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第一部分 听 力 (共两节,满分15分)

第一节 听力理解 (4段共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


听下面一段对话,回答第1~2题。 1. Where does the talk probably take place? A. In a bank. A. By cash.

B. In a classroom.B. By credit card.

C. In an office.

2. How will the man pay his fees?

C. By cheque.

听下面一段对话,回答第3~4题。 3. How does the girl say she is feeling?

A. Tired. B. Hungry. C. Feverish. 4. What is the doctor?s opinion? A. He believes she?s seriously ill.

B. He has not seen an illness like this before. C. He thinks she is nervous about the exams. 听下面一段独白,回答第5~7题。 5. What is the talk mainly about?

A. Moving to a new city.B. Making friends with others. C. Asking for advice. 6. Who suggests that the speaker should smile a lot?

A. Julie.B. Her brother. C. Her parents. 7. What does the speaker plan to do?

A. Introduce herself to others. B. Be warm and friendly. C. Be kind and helpful. 听下面一段对话,回答第8~10题。

8. What is the relationship between the two speakers? A. Workmates.

B. Classmates.

C. Relatives.

9. What will they do after their bike ride?

A. Go swimming. B. Have lunch. C. Return home. 10. How will they reach their destination (目的地)? A. Ride on the highway then turn left.

B. Turn left at the lake then right on the dirt road.

C. Turn left at the lake then left again at the end of the forest. 第二节 听取信息 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)



World Food Day


Raise awareness about hunger.

- Students will that will be sent to those in need.

- Students should eat to understand what it?s like to feel hungry. Different projects to reduce hunger in an environmentally-friendly way.

第二部分 语言知识与运用(共三节,满分60分) 第一节 单项填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

阅读下面句子,掌握其大意,然后从16—30各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

16. Some villagers say they _________ UFOs many times so far. A. see

B. saw

C. had seen

D. have seen

17. — Why weren?t you at the party last night?

— I _________ the NBA game between Rockets and Lakers. A. watched

B. have been watching

C. was watching

D. had been watching

18. Hundreds of thousands of buildings _________ if a big earthquake happens. A. destroy B. will be destroyed C. are destroyed D. will destroy 19. Our teacher _________ a report this afternoon. Don?t miss it. A. gives

B. was given

C. is giving

D. has given

20. It was not until the rain stopped _________ Mary left her office. A. that B. before C. where D. when

21. The Chinese government has made the Mid-Autumn festival a legal holiday, ________ people will

have a day off.

A. whenB. whichC. whereD. what 22. I will never forget the days __________ we spent together. A. when

B. that

C. in when D. what

23. He talked happily about the men and books __________ interested him greatly in the school. A. whichB. whatC. thatD. who

24. It is the third time that she has won the race, _________ has made his father very happy. A. which B. who C. where D. that 25. Please pass me the dictionary _________ cover is black. A. which B. its C. whose D. which of 26. The old man has two sons, _________ are lawyers. A. both of them A. a number of

B. both of whom

C. both of whoD. both of they

of milu deer living in China?

B. the numberC. the quality D. a great many

Purpose: Activities:

Performance: Musical group Summertime from . Talks:

28. Here are some toys. You can _________ one for your little sister as a new-year gift.

A. rule out

B. carry out C. take out

D. pick out

D. attach to

29. Who does this car A. according to B. pay attention A. usual

第二节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从31—45各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

A woman came out of her house and saw three old men sitting in her front yard. She said, “I don?t think I know you, but you must be 31________. Please come in and have something to eat.”

“Is the man of the house home?” they asked. “No”, she replied, “He?s out.” “Then we cannot come in,” they replied.

In the evening when her 32________ came home, she told him 33________ had happened. “Go tell them I am home and invite them in!” The woman went out and invited the men in. “We do not go into a 34________ together,” they replied. “Why is that?” she asked.

One of the old men gave an 35________ that their names were Wealth, 36_______ and Love. Then he added, “Now go in and 37________ with your husband which one of us you want in your home.”

The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was 38________ and he suggested inviting Wealth to fill their home with money, talking and laughing. “With riches, we buy new houses, expensive furniture, and colorful clothing. We will look much better in the eyes of both ourselves and our neighbors.” he said. And his wife wanted to invite Health; but their daughter-in-law 39________ they should invite Love so that their home would be full of warmth. “With that, we will feel much better in our family and our neighborhood as well. That?s of more importance.” she argued. 40________ the husband said to his wife. “Go out and invite Love to be our guest.”

The woman 41________ and asked the three old men, “Which one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest.”

Love 42_________ and started walking toward the house.

The other two also got up and 43_________ him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Health: “I only invited Love, Why are you coming in?”

The old men replied 44_________: “If you had invited Wealth or Health, the other two of us would have stayed out, but since you invited Love, wherever he goes, we go with him. Wherever there is Love, there is 45_________ Wealth and Health!” 31. A. frightened 32. A. friend 33. A. when 34. A. house

B. starving B. where B. dinner B. approval

C. upset C. husband C. why C. cinema

D. confused D. daughter-in-law D. what D. theatre D. explanation

B. regular

C. belong to

30. The company holds meetings with its employees.

C. commonD. often

B. adolescent

35. A. agreement

C. argument

36. A. Success 37. A. discuss 38. A. selfish 39. A. informed 41. A. went out 43. A. stopped 44. A. together 45. A. still

B. Cash B. defend

C. Health C. upset C. worried

D. Recovery D. challenge D. energetic D. included D. At last D. went in D. looked up D. heard D. hard D. also

C. exchange

B. overjoyed B. suggestedB. Somehow B. came inB. got up B. watched B. properly B. even

40. At the beginning. 42. A. stayed up

C. As a matter of fact C. stayed out C. mixed up C. followed C. yet

C. altogether

第三节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


In many countries today, laws protect wildlife. 46______ India, the need for such protection was realized centuries ago. About 300 B.C, 47______ Indian writer described forests that were somewhat like national parks today. The killing of game beasts was carefully supervised(监管). Some animals were fully 48______ (protect). Within the forest, nobody was allowed to cut timber (木材), burn wood for charcoal (木炭), or catch animals 49______ their furs. Animals 50______ became dangerous to human visitors were caught 51______ killed outside the park, so that other animals would not become 52_______ (easy). The need for wildlife protection is 53_______(great) now than ever before. About a thousand species of animals are in danger of 54_______ (die) out, and the rate (比率) at which 55______ are being destroyed has increased. If we took no measures to protect wildlife, some day our children would see no living creatures except man himself.

第三部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)

第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



When my son, Mark, was in the third grade, he saved all his pocket money for over three months to buy Christmas presents. The third Saturday in December Mark said he had made his list and had twenty dollars in his pocket.

I drove him to a nearby supermarket. Mark picked up a basket and went in while I waited and watched in the car. It took Mark over 45 minutes to choose his presents. Finally he came to the checkout counter and reached into his pocket for his money. It was not there! There was a hole in his pocket, but no money. Mark stood there holding his basket, tears falling down his face.

Then a surprising thing happened. A woman came up to Mark and took him in her arms. "You would help me a lot if you let me pay for you," said the woman. "It would be the most wonderful gift

you could give me. I only ask that one day you will pass it on. When you grow up, I would like you to find someone you can help. When you help others, 1 know you will feel as good about it as I do now."

Mark took the money, dried his tears and ran back to the checkout counter as fast as he could. That year we all enjoyed our gifts almost as much as Mark enjoyed giving them to us.

I would like to say "thank you" to that very kind woman, and tell her that four years later, Mark went house to house collecting blankets and clothes for the homeless people in the fire. And I want to promise her that Mark will never forget to keep passing it on. 56. When did the story probably happen? A. On Christmas Day.

B. Before Christmas Day,

C. On New Year's Day. A. with the writer

D. After New Year's Day.

D. with his friends

57. When they got to the supermarket, Mark went in_________.

B. by himselfC. with the woman

58. What happened to Mark in the supermarket?

A. His gifts were stolen. B. He broke his basket. C. He lost his money. D. He lost his way. 59. Why did the writer want to say "thank you" to the woman?

A. Because she bought Mark a nice present. B. Because she always paid money for others. C. Because she collected clothes for the homeless. D. Because she taught Mark to help people in need. 60. What's the best title for this passage?

A. A big supermarket


It is natural that young people are often uncomfortable (不自在) when they are with their parents. They say that their parents don't understand them. They often think that their parents are out of touch with modern ways; that they are too serious and too strict with their children; and that they seldom give their children a free hand.

It is true that parents often find it difficult to win their children's trust and they tend to forget how they themselves felt when young.

For example, young people like to act on the spot without much thinking. It is one of their ways to show that they have grown up and they can face any difficult situation. Older people worry more easily. Most of them plan things ahead, at least in the back of their minds, and do not like their plans to be upset (扰乱) by something unexpected.

When you want your parents to let you do something, you will have better success if you ask before you really start doing it.

Young people often make their parents angry with their choices in clothes, in entertainment and in music. But they do not mean to cause any trouble; it is just that they feel cut off from the older people's world, into which they have not yet been accepted. That's why young people want to make a new culture of their own. And if their parents do not like their music or entertainment or clothes or their way of speech, this will make the young people extremely happy.

B. A kind woman C. A happy familyD. A wonderful gift




第一卷 (三部分,共115分)

第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分, 每小题1.5分)

1. What does the woman want the man to do?

A. To work all the time.B. To play at homeC. To work and play

2. What is the woman thinking about?

A.Getting an extra job. B. Changing her job. C. Doing better in her job.

3. How much will the man spend?

A.$34B. $44 C. $68

4. What probably is Mr. Smith?

A. The woman?s bossB. The man?s boss C. The woman?s friend

5. When does the conversation take place?

A. After Saturday. B. On Saturday C. Before Saturday

6. What?s the matter with Mr. Hudson?s mother?

A. She was ill, but she feels much better. B. She was seriously ill.

C. She went to see him.

7. What kind of person is Mr. Hudson according to the dialogue?

A. A hard worker. B. A person who often gets angry

C. A person who cares nothing

8. Which maybe the reason why Mr. Hudson is so bad?

A. His mother?s illnessB. Maybe his son has brought him some trouble.

C.His manager wants to fire him

9. What are they talking about?

A. The man?s trip to New Jork.B. The lady?s trip to New Jork

C. The lady?s physics class

10. What did the lady see in New York?

A.The New York Library.B. The New York City Park

C. The Statue of Liberty

11. What advice did the lady give the man?

A. Visit New York in spring or fallB. Visit New York when it is hot

C. Visit the Statue of Liberty

12. What is the probable relationship betweeen the two speakers?

A. A manager and an interviewee B. A boss and his secretary.

C. An ad designer and his customer.

13. Which is true of Miss Brown?

A. She has just graduated from Peterson Secretary School.

B. She posted the ad in a newspaper.

C. She can do a lot of things besides phoning.

14. What was the result of the interview ?

A. Miss Brown was given the position.

B. Miss Brown was likely to be refused.

C. Miss Brown was likely to be given the position.

15. What is the possible relationship between the man and the woman?

A. Teacher and studentB. Husband and wifeC. Father and daughter.

16. How do they get to the place?

A. By car B. By bus C. By bike

17. What food does the man have ?

A. A bottle of beer.B. A basket of fruit C. A cheese sandwich

18. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In the classroom. B. In the examination room C. In the teacher?s office

19. Which of the following was NOT suggested for the exam review?

A. The textbook B. Class notes C. The research project

20.Why does the teacher say that the exam will be not easy for the students?

A.There will be a lot of multiple-choice questions.

B. Students will be tested on all the topics discussed in class

C.Students will have to respond to all the questions in the exam.



21. I won?t go there. It?s late now. __________, it is raining so hard.

A. That?s B. What?s more C. However D. So

22. After ______quick dinner, Stephanie likes to play ________ guitar for a while in the garden.

A. a; a B. a; the C. the; aD; 不填;the

23.It is suggested that another school___________ in our city.

A. should build B. be set up

C. will be set up D. will build

24.You can never imagine what great trouble we have ______the matter.

A. taken to deal withB. taken dealing with

C. took to deal with D. taking dealing with

25.Though he had felt that English was difficult to learn, he never _______, and finally he succeeded.

A. gave upB. gave inC. gave out D. both A and B 26. ______ is certain is ______ the mystery of Stonehenge has never been fully explained.

A. It, thatB. What, what C. It, what D. What, that

already taken them.

A. these B. ones C. the ones D. the others

28.My father always tells me that as long as I work hard my wish to be a scientist will surely ______.

A. come aboutB. happen C. take place D. come true

29.Because of the hard work of the farmers the desert finally ______ rich farmland.

A. changed B. turned C. turned into D. turned to

30.In the north people sometimes tie straw ropes (草绳) round the trees in winter to ______ them from the cold.

A. stopB. prevent C. save D. protect

31.He paid thirty yuan to post the moon cake, not ______ the charge (费用) for the


A. keepingB. taking C. including D. containing

32. --_______ will you leave for Hawaii?

--In around two weeks. I am waiting for my passport.

A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. When

33. ------What about going out for a walk after supper?

-------______. Walking after meals is good for health.

A. I couldn?t agree more.B. I?m afraid not.

C. I believe not. D. I don?t think so

34. The driver was about to drive to cross the street _________ the red light turned on.

A. as B. when C. before D. while

35. What difficulty will you have ________ people when you stay in a foreign country?

A. understanding B. understood C. to understand D. understand


Enid's wedding(婚礼) dress arrived at five o'clock in the evening, just seventeen before her marriage!

“I must try it on Mother!” .Three minutes later Enid's cries brought .The dress was much for her. It was like a bag in the front, and the neckline looked all

“Take it back to the dressmaker's,” Mrs Bale said.“She it tonight. Hurry now. Take it off and go.” The dressmaker's shop was closed.“Closed for One Week's Holiday,” home again to her mother.

“This is unlucky,”Mrs Bale said.” But what are we going to do? 44 I ask Mrs. Peters to help? She was a dressmaker once. I'm sure she could change it for you.”

and began to had it narrower at the front, and that was a big job. Then she changed the neckline. In fact she made it again. At ten o'clock the work was finished, and Enid tried the dress on. It fitted her beautifully.

The three women were having a cup of tea the doorbell rang .Mrs. Bale answered it and into the worried eyes of a woman. The woman was .

“Does Miss Enid Bale here?" she asked breathlessly. “Yes, she's my daughter.” “Oh, I am I've found you! There's been a our daughter has my wedding dress, and I've got . And I'm getting married tomorrow!” She held out the box to Mrs. Bale.

36. A. weeks B. minutes C. days D. hours

37. A. upstairs B. outside C. back home D. about

38. A. husband B. daughterC. mother D. neighbour

39. A. smaller B. shorter C. too big D. too long

40. A. wrong B. pleased C. rightD. waste

41. A. love B. tearsC. surprise D. danger

42. A. measure B. make C. repair D. change

43. A. voice B. sound C. notice D. saying

44. A. Will B. Would C. ShallD. Should

45. A. sent B. broughtC. pushed D. taken

46. A. neckline B. all C. nothing D. what

47. A. make B. keepC. change D. take

48. A. then B. untilC. when D. while

49. A. came B. got C. saw D. looked

50. A. short pretty B. fat young C. slim old D. little quiet

51. A. cupB. dress C. bag D. box

52. A. live B. work C. stay D. wait

53. A. thankful B. sorry C. angryD. glad

54. A. dress B. change C. mistake D. wish

55. A. yours B. hersC. the other D. others 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,满分40分)


An explosion on Thursday killed one and injured 21 in a busy street in Tongren, Southwest China?s Guizhou Province.

The bomb was hidden in a rubbish bin in the city?s commercial hub(商业中心),where lots of shops and restaurants are concentrated.

The ear-splitting blast was heard around 12∶50 p.m.,said a local newspaper, citing witnesses. The power of the blast shattered(使粉碎)nearby shop windows and ripped the stainless(不生锈的)steel rubbish can to pieces.

One passer-by,identified(确认)only as Zhang,said she was shocked by the noise and saw a lot of pedestrians lying on the ground when she got to the scene.

Thirteen of the injured were taken to a local hospital after the explosion. A doctor there said five were in serious condition but already out of danger after emergency treatment. The others were just slightly hurt.

The cause of the explosion is still under investigation, said an officer with the 56.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A. All the injured were taken to a hospital

B. 8 of the injured were not taken to a hospital

C. The rubbish bin with a bomb was in a restaurant

D. The rubbish bin with a bomb was in a shop

57.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. One passer- by, identified only as Zhang, saw the man throwing a bomb into a


B. Some customers in restaurants were injured.

C. The writer didn?t get to the scene.

D. All customers in shops got hurt.

58.In the last paragraph the underlined word“ speculate” probably means ________.

A. tell B. guess C. discussD. talk

59.What of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. Bomb Hidden in a Rubbish Bin B. The Cause of the Explosion

C. A Terrible Thing D. Market Blast Kills 1 ,Injures 21


Women turn to online shopping

Women have jumped ahead of men for the first time in using the Internet to do their holiday shopping,according to a study published last week in the US.

For Years men have been more likely to shop on the Internet than women,but during the 2004 holiday season 58 percent of those making online purchases were women.

“It shows how mainstream the Internet is becoming”,said Lee Rainie,director of the Pew Internet and American Life Project group,which carried out the study.

Rainie said it was only a matter of time before women shoppers caught up with men. This is because women traditionally make decisions about spending.

Users were more likely to shop online to save time. Internet users between the ages of 18 and 29 were responsible for some of the most dramatic(显著的)increases in the online gift-buying population this time around.

However,three-quarters of the US Internet users did not buy holiday gifts online in 2004.They worried about credit card security,or just compared online prices with off-line prices,then dashed off to the shops to get the best deals.

“But even if shoppers don?t buy online,websites are becoming promotion tools for stores,”said Dan Hess,vice president of Comscore Networks Inc.Hess said that actually most stores? websites can make customers fully believe the security of their credit card numbers. And most are able to ensure that gifts arrive on time.

“It?s all about making the shopping experience more efficient,more reliable and more comfortable,” Hess said.

60.Which of the following statements is true?

A.There were fewer women online shoppers than men in 2004.

B.Most of the Internet users between the ages of 18 and 29 are women.

C.People in the US were more likely to buy gifts online.

D.More women shopped online than men in 2004.

61.From the passage we can infer that________. usually decide how to spend money in the family

B.women usually decide what to buy in the family

C.the Internet is used in all the shops.

D.more and more shops will sell their goods online.

62.According to Dan Hess,shopping online___________. unsafe convenient a waste of cheaper

63.What can we know from the passage?

A.American people only buy gifts in holidays.





21. ---We are late because we took _______ wrong road.

---You should be careful ______ next time.

A. the…the B. a…the C. the…/

22. I’m afraid that the thread will break _____ it’s the weakest.

A. at which B. which

23. ---When will your new book come out?

---It _____ be out in a month at most.

A. should B. must C. can D. might

24. When the peace talks _______, they realized that there would be a war between the two countries.

A. broke outB. broke upC. broke away

25. It is believed that this book is _______ worth reading than that one.

A. more B. better C. quite

26. ---Did you have any trouble with the western customs ?

---_________ to speak of.

A. NothingB. NobodyC. None D. broke down D. mostC. that D. /…/ D. whereD. No one

27. In that supermarket on sale is a new type of computer, _____ low price makes it attractive to the students from

poor families.

A. which B. that C. whose D. what

28. Even if the treatment ________, there is still no magic pill for the patients in the last stage of AIDs.

A. works B. uses C. does D. helps

29. After a discussion they agreed to accept _______ they thought ______ the job.

A. whoever; fit B. whomever; fit

C. whoever; was fit for

30. ---Would you join us in the summer camp?

---________, you see.

A. It all dependsD. whomever; was fit for B. It doesn’t matter C. That’s right D. I’ll follow you

31. ---Long time no see. Haven’t you graduated from university?

---Yes. I _______ English for four years in Wuhan.

A. study B. am studying C. have studied

32. We can’t move into the new house now as it ________.

A. is decorating B. is being decorated C. will decorate D. studied D. has been decorated

33. ---What kind of film do you like best, John?

---Films with happy _________.

A. ends B. figures C. endingsD. stories

34. China won 32 gold medals in the 2004 Olympic Games, _____ second among all the competing countries.

A. ranked B. to rankC. to be ranking D. ranking

35. It’s important to give her an emergency phone number ______ the children get hurt or sick.

A. unless B. in case C. even though D. as long as


A man and his family lived on a large hill, from where many long steps led down to the street.

One day the man was36on his motorcycle on his patio (露台) and his wife was in the house in the kitchen. The man was racing the on the motorcycle and somehow, the motorcycle started to run. The man, still holding the handlebars, was through a glass patio door and the motorcycle fell onto the floor inside the house. The wife, hearing the39 , ran into the dining room, and found her husband lying on the floor, and bleeding (流血), the motorcycle lying him and the patio door broken. The wife ran to the and called for an ambulance.

After the ambulance took the husband to the hospital, the wife43the motorcycle and pushed it outside. Seeing that up the gas, and threw the towels in the toilet.

The husband got treated at the hospital and was

After arriving home, he looked at the broken patio door and the done to his motorcycle. He became sad, went into the bathroom, sat on the48and smoked a cigarette. After finishing the cigarette, he threw it between his legs into the toilet bowl while still . The wife, who was in the kitchen, heard a loud explosion and her husband had been blown away and he was suffering burns on the back of his 52and his hips (臀部).

The wife again ran to the phone and an ambulance.

While the ambulance crew (人员) were carrying the husband with the stretcher(担架) down to the street, one of the crew asked the wife how the husband had54himself. She told them and they started laughing so hard, one of them tipped(倾斜) the stretcher and the husband was thrown onto the ground.

He fell down the remaining (余下的) and broke his ankle.

36. A. working B. driving C. riding D. pushing

37. A. wheels B. door C. engine D. windows

38. A. brokenB. driven C. pushedD. dragged

39. A. wordB. crash C. news D. voice

40. A. cut B. harmedC. wound edD. hit

41. A. from behind B. away fromC. near fromD. next to

42. A. phone B. stationC. hospital D. street

43. A. tookB. felt C. stood D. laid

44. A. gas B. blood C. parts D. water

45. A. dugB. dried C. picked D. set

46. A. forcedB. allowedC. encouragedD. arranged

47. A. goodB. wrong C. damageD. harm

48. A. chairB. pit (坑)C. basin D. toilet

49. A. sittingB. lying C. lighted D. smoked

50. A. laughing B. calling C. singingD. screaming

51. A. trousersB. coat C. towels D. cigarette

52. A. armsB. head C. legs D. hands

53. A. asked about B. sent forC. called forD. called in

54. A. enjoyedB. burned C. saved D. supported

55. A. waysB. parts C. things D. steps



The English are often considered as unfriendly people who don't talk to strangers, but not London taxi drivers. I once asked a cabbie to describe his life to me and he didn't stop talking until I arrived home half an hour later. He told me many interesting stories and this is one of them: “Some very strange things happen late at night. The other day I was taking a woman home from a party. She had a little dog with her. When we got to her house she found that she'd lost her key. So, I waited in the cab with the dog while she climbed up the window.” “I waited … and waited … After half an hour of ringing the bell I deci ded to find out what was going on. I tied the dog to a tree and started to climb up the window. The next thing I knew was that the police came. They thought that I was trying to rob the house! Luckily, the woman came downstairs, she'd gone to sleep and forgotten about me and the

dog. I was in such a hurry to get away that I forgot to ask her for the fare(车资,车费).”

56.In the writer’s opinion, London taxi drivers are _____________.

A. unfriendlyB. talkativeC. helpful

57. From the passage we guess that the writer ______. D. strange enough

A. is the driver of the taxi B. often travels by taxi

C. is a foreigner visiting London D. lives in London

58. What does the underlined word “” mean in this passage?

A. Conductor. B. Stranger. C. Taxi driver.D. Porter.

59. The man was waiting outside the woman's house because ______.

A. he began to like the woman and her dog at the first sight

B. the woman had not paid him

C. he wanted to know what would happen when the police came

D. he was trying to go on talking with her


Dear Laura,

Hi! I am Veronica, your new pen friend from Singapore. I got your name and address from the Making Pen Pals' Column in Buddies magazine and thought I'd write to you. Well, let me start by telling you something about myself. I am 13 years old and I am studying in secondary one at Westdove School. I have just finished my exams. I live with my parents and younger sister in a five room apartment. I like swimming, playing tennis and reading novels. I love the outdoors, especially the sea and I have been on several trekking (long and hard) tours abroad. I enjoy listening to both pop and classical music. My favorite food is pizza and I love making it myself because I like to make it with lots of cheese and pepper. To sum it up, I am a talkative, caring and patient person.

I guess life in London must be wonderful with all the interesting places and good food to enjoy. I'd love to see the famous Big Ben. I hope to visit London during one of my school holidays. Laura, I would really like to learn more about your culture and lifestyle. I hope you will write back. I have enclosed(附有) my address and telephone number. Please feel free to call me if you make a trip to Singapore. I think you should because it is a wonderful place to shop. Till then, good-bye!

Yours faithfully

Veronica 

60. Veronica writes the letter to Laura because she wants to ______.

A. tell her something about herself

C. invite her to her country B. know something about her D. make friends with her

61. Veronica says she loves making pizza because ______.

A. pizza bought in Singapore is not good B. people can not buy fresh pizza in Singapore

C. she can make pizza to her own taste

62. From the letter we know that ______.

A. Veronica is not interested in traveling

B. Veronica has traveled a lot

C. Veronica has been to London before D. she thinks it is cheap to make pizza

D. Veronica thinks Singapore is the best place for travelers

63. Veronica thinks that Laura should come to Singapore some day because ______.

A. she can do a lot of shopping in Singapore B. Singapore is a city of flowers

C. Singapore is a good place to visit D. Singapore is her native country


More than 10,000 people were made homeless in Ternang when the Sungai Mas overflowed its banks yesterday after six days of continuous heavy rain.

The wooden bridge across the river has been washed away. The town is cut off by flood waters. At the fifth mile, Jalan Tengkn, the water is two meters deep. It is closed to all traffic. Flooding first happened at mid-afternoon yesterday along the river banks. People trying to get to higher ground were just in time to escape the destroying of the flood. Most of the flood victims(受害者) had to leave all their things behind.

The National Flood Relief(救济) Center was reported to give its help and by early evening the whole town was moved out, helped by the army, police, Red Cros(转 自 于:wWW.Hn1C.cOM 唯才教育 网:高一英语期末考试题及答案)s Society and volunteers(志愿者).

The flood victims are now housed in different simple relief centers in the nearby town of Ternang. “Everything possible is being done to help the unlucky people,” a government spokesman said, “In fact, money, food and clothing have begun to come in from public organizations and helpful people. A Disaster Relief Fund(救灾基金会) will be started as soon as possible.”

According to the latest reports it is still raining heavily at Ternang. The whole town is expected to be wholly covered by the water. So far no deaths have been reported.

64. This passage is probably taken from ______.

A. a storybook B. a textbook C. a magazine

65. It seems that the flood happened just because ______.

A. the banks were too low

C. the river was too narrow D. a newspaper B. the wooden bridge across the river was broken D. they had had wet days for some time

66. From the passage we know that ______.

A. though the town was flooded, you could still go there by bus

B. as soon as the water flowed over the banks, people began to go to higher lands

C. the government and the whole society are taking great care of the flood victims

D. the flood hasn't brought a large loss to the town as nobody died in the flood

67. What is the best title for this passage?

A. A Big Flood

C. Over 10,000 People Are Homeless B. Ternang Is in Danger D. Great Help Is Needed


There have been many great inventions, which have changed the way we live. The first great invention was one that is still very important today---the wheel. This made it easier to carry heavy things to travel long distances. For hundreds of years after that there were few inventions that have made as much effect as the wheel. There was little unknown land left in the world. People didn't have to explore(开发) much any more. They began to work instead to make life better.

In the second half of the 19th century many great inventions were made. Among them were the camera, the electric light and the radio. These all became a big part of our life today. The first part of the 20th century saw more great inventions. The helicopter in 1909. Sound movies in 1926. The computer in 1928, and jet planes in 1930. This was also a time when a new material was made. Nylon came out in 1935. It changed the kind of clothes people wear. The middle part of the 20th brought new ways to help people get over diseases. They worked very well. They made people healthier and let them live long lives. By the 1960s most people could expect to live to be at least 60. By this time most people had a very good life. Of course new inventions continued to be made. But man now had a wish to explore again. The world is known to man but the stars are not yet. Man began looking for ways to go into space. Russia made the first step. Then the United States took a step. Since then other countries, including China and Japan, have made their steps into space.

68. The first great invention ever known was ______.

A. the cameraB. the wheelC. the electric light D. the radio

69. Which of the following was turned out nearly at the same time with the jet plane?

A. The radio. B. The camera.

C. Nylon.

70. This passage talks mainly about ______.

A. how inventions affect (影响) people's life D. The helicopter. B. when electric light was invented

C. which country made the first step into space D. why cars were very important

71. We can safely come to the conclusion that people's life will be made even better through ______.

A. new discoveriesB. greater inventions

C. better ways to help people get over diseases D. all of above


As we know, most of the material things in our daily life have to be bought with money. But money is not all powerful. Money can't buy many things such as time and true love. There are 24 hours in a day. Sometimes when we are very happy, we wish that the period of happiness would last longer. But no matter what we do, or how much money we are willing to pay, we cannot make a day last longer than 24 hours. On the other hand, when we are unhappy, money cannot make the unhappy time pass away more quickly. True love is another thing which money cannot buy. Suppose we have someone who really loves us very much. Once he dies, he can give us no more love. Can our money raise him from death and make him love us as before? Here we can see very clearly that money cannot buy us love. Money can buy us diamond things, beautiful clothes, but never time and love. So money, after all, is not all powerful.

72. According to the passage, it is quite impossible for you to buy ______.

A. true friendship B. real diamond C. a large house

73. Which of the sentences expresses the main idea of this passage? D. an expensive car

A. Money cannot buy time and love.B. Money is not powerful at all.

C. Money can buy people material things. D. Money doesn't mean everything.

74.Through the passage the writer wants to tell people not to ______.

A. make money B. waste money C. save money D. worship(崇拜) money

75. From the passage we can see that in our life, besides something material, we need something ______.

A. spiritual B. beautiful C. lovely D. useful

第 II卷(共35分)




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Many people eat too many and that's not good

for their health. In poor country many people

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