

Note: This is for a US-focused resume. CVs for India and other countries have different expectations, although many of the points will be the same.


Although the example here is a developer resume, almost all of these points (everything but #9 and #11) apply to other positions as well.


1 One Page Resume: Recruiters do not read your resume; they do a 15 - 30 second "spot check" of your resume. When your resume is too long, it just takes your best stuff - the stuff that would have made the "one page cut" - and dilutes it with more mediocre content. Lengthy resumes do not make you more impressive, and there are many other reasons to keep your resume short too. A good rule of thumb is to keep your resume to one page if you have less than 10 years of experience or at most two pages if you have more than 10 years of experience. And if you think you can't get your resume to just one page, trust me, you can! You just need to think about what is really important for a recruiter to see.

1. 一页纸简历

招聘人员不会看你的简历;他们会对你的简历进行15 - 30秒的“抽查”。当你的简历太长时,它只会占用你最好的东西——那些本来可以让“一页纸”变短的东西——然后用更平庸的内容来稀释它。冗长的简历不会让你给人留下更深刻的印象,还有很多其他原因让你的简历保持简短。一个很好的经验法则是,如果你有少于10年的工作经验,你的简历应该保持在一页纸以内;如果你有超过10年的工作经验,你的简历应该不超过两页纸。如果你认为你的简历不能只有一页纸,相信我,你能做到!你只需要想想什么是招聘人员真正需要看到的。

2 No Objectives: All an objective does is state, in a wordy way, what position you're interested in. The company already knows that because you applied for a particular position. At best, it'll just waste space. At worst, it'll limit you since it'll exclude other positions that might have been interesting to you.

2. 没有求职意向


3 Use a Resume Template with Columns: Unless you're great with design, you probably shouldn't be creating your own resume template. It'll most likely look sloppy. Use a template, and make sure it has multiple columns. Using three columns, for example, will allow you to put the company name, position, and date all on one line. This makes it easier to read and saves space.

3. 使用带列的简历模板


4 Use Tables: If you're using Microsoft Word to create your resume (which you probably should), use Microsoft Word's "tables." Just make sure to hide the borders afterwards.

4. 使用表格


5 Short Bullets: Because resume screeners only spend 15 - 30 seconds on your resume, length bullets - anything that feels like a paragraph - just won't get read. Keep your bullets to one to two lines (with one line being better than two).

5. 精炼的要点

因为简历筛选者只花15 - 30秒的时间在你的简历上,那些看起来像是段落的要点——都不会被阅读。让你的要点保持在一到两行(一行比两行好)。

6 Accomplishment Oriented: Your bullets should focus on your accomplishments - that is, the impact you had - rather than your responsibilities. What did you build, create, design, optimize, lead, etc?

6. 成就导向


7 Quantify: Whenever possible, you should quantify your accomplishments. If you optimized something, by how much? If you won an award, out of how many people?

7. 量化


8 Resume: The general rule of thumb is to list your GPA if it's at least 3.0 or higher, but there are two important rules to know here: (1) You may choose to list your in-major GPA if it's higher than your overall GPA, but you need to specify that it's your in-major GPA. (2) If your school uses a different scale (such as a 10-point scale), you may want to convert your GPA to a 4.0-scale which will be more widely understood.

8. 履历


9 Projects: Most candidates should pick their top 3 - 5 projects to list on their resume. These can be academic required project or independent projects. They do not need to be completed or launched either. As long as you've done a "meaty" amount of work on them, that's good enough!

9. 项目

大多数求职者应该在简历中列出他们最喜欢的3 - 5个项目。这些可以是学术要求的项目,也可以是独立的项目。它们也不需要完成或启动。只要你在上面做了大量的工作,那就足够了!

10 Additional Experience: You can put additional experience, like leadership activities or awards, in a section like this (changing the name of the section depending on what you list). Be careful here to focus on what really matters. If you're applying for a coding role, your role as an eagle scout in high school is probably not very important!

10. 额外经验


11 Languages and Technologies: It's a good idea to list your languages and technologies, but remember that anything you list here is "fair game" for the interviewer to test. If you want to list a language but you happen to be a bit rusty in it, consider listing it as something like: "C++ (Proficient), C# (Prior Experience), ..."

11. 语言和技术


12 What did you NOT include?: Is there anything impressive / interesting that you've done that you left out? About 50% of candidates leave out an important project or other component of their experience because it wasn't finished / "official" / etc. If you've done it, and it's impressive enough to "make the cut" (you shouldn't just list everything you've ever done), then it belongs on your resume!

12. 你漏掉了什么


简历模板下载: Microsoft Word | LaTeX






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