


我想要替换的标题的一部分是“mainheader”,看起来像这样"mainheader"在overal_header.html中你可以找到它,但我不知道要添加或替换什么。我的旗帜形象是 “dep_banner.png” 宽度:900身高:145 Common.css

/* General Markup Styles

---------------------------------------- */

* {

\t /* Reset browsers default margin, padding and font sizes */

\t margin: 0;

\t padding: 0;


html {

\t font-size: 100%;

\t /* Always show a scrollbar for short pages - stops the jump when the scrollbar appears. non-IE browsers */

\t height: 101%;


body {

\t /* Text-Sizing with ems: */

\t font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

\t color: #828282;

\t background-color: #FFFFFF;

\t /*font-size: 62.5%; \t \t \t This sets the default font size to be equivalent to 10px */

\t font-size: 10px;

\t margin: 0;

\t padding: 12px 0;


h1 {

\t /* Forum name */

\t font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

\t margin-right: 200px;

\t color: #FFFFFF;

\t margin-top: 15px;

\t font-weight: bold;

\t font-size: 2em;


h2 {

\t /* Forum header titles */

\t font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

\t font-weight: normal;

\t color: #3f3f3f;

\t font-size: 2em;

\t margin: 0.8em 0 0.2em 0;


h2.solo {

\t margin-bottom: 1em;


h3 {

\t /* Sub-headers (also used as post headers, but defined later) */

\t font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

\t font-weight: bold;

\t text-transform: uppercase;

\t border-bottom: 1px solid #CCCCCC;

\t margin-bottom: 3px;

\t padding-bottom: 2px;

\t font-size: 1.05em;

\t color: #989898;

\t margin-top: 20px;


h4 {

\t /* Forum and topic list titles */

\t font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, Sans-serif;

\t font-size: 1.3em;


p {

\t line-height: 1.3em;

\t font-size: 1.1em;

\t margin-bottom: 1.5em;


img {

\t border-width: 0;


hr {

\t /* Also see tweaks.css */

\t border: 0 none #FFFFFF;

\t border-top: 1px solid #CCCCCC;

\t height: 1px;

\t margin: 5px 0;

\t display: block;

\t clear: both;


hr.dashed {

\t border-top: 1px dashed #CCCCCC;

\t margin: 10px 0;


hr.divider {

\t display: none;


p.right {

\t text-align: right;


/* Main blocks

---------------------------------------- */

#wrap {

padding: 5px 5px;

min-width: 900px;

margin: 0 auto;

\t background-color: #ffffff;

\t -webkit-border-radius: 3px;

\t -moz-border-radius: 3px;

\t border-radius: 3px; \t


#simple-wrap {

\t padding: 6px 10px;

\t background-color: #ffffff; \t


#page-body {

\t margin: 4px 0;

\t clear: both;


#page-footer {

\t clear: both;


#page-footer h3 {

\t margin-top: 20px;


#logo {

\t float: left;

\t width: auto;

\t padding: 10px 13px 0 10px;


a#logo:hover {

\t text-decoration: none;


/* Search box

--------------------------------------------- */

#search-box {

\t color: #FFFFFF;

\t position: relative;

\t margin-top: 30px;

\t margin-right: 5px;

\t display: block;

\t float: right;

\t text-align: right;

\t white-space: nowrap; /* For Opera */


#search-box #keywords {

\t width: 95px;

\t background-color: #FFF;


#search-box input {

\t border: 1px solid #b0b0b0;


/* .button1 style defined later, just a few tweaks for the search button version */

#search-box input.button1 {

\t padding: 1px 5px;


#search-box li {

\t text-align: right;

\t margin-top: 4px;


#search-box img {

\t vertical-align: middle;

\t margin-right: 3px;


/* Site description and logo */

#site-description {

\t float: left;

\t width: 70%;


#site-description h1 {

\t margin-right: 0;


/* Round cornered boxes and backgrounds

---------------------------------------- */

.headerbar {

\t background: #ebebeb none repeat-x 0 0;

\t color: #FFFFFF;

\t margin-bottom: 4px;

\t padding: 0 5px;


.navbar {

\t background-color: #ebebeb;

\t padding: 0 10px;


.forabg {

\t background: #b1b1b1 none repeat-x 0 0;

\t margin-bottom: 4px;

\t padding: 0 5px;

\t clear: both;


.forumbg {

\t background: #ebebeb none repeat-x 0 0;

\t margin-bottom: 4px;

\t padding: 0 5px;

\t clear: both;


.panel {

\t margin-bottom: 4px;

\t padding: 0 10px;

\t background-color: #f3f3f3;

\t color: #3f3f3f;


.post {

\t padding: 0 10px;

\t margin-bottom: 4px;

\t background-repeat: no-repeat;

\t background-position: 100% 0;


.post:target .content {

\t color: #000000;


.post:target h3 a {

\t color: #000000;


.bg1 \t { background-color: #f7f7f7;}

.bg2 \t { background-color: #f2f2f2; }

.bg3 \t { background-color: #ebebeb; }

.rowbg {

\t margin: 5px 5px 2px 5px;


.ucprowbg {

\t background-color: #e2e2e2;


.fieldsbg {

\t /*border: 1px #DBDEE2 solid;*/

\t background-color: #eaeaea;


span.corners-top, span.corners-bottom, span.corners-top span, span.corners-bottom span {

\t font-size: 1px;

\t line-height: 1px;

\t display: block;

\t height: 5px;

\t background-repeat: no-repeat;


span.corners-top {

\t background-image: none;

\t background-position: 0 0;

\t margin: 0 -5px;


span.corners-top span {

\t background-image: none;

\t background-position: 100% 0;


span.corners-bottom {

\t background-image: none;

\t background-position: 0 100%;

\t margin: 0 -5px;

\t clear: both;


span.corners-bottom span {

\t background-image: none;

\t background-position: 100% 100%;


.headbg span.corners-bottom {

\t margin-bottom: -1px;


.post span.corners-top, .post span.corners-bottom, .panel span.corners-top, .panel span.corners-bottom, .navbar span.corners-top, .navbar span.corners-bottom {

\t margin: 0 -10px;


.rules span.corners-top {

\t margin: 0 -10px 5px -10px;


.rules span.corners-bottom {

\t margin: 5px -10px 0 -10px;


/* Horizontal lists


ul.linklist {

\t display: block;

\t margin: 0;


ul.linklist li {

\t display: block;

\t list-style-type: none;

\t float: left;

\t width: auto;

\t margin-right: 5px;

\t font-size: 1.1em;

\t line-height: 2.2em;


ul.linklist li.rightside, p.rightside {

\t float: right;

\t margin-right: 0;

\t margin-left: 5px;

\t text-align: right;


ul.navlinks {

\t padding-bottom: 1px;

\t margin-bottom: 1px;

\t border-bottom: 1px solid #FFFFFF;

\t font-weight: bold;


ul.leftside {

\t float: left;

\t margin-left: 0;

\t margin-right: 5px;

\t text-align: left;


ul.rightside {

\t float: right;

\t margin-left: 5px;

\t margin-right: -5px;

\t text-align: right;


/* Table styles


table.table1 {

\t /* See tweaks.css */


#ucp-main table.table1 {

\t padding: 2px;


table.table1 thead th {

\t font-weight: normal;

\t text-transform: uppercase;

\t color: #FFFFFF;

\t line-height: 1.3em;

\t font-size: 1em;

\t padding: 7px 8px;


table.table1 thead th span {

\t padding-left: 7px;


table.table1 tbody tr {

\t border: 1px solid #cfcfcf;


table.table1 tbody tr:hover, table.table1 tbody tr.hover {

\t background-color: #f6f6f6;

\t color: #000;


table.table1 td {

\t color: #6a6a6a;

\t font-size: 1.1em;


table.table1 tbody td {

\t padding: 5px;

\t border-top: 1px solid #FAFAFA;


table.table1 tbody th {

\t padding: 5px;

\t border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;

\t text-align: left;

\t color: #333333;

\t background-color: #FFFFFF;


/* Specific column styles */

table.table1 .name \t \t { text-align: left; }

table.table1 .posts \t \t { text-align: center !important; width: 7%; }

table.table1 .joined \t { text-align: left; width: 15%; }

table.table1 .active \t { text-align: left; width: 15%; }

table.table1 .mark \t \t { text-align: center; width: 7%; }

table.table1 .info \t \t { text-align: left; width: 30%; }

table.table1 .info div \t { width: 100%; white-space: normal; overflow: hidden; }

table.table1 .autocol \t { line-height: 2em; white-space: nowrap; }

table.table1 thead .autocol { padding-left: 1em; }

table.table1 span.rank-img {

\t float: right;

\t width: auto;

} td {

\t padding: 3px;

} tbody th {

\t padding: 3px;

\t text-align: right;

\t vertical-align: top;

\t color: #000000;

\t font-weight: normal;


.forumbg table.table1 {

\t margin: 0;


.forumbg-table > .inner {

\t margin: 0 -1px;


.forumbg-table > .inner > span.corners-top {

\t margin: 0 -4px -1px -4px;


.forumbg-table > .inner > span.corners-bottom {

\t margin: -1px -4px 0 -4px;


/* Misc layout styles

---------------------------------------- */

/* column[1-2] styles are containers for two column layouts

Also see tweaks.css */

.column1 {

\t float: left;

\t clear: left;

\t width: 49%;


.column2 {

\t float: right;

\t clear: right;

\t width: 49%;


/* General classes for placing floating blocks */

.left-box {

\t float: left;

\t width: auto;

\t text-align: left;


.right-box {

\t float: right;

\t width: auto;

\t text-align: right;


dl.details {

\t /*font-family: "Lucida Grande", Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;*/

\t font-size: 1.1em;


dl.details dt {

\t float: left;

\t clear: left;

\t width: 30%;

\t text-align: right;

\t color: #000000;

\t display: block;


dl.details dd {

\t margin-left: 0;

\t padding-left: 5px;

\t margin-bottom: 5px;

\t color: #828282;

\t float: left;

\t width: 65%;


/* Pagination

---------------------------------------- */

.pagination {

\t height: 1%; /* IE tweak (holly hack) */

\t width: auto;

\t text-align: right;

\t margin-top: 5px;

\t float: right;


.pagination {

\t display: none;


li.pagination {

\t margin-top: 0;


.pagination strong, .pagination b {

\t font-weight: normal;


.pagination span strong {

\t padding: 0 2px;

\t margin: 0 2px;

\t font-weight: normal;

\t color: #FFFFFF;

\t background-color: #bfbfbf;

\t border: 1px solid #bfbfbf;

\t font-size: 0.9em;


.pagination span a, .pagination span a:link, .pagination span a:visited, .pagination span a:active {

\t font-weight: normal;

\t text-decoration: none;

\t color: #747474;

\t margin: 0 2px;

\t padding: 0 2px;

\t background-color: #eeeeee;

\t border: 1px solid #bababa;

\t font-size: 0.9em;

\t line-height: 1.5em;


.pagination span a:hover {

\t border-color: #d2d2d2;

\t background-color: #d2d2d2;

\t color: #FFF;

\t text-decoration: none;


.pagination img {

\t vertical-align: middle;


/* Pagination in viewforum for multipage topics */

.row .pagination {

\t display: block;

\t float: right;

\t width: auto;

\t margin-top: 0;

\t padding: 1px 0 1px 15px;

\t font-size: 0.9em;

\t background: none 0 50% no-repeat;


.row .pagination span a, li.pagination span a {

\t background-color: #FFFFFF;


.row .pagination span a:hover, li.pagination span a:hover {

\t background-color: #d2d2d2;


/* Miscellaneous styles

---------------------------------------- */

#forum-permissions {

\t float: right;

\t width: auto;

\t padding-left: 5px;

\t margin-left: 5px;

\t margin-top: 10px;

\t text-align: right;


.copyright {

\t padding: 5px;

\t text-align: center;

\t color: #555555;


.small {

\t font-size: 0.9em !important;


.titlespace {

\t margin-bottom: 15px;


.headerspace {

\t margin-top: 20px;


.error {

\t color: #bcbcbc;

\t font-weight: bold;

\t font-size: 1em;


.reported {

\t background-color: #f7f7f7;


li.reported:hover {

\t background-color: #ececec;


div.rules {

\t background-color: #ececec;

\t color: #bcbcbc;

\t padding: 0 10px;

\t margin: 10px 0;

\t font-size: 1.1em;


div.rules ul, div.rules ol {

\t margin-left: 20px;


p.rules {

\t background-color: #ececec;

\t background-image: none;

\t padding: 5px;


p.rules img {

\t vertical-align: middle;

\t padding-top: 5px;


p.rules a {

\t vertical-align: middle;

\t clear: both;


#top {

\t position: absolute;

\t top: -20px;


.clear {

\t display: block;

\t clear: both;

\t font-size: 1px;

\t line-height: 1px;

\t background: transparent;













\t var jump_page = '{LA_JUMP_PAGE}:';

\t var on_page = '{ON_PAGE}';

\t var per_page = '{PER_PAGE}';

\t var base_url = '{A_BASE_URL}';

\t var style_cookie = 'phpBBstyle';

\t var style_cookie_settings = '{A_COOKIE_SETTINGS}';

\t var onload_functions = new Array();

\t var onunload_functions = new Array();


\t \t var url = '{UA_POPUP_PM}';

\t \t, '&'), '_phpbbprivmsg', 'height=225,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes, width=400');


\t /**

\t * Find a member

\t */

\t function find_username(url)

\t {

\t \t popup(url, 760, 570, '_usersearch');

\t \t return false;

\t }

\t /**

\t * New function for handling multiple calls to window.onload and window.unload by pentapenguin

\t */

\t window.onload = function()

\t {

\t \t for (var i = 0; i < onload_functions.length; i++)

\t \t {

\t \t \t eval(onload_functions[i]);

\t \t }

\t };

\t window.onunload = function()

\t {

\t \t for (var i = 0; i < onunload_functions.length; i++)

\t \t {

\t \t \t eval(onunload_functions[i]);

\t \t }

\t };

// ]]>






\t \t

\t \t

\t \t \t


\t \t \t

\t \t

\t \t




您是否试图将'background-image:/ path-to-img/dep_banner.png'添加到的样式? –


是的,我试过了,但我不知道它是否转到了html文件或css文件。 –


在common.css中,您可以尝试添加'.mainheader a [href =。/ index.php?etc] {background-image:dep_banner.png; }',用'href'指定图像将应用于哪个。 –

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