c++ 从字符串到文件读写



1     char *c_string = "fgd";
2 char char_array[] = {'f', 'g', 'd', '\0'};


  标准库中的string到底是种什么样的数据结构呢?好吧承认看不懂string的源码!那么baidu baidu不出来google一下->stackoverflow.com:c string的前几条不写了,关键一条:to determine the text's length, the array has to be scanned, character by character, fo a \0 character.
  A string(c++不是c string) is a class that contains a char array, but automatically manages it for you. Most string implements hava a built-in array of 16 characters(so short string do not fragment(使成碎片) the heap) and use the heap for longer string.
  C++ strings can contain embeded \0 characters, know their length without counting(通过什么方式不用计算就能知道它的length?string中要设置一个保存长度的内存?), are faster than heap-allocated char arrays for short texts and protect you form buffer overruns.Plus they are more readable and easier to use.
  However, C++ strings are not(very) suitable for usage across DLL boundaries, because this would require any user of such a DLL function to make sure he's using the exact same compiler and C++ runtime implementation, lest(以免) he risk his string class behaving differently.
  Normally, a string class would also release its heap memory on the calling heap, so it will only be able to free memory again if you're using a shared(.dll or .so)version of the runtime.
  In short:use C++ string in all your internal functions and methods.if you ever write a .dll or .so, use C string in your public functions.

  不过下面有人反对上面这段关于DLL中用string的看法“I do not believe the bit about DLL boundries. Under very special curcustances it could potentially break((one DLL is statically linking against a different version of the runtime than used by other DLL's) and worse things would probably happen first in these situations) but in the general case where everybody is using the default sharedd version of the standard runtime(the default) this will not happen”;
  喜欢反对意见!从小到大,心中形成一种非对即错的观念;导致有时非得去想要一本“内容完全正确的书”,或其他;错误就真的那么不好吗? 做个数学题非得做完全对才完美?


  FILE I/O(binary)
  Basic Model for File I/O
  In C++, the file stream classes are designed with the idea that a file should simply be viewed as a stream or array of uninterpreted bytes. For convenience, the "array" of bytes stored in a file is indexed from zero to len-1, where len is the total number of bytes in the entire file.
  Each open file has two "positions" associated with it:
  1.The current reading position, which is the index of the next byte that will be read from the file. This is called the "get pointer" since it points to the next character that the basic get method will return.
  2.The current  writing position, which is the index of the byte location where the next output byte will be placed. This is called the "put pointer" since it points to the locaiton where the basic put method will place its parameter.

  Opening a File -> Reading From a File -> Repositioning(使复位;改变…的位置) the "Get"  Pointer (Writing To a File -> Repositioning the "Put" Pointer)  (Reading and Writing Complex Data) -> Closing a File
  A file stream object can be opened in one of two ways. First, you can supply a file name along with an i/o mode parameter to the constructor when declaring an object:
ifstream myFile("data.bin", ios::in | ios::binary);
  Alternatively, after a file stream object has been declared, you can call its open method:
ofstream myFile;... myFile.open ("data2.bin", ios::out | ios::binary);
In order to manipulate binary files, you should always specify the i/o mode, including ios::binary as one of the mode flags.
  看到文档中没有用 << >> 原以为是不是文档过时了!Normally, for binary file i/o you do not use the conventional text-oriented << and >> operatrors! It can be done, but that is an advanced topic.(操作符重载吧!)
  下面只看一下它的Repositioning the "Put" Pointer
   To change the position of the "put" pointer (the file reading position) of an fstream or ofstream object, use the seekp method. The basic form of this operation takes a single parameter:
  ostream& seekp(streampos pos);
A streampos is essentially an unsigned long integer value. seekp moves the put pointer to the specified absolute file postion(where o is the start of the file). You can determine the current put pointer position using "myFile.tellp", a method with no parameters that returns the index of the put pointer on the given stream. There is also a variant of seekp that allows you to specify a positon relative to the current put pointer locaiton, or relative to the end of the file.

  The Difference Between Binary and Text Files
  The difference is that text files contain lines (or records) of text and each of these has an end-of-line marker automatically appended to the end of it whenever you indicate that you have reached the end of a line. There is an end of line at the end of the text written with the C fwrite() function or in C++ when you << endl. Binary files are not broken up into separate lines or records so the end-of line marker is not written when writing to a binary file.

write by fgd


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