这是我的代码:import os
import os.path
import xlrd
import xlsxwriter
file_name = input("merge")
merged_file_name = file_name + ".xls"
dest_book = xlsxwriter.Workbook('m.xls')
dest_sheet_1 = dest_book.add_worksheet()
dest_row = 1
temp = 0
path = input("C:\\test")
out = os.path.isdir("")
print("File path: " + path)
for root,dirs, files in os.walk("C:\\test"):
for xlsfile in files:
print ("File in mentioned folder is: " + xlsfile)
temp_book = xlrd.open_workbook(os.path.join(root,xlsfile))
temp_sheet = temp_book.sheet_by_index(0)
if temp == 0:
for col_index in range(temp_sheet.ncols):
str = temp_sheet.cell_value(0, col_index)
dest_sheet_1.write(0, col_index, str)
temp = temp + 1
for row_index in range(1, temp_sheet.nrows):
for col_index in range(temp_sheet.ncols):
str = temp_sheet.cell_value(row_index, col_index)
dest_sheet_1.write(dest_row, col_index, str)
dest_row = dest_row + 1
book = xlrd.open_workbook("m.xls")
sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0)
print ("number of rows in destination file are: "), sheet.nrows
print ("number of columns in destination file are: "), sheet.ncols