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原创 Java and bitwise shift operators

Java >> and >>> bitwise shift operatorsIn programming, bitwise shift operators, >> means arithmetic right shift, >>> means logical right shift, the differences:在编程中,按位运算符,>>表示算数右移,>>>表示逻辑右移,其区别在于>>, it

2020-06-30 15:31:14 3812

原创 MySQL Java Tutorial Sample

In this tutorial, we use the MySQL Connector/J driver. It is the official JDBC driver for MySQL. The examples were created and tested on Ubuntu Linux. You might also want to check Java tutorial, PostgreSQL Java tutorial, MySQL tutorial, or Spring JdbcTempl

2020-07-28 17:17:11 428

原创 Spring Boot 2 MVC Web Application Thymeleaf JPA MySQL Example

Spring Boot 2 MVC Web Application Thymeleaf JPA MySQL ExampleIn this article, we will learn how to develop a Spring MVC web application using Spring boot 2, Thymeleaf, Hibernate 5, JPA, Maven, and MySQL database.Table of ContentsWhat we’ll buildTools

2020-07-28 15:58:17 276

原创 Understand Spring Security Architecture and implement Spring Boot Security

In this tutorial we will be looking at how Spring Security works and its architecture. We will be creating a Spring Boot Project to expose two REST API’s研究Spring Security的工作方式及其架构/helloadmin/hellouserWe will then be implementing Spring Security such

2020-07-20 18:25:45 197

原创 Curl Basic I

curl is a command-line utility for transferring data from or to a server designed to work without user interaction. With curl, you can download or upload data using one of the supported protocols including HTTP, HTTPS, SCP , SFTP , and FTP . curl provides.

2020-07-17 14:16:17 554

原创 The Cat Command in Linux

Concatenation Explained with Bash ExamplesCat in Linux stands for concatenation (to merge things together) and is one of the most useful and versatile Linux commands. While not exactly as cute and cuddly as a real cat, the Linux cat command can be used to

2020-07-15 18:07:25 179

原创 11 df Command Examples in Linux

11 ‘df’ Command Examples in Linuxdf (disk free) command is used to display disk usage of the file system. By default df command shows the file system usage in 1K blocks for all the current mounted file system, if you want to display the output of df comma

2020-07-13 16:01:46 356

原创 How to Allow Remote Connections to MySQL Database Server

How to Allow Remote Connections to MySQL Database ServerBy default, the MySQL server listens for connections only from localhost, which means it can be accessed only by applications running on the same host.、默认情况下,MySQL服务器仅侦听来自本地主机的连接,这意味着它只能由在同一主机上运行的应

2020-07-12 23:58:57 373

原创 How To Check The MySQL Version In Linux

How To Check The MySQL Version In LinuxIntroductionIt is essential to know which version of MySQL you have installed.Knowing the version number helps to determine if a specific feature is available or compatible with your system. This article provides f

2020-07-11 22:52:51 197

原创 Ubuntu 20.04 Server Enable root User Account

Initial Settings : Enable root User Account初始设置:启用root用户帐户The root Account in Ubuntu is disabled by default because his password is not set. To use root priviledges, basically it’s better to use the sudo command with administrative accounts. But if you’d

2020-07-11 22:14:09 319

原创 Integrate Angular with a Spring Boot project

Integrate Angular with a Spring Boot projectDeveloping a multi-module application where the backend runs on Spring Boot and the frontend is powered by Angular is far less complicated than one might expect. Check out how you can build such a project and ma

2020-07-10 18:31:27 322

原创 How To Install And Setup A React App On Windows 10

How To Install And Setup A React App On Windows 10React is one of the popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. In this article, we will discuss the step

2020-07-10 16:56:52 133

原创 How To Install And Set Up Angular 9 On Windows 10

How To Install And Set Up Angular 9 On Windows 10On February 7th, 2020, a new version of Angular is released which is Angular 9. A lot of new features and performance improvements are introduced with this release. Here in this article, we will discuss som

2020-07-10 16:32:07 415

原创 Linux Install Apache Maven

Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Maven can manage a project’s build, reporting, and documentation from a central piece of information.Step 0 – PrerequisiteJava development kit is the primary requirement of Apache Mave

2020-07-09 12:01:35 102

原创 如何在Ubuntu 18.04 Server上安装Redis

介绍Redis是一个内存中的键值存储器,以其灵活性,性能和广泛的语言支持而闻名。它通常用作数据库,缓存和消息代理,并支持各种数据结构。本教程演示如何在Ubuntu 18.04服务器上从源进行安装和配置Redis。请注意,通过官方Ubuntu存储库下载和安装Redis可以减少安装步骤。准备一个Ubuntu 18.04服务器,具有sudo权限的非root用户和防火墙。没有服务器的用户可以购买和使用腾讯云服务器或者直接在腾讯云实验室Ubuntu服务器上直接上机安装Redis。第一步,安装构建和测试依赖项

2020-07-09 11:48:05 264

原创 Building a Hypermedia-Driven RESTful Web Service

Building a Hypermedia-Driven RESTful Web Service构建超媒体驱动的RESTful Web服务This guide walks you through the process of creating a “Hello, World” Hypermedia-driven REST web service with Spring.本指南将引导您完成使用Spring创建“Hello,World”超媒体驱动的REST Web服务的过程Hypermedia is a

2020-07-05 00:14:47 244

原创 Accessing data with MySQL

This guide walks you through the process of creating a Spring application connected to a MySQL Database (as opposed to an in-memory, embedded database, which most of the other guides and many sample applications use). It uses Spring Data JPA to access the

2020-07-03 23:59:02 1006

原创 Java TreeMap Tutorial with Examples-cnblog

Java TreeMap Tutorial with ExamplesJava TreeMap is a Red-Black tree based implementation of Java’s Map interface.Java TreeMap是Java Map接口的基于红黑树的实现The entries in a TreeMap are always sorted based on the natural ordering of the keys, or based on a custom

2020-07-02 16:44:04 223 1

原创 Java Palindrome Tutorials

Java Palindrome tutorial shows how to work with palindromes in Java.Java Palindrome教程展示了如何在Java中使用回文Palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward, such as madam or racecar.回文报是一个单词,数字,短语或其

2020-07-02 14:41:58 283

原创 Java Consumer Functional Interface

Java Consumer tutorial shows how to work with the Consumer functional interface in Java.如何使用Java中的Consumer函数式接口ConsumerJava Consumer is a functional interface which represents an operation that accepts a single input argument and returns no result. Unli

2020-07-02 13:41:05 251

原创 Spring Boot, MySQL, JPA, Hibernate Restful CRUD API Tutorial

Spring Boot MySQL JPA Hibernate Restful CRUD API TutorialSpring Boot has taken Spring framework to the next level. It has drastically reduced the configuration and setup time required for spring projects.Spring Boot将Spring框架提升到了一个新的高度。它大大减少了Spring项目所需的配

2020-07-01 18:19:49 297

原创 Java ArrayList Tutorial with Examples

ArrayList in Java is used to store dynamically sized collection of elements. Contrary to Arrays that are fixed in size, an ArrayList grows its size automatically when new elements are added to it.Java中的ArrayList用于存储动态调整大小的元素集合。与固定大小的数组相反,当向其添加新元素时,ArrayL.

2020-06-30 14:19:13 248

原创 Java HashMap

In this tutorial, we will learn about the Java HashMap class and its methods with the help of examples.The HashMap class of the Java collections framework provides the hash table implementation of the Map interface.Java集合框架的HashMap类提供Map接口的哈希表实现。Create

2020-06-28 15:40:41 170

原创 Java HashMap Tutorial with Examples

Java HashMap is a hash table based implementation of Java’s Map interface. A Map, as you might know, is a collection of key-value pairs. It maps keys to values.Java HashMap是基于哈希表的Java Map接口的实现。map是键值对的集合。它将映射到值。Following are few key points to note abou.

2020-06-28 14:27:31 199

原创 Java Convert String to Binary

This article shows you five examples to convert a string into a binary string representative or vice verse.本文向您展示了五个示例,这些示例将字符串转换为二进制字符串表示形式,反之亦然。Convert String to Binary – Integer.toBinaryStringConvert String to Binary – Bit MaskingConvert Binary to

2020-06-24 01:25:08 872

原创 Java ArrayList Class

In this tutorial, we will learn about the Java ArrayList class. We will learn about different ArrayList operations and methods with the help of examples.The ArrayList class is an implementation of the List interface that allows us to create resizable-arra

2020-06-23 01:33:13 796

原创 Introduction to Java 8 Lambda Expressions

Introduction to Java 8 Lambda ExpressionsLambda expressions were introduced in Java 8 and they became the talk of the town as soon as they arrived.Java has evolved a lot with time. It has incorporated new ideas and programming paradigms as and when neces

2020-06-22 18:17:50 242

原创 How to use Java functional Consumer interface example

Quite often a Java Stream or other component needs an object passed to it in order to perform some type of calculation or process, but when the process is complete, nothing gets returned from the method. This is where Java’s functional Consumer interface c

2020-06-22 17:51:50 180

原创 Java Lambda Expressions Basic

Syntax of Lambda ExpressionsA lambda expression consists of the following:A comma-separated list of formal parameters enclosed in parentheses. The CheckPerson.test method contains one parameter, p, which represents an instance of the Person class.Note

2020-06-17 01:21:27 196

原创 How to format Date and Time in Java

In this article, you’ll learn how to format Date and Time represented using Date, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, or ZonedDateTime to a readable String in Java.Format LocalDate using DateTimeFormatterpackage com.callicoder;import java.time.LocalDate;import.

2020-06-16 10:31:11 110

原创 Practice questions on Classes and objects Level Basic

Level 1Create a class named ‘Student’ with String variable ‘name’ and integer variable ‘roll_no’. Assign the value of roll_no as ‘2’ and that of name as “John” by creating an object of the class Student.package com.codesdope;public class Student {

2020-06-16 00:45:35 313

原创 How to get current Date and Time in Java

How to get current Date and Time in JavaIn this article, you’ll find several examples to get the current date, current time, current date & time, current date & time in a specific timezone in Java.Get current Date in Javapackage com.callicoder;

2020-06-15 13:58:13 173

原创 How to delete a directory recursively with all its subdirectories and files in Java

In this short article, you’ll learn how to delete a directory recursively along with all its subdirectories and files.There are two examples that demonstrate how to achieve this task. The idea behind both of the examples is to traverse the file tree, and.

2020-06-12 13:23:50 256

原创 How to Create a new file in java

How to Create a new file in javaThere are various ways in which you can create a new file in Java. In this article, I’ve outlined the two most recommended way of creating new files.Create New file using Java NIO (Recommended) - JDK 7+You can use [Files

2020-06-11 16:52:13 129

原创 Maven Java Example Application

In this application, we will create a simple adder that computes the sum of two integers. During this process, we will:Generate a Maven project using the Maven command-line toolConfigure the pom.xml fileCreate main and test source code filesExecute a

2020-06-09 18:04:07 188

原创 Spring Boot MySQL Tutorial

Spring is a popular Java application framework for creating enterprise applications. Spring Boot is an evolution of Spring framework which helps create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based applications with minimal effort.Spring是用于创建企业应用程序的流行Java应用程

2020-06-09 15:28:36 144

原创 Classes and Objects in Java Part I

Classes and Objects are basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming which revolve around the real life entities.ClassA class is a user defined blueprint or prototype from which objects are created. It represents the set of properties or methods that a

2020-06-09 00:00:35 116

原创 Conditional Statement

Conditional Statement1. Write a program in Java to print the Floyd’s Triangle.package com.w3resource;import java.util.Scanner;public class FloydTriangle { public static void main(String[] args) { int i, j, n, p, q;

2020-06-07 22:48:51 543

原创 Recursion Fundamentals

1. Java Program to Reverse a Sentence Using Recursionlearn to reverse a given sentence using a recursive loop in Java.Example: Reverse a Sentence Using Recursionpackage com.programiz;public class ReverseSentence { public static void main(Stri

2020-06-07 13:15:35 204

原创 Java Array Exercises Practice Solution I

Java Array: Exercises Practice Solution1. Write a Java program to reverse an array of integer values.package com.w3resource;import java.util.Arrays;public class ReverseArray { public static void main(String[] args) { int[]

2020-06-06 23:59:28 159



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