适合 分布式系统工程师 的 分布式系统理论 中英对照

Distributed systems theory for the distributed systems engineer

适合 分布式系统工程师 的 分布式系统理论

Gwen Shapira, who at the time was an engineer at Cloudera and now is spreading the Kafka gospel, asked a question on Twitter that got me thinking.

Gwen Shapira曾在Cloudera做工程师,现在宣传Kafka,他在Twitter问了以下问题,使我有所思考。

I need to improve my proficiency in distributed systems theory. Where do I start? Any recommended books?
— Gwen (Chen) Shapira (@gwenshap) August 7, 2014

My response of old might have been “well, here’s the FLP paper, and here’s the Paxos paper, and here’s the Byzantine generals paper…”,
and I’d have prescribed a laundry list of primary source material which would have taken at least six months to get through if you rushed.
But I’ve come to thinking that recommending a ton of theoretical papers is often precisely the wrong way to go about learning distributed systems theory (unless you are in a PhD program).
Papers are usually deep, usually complex, and require both serious study, and usually significant experience to glean their important contributions and to place them in context.
What good is requiring that level of expertise of engineers?

And yet, unfortunately, there’s a paucity of good ‘bridge’ material that summarises, distills and contextualises the important results and ideas in distributed systems theory;
很不幸,几乎没有好的引导文章,来总结、提炼、场景化 分布式系统理论中的重要结论和想法;
particularly material that does so without condescending.
特别是 通俗易懂的引导文章 更没有。
Considering that gap lead me to another interesting question:

What distributed systems theory should a distributed systems engineer know?

A little theory is, in this case, not such a dangerous thing.
So I tried to come up with a list of what I consider the basic concepts that are applicable to my every-day job as a distributed systems engineer.
Let me know what you think I missed!

First steps 准备

These four readings do a pretty good job of explaining what about building distributed systems is challenging.
Collectively they outline a set of abstract but technical difficulties that the distributed systems engineer has to overcome, and set the stage for the more detailed investigation in later sections
这些读物都勾勒了一些列 抽象而非技术 的困难,分布式系统工程师必须要克服这些困难。这些读物的后面章节有更详细的研究。

Distributed Systems for Fun and Profit is a short book which tries to cover some of the basic issues in distributed systems including the role of time and different strategies for replication.
Distributed Systems for Fun and Profit 是一本小书,它想覆盖分布式系统中的一些基本问题,包括 时钟所起的作用、不同策略的复制。

Notes on distributed systems for young bloods - not theory, but a good practical counterbalance to keep the rest of your reading grounded.
Notes on distributed systems for young bloods - 非理论,而是一个很好的实践,以让你落到实处。

A Note on Distributed Systems - a classic paper on why you can’t just pretend all remote interactions are like local objects.
A Note on Distributed Systems - 一个经典论文,关于 为什么你不能假装所有远程交互像本地对象一样。

The fallacies of distributed computing - 8 fallacies of distributed computing that set the stage for the kinds of things system designers forget.
The fallacies of distributed computing 分布式计算的8个错误的推论,以提醒系统设计者。

You should know about _safety and liveness properties_:
你应该知道 安全 和 活力:

  • safety properties say that nothing bad will ever happen. For example, the property of never returning an inconsistent value is a safety property, as is never electing two leaders at the same time.
  • 安全 说的是 永远不会发生坏事。比如,不返回不一致的值 是 一种 安全, 同一时刻不会选出两个 主节点 也是 一种 安全。
  • liveness properties say that something good will eventually happen. For example, saying that a system will eventually return a result to every API call is a liveness property, as is guaranteeing that a write to disk always eventually completes.
  • 活力 说的是 好事情终究会发生。比如,对于每个api调用,一个系统终究会返回一个结果,这是一种 活力;保证一次写磁盘最终总能结束,这是一种 活力。
Failure and Time 失败和时钟

Many difficulties that the distributed systems engineer faces can be blamed on two underlying causes:

  1. Processes may fail
  2. 进程可能失败
  3. There is no good way to tell that they have done so

There is a very deep relationship between what, if anything, processes share about their knowledge of _time_, what failure scenarios are possible to detect, and what algorithms and primitives may be correctly implemented.
Most of the time, we assume that two different nodes have absolutely no shared knowledge of what time it is, or how quickly time passes.

You should know:

The basic tension of fault tolerance 容错导致的基本矛盾

A system that tolerates some faults without degrading must be able to act as though those faults had not occurred.
一个系统容忍一些错误而没有降级 必须能当成 就像这些错误没有发生过一样。
This means usually that parts of the system must do work redundantly, but doing more work than is absolutely necessary typically carries a cost both in performance and resource consumption.
This is the basic tension of adding fault tolerance to a system.

You should know:


Basic primitives 基本原语

There are few agreed-upon basic building blocks in distributed systems, but more are beginning to emerge. You should know what the following problems are, and where to find a solution for them:

Fundamental Results 基础结论

Some facts just need to be internalised. There are more than this, naturally, but here’s a flavour:

  • You can’t implement consistent storage and respond to all requests if you might drop messages between processes. This is the CAP theorem.
  • 如果节点间可能丢失消息[:P],那么你不可能 既 实现一致性存储[:C] 又 响应所有时刻的请求[:A]. 这就是 CAP理论.
  • Consensus is impossible to implement in such a way that it both a) is always correct and b) always terminates if even one machine might fail in an asynchronous system with crash-* stop failures (the FLP result). The first slides - before the proof gets going - of my Papers We Love SF talk do a reasonable job of explaining the result, I hope. _Suggestion: there’s no real need to understand the proof_.
  • 在一个异步系统中,一致性不可能以这样一个途径实现:既a) 总是正确的 ; 又b) 总是能结束 即使只有一个节点可能以 崩溃-*停止 失败 (FLP结论). 在看证明之前,看下我以简明的方式解释FLP结论的论文 Papers We Love SF talk . _建议: 没有理解证明的需求_.


  • Consensus is impossible to solve in fewer than 2 rounds of messages in general.
  • 一般地,只进行少于2轮的消息传递,不可能达成一致性 .
  • Atomic broadcast is exactly as hard as consensus - in a precise sense, if you solve atomic broadcast, you solve consensus, and vice versa. Chandra and Toueg prove this, but you just need to know that it’s true.
  • 原子广播和一致性,二者的难度精确的相等。更直白的说,如果你能解原子广播,那么你也能解一致性,反之亦然。 Chandra 和 Toueg 证明了这一点, 但是你只需要知道这个论断是成立的。
Real systems 真实系统

The most important exercise to repeat is to read descriptions of new, real systems, and to critique their design decisions. Do this over and over again. Some suggestions:
最重要的、应该不断重复的实践是:读新的、真实的系统的描述,并评价他们设计的决定。 下面是建议的系统:


Not Google:

Postscript 结尾

If you tame all the concepts and techniques on this list, I’d like to talk to you about engineering positions working with the menagerie of distributed systems we curate at Cloudera.

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