c语言extract(20 4),几道c语言题目 求c语言大神啊

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小弟马上c语言考试 老师勾的题大部分都不会 望万能的窝吧能帮帮我 求大神啊~~~

1. Write a program to compute the value of Euler’s number e, which is used as the base of natural logarithms. Use the following formula.

e = 1+ 1/1! + 1/ 2! + 1/3! +…… + 1/n!

Use a suitable loop construct. The loop must terminate when the difference between two successive values of e is less than 0.00001.

2. Write program to print the following outputs using for loops.






3. Write program to print the following outputs using for loops.






4. Write program to print the following outputs using for loops.






5. The numbers in the sequence 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 ……. are called Fibonacci numbers.

Write a program using a do…while loop to calculate and print the first m Fibonacci numbers.

6. Given a number, write a program using while loop to reverse the digits of the numbers.

For example, the number 12345 should be written as 54321

(Hint: Use modulus operator to extract the last digit and the integer division by 10 to get the n-1 digit number from the n digit number.)

7. Write a program to evaluate the equation y = xn , When n is a non-negative integer.

8. Write a program to print all the daffodil numbers. Daffodil numbers are those numbers, which are 3-digit numbers, sum of cubic of each digit equals to the number, for example, 153=13+53+33

9. Input a positive number from keyboard, and then judge whether the input number is a prime, if it is a prime, then print “yes”, else print “no”.

10. Input a number n from keyboard, then calculate 1!+2!+…+n!.

11. Input a number n from keyboard, then calculate 1+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+…+(1+2+3+…+n).

12. Input a year n from keyboard, and then judge whether the year is a leap year.

Leap year is a year which satisfies only one of the following conditions:

(1) It is divisible by 4, but not divisible by 100

(2) It is divisible by 400.

13. Write a program according to the following function, which requires input x from keyboard, then output the corresponding y.


14. Input an arithmetic expression from keyboard, and then output its result. Format of the arithmetic expression is as follows, a op b, in which a and b are integers, op is operand, such as +、-、*、/、%.

15. We all knew that the months 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 in 1998 has 31 days, months 4, 6, 9, 11 has 30 days, month 2 has 28 days. Write a program to give days of the month, which requires input month from keyboard.

16. Input a positive number from keyboard, and then judge whether the input number is divisible by 3 and divisible by 5, and then print “yes” or “no” respectively.





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