1. Prepare for An Interview (做好面试准备)

  • Know yourself well (what are your skills, what are your unique selling points,why should they hire you...)

  • 全面了解自己 (你有哪些技能,你有哪些独特的卖点,为什么公司一定要雇佣你...)

2. Research Companies (调查公司概况)

  • Know thy company well (visit company website, research company reputation, see what the competitors are doing...)

  • 全面了解公司情况 (访问公司网页,搜索公司的口碑,了解公司的竞争对手情况...)

  • Know thy role within the company well (what’s the position about, why is the job open, is it a replacement or addition...)

  • 详细了解所申请的职位 (这个职位具体是做什么的,为什么这个职位会开放,是否是替代前任还是新开设的职位...)

  • Anticipate the questions well,prepare answers well and practice in front of the mirror or a friend...

  • 提前预测面试问题,准备好答案,在镜子、朋友面前练习...

3. Overcome Nerves (克服紧张情绪)

  • Keep your cool and stay positive no matter what happens...

  • 沉着冷静,无论发生什么,都要保持积极的心态...

4. Dress Appropriately (穿着得体)

  • Choose appropriate attire that matches the company (pay attention to details, suit and tie for guys, dress conservatively for women, visit the office to see what others are dressing...)

  • 选择合适公司风格的衣着 (注意每一个细节,男士尽量选择西装领带,女士尽量穿着保守一点,提前拜访公司观察其他员工的穿着风格...)

Interview isn’t only the 1st impression, it’s the ONLY impression!


You are never a loser until you quit trying.
