Redo Thread
Arg [c] Redo RBA Seq
Arg [d] Redo RBA Block No
Arg [e] Redo RBA Offset.
For Oracle 10.1
Arg [a] Absolute file number of the datafile.
Arg Block number
Arg [c] Block DBA
kernel cache recovery parallel
INSTANCE FAILURE during recovery.
There have been cases of receiving this error when RECOVER has
been issued, but either some datafiles were not restored to disk,
or the restoration has not finished.
Therefore, ensure that the entire backup has been restored and that
the restore has finished PRIOR to issuing a RECOVER database command.
If problems continue, consider restoring from a backup and doing a
point-in-time recovery to a time PRIOR to the one implied by
the ORA-600[3020] error.
SQL> recover database until time 'YYYY-MON-DD:HH:MI:SS';
This error can also be caused by a lost update.
During normal operations, block updates/writes are being performed to
a number of files including database datafiles, redo log files,
archived redo log files etc.
This error can be reported if any of these updates are lost for some
Therefore, thoroughly check your operating system and disk hardware.
In the case of a lost update, restore an old copy of the datafile and
attempt to recover and roll forward again.
If the Known Issues section below does not help in terms of identifying
a solution, please submit the trace files and alert.log to Oracle
Support Services for further analysis.