41      1  pid=7852356_fd=13      
   0.1      0      4      0  pid=294986_fd=15       
   0.1      0      4      0  pid=405822_fd=10       
   0.1      0     15      0  pid=7885144_fd=0       
   0.0      0     20      3  pid=7876884_fd=13      
   0.0      6      7      0  vfs                      /dev/hd4:930
   0.0      0      1      0  pid=294986_fd=16       
   0.0      3      3      0                   /dev/hd2:66341
   0.0      1      2      0             /dev/hd2:65708
   0.0      0      2      0  pid=0_fd=0             
   0.0      3      1      1  dsmscoutd.lst          
Most Active Segments
  #MBs  #rpgs  #wpgs  segid  segtype                  volume:inode
   0.1      0     28   170536  client                 
   0.1      0     28   90588  client                 
   0.1      0     15   30562  client                 
   0.0      0     10   b056a  client                 
   0.0      2      0   1705b6  working                
   0.0      1      0   e05af  working                
   0.0      1      0   d05ac  working                
   0.0      0      1   c280d  client                 
Most Active Logical Volumes
  util  #rblk  #wblk   KB/s  volume                   description
  0.79      0    648   10.8  /dev/oradatalv           /oradata
  0.51      0     88    1.5  /dev/hd8                 jfs2log
  0.00     32      0    0.5  /dev/hd6                 paging
  0.00      0      8    0.1  /dev/hd1                 /home
Most Active Physical Volumes
  util  #rblk  #wblk   KB/s  volume                   description
  0.79     24    608   10.5  /dev/hdisk0              N/A
  0.17      8    352    6.0  /dev/hdisk1              N/A
Detailed File Stats
FILE: pid=1511880_fd=0
opens:                  0
total bytes xfrd:       176582656
reads:                  43111   (0 errs)
  read sizes (bytes):   avg  4096.0 min    4096 max    4096 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg   0.009 min   0.003 max  36.139 sdev   0.355
FILE: /unix  volume: /dev/hd2  inode: 37196
opens:                  3
total bytes xfrd:       835584
reads:                  204     (0 errs)
  read sizes (bytes):   avg  4096.0 min    4096 max    4096 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg   0.006 min   0.003 max   0.008 sdev   0.001
lseeks:                 375
FILE: pid=405822_fd=9
opens:                  0
total bytes xfrd:       770048
reads:                  47      (0 errs)
  read sizes (bytes):   avg 16384.0 min   16384 max   16384 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg   0.010 min   0.010 max   0.010 sdev   0.000
FILE: pid=364696_fd=15
opens:                  0
total bytes xfrd:       409600
reads:                  25      (0 errs)
  read sizes (bytes):   avg 16384.0 min   16384 max   16384 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg   0.012 min   0.012 max   0.012 sdev   0.000
FILE: pid=7827780_fd=5
opens:                  0
total bytes xfrd:       161792
reads:                  158     (158 errs)
  read sizes (bytes):   avg  1024.0 min    1024 max    1024 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg   0.003 min   0.002 max   0.006 sdev   0.001
FILE: pid=1_fd=0
opens:                  0
total bytes xfrd:       136080
reads:                  210     (0 errs)
  read sizes (bytes):   avg   648.0 min     648 max     648 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg   0.003 min   0.002 max   0.009 sdev   0.001
lseeks:                 418
FILE: pid=381286_fd=13
opens:                  0
total bytes xfrd:       114688
reads:                  7       (0 errs)
  read sizes (bytes):   avg 16384.0 min   16384 max   16384 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg   0.013 min   0.013 max   0.013 sdev   0.000
FILE: /usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US/  volume: /dev/hd2  inode: 66100
opens:                  11
total bytes xfrd:       90112
reads:                  22      (0 errs)
  read sizes (bytes):   avg  4096.0 min    4096 max    4096 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg   0.008 min   0.004 max   0.024 sdev   0.006
lseeks:                 70
FILE: pid=364696_fd=16
opens:                  0
total bytes xfrd:       81920
reads:                  5       (0 errs)
  read sizes (bytes):   avg 16384.0 min   16384 max   16384 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg   0.011 min   0.011 max   0.011 sdev   0.000
FILE: pid=7852356_fd=13
opens:                  0
total bytes xfrd:       71272
reads:                  41      (0 errs)
  read sizes (bytes):   avg  1734.6 min     221 max    2064 sdev   541.6
  read times (msec):    avg   0.042 min   0.003 max   0.271 sdev   0.065
writes:                 1       (0 errs)
  write sizes (bytes):  avg   152.0 min     152 max     152 sdev     0.0
  write times (msec):   avg   0.017 min   0.017 max   0.017 sdev   0.000
FILE: pid=294986_fd=15
opens:                  0
total bytes xfrd:       65536
reads:                  4       (0 errs)
  read sizes (bytes):   avg 16384.0 min   16384 max   16384 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg   0.009 min   0.009 max   0.009 sdev   0.000
FILE: pid=405822_fd=10
opens:                  0
total bytes xfrd:       65536
reads:                  4       (0 errs)
  read sizes (bytes):   avg 16384.0 min   16384 max   16384 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg   0.007 min   0.007 max   0.007 sdev   0.000
FILE: pid=7885144_fd=0
opens:                  0
total bytes xfrd:       61440
reads:                  15      (0 errs)
  read sizes (bytes):   avg  4096.0 min    4096 max    4096 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg   0.004 min   0.003 max   0.006 sdev   0.001
FILE: pid=7876884_fd=13
opens:                  0
total bytes xfrd:       35230
reads:                  20      (0 errs)
  read sizes (bytes):   avg  1738.7 min     551 max    2064 sdev   555.2
  read times (msec):    avg 1157.846 min   0.004 max 19000.089 sdev 4258.232
writes:                 3       (0 errs)
  write sizes (bytes):  avg   152.0 min     152 max     152 sdev     0.0
  write times (msec):   avg   0.017 min   0.014 max   0.022 sdev   0.004
FILE: /etc/vfs  volume: /dev/hd4  inode: 930
opens:                  6
total bytes xfrd:       28672
reads:                  7       (0 errs)
  read sizes (bytes):   avg  4096.0 min    4096 max    4096 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg   0.005 min   0.002 max   0.008 sdev   0.002
FILE: pid=294986_fd=16
opens:                  0
total bytes xfrd:       16384
reads:                  1       (0 errs)
  read sizes (bytes):   avg 16384.0 min   16384 max   16384 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg   0.007 min   0.007 max   0.007 sdev   0.000
FILE: /usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US/  volume: /dev/hd2  inode: 66341
opens:                  3
total bytes xfrd:       12288
reads:                  3       (0 errs)
  read sizes (bytes):   avg  4096.0 min    4096 max    4096 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg   0.010 min   0.009 max   0.012 sdev   0.001
lseeks:                 12
FILE: /usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US/  volume: /dev/hd2  inode: 65708
opens:                  1
total bytes xfrd:       8192
reads:                  2       (0 errs)
  read sizes (bytes):   avg  4096.0 min    4096 max    4096 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg   0.007 min   0.006 max   0.007 sdev   0.000
lseeks:                 8
FILE: pid=0_fd=0
opens:                  0
total bytes xfrd:       8192
reads:                  2       (0 errs)
  read sizes (bytes):   avg  4096.0 min    4096 max    4096 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg  86.036 min  79.036 max  93.037 sdev   7.000
lseeks:                 10
FILE: /tmp/dsmscoutd.lst
opens:                  3
total bytes xfrd:       7757
reads:                  1       (0 errs)
  read sizes (bytes):   avg  4096.0 min    4096 max    4096 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg   0.004 min   0.004 max   0.004 sdev   0.000
writes:                 1       (0 errs)
  write sizes (bytes):  avg  3661.0 min    3661 max    3661 sdev     0.0
  write times (msec):   avg   0.010 min   0.010 max   0.010 sdev   0.000
Detailed VM Segment Stats   (4096 byte pages)
SEGMENT: 170536  segtype: client
segment flags:          clnt 
writes:                 28      (0 errs)
  write times (msec):   avg 512.575 min   4.273 max 3025.921 sdev 1124.006
  write sequences:      7
  write seq. lengths:   avg     4.0 min       4 max       4 sdev     0.0
SEGMENT: 90588  segtype: client
segment flags:          clnt 
writes:                 28      (0 errs)
  write times (msec):   avg 511.387 min   3.031 max 3024.705 sdev 1123.995
  write sequences:      7
  write seq. lengths:   avg     4.0 min       4 max       4 sdev     0.0
SEGMENT: 30562  segtype: client
segment flags:          clnt 
writes:                 15      (0 errs)
  write times (msec):   avg   8.398 min   8.385 max   8.408 sdev   0.007
  write sequences:      1
  write seq. lengths:   avg    15.0 min      15 max      15 sdev     0.0
SEGMENT: b056a  segtype: client
segment flags:          clnt 
writes:                 10      (0 errs)
  write times (msec):   avg   7.167 min   3.844 max   8.103 sdev   1.259
  write sequences:      3
  write seq. lengths:   avg     3.3 min       1 max       5 sdev     1.7
SEGMENT: 1705b6  segtype: working
segment flags:          work 
reads:                  2       (0 errs)
  read times (msec):    avg   5.557 min   5.021 max   6.094 sdev   0.536
  read sequences:       1
  read seq. lengths:    avg     2.0 min       2 max       2 sdev     0.0
SEGMENT: e05af  segtype: working
segment flags:          work 
reads:                  1       (0 errs)
  read times (msec):    avg   6.231 min   6.231 max   6.231 sdev   0.000
  read sequences:       1
  read seq. lengths:    avg     1.0 min       1 max       1 sdev     0.0
SEGMENT: d05ac  segtype: working
segment flags:          work 
reads:                  1       (0 errs)
  read times (msec):    avg   6.172 min   6.172 max   6.172 sdev   0.000
  read sequences:       1
  read seq. lengths:    avg     1.0 min       1 max       1 sdev     0.0
SEGMENT: c280d  segtype: client
segment flags:          clnt 
writes:                 1       (0 errs)
  write times (msec):   avg   8.514 min   8.514 max   8.514 sdev   0.000
  write sequences:      1
  write seq. lengths:   avg     1.0 min       1 max       1 sdev     0.0
Detailed Logical Volume Stats   (512 byte blocks)
VOLUME: /dev/oradatalv  description: /oradata
writes:                 18      (0 errs)
  write sizes (blks):   avg    36.0 min       8 max     120 sdev    21.2
  write times (msec):   avg   8.575 min   3.017 max  14.165 sdev   3.649
  write sequences:      18
  write seq. lengths:   avg    36.0 min       8 max     120 sdev    21.2
seeks:                  18      (100.0%)
  seek dist (blks):     init  63840,
                        avg 83666530.4 min   23712 max 178591480 sdev 88716020.7
time to next req(msec): avg 1523.929 min   0.002 max 11804.280 sdev 2894.606
throughput:             10.8 KB/sec
utilization:            0.79
VOLUME: /dev/hd8  description: jfs2log
writes:                 11      (0 errs)
  write sizes (blks):   avg     8.0 min       8 max       8 sdev     0.0
  write times (msec):   avg 1014.631 min   2.864 max 10091.925 sdev 3025.765
  write sequences:      9
  write seq. lengths:   avg     9.8 min       8 max      24 sdev     5.0
seeks:                  9       (81.8%)
  seek dist (blks):     init 494280,
                        avg     8.0 min       8 max       8 sdev     0.0
time to next req(msec): avg 2265.352 min   5.804 max 10045.696 sdev 3589.596
throughput:             1.5 KB/sec
utilization:            0.51
VOLUME: /dev/hd6  description: paging
reads:                  4       (0 errs)
  read sizes (blks):    avg     8.0 min       8 max       8 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg   5.875 min   5.017 max   6.228 sdev   0.498
  read sequences:       4
  read seq. lengths:    avg     8.0 min       8 max       8 sdev     0.0
seeks:                  4       (100.0%)
  seek dist (blks):     init 2389536,
                        avg 5036200.0 min 1713808 max 11610392 sdev 4648745.1
time to next req(msec): avg 1762.830 min   4.373 max 7010.239 sdev 3029.610
throughput:             0.5 KB/sec
utilization:            0.00
VOLUME: /dev/hd1  description: /home
writes:                 1       (0 errs)
  write sizes (blks):   avg     8.0 min       8 max       8 sdev     0.0
  write times (msec):   avg   8.500 min   8.500 max   8.500 sdev   0.000
  write sequences:      1
  write seq. lengths:   avg     8.0 min       8 max       8 sdev     0.0
seeks:                  1       (100.0%)
  seek dist (blks):     init 957512
time to next req(msec): avg 24910.354 min 24910.354 max 24910.354 sdev   0.000
throughput:             0.1 KB/sec
utilization:            0.00
Detailed Physical Volume Stats   (512 byte blocks)
VOLUME: /dev/hdisk0  description: N/A
reads:                  3       (0 errs)
  read sizes (blks):    avg     8.0 min       8 max       8 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg   5.757 min   5.000 max   6.213 sdev   0.539
  read sequences:       3
  read seq. lengths:    avg     8.0 min       8 max       8 sdev     0.0
writes:                 34      (0 errs)
  write sizes (blks):   avg    17.9 min       8 max      32 sdev    11.8
  write times (msec):   avg   9.867 min   1.498 max  49.412 sdev   9.138
  write sequences:      33
  write seq. lengths:   avg    18.4 min       8 max      32 sdev    11.7
seeks:                  36      (97.3%)
  seek dist (blks):     init 117212960,
                        avg 10718459.2 min       8 max 52186200 sdev 18350570.0
  seek dist (%tot blks):init 40.87664,
                        avg 3.73794 min 0.00000 max 18.19932 sdev 6.39955
time to next req(msec): avg 945.888 min   0.003 max 10045.698 sdev 2098.774
throughput:             10.5 KB/sec
utilization:            0.79
VOLUME: /dev/hdisk1  description: N/A
reads:                  1       (0 errs)
  read sizes (blks):    avg     8.0 min       8 max       8 sdev     0.0
  read times (msec):    avg   6.149 min   6.149 max   6.149 sdev   0.000
  read sequences:       1
  read seq. lengths:    avg     8.0 min       8 max       8 sdev     0.0
writes:                 23      (0 errs)
  write sizes (blks):   avg    15.3 min       8 max     120 sdev    23.7
  write times (msec):   avg   7.579 min   1.715 max  46.186 sdev   9.665
  write sequences:      23
  write seq. lengths:   avg    15.3 min       8 max     120 sdev    23.7
seeks:                  24      (100.0%)
  seek dist (blks):     init 23402504,
                        avg 36368105.7 min       8 max 108692392 sdev 48254032.5
  seek dist (%tot blks):init 8.16135,
                        avg 12.68295 min 0.00000 max 37.90520 sdev 16.82803
time to next req(msec): avg 1465.817 min   5.801 max 9765.621 sdev 2781.132
throughput:             6.0 KB/sec
utilization:            0.17
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