mysql generated_MySQL 5.7新特性之Generated Column



Inside君目前沉浸于MySQL 5.7的各项新功能中,仿佛一夜之间回到了10多年前,有太多的新功能需要了解,有太多的新能可以在线上被使用,好久没有被这样的氛围给笼罩着。虽然全国连续的雾霾天,但依然改变不了Inside君内心的激动。本篇就由网易的MySQL工程师带来的5.7新特性之Generated Column。


MySQL 5.7引入了Generated Column,这篇文章简单地介绍了Generated Column的使用方法和注意事项,为读者了解MySQL 5.7提供一个快速的、完整的教程。这篇文章围绕以下几个问题展开:

Generated Column是什么

Virtual Column与Stored Column的区别

如果我对Generated Column做一些破坏行为会怎么样

Generated Column上创建索引

Generated Column上创建索引与Oracle的函数索引的区别

Generated Column是什么

Generated Column是MySQL 5.7引入的新特性,所谓Cenerated Column,就是数据库中这一列由其他列计算而得,我们以官方参考手册中的例子予以说明。

例如,知道直角三角形的两条直角边,要求斜边的长度。很明显,斜边的长度可以通过两条直角边计算而得,那么,这时候就可以在数据库中只存放直角边,斜边使用Generated Column,如下所示:

CREATE TABLE triangle (

sidea DOUBLE,

sideb DOUBLE,

sidec DOUBLE AS (SQRT(sidea * sidea + sideb * sideb)));

INSERT INTO triangle (sidea, sideb) VALUES(1,1),(3,4),(6,8);


mysql> SELECT * FROM triangle;


| sidea | sideb | sidec |


| 1 | 1 | 1.4142135623730951 |

| 3 | 4 | 5 |

| 6 | 8 | 10 |


这个例子就足以说明Generated Columns是什么,以及怎么使用用了。

Virtual Generated Column与Stored Generated Column的区别

在MySQL 5.7中,支持两种Generated Column,即Virtual Generated Column和Stored Generated Column,前者只将Generated Column保存在数据字典中(表的元数据),并不会将这一列数据持久化到磁盘上;后者会将Generated Column持久化到磁盘上,而不是每次读取的时候计算所得。很明显,后者存放了可以通过已有数据计算而得的数据,需要更多的磁盘空间,与Virtual Column相比并没有优势,因此,MySQL 5.7中,不指定Generated Column的类型,默认是Virtual Column。此外:

Stored Generated Column性能较差,见这里

如果需要Stored Generated Golumn的话,可能在Generated Column上建立索引更加合适,见本文第4部分的介绍

综上,一般情况下,都使用Virtual Generated Column,这也是MySQL默认的方式,如果使用Stored Generated Column,前面的建表语句将会是下面这样,即多了一个stored关键字:

Create Table: CREATE TABLE `triangle` (

`sidea` double DEFAULT NULL,

`sideb` double DEFAULT NULL,

`sidec` double GENERATED ALWAYS AS (SQRT(sidea * sidea + sideb * sideb)) STORED)

如果对generated column做一些破坏行为会怎么样?

我们已经知道了generated column是什么,并且知道了如何使用generated column,为了避免误用,我们先来进行一些实验,以免在具体使用时出现一些未知的情况。

将generated column定义为 "除以0"

如果我们将generated column定义为 "x列 / 0",MySQL并不会直接报错,而是在插入数据时报错,并提示"ERROR 1365 (22012): Division by 0"

mysql> create table t( x int, y int, z int generated always as( x / 0));

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.22 sec)

mysql> insert into t(x,y) values(1,1);

ERROR 1365 (22012): Division by 0


如果我们将generated column定义为 "x列/y列",在插入数据,如果y列为0的话,同样提示错误,如下所示:

mysql> create table t( x int, y int, z int generated always as( x / y));

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.20 sec)

mysql> insert into t(x,y) values(1,0);

ERROR 1365 (22012): Division by 0


如果我们将generated column定义为 "x列/y列",并尝试删除x列或y列,将提示"ERROR 3108 (HY000): Column 'x' has a generated column dependency."

mysql> create table t( x int, y int, z int generated always as( x / y));

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.24 sec)

mysql> alter table t drop column x;

ERROR 3108 (HY000): Column 'x' has a generated column dependency.

定义显然不合法的Generated Column

如果我们将generated column定义为 "x列+y列",很明显,x列或y列都是数值型,如果我们将x列或y列定义(或修改)为字符型(当然,实际使用时应该不会有人傻到这样去做),则预期会报错,然而并没有,如下所示,我们可以正常创建。

mysql> create table t( x int, y varchar(100), z int generated always as( x + y));

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.13 sec)


mysql> insert into t(x,y) values(1,'0');

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from t;


| x | y | z |


| 1 | 0 | 1 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> insert into t(x,y) values(1,'x');

ERROR 1292 (22007): Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'x'

定义显然不合法的generated column

如果我们将Generated Column定义为 "x列+y列",很明显,x列或y列都是数值型,如果我们将x列或y列定义(或修改)为字符型(当然,实际使用时应该不会有人傻到这样去做),则预期会报错,然而并没有,如下所示,我们可以正常创建。

mysql> create table t( x int, y varchar(100), z int generated always as( x + y)); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.13 sec)


mysql> insert into t(x,y) values(1,'0');

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from t;


| x | y | z |


| 1 | 0 | 1 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> insert into t(x,y) values(1,'x');

ERROR 1292 (22007): Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'x'

Generated Column上创建索引

同样,我们可以在generated column上建立索引,建立索引以后,能够加快查找速度,如下所示:

mysql> create table t(x int primary key, y int, z int generated always as (x / y), unique key idz(z));

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.11 sec)

mysql> show create table t\G

*************************** 1. row ***************************

Table: t

Create Table: CREATE TABLE `t` ( `x` int(11) NOT NULL, `y` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `z` int(11) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (x / y) VIRTUAL, PRIMARY KEY (`x`), UNIQUE KEY `idz` (`z`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1

1 row in set (0.01 sec)


mysql> insert into t(x,y) values(1,1);

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> insert into t(x,y) values(2,2);

ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '1' for key 'idz'

所以,在使用MySQL5.7时,还需要对Generated Column有所了解,才能够解决一些以前没有遇到过的问题。


虽然一般情况下都应该使用Virtal Generated Column,但是,目前使用Virtual Generated Column还有很多限制,包括:

聚集索引不能包含virtual generated column

mysql> create table t1(a int, b int , c int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a / b), primary key(c));

ERROR 3106 (HY000): 'Defining a virtual generated column as primary key' is not supported for generated columns.

mysql> create table t1(a int, b int , c int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a / b) STORED, primary key(c));

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.11 sec)

不能在Virtual Generated Column上创建全文索引和空间索引,这个在之后的MySQL版本中有望解决(Inside君咋记得Stored Column上市可以的呢?)。

Virtual Generated Column不能作为外键

创建generated column(包括virtual generated column 和stored generated column)时不能使用非确定性的(不可重复的)函数

mysql> ALTER TABLE `t1` ADD p3 DATE GENERATED ALWAYS AS (curtime()) virtual;

ERROR 3102 (HY000): Expression of generated column 'p3' contains a disallowed function.

mysql> ALTER TABLE `t1` ADD p3 DATE GENERATED ALWAYS AS (curtime()) stored;

ERROR 3102 (HY000): Expression of generated column 'p3' contains a disallowed function.

Generated Column上创建索引与Oracle的函数索引的区别

介绍完MySQL在Generated Column上的索引,熟悉Oracle的同学这时候可能会想起Oracle的函数索引,在MySQL的Generated Column列上建立索引与Oracle的函数索引比较类似,又有所区别:


mysql> CREATE TABLE t1 (first_name VARCHAR(10), last_name VARCHAR(10));

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.11 sec)


alter table t1 add index full_name_idx(CONCAT(first_name,' ',last_name));

但是,上面这条语句在MySQL中就会报错。在MySQL中,我们可以先新建一个Generated Column,然后再在这个Generated Column上建索引,如下所示:

mysql> alter table t1 add column full_name VARCHAR(255) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CONCAT(first_name,' ',last_name));

mysql> alter table t1 add index full_name_idx(full_name);

乍一看,MySQL需要在表上增加一列,才能够实现类似Oracle的函数索引,似乎代价会高很多。但是,我们在第2部分说过,对于Virtual Generated Column,MySQL只是将这一列的元信息保存在数据字典中,并不会将这一列数据持久化到磁盘上,因此,在MySQL的Virtual Generated Column上建立索引和Oracle的函数索引类似,并不需要更多的代价,只是使用方式有点不一样而已。

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MySQL generated columns are virtual columns that are not stored physically on the disk but are computed based on an expression or formula. They are also known as computed columns or virtual columns. Generated columns were introduced in MySQL version 5.7 and they provide a way to create a column whose values are computed from an expression. The expression can involve one or more other columns in the same table, constants, or functions. To create a generated column, you need to specify the column name, data type, and the expression that computes the values for that column. Here is an example: ``` CREATE TABLE employees ( id INT PRIMARY KEY, first_name VARCHAR(50), last_name VARCHAR(50), salary INT, tax_rate DECIMAL(4,2), net_salary DECIMAL(10,2) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (salary - (salary * tax_rate)) STORED ); ``` In this example, the `net_salary` column is a generated column whose value is computed from the `salary` and `tax_rate` columns using the expression `(salary - (salary * tax_rate))`. Generated columns can be either `STORED` or `VIRTUAL`. A `STORED` generated column is computed when a row is inserted or updated and its value is stored on the disk like any other column. A `VIRTUAL` generated column is computed dynamically when it is accessed and its value is not stored on the disk. Generated columns can provide significant performance benefits in certain scenarios because they can avoid the need to compute values in application code or in queries. However, they can also increase the storage requirements for a table, so it's important to use them judiciously.




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