Some Useful Hints In Using the JDBC Drivers
Please refer to "JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference" for details
regarding usage of Oracle's JDBC Drivers. This section only offers
useful hints. These hints are not meant to be exhaustive.
These are a few simple things that you should do in your JDBC program:
1. Import the necessary JDBC classes in your programs that use JDBC.
For example:
import java.sql.*;
import java.math.*; // if needed
To use OracleDataSource, you need to do:
import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;
2. Create an OracleDataSource instance.
OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource();
3. set the desired properties if you don't want to use the
default properties. Different connection URLs should be
used for different JDBC drivers.
For the JDBC OCI Driver:
To make a bequeath connection, set URL as:
To make a remote connection, set URL as:
where is either a TNSEntryName
or a SQL*net name-value pair defined in tnsnames.ora.
For the JDBC Thin Driver, or Server-side Thin Driver:
where is either a string of the form
//:/, or a SQL*net name-value pair,
or a TNSEntryName.
For the JDBC Server-side Internal Driver:
Note that the trailing ':' is necessary. When you use the
Server-side Internal Driver, you always connect to the
database you are executing in. You can also do this:
Connection conn =
new oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver().defaultConnection();
4. Open a connection to the database with getConnection()
methods defined in OracleDataSource class.
Connection conn = ods.getConnection();