
General Provisions

Article 1.   These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, for the purposes of protecting the rights and interests of copyright owners of computer software, regulating the relationship of interests generated in the development, dissemination and use of computer software, encouraging the development and application of computer software, and promoting the development of software industry and the informatization of national economy.

Article 2.   For the purposes of these Regulations, the term "computer software" (hereinafter referred to as "software") means computer programs and relevant documents.

Article 3.   For the purposes of these Regulations, the following definitions apply:

(1) "computer program" means a coded instruction sequence which may be executed by devices with information processing capabilities such as computers, or a symbolic instruction sequence or symbolic statement sequence which may be automatically converted into a coded instruction sequence for the purpose of obtaining certain expected results; the source program and object program of a computer program shall be deemed as one and the same work;

(2) "documents" means literal descriptions or charts used to describe the content, structure, design, functional performance, historical development, test results and usage, such as program design instructions, flowcharts, and user's manuals;

(3) "software developer" means a legal entity or other organization that actually organizes, or directly carries out, the developments of a piece of software and assumes responsibility for the accomplished software, or a natural person who independently completes, relying on his own conditions, the development of a piece of software and assumes responsibility therefor;

(4) "software copyright owner" means a natural person, legal entity or other organization that enjoys software copyright in accordance with these Regulations.

Article 4.   The software protected under these Regulations must be developed independently by the developer and fixed on tangible medium.

Article 5.   Chinese citizens, legal entities or other organizations enjoy, in accordance with these Regulations, copyright in the software which they have developed, whether published or not.

Foreigners or stateless persons having software first published within the territory of the People's Republic of China enjoy copyright in accordance with these Regulations. Software copyright enjoyed by foreigners or stateless persons under an agreement concluded between China and the country to which they belong to or in which they have their habitual residences, or, under an international treaty acceded to by China, is protected in accordance with these Regulations.

Article 6.   The protection of software copyright under these Regulations shall not extend to the ideas, processing, operating methods, mathematical concepts or the like used in software development.

Article 7.   A software copyright owner may register with the software registration institution recognized by the copyright administration department of the State Council. A registration certificate issued by the software registration institution is a preliminary proof of the registered items.

Fees shall be paid for software registration. The charging standards for software registration shall be provided for by the copyright administration department of the State Council jointly with the competent department for pricing of the State Council.

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辽B代驾管理系统对代驾订单管理、用户咨询管理、代驾订单评价管理、代驾订单投诉管理、字典管理、论坛管理、公告管理、新闻信息管理、司机管理、用户管理、管理员管理等进行集中化处理。经过前面自己查阅的网络知识,加上自己在学校课堂上学习的知识,决定开发系统选择小程序模式这种高效率的模式完成系统功能开发。这种模式让操作员基于浏览器的方式进行网站访问,采用的主流的Java语言这种面向对象的语言进行辽B代驾管理系统程序的开发,在数据库的选择上面,选择功能强大的Mysql数据库进行数据的存放操作。辽B代驾管理系统的开发让用户查看代驾订单信息变得容易,让管理员高效管理代驾订单信息。 辽B代驾管理系统具有管理员角色,用户角色,这几个操作权限。 辽B代驾管理系统针对管理员设置的功能有:添加并管理各种类型信息,管理用户账户信息,管理代驾订单信息,管理公告信息等内容。 辽B代驾管理系统针对用户设置的功能有:查看并修改个人信息,查看代驾订单信息,查看公告信息等内容。 辽B代驾管理系统针对管理员设置的功能有:添加并管理各种类型信息,管理用户账户信息,管理代驾订单信息,管理公告信息等内容。 辽B代驾管理系统针对用户设置的功能有:查看并修改个人信息,查看代驾订单信息,查看公告信息等内容。 系统登录功能是程序必不可少的功能,在登录页面必填的数据有两项,一项就是账号,另一项数据就是密码,当管理员正确填写并提交这二者数据之后,管理员就可以进入系统后台功能操作区。项目管理页面提供的功能操作有:查看代驾订单,删除代驾订单操作,新增代驾订单操作,修改代驾订单操作。公告信息管理页面提供的功能操作有:新增公告,修改公告,删除公告操作。公告类型管理页面显示所有公告类型,在此页面既可以让管理员添加新的公告信息类型,也能对已有的公告类型信息执行编辑更新,失效的公告类型信息也能让管理员快速删除。新闻管理页面,此页面提供给管理员的功能有:新增新闻,修改新闻,删除新闻。新闻类型管理页面,此页面提供给管理员的功能有:新增新闻类型,修改新闻类型,删除新闻类型。




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