
这篇博客详细记录了一次MATLAB运行时遇到的Segmentation Violation错误,涉及堆栈跟踪和调用堆栈,建议用户检查MEX文件源代码或联系技术支持。解决方案包括保存工作并重启MATLAB,以及报告问题步骤和相关文件。

Segmentation violation detected at Mon May 26 15:16:41 2008



MATLAB Version: (R14) Service Pack 3

MATLAB License:   161051

Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP

Window System:    Version 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)

Processor ID:     x86 Family 6 Model 13 Stepping 8, GenuineIntel

Virtual Machine:  Java 1.5.0 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM mixed mode

Default Charset:  GBK

Register State:

EAX = 14064023  EBX = 00000200

ECX = 02ff1438  EDX = 14060030

ESI = 14db4030  EDI = 0001a043

EBP = 00cdd174  ESP = 00cdd148

EIP = 11801411  FLG = 00210202

Stack Trace:

[0] Performance1.dll:0x11801411(0x13e50030, 0x14060030, 0x131c0030, 0x14db4030)

[1] Performance1.dll:0x11801683(2, 0x00cdd800, 2, 0x00cdd890)

[2] libmex.dll:_mexRunMexFile(2, 0x00cdd800, 2, 0x00cdd890) + 103 bytes

[3] libmex.dll:private: void __thiscall Mfh_mex::runMexFileWithSignalProtection(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(2, 0x00cdd800, 2, 0x00cdd890) + 73 bytes

[4] libmex.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mex::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(2, 0x00cdd800, 2, 0x00cdd890) + 169 bytes

[5] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(2, 0x00cdd800, 2, 0x00cdd890) + 271 bytes

[6] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl mdCallFunction(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_MATLAB_fn *)(2, 0x00cdd800, 2, 0x00cdd890) + 56 bytes

[7] m_interpreter.dll:public: void __thiscall ResolverFunctionDesc::CallFunction(int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const)(2, 0x00cdd800, 2, 0x00cdd890) + 94 bytes

[8] m_interpreter.dll:public: bool __thiscall Resolver::CallMFunction(int,int,class _m_operand * const,union m_operand_storage *,int,class _m_operand * const,union m_operand_storage *,int *)(2, 2, 0x10b08ec0, 0) + 947 bytes

[9] m_interpreter.dll:bool __cdecl inResolveMFunctionCall(struct _m_function_desc *,int,int,class _m_operand * const,union m_operand_storage *,int,class _m_operand * const,union m_operand_storage *,int *,enum inMarshalType *,unsigned int,int,unsigned int const *,int)(0x147ccd50, 2, 2, 0x10b08ec0) + 150 bytes

[10] m_interpreter.dll:bool __cdecl accelMFunctionCall(struct _accelOp *,struct _accelOp * *,int *,enum inMarshalType *)(0x11187fa0, 0x00cdde58, 0x00cdde44, 0x00cddfe4) + 161 bytes

[11] m_interpreter.dll:public: enum jitReturnFlags __thiscall accelCode::Call(enum inMarshalType *,int *)const (0x00cddfe4, 0x00cde220, 0x00cddff8 "0嵬", 0x787683d1) + 21152 bytes

[12] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inAccel(class accelCode *,enum inMarshalType *,int *)(0x11fb89d0, 0x00cddfe4, 0x00cde220, 0x00cde220) + 19 bytes

[13] m_interpreter.dll:bool __cdecl inExecuteHotSegment(struct _inJitAccelInfo *,enum opcodes *,int *,int *)(0x00cde088, 0x00cde144, 0x00cde0f4, 0x00cde220) + 1585 bytes

[14] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *,int *)(1, 276, 5, 0) + 287 bytes

[15] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(1, 276, 2, 0) + 282 bytes

[16] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x0ff30e20, 0, 2, 0x00cde6c0) + 724 bytes

[17] m_interpreter.dll:_inWordsj(3, 0x00cde660, 2, 0x00cde6c0) + 443 bytes

[18] m_interpreter.dll:public: void __thiscall Mfh_mp::inRunMP(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(3, 0x00cde660, 2, 0x00cde6c0) + 164 bytes

[19] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 3, 0x00cde660, 2) + 28 bytes

[20] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(3, 0x00cde660, 2, 0x00cde6c0) + 26 bytes

[21] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(3, 0x00cde660, 2, 0x00cde6c0) + 271 bytes

[22] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl mdDispatch(int,char const *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_MATLAB_fn * *)(891, 0x117cec8c "evaluate", 3, 0x00cde660) + 88 bytes

[23] m_interpreter.dll:_inDispatchFromStack(891, 0x117cec8c "evaluate", 3, 2) + 800 bytes

[24] m_interpreter.dll:enum opcodes __cdecl inDispatchCall(char const *,int,int,int,int *,int *)(0x117cec8c "evaluate", 891, 3, 2) + 145 bytes

[25] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *,int *)(2, 0, 0, 0) + 2534 bytes

[26] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *,int *)(2, 0, 0, 0) + 282 bytes

[27] m_interpreter.dll:_inInterPcode(2, 0x784d6e7c, 0, 0) + 81 bytes

[28] m_interpreter.dll:enum inExecutionStatus __cdecl in_local_call_eval_function(int *,struct _pcodeheader *,int *,struct mxArray_tag * * const,enum inDebugCheck)(0x00cdf278, 0x00cdf370, 2, 1) + 153 bytes

[29] m_interpreter.dll:$L74683(0x784d6e7c, 0x0302bb20 "[p eFN eFP] = evaluate(im,e)\n", 0, 0) + 184 bytes

[30] m_interpreter.dll:enum inExecutionStatus __cdecl inEvalCmdWithLocalReturnandtype(char const *,int *,enum inDebugCheck)(0x0302bb20 "[p eFN eFP] = evaluate(im,e)\n", 0, 2, 0x00cdf3bc "D敉") + 69 bytes

[31] m_interpreter.dll:_inEvalCmdNoEnd(0x0302bb20 "[p eFN eFP] = evaluate(im,e)\n", 1, 255, 0) + 16 bytes

[32] bridge.dll:enum inExecutionStatus __cdecl ThrowSignal(char const *)(0x0302bb20 "[p eFN eFP] = evaluate(im,e)\n", 0x7c80b6a1, 0x01207550, 0x01207550) + 60 bytes

[33] bridge.dll:$L86781(0, 0, 0x784d6e58, 0x7c36b71f) + 432 bytes

[34] mcr.dll:public: void __thiscall mcrInstance::mnParser(void)(336850, 0x455c3a45, 0x696c676e, 0x73696873) + 93 bytes

[35] MATLAB.exe:0x00401ca9(4194304, 0, 336850, 0x01207550)

[36] MATLAB.exe:0x00403d9f(0x0153d034, 0x7c93056d, 0x7ffd5000, 0x80544ffd)

[37] kernel32.dll:0x7c816fd7(0x00403c1a, 0, 0, 0)

This error was detected while a MEX-file was running.  If the MEX-file

is not an official MathWorks function, please examine its source code

for errors.  Please consult the External Interfaces Guide for information

on debugging MEX-files.

If it is an official MathWorks function, please

follow these steps in reporting this problem to The MathWorks so

that we have the best chance of correcting it:

1. Send this crash report to for automated analysis.

For your convenience, this information has been recorded in:


2. Also, if the problem is reproducible, send the crash report to along with:

- A specific list of steps that will reproduce the problem

- Any M, MEX, MDL or other files required to reproduce the problem

- Any error messages displayed to the command window

A technical support engineer will contact you with further information.

Thank you for your assistance.  Please save your workspace and restart

MATLAB before continuing your work.





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