
  • 系列文章目录
  • 前言
  • 一、具体操作步骤
  • 1.创建动态链接库工程(DLL)
  • 2.头文件声明
  • 3.实现文件定义
  • 4.生成dll工程
  • 5 使用dll
  • 总结


程序对动态链接库dll、静态链接库lib想必都很熟悉了,网上也有很多的相关介绍。但网上介绍的一般都是C语言函数介绍,很少看到有自定义类导出dll。下面我就和大家一起讨论一下如何使用visual studio2019开发工具把自定义的类导出dll。



使用visual studio2019创建dll导出自定义类_json

使用visual studio2019创建dll导出自定义类_lib_02


#ifdef ConfigJsonDataDll_Exports
#define ConfigJsonDataDll_API __declspec(dllexport) 
#define ConfigJsonDataDll_API __declspec(dllimport)

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include "nlohmann/json.hpp"

using namespace std;
using nlohmann::json;

namespace ConfigJsonData {
	class ConfigJsonDataDll_API ConfigData
		void loadJsonFile(const string& fileName);
		void loadJsonString(const string& jsonString);
		json toJson();
		void fromJson();
		void saveToJsonFile(const string& fileName);
		// Getter 和 Setter 方法  
		const json& getJsonData() const { return _jsonData; }
		void setJsonData(const json& jsonData) { _jsonData = jsonData; }

		const string& getFileName() const { return _fileName; }
		void setFileName(const string& fileName) { _fileName = fileName; }

		const string& getAdcType() const { return _adcType; }
		void setAdcType(const string& adcType) { _adcType = adcType; }

		 map<string, int>& getFpgaMap()  { return _FpgaMap; }
		void setFpgaMap(const map<string, int>& fpgaMap) { _FpgaMap = fpgaMap; }

		const map<string, string>& getCameraInfoMap() const { return _cameraInfoMap; }
		void setCameraInfoMap(const map<string, string>& cameraInfoMap) { _cameraInfoMap = cameraInfoMap; }

		const map<string, vector<int>>& getGainMap() const { return _gainMap; }
		void setGainMap(const map<string, vector<int>>& gainMap) { _gainMap = gainMap; }

		const map<string, vector<int>>& getOffsetMap() const { return _offsetMap; }
		void setOffsetMap(const map<string, vector<int>>& offsetMap) { _offsetMap = offsetMap; }

		const map<string, map<string, map<string, int>>>& getIndexBankRegMap() const { return _indexBankRegMap; }
		void setIndexBankRegMap(const map<string, map<string, map<string, int>>>& indexBankRegMap) { _indexBankRegMap = indexBankRegMap; }
		string _fileName;
		string _adcType;
		map<string, int> _FpgaMap;
		map<string, string> _cameraInfoMap;
		map<string, vector<int>> _gainMap;
		map<string, vector<int>> _offsetMap;
		map<string, map<string, map<string, int>>> _indexBankRegMap;

		json _jsonData;
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#include "ConfigData.h"

using namespace ConfigJsonData;

	//_jsonData = std::make_shared<json>();


void ConfigData::loadJsonString(const string& jsonString)
	_jsonData = json::parse(jsonString);

void ConfigData::fromJson()
	try {
		if (_jsonData.find("CameraInfor") != _jsonData.end())
			nlohmann::json cameraJson = _jsonData.at("CameraInfor");
			for (auto& elem : cameraJson.items())
				cout << "cameraInfo.key=" << elem.key() << ", cameraInfo.value=" << elem.value().get<std::string>() << endl;
				_cameraInfoMap[elem.key()] = elem.value().get<std::string>();
				string adcTypeKey = elem.value().get<string>();
				_adcType = adcTypeKey;
		std::cout << "ADC Type = " << _jsonData["CameraInfor"]["ADC_TPYE"] << std::endl;
		for (auto& i : _jsonData["FPGA"].items()) {
			std::cout << i.key() << " : " << i.value() << std::endl;
			_FpgaMap[i.key()] = i.value();
		auto adc_type = json::string_t(_jsonData["CameraInfor"]["ADC_TPYE"]);
		for (auto& i : _jsonData["ADC_" + adc_type].items()) {
			string indexKey = i.key();
			for (auto& j : i.value().items()) {
				string bankKey = j.key();
				for (auto& k : j.value().items()) {
					string registKey = k.key();
					auto Index = json::string_t(i.key());
					auto Bank = json::string_t(j.key());
					auto Register = json::string_t(k.key());
					auto Value = json::number_integer_t(k.value());
					printf("[ADC Index] = %s, [ADC Bank] = %s, ADC Register %s = %zd\n", Index.c_str(), Bank.c_str(), Register.c_str(), Value);
					_indexBankRegMap[indexKey][bankKey][registKey] = Value;		

		cout << "*************验证三层嵌套的map否已正确存储**************" << endl;
		for (const auto& index_pair : _indexBankRegMap) {
			cout << "[ADC Index]=" << index_pair.first << endl;
			for (const auto& bank_pair : index_pair.second) {
				cout << "  [ADC Bank]=" << bank_pair.first << endl;
				for (const auto& reg_pair : bank_pair.second) {
					cout << "    ADC Register:" << reg_pair.first << " = " << reg_pair.second << endl;

		string adcGainKey = "GAIN_" + _adcType;
		if (_jsonData.contains(adcGainKey))
			string gainKey;
			vector<int> gainValueVec;
			for (auto &elem : _jsonData[adcGainKey].items())
				gainKey = json::string_t(elem.key());
				nlohmann::json gainValue = elem.value();
				if (gainValue.is_array())
					for (auto &elem : gainValue)
						if (elem.is_number())
							auto gainTemp = json::number_integer_t(elem);
							cout << "gain temp valuel=" << gainTemp << endl;
			_gainMap[gainKey] = gainValueVec;

		string adcOffsetKey = "OFFSET_" + adc_type;
		if (_jsonData.contains(adcOffsetKey))
			string offsetKey;
			vector<int> offsetValueVec;
			for (auto &elem : _jsonData[adcOffsetKey].items())
				offsetKey = nlohmann::json::string_t(elem.key());
				nlohmann::json offsetValue = elem.value();
				if (offsetValue.is_array())
					for (auto &elem : offsetValue)
						if (elem.is_number())
							auto offsetTemp = json::number_integer_t(elem);
							cout << "offset Temp value=" << offsetTemp << endl;
			_offsetMap[offsetKey] = offsetValueVec;
	catch (const json::exception& e) {
		std::cerr << "Error parsing JSON: " << e.what() << std::endl;
		return ;
	return ;

void ConfigData::loadJsonFile(const string& fileName)
	std::ifstream file(fileName);
	if (!file.is_open())
		//throw runtime_error("Failed to open file: " + fileName);
		std::cerr << "Failed to open the file." << std::endl;
		return ;
	file >> _jsonData;

void ConfigData::saveToJsonFile(const string& fileName)
	ofstream file(fileName);
	if (!file.is_open())
		std::cerr << "open file failed!" << endl;
	file << _jsonData.dump(4) << endl;

json ConfigData::toJson()
	nlohmann::json j;
	j["ADC_TPYE"] = _adcType;
	j["FPGA"] = _FpgaMap;
	j["CameraInfor"] = _cameraInfoMap;
	j["GAIN_AK8446"] = _gainMap;
	j["OFFSET_AK8446"] = _offsetMap;
	j["ADC_AK8446"] = _indexBankRegMap;

	_jsonData = j;
	return j;
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#ifdef ConfigJsonDataDll_Exports
#define ConfigJsonDataDll_API __declspec(dllexport) 
#define ConfigJsonDataDll_API __declspec(dllimport)

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include "nlohmann/json.hpp"

using namespace std;
using nlohmann::json;

namespace ConfigJsonData {
	class ConfigJsonDataDll_API ConfigData
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这是在visual studio2019配置项中会自动生成预处理器宏,一般情况下都能正常生成dll和lib文件的,如果在生成的debug和release中发现只用dll而没有lib,一般都是忘记2点:

#ifdef ConfigJsonDataDll_Exports
#define ConfigJsonDataDll_API __declspec(dllexport) 
#define ConfigJsonDataDll_API __declspec(dllimport)
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.


class ConfigJsonDataDll_API ConfigData
  • 1.

使用visual studio2019创建dll导出自定义类_visual studio_03

使用visual studio2019创建dll导出自定义类_动态链接库_04

5 使用dll


使用visual studio2019创建dll导出自定义类_动态链接库_05







// ConfigJsonDataDllTest.cpp : 此文件包含 "main" 函数。程序执行将在此处开始并结束。

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include "ConfigData.h"

using namespace ConfigJsonData;
using namespace std;

#pragma comment(lib, "ConfigJsonDataDll.lib")

int main()
	ConfigData config;

	map<string,int>fpgaMap = config.getFpgaMap();
	for (const auto& item : fpgaMap)
		cout << "item.key=" << item.first << ", item.value=" << item.second << endl;
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使用visual studio2019创建dll导出自定义类_visual studio_06

使用visual studio2019创建dll导出自定义类_visual studio_07

