


  1. Kids are more likely to intervene in a situation if they believe their parents expect them to help.


  1. The first lesson I learned as a newcomer for the company was never to underestimate the degree of difficulty I would face in career advancement.


  1. Just as I started to think that I was never going to get well, the illness began to recede. 正当我开始认为自己永远不会好起来的时候,病情开始好转
  2. Whatever the decision is, I would like you to know that your department is my first choice and I deem it a great honor if I could study in your department.


  1. During one particularly bleak moment in my career, a senior colleague of mine said to me “If you follow your dreams, the money will come. Follow the money, and you’ll lose your dreams.”


  1. Unless we can find a way to appraise nature and then invest in protecting it, our basic life-support systems are going to collapse.


  1. The blizzard moved south, turning into an icy rain that paralyzed the airports for three days.


  1. In this introduction we have diagnosed some of the causes of the illness and, in the following chapters, we will draw attention to its various unpleasant symptoms.


  1. In those days, divorce under any circumstances was socially unacceptable and there was great dismay in the family who went through it.


  1. Every time she talked about being rejected in her hunt for a job, she seemed on the brink of tears, and I would quickly switch the conversation to another topic.



  1. 1When the bus pulled to a stop and I got off, I was relieved because I had finished school and I had the weekend ahead of me to enjoy myself.


  1. When my car crashed into the big tree,I could feel the blood draining from my face and I wondered whether I was about to black out.


  1. All kinds of questions concerning the soaring housing price begin to pop up on cable television and the blogosphere(博客圈).


  1. The soldier‘s rapid march was stopped short by the general’s command; they were uncertain whether to go back or forward.


  1. A car crashed into the side of a house after the driver lost control and plowed through a hedge (树篱).


  1. Charles reappeared, after half an hour’s absence, and threw himself into an  armchair, where he lay back for some time with his eyes shut.


  1. No special equipment is needed other than inspiring, motivating music that you can dance passionately to and let yourself go.


  1. As her door began to open, she grabbed for the telephone, and then dropped the receiver as Luke walked in.




  1. Although secondary education is compulsory, parents are not required to send their children to state schools.


  1. The economic situation has been worsening, causing economists to contemplate whether the present policies are sustainable


  1. He was found guilty and was imprisoned in the Tower of London, where he died very quickly, aged only 47.


  1. It is obvious that the future of the Internet is to globalize more and more areas of the world, and that e-commerce and e-entertainment are going to go for more and more markets.


  1. However, your current losses should soon be offset by gains; the fund will produce a positive return of 11.6 percent over a nine-month period.


  1. Because she was so tall and slim, all the clothes looked marvelous on her and the other girls would groan their envy.


  1. This can be a helpful approach in discussion — someone may regard you as stubborn since you never want to change your mind, whereas you see yourself as determined.


  1. At weekends, the school park is almost empty except that a few cars cluster near the entrance.


  1. In the photographer's finest pictures there is also a degree of ambiguity, which allows them to be interpreted in a variety of ways.


  1. Tim stretched out a hand in apology for his thoughtless remarks and was consoled by a firm handshake from Mark.



  1. Virginia was a perfectionist.She was just not prepared to settle for anything that was second best.


  1. He could be quite casual in his attitude to his wife's anxiety,and more often than not(往往,多半) failed to let her know when he would be back from a business trip.


  1. “You'll kill yourself with those things," Arty said in a tone In which disappointment was mingled with disgust.


  1. Thanks to modern transportation,agricultural products in these remote mountainous regions can also be traded for other goods.


  1. As the market was saturated with a wide variety of goods,the economy became more balanced and the competition forced the prices down.


  1. Going with the flow doesn't mean that we don't know where we're going; it means that We are open to multiple ways of getting there.


  1. The athlete had been endowed with long legs and a persistent temperament so he was very successful.


  1. The wrongly accused man asked for extra compensation to make up for the stress he had suffered during the case.




  1. Much of the city was evacuated before the storm but thousands remained, many of whom were trapped by the water for days.


  1. Located in the heart of the city, the Dogs' Home is open seven days a week, 365 days a year to receive stray dogs.


  1. With the development of modern industries, a lot of traditional values that developed from a farm-based economy have been enormously diluted.


  1. There are gigantic changes in environmental conditions from freezing cold to extremely hot, and from dry to very humid.


  1. From a practical standpoint, how can you reduce production costs and at the same time minimize the risks involved?


  1. Child mortality decreased due to improvements in medical care and greater attention to problems related to proper nutrition.


  1. The disaster is already set to be the world's worst for ground casualties inflicted by a crashing aircraft.


  1. With Spring Festival drawing nearer, people are glowing with happiness, and are full of hope; this excitement is pervasive before New Year's Eve.


  1. Don't be too naive! If the manager of the car dealership intended to give you the job, he would have called you by now.


  1. To a large extent, computers have already permeated most aspects of our lives, from transportation and telecommunications to entertainment.



  1. Melanie got so upset by what Max had said to her that something inside her exploded, and she flew at him and hit him in a rage.


  1. Barbara left Alice and wove her way through the crowd to the library to avoid a late fee and renew the books she borrowed two months ago.


  1. Happiness radiated from Mary as she proudly told her parents about her remarkable Access in achieving her career goals!


  1. For people who live in industrialized I countries, it is hard to conceive of living without electricity and other modem conveniences.


  1. The car was lined with steel to protect the occupants from attacks by angry residents, who were strongly against gambling being allowed in their community.


  1. The boys stood at the shore of the river which was filled with water from the melting snow in the mountains, and they were hesitating to dive into the icy water below them.


  1. I bought a second-hand pocket English- English dictionary; it’s been very useful and cost me next to nothing.


  1. It was a hot and humid night; all the soldiers stayed down out of sight, waiting for the orders to attack.




  1. People donate canned food and old clothes most frequently, but rarely do they think about bringing in underwear- it’s one of the most obvious but overlooked needs of the homeless.


  1. Brian Wood watched his financial life spiral downward just when he thought he had overcome the obstacles which had been dominating his past.


  1. They are to leave the house with only their personal possessions, for they have got a letter ordering the immediate termination of their occupancy.


  1. The company was reportedly going bankrupt and this would result in the layoff of thousands of employees.


  1. The princess who was brought up in wealth understood that many things that are common and every day to her are unimaginable luxuries to people on subsistence wages.


  1. Young students should develop a broad spectrum of interests, which their parents should encourage and support as best as possible.


  1. I asked the waitress to refill my coffee cup and she happily complied repeatedly until I had consumed enough coffee to stay up all night and study for my exam.


  1. Though she lost the title of female world swimming champion last year, she reclaimed it this year when she gave it all she could.


  1. This type of system which originated in the United Kingdom has been widely used Throughout Europe and is gaining in popularity in the United States of America and Japan.


  1. Failure to make the request will be fatal to the accuser’s claim if the relevant limitation period has expired unless an extension of time is granted.



  1. He put down $20,000 as a deposit on the beautiful $200,000 villa believing that his investment would increase over time.


  1. The parents who feel that their own lives are miserable and are failures can wind up doing an immense amount of damage to their kids.


  1. Families that are paying for college or saving for college are trying to scrape together and save the money for their kids.


  1. Reporters were openly and aggressively questioning whether the party was on the verge of being taken over by extremists.


  1. The factory had just started production and in all likelihood it would take five to seven years to achieve full production.


  1. The conditions for the majority of the workforce will continue to deteriorate into widespread and extreme poverty if relief payment is late in comings.


  1. Only those who are weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each choice are in a position to know which one is best for them.


  1. Her romantic illusions of being married give way to recognizing her adult responsibilities that came with marriage.




  1. He could hardly control his indignation at the conditions under which the miners were forced to work, without water and enough food.


  1. Both sides were very careful when drafting the ceasefire agreements; they wanted to prevent any actions that could be considered provocative by either side.


  1. She has always had a militant personality; she is always prepared and ready to do battle when she believes that the cause is right.


  1. News stories overlap: Morning paper headlines take account of the previous evening’s radio and TV stories, and the electronic media pick up items from the daily press.


  1. Lucy stretched up to kiss her dad’s cheek lightly, and he patted his daughter as if he was conferring an honor to her.


  1. Inspired by Martin Luther King’s famous speech, “I Have a Dream”, thousands of people went out onto the streets to support the civil rights movement in defiance of the curfew.


  1. Beth was hesitant about visiting his ex-boyfriend; she worried that he might refuse to talk to her.

Beth 很犹豫是否要去拜访他的前男友,她担心他可能拒绝和她说话。

  1. When humans first traveled into outer space, it was as revolutionary a milestone in human culture as the invention of the wheel.


  1. Perplexed, she turned and noticed her husband had collapsed and was slumped on the floor behind the counter. She rushed to him and cradled his head in her arms.


  1. Health experts are now preaching that even a little exercise, such as doing housework or light gardening, is far better than none at all.



  1. Our students have almost limitless resources at their disposal; a well-equipped library, student workrooms, a large cafeteria, an undergraduate office and a computer center.


  1. South Africa's government imprisoned Nelson Mandela for 27 years, but never succeeded in its attempt to insulate him from his sacred cause against racial separation.


  1. Please remember to keep a copy for yourself as we cannot return manuscripts, irrespective of whether or not they are published.


  1. He won't be able to make any progress if he always has a high opinion of himself and criticism flows off him like water off a duck's back.


  1. Since Mary won the money and bought up the majority of the company's stock shares she now has authority over the people she used to take orders from.


  1. Your new boss is nice and will be kind to you provided that you, for your part work diligently without complaining too much.


  1. Despite the measures put in place to prevent plagiarism, it is sill not clear how students can get away with cheating in their exams.


  1. When the economic slump hit the country, many people who had lost their jobs had to dispense with a lot of luxuries.


  1. The majority of people are not lazy; they want to work hard, want to have a better future, and want to provide for their families.


  1. In 1940, some people thought Franklin Roosevelt was tiptoeing around the question of war, instead of confronting it,until the Japanese suddenly attacked the United States Navy Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor.



Social anxiety symptoms often begin during adolescence. It's a developmental process that is 1)characterized by profound psychological changes, especially in terms of how we relate to others. One of the most frustrating 2)aspects of the adolescent years is the tendency for tendency for self-focus and a decrease in the 3)amount of focus we have for the feelings and needs of others.

While these changes are fairly universal, those of us who were born with a shy temperament can carry the adolescent fears, which may never 4)recede, into adulthood. An anxious temperament causes our brains to react forcibly when 5)exposed to the stress of sudden awareness of our peers and gradually we become more and more vulnerable. Our brains label the fear of exposure or embarrassment as highly dangerous. This may result in a(n) 6)vicious circle for many years: excessive self-consciousness and inhibition when we feel we are being observed.

To cope with the problem, I would like 7)challenge you to strive for increased focus on other people, in place of your 8)excessive focus on yourself. Yes, I know, this is easier said than done. The fear may cause you to feel that you will lose control or make a fool of yourself when you are in the spotlight. But if you begin to build a new response, in 9)reaction to your fears, you will gradually build up a stronger and more positive response. Remember, don't let self-consciousness 10)paralyze you! Be courageous!





"Why would you leave behind your comfortable bed, your home, your family and friends?  Why do you want to go alone?" When you are living out of a backpack for a period of time, you may often get questioned why. I seldom get time to sit down and 1)contemplate the reason I travel, but I believe that you only begin to truly live once you step outside of your 2)comfort zone.

My first overseas trip was at 14 years old, which 3)sparked my curiosity for the world. Since finishing high school I have4)ventured through various countries and been amazed by all the 5)diverse cultures scattered around the globe. My eyes are my greatest asset as they have 6)witnessed the most beautiful scenes that replay in my mind every day: 7)stunning landscapes, friendly locals, breath-taking architecture, and food that makes your mouth water once your eyes catch a(n) 8)glimpse.

Traveling teaches you to be independent in the most 9)positive way. I know how to depend on myself, go out and meet people, and not let anyone else's expectations 10)dictate my life.

Every day I see my dream and every day it's in a new place. I am 22 years young. I quite agree with Anthony Bourdain, "If you're 22, physically fit, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel. Find out how other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them, wherever you go."





World War II was a global war that was under way by 1939, and ended in 1945. It involved a vast majority of the world's nations, including all of the great powers, eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis(轴心国). It was the most 1)appalling and widespread war in human history, with 2)innumerable people serving in military units. In a state of "total war", the major participants placed their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities at the service of the war effort, erasing(消除) the 3)distinction between civilian and military resources. Estimates for the total number of 4)casualties of the war vary, because many deaths went 5)unrecorded. Most suggest that some 60 million people died in the war. Many civilians died because of disease, starvation, and 6)massacres.

The war ended with the total victory of the Allies over the Axis in 1945. World War II altered the political alignment(结盟) and social structure of the world. The United Nations was established to 7)foster international cooperation and prevent future conflicts. The Soviet Union and the United States emerged as rival superpowers, setting the 8)stage for the so-called Cold War, which lasted for the next 46 years. Meanwhile, the influence of the European great powers started to 9)decline , while the decolonization(非殖民地化) of Asia and Africa began. Most countries whose industries had been damaged moved toward economic recovery. Political integration, especially in Europe, emerged as an effort to 10)stabilize post-war relations.




The American economy is built on credit. In the last decade, however, cheap credit made it too easy for people to buy houses based on pure speculation that real estate value would endlessly continue to increase. But the housing 1)slump set off a chain reaction in our economy. Individuals and investors could no longer resell their homes for a quick profit, 2)mortgages no longer became affordable for many homeowners, and thousands of mortgages defaulted (违约), leaving investors and financial institutions to face the terrible consequences.

Ironic, isn't it? Yes, it is true that credit got us into this mess, but it is also true that our economy is 3)incredibly unstable right now, and being that it is built on credit, it needs an inflow of cash or it could come 4)crashing down. This is something no one wants to see as it would 5)spread through our economy and into the world markets in a matter of hours,potentially causing a worldwide recession.

 Credit in and of itself is not a bad thing. Credit 6)promotes growth and jobs. Poor use of credit, however, can be 7)catastrophic, which is what we are on the 8)verge of seeing now. So long as the rescue plan comes with changes to lending regulations and more 9)oversight of the industry, there is potential to 10)stabilize the market, which is what everyone wants.Whether or not it works is to be seen, but as it has already been voted on and passed, we should all hope it does.





Laughter is a(n) 1)automatic response to being touched by a tickle(搔痒)—a natural response from the child. This puts the tickler in 2)charge of how much or how long the child laughs. We adults don’t read children’s minds, but we often have a(n) 3)presumption that we can. So we usually think we‘re aware of what’s too much tickling and when to stop. But it is possible to trap our children without knowing it. We parents become 4)attached to tickling because it seems to be a(n) 5)handy shortcut to laughter. We wish that our children are happy and love us, and tickling becomes our shortcut to get assured.

Rather than forcing laughter in this way, we can 6)confer upon them inner confidence if we will get down on the floor and invite them to be in playful physical 7)contact with us. If we find ways to give them much of the power, our children will laugh and laugh. Games like “I have a hundred hugs for you!” or “Where’s Jared? I know he’s around here somewhere.” let children laugh and laugh as we try to catch them, or try to find them, or try to 8)bounce them off our backs, and fail over and over.

The physical contact that requires more creativity than tickling allows us to 9)tumble around, to press our heads against their stomachs here and there fora second, and to manage an embrace before they make another daring escape. We get our affection across without trapping our children. And we give them chance to be inventive as they use their 10)intellect to figure out a hundred ways to outsmart us.




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