###LinuxCBT PAM Edition - Notes###
1. PAM is a central, modular authentication framework
 a. Obviates the need for separate authentication schemes. i.e. per application auth
 b. Supports numerous dynamically loaded modules and methods. i.e. SiteMinder, Apache, SSH, etc.
 c. Exports methods of the various libraries under its auspices to calling applications
2. PAM abstracts underlying authentication methods
 a. MD5 - Encryption
 b. Blowfish - Encryption
 c. LDAP
 d. Shadow - /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow
 e. etc. - SiteMinder, MS Active Directory(AD)
PAM separates application authentication from auth mechanisms
3. PAM requires that application supports PAM (PAM-aware) - Coded into application
4. Authentication Flow
 a. Application -> PAM -> Underlying authentication source (local/LDAP/Windows/etc.)
5. Handles 4 types of management tasks
 a. Authentication - proving identity (username/password(credentials)) or BioMetrics
 b. Account Management - object access check, expiry
 c. Password Management - facilitates password management - change, updates, etc.
 d. Session Management - before and after user connects to service
6. Stores configuration in /etc/pam.d OR /etc/pam.conf
7. SUSE 10 stores global settings for modules in /etc/security
8. Popular PAM Modules:
 a. pam_warn.so - logs to Syslog using 'auth.notice'
 b. pam_deny.so - denies access without logging
 c. pam_unix*.so - provides /etc/shadow & /etc/passwd lookups
9. Each application (SSH/VSFTPD/Telnet/Login/etc.) has its own configuration file beneath /etc/pam.d. i.e. /etc/pam.d/login
Format of PAM Files:
Files are located in: /etc/pam.d for each service governed by PAM. i.e. (SSH/VSFTPD/etc.)
Note: /etc/pam.d/other handles authentication for services with NO file in /etc/pam.d
Note: Default configuration denies service via the /etc/pam.d/other file
Note: /etc/pam.d/common-* handle commonalities across services
Note: Files are lower-case

Each file in /etc/pam.d contains 4 tokens:
 1. Type
 2. Control
 3. Module Path
 4. Module Arguments
1. Type = (account | auth | password | session)
2. Control = (include | Requisite | Required | Sufficient | Optional)
3. Module Path = relative to /lib[64]/security - indicates module to be loaded
4. Module Arguments = arguments to be passed to PAM module
 a. Generally denoted using 'name=value' pairs and separted using whitespace
 b. escape space in value(h  of name=value) using [name=value 1]
auth     required       pam_warn.so
Note: PAM will consult 'pam_warn.so' when unrecognized service attempts to authenticate
auth     required       pam_deny.so
Note: PAM DENIES access to the unrecognized service
account  required       pam_warn.so
account  required       pam_deny.so
password required       pam_warn.so
password required       pam_deny.so
session  required       pam_warn.so
session  required       pam_deny.so

Note: PAM supports stacking of types and modules
Note: pam_deny.so does NOT log via Syslog, but rather simply denies access
Note: /etc/pam.d/other provides a trap or catchall to log and deny access for ALL 4 management types supported by PAM: 1.h   auth 2. account 3. password 4. session
Note: /etc/pam.d/other is the fallback file, if PAM does NOT find a service specific file
auth     include        common-auth
auth     required       pam_nologin.so
account  include        common-account
password include        common-password
session  include        common-session
# Enable the following line to get resmgr support for
# ssh sessions (see /usr/share/doc/packages/resmgr/README)
#session  optional      pam_resmgr.so fake_ttyname

# /etc/pam.d/common-auth - authentication settings common to all services
# This file is included from other service-specific PAM config files,
# and should contain a list of the authentication modules that define
# the central authentication scheme for use the system
# (e.g., /etc/shadow, LDAP, Kerberos, etc.).  The default is to use the
# traditional Unix authentication mechanisms.
auth    required        pam_env.so
auth    required        pam_unix2.so

account required        pam_unix2.so
password required       pam_pwcheck.so  nullok
password required       pam_unix2.so    nullok use_first_pass use_authtok
session required        pam_limits.so
session required        pam_unix2.so
Common PAMs:
pam_echo - prints messages
 man pam_echo
session optional pam_echo.so file=/etc/pam.d/sshd_text
Note: Changes take effect upon next instance of process
pam_warn - logs connection attempts via Syslog using 'auth.notice' facility.level
pam_deny - denies access(authentication) but does NOT log
pam_unix2 - provide authentication against:
 1. /etc/passwd
 2. /etc/shadow
 3. NIS[+]
 4. LDAP
Uses: /etc/security/pam_unix2.conf - Global configuration directives
pam_env - (un)sets environmental variables
Uses: /etc/security/pam_env.conf - by default
pam_ftp - handles anonymous access for FTPD i.e. VSFTPD, ProFTPD, etc.
Called from: /etc/pam.d/vsftpd
pam_lastlog - Displays time and host of last login by user
pam_limits - /etc/pam.d/common*
 Uses: /etc/security/limits.conf
 Limits include:
  a. RAM
  b. CPU
  c. Core file size
  d. File sizes
pam_listfile - /etc/pam.d/vsftpd - grants or denies access based a list
pam_nologin - /etc/pam.d/[login|sshd|ppp]
 /etc/nologin - prevents non-root access to the system
Account Policies with PAM
Authentication flow in Linux | Unix
User -> Application(SSH|VSFTPD|Apache) -> PAM -> /etc/nsswitch.conf -> DB(/etc/passwd|shadow | LDAP | Kerberos | etc)
Default Account Policies for SUSE and RedHat Linux:
 /etc/login.defs - read by PAM_pwcheck OR /lib/security/pam_pwcheck.so
  -contains myriad directives associated with account policies
   - Default_Home - default = yes - set to no to tighten security
   - Default Path - defaults to /usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin
   - Root Path
   - FAIL_DELAY - number of seconds between failed authentication attempts
   - LASTLOG_ENAB - whether to display user's last login to the system
   - LOG_UNKFAIL_ENAB - whether to log incorrect usernames
   - LOGIN_RETRIES - max login attempts
   - MOTD_FILE - reads /etc/motd by default and displays info. to connected user
   - PASS_MAX_DAYS   45 - enforces maximum number of days password can be used
   - PASS_MIN_DAYS   3 - ensures that user MUST hold password for 3 days
   - PASS_WARN_AGE   7 -
   - SYSTEM_UID_MIN            100
   - SYSTEM_UID_MAX            499
   - UID_MIN                  1000
   - UID_MAX                 60000
   - UMASK 022 - influences the default permissions assigned to files and directories
    -Files - defaults to 644 OR rw-r--r--
    -Directories - defaults to 755 or rwxr-x-r-x
    Note: UMASK is based a MAX value of 0777. i.e. 777 - 022 = 755(directories)
 YaST - permits configuration of various account policy checks
  - Password History - MAX of 400
   -/etc/security/opasswd - default storage location - encrypted
   -/etc/security/pam_pwcheck.conf - password history directive and others are configured
   -password:       remember=400 minlen=8 cracklib nullok
Note: To set password minimum length, update /etc/security/pam_pwcheck.conf
password:       remember=400 minlen=8 cracklib nullok
Note: Default is to perform 'obscure_checks'

'chage' - change password aging utility
 chage -l username
 chage -l linuxcbt
 chage -m 3 -M 45 linuxcbt - changes minimum and maximum password ages
Important Account Policy Files:
 - /etc/security/pam_pwcheck.conf - read by pam_pwcheck.so module - Min Lenght, Remember, etc.
 - /etc/security/opasswd - stores password history
 - /etc/login.defs - stores myriad account policy defaults
PAM Tally:
  1. The ability to tally failed login attempts and take action
  2. Denies user access to the system based number of failed login attempts
Note: This feature/modules is NOT enabled by default
/var/log/faillog - logs failed logins
provides 'pam_tally' utility to manipulate failed login counters
/var/log/messages contains failed login attempts in clear text unless redirected via Syslog
'faillog' utility performs similarly to 'pam_tally'
 - pam_tally --user linuxcbt - displays the count of user 'linuxcbt'
 - pam_tally --user linuxcbt --reset=5 - increases failed login count to 5
 - pam_tally --user linuxcbt --reset=0 - sets failed login count to 0
 - pam_tally - enumerates tallies for ALL users the system
Update ALL services to use pam_tally - configure common-auth (referenced by ALL PAM services)
  auth required pam_tally.so deny=3 unlock_time=60 - locks for 60 seconds
auth required pam_tally.so deny=3 unlock_time=1800 - locks for 1800

faillog - dumps ALL failed attempts
faillog -u linuxcbt - dumps failed attempts for the user 'linuxcbt'
Syslog Configuration to re-route PAM_Tally message - Failed Login Attempts
filter f_auth { facility(authpriv); };
destination f_auth_dest { file("/var/log/pam_auth"); };
log { source(src); filter(f_auth); destination(f_auth_dest); };
Note: Exclude 'authpriv' facility from 'f_messages' filter to avoid duplicate logs
Password Policy Control using - pam_passwdqc - Quality Checking Password module
/lib/security/pam_passwdqc.so - belongs to pam-modules* package
 1. Good module to enforce password policies
 2. Allows us to define minimu/maximum lengths for passwords
 3. Enforces character classes 1 - 4
 4. Enforces complexity based character classes and passphrases
 5. Suggests strong passwords
 6. Compares proposed new password with existing password
 7. Ability to enforce policy users and everyone or noone(generates warning but takes no action)
Character Classes include:
 1. Upper - U
 2. Lower - u
 3. Digits - 0-9
 4. Other characters - punctuations, non-printing characters and symbols
Note: pam_passwdqc does NOT support password histories
Note: min=N0,N1,N2,N3,N4
N0 = 1 character class i.e. abc
N1 = 2 character classes i.e. abc123
N2 = pass phrases i.e. 'testing 1 2 3' - defaults to 3 words
N3 = 3 character classes i.e. Abc123
N4 = 4 character classes i.e. Abc123$.
password required pam_passwdqc.so min=disabled,24,12,8,8 enforce=none
Note: Update minimum password hold in /etc/login.defs
password required pam_passwdqc.so min=disabled,24,12,8,8 enforce=users
Examples of passwords:
 1. testingthenewwayoftheworld07
 2. testingthenewwayoft07
 3. tEsting200703
 4. abc123
password required pam_passwdqc.so min=disabled,24,12,8,8 enforce=everyone max=40
password required pam_passwdqc.so min=disabled,24,12,8,8 enforce=everyone max=40 ask_oldauthtok
PAM Time
 1. The ability to control access to services (governed by PAM), based time and optionally TTY, user and/or group
 2. Reads, by default, /etc/security/time.conf rules file
  1. 4-fields in the /etc/security/time.conf rules file
  i.e. services; ttys; users; times
  2. * wildcard is supported
  3. Delineate or separate fields using logical '&'(AND) or logical '|'(OR)
  4. ! negates rule or component of rule
sshd & vsftp & login;
###Rule to deny SSH access from the user 'linuxcbt'
sshd;tty*;linuxcbt;!Al0000-2400 - denies user 'linuxcbt' access to SSHD ALL THE TIME
Note: No need to include pam_time.so in any of the configuration files because pam_time.so rules, located in /etc/security/time.conf, are ALWAYS processed
Note: Use PAM_time to effect session connection restrictions during maintenance windows
 1. Prevents non-root users from logging
 2. Obivates the need to shut services
 3. Displays the contents of /etc/nologin
 auth required pam_nologin.so
Note: pam_nologin.so is referenced by the following PAM files in SUSE10 Ent. Linux:
  1. ppp
   a. Dial-up - modem
   b. PPTP
   c. IPSEC
   d. other remote connectivity to the system
  2. login
   a. used to permit access to a shell via the system console
    i.e. tty1-6
  Note: Typical tty invocation is as follows:
   a. init (first process) is called
   b. init reads /etc/inittab
   c. /etc/inittab instructs the init process to spawn 6 ttys
   d. 6 ttys are accessible by using CTRL-ALT-F1-F6
  3. sshd
   a. SSH client connections to psuedo-terminals
   b. Also denies access if connection is made using SFTP
Additional Usage:
 Create /etc/nologin
  - touch /etc/nologin
Note: /etc/nologin and /lib[64]/security/pam_nologin.so do NOT apply to root or root-level users.
To Remove /etc/nologin restrictions:
 1. remove or rename /etc/nologin

Note: Effect changes to specific daemons, i.e. VSFTPD, by including an 'auth' directive in the daemon's PAM file:
 auth pam_nologin.so

1. Topology
2. Features of PAM
3. Format of PAM files - syntax - 4 required fields in the config files
  <type> <control> <module> <module parameters>
  module=/lib[64]/security/module_name.so - use short name i.e. pam_limits.so
  module arguments = execute man module name for more information
Note: Modules can be stacked and are processed top-down
4. Common PAMs
5. Account Policies with PAM
6. PAM_tally - tallies users' account login information
7. PAM_passwdqc - enforces password complexity and other attributes
8. PAM_time - restricts or grants access to service for user based time information
9. PAM_nologin
10. PAM_limits - imposes resource limits for services users and/or groups
11. Apache with PAM
PAM Limits:
  1. Ability to limit resource utilization based connecting user and/or group
  2. Controllable resources include:
   a. RAM accessible to user/group
   b. Storage used
   c. Core files
   d. # of processes that a user/group may create
   e. # of open files
   f. maximum file size
   g. max # of logins per user
pam_limits.so - reads /etc/security/limits.conf
Note: PAM_limits does NOT impose limitations UID 0 (root) users
Required Fields in /etc/security/limits.conf:
<domain>        <type>  <item>  <value>
domain = user/group scope - supports * wildcard
type = soft | hard -(enforces soft & hard limits)
item = pertains to resource we intend to limit
 i.e. memlock, data, core, nproc, nofile, fsize, maxlogins
value = value to assign to item to enforce the rule. Note: usually measured KBs
Note: PAM changes to limits take effect at next use of module - pam_limits.so
Note: pam_limits will NOT terminate existing sessions. Changes affect new sessions
Note: pam_limits.so MUST be referenced from at least e PAM file in /etc/pam.d

###Limits imposed by Dean###
linuxcbt        hard    maxlogins       7
maxlogins - enforces concurrency limits
Note: fsize item can be used in conjunction with quotas to achieve maximum disk utilization
Apache Configuration with PAM Support:
  1. Ability for Apache to authenticate users via PAM
  2. Obviates the need for separate credentials file(s) - i.e. created with htpasswd2 or htdigest2
  1. Install Apache2-devel* package - provides 'apxs' utility
  2. 'apxs' utility compiles Apache modules
  3. Download Apache-PAM module, unless your distribution provides a binary package. i.e. RPM or DEB file
[url]http://modules.apache.org/search[/url] - mod_auth_pam (name of Apache module, which uses PAM)
  1. tar -xzvf mod_auth_pam-2.0-1.1.1.tar.gz - creates top-level mod_auth_pam directory
  2. Install Apache2-devel* RPM using YaST
Note: We have installed Apache another SUSE Ent. 10 box -
Note: Ensure that pam-devel* is installed as well as compiler tools
  3. execute 'make' - compiles the source to binary
  4. Copy modules(.libs) to Apache's modules directory: /usr/lib/apache2
  5. Copy samples/httpd to /etc/pam.d - this is an auth PAM file
  6. Update Apache configuration - multi-step
   a. /etc/sysconfig/apache2 - contains startup directives for Apache SUSE Linux
    1. include 'mod_auth_pam' in list of modules to load at startup of Apache HTTPD2
   b. /etc/apache2/default-server.conf - this is for default web site
   c. If using Virtual Hosts update: /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/*.conf
Note: Confirm if PAM module is loaded using: 'httpd2 -D DUMP_MODULES'