SAP MM模块-实施顾问岗位-面试手册-项目实施经验面试清单-英文

5.1 SAP project experience

Q1:Could you please make a brief introduction about your SAP project experience?

A1:OK, I have served three companies. The first one is French company xxx, I have been working in this company for 5 years as the SAP MM module consultant. The second one is Germen company xxx, I have been working in this company for 2 years as MM modules consultant. The last one is current company xxx, I have been working in this company for more than 2 years as MM module implementation consultant. Totally, I got 9 years working experience and 7 years in it is related to SAP project implementation. That’s the general idea about my working experience and also SAP project experience. Thank you.

5.2 SAP project job responsibility

Q1:What is the main job responsibility for you in the SAP project implementation process?

A1:The main job responsibility for me in the recent projects is about MM modules. We implement SAP projects are all based on ASAP methodology, from the project first phrase: Project Preparation, Business blueprint, Realization, Final-preparation to the phrase Go-live &Support. For each different project phrase. I am responsible for the whole process with each key point. Such as module Gantt Chart creation and customer business investigation, blueprint documentation, Visio Process Flow Creation and migration data supporting, functional specifications creation and Unit testing script creation and UAT-User Acceptance Testing support and final Key Users and End Users training and so on. IF there are some non-SAP systems, that means we also need to customize the interfaces with external non-SAP systems.

5.3 SAP global project experience

Q1:Do you have any SAP global project experience?

A1:Since I have served two international corporations, French company xxx and Germen company xxx. So I have the opportunities to take part the global project for SAP system implementation. xxx SAP project has been launched in 2014 and the SAP team members consist six French Accenture consultants. And for xxx SAP system, we did roll-out project according to xxx headquarter standard. I am the MM module team leader in xxx SAP project and there are 3 team members in MM team group. The project template will be strictly followed by xxx headquarter standard and also for the special business functionality. IF headquarter supported standard can not cover this functionality. We asked development team for help to establish new ABAP programing to meet the real demand based on site situation.

5.4 Documentation and Report

Q1:Do you have the documentation and report submitting experience?

A1:We did the business investigation through workshop, such as kick of meet on-site and compare the real business flow with customer headquarter standard. To find the deviation and make the deviation report to managerial level to double confirm. To do the documentation job according to customer standard on time. Make the project reports in different project stages and submit those reports to customer headquarter team to check, in order to make everything under project process control.

5.5 Problem solving experience

Q1:Do you have the problem solving experience?

A1:We made the project risk list report and submit to managerial level on time and analyze those risks and issues to find the root cause according to the real situations and support the suitable solutions to customers to persuade our customer to change their decision according to the analysis date report, such as cost benefit analysis report.

2021年9月5日 写于芜湖

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SAP中的MM模块是供应链管理模块,包括物料管理、采购管理、库存管理与管理账务等功能。下面我将回答一些与MM模块相关的面试题。 1. 请介绍一下SAPMM模块SAPMM模块是面向供应链管理的核心模块之一,它帮助企业管理物料的采购、库存和物料需求计划等流程。通过MM模块,企业可以全面管理供应商、物料和库存,实现物料的精确控制与高效管理。 2. 请列举一些常见的MM模块中的重要数据对象? 在SAPMM模块中,常见的重要数据对象包括物料主数据、供应商主数据、采购信息记录、库存单据、需求计划等。 3. 请详细描述一下采购管理的流程? 采购管理的流程包括物料采购申请、采购订单创建、供应商选择、采购订单确认、收货和发票验收等环节。首先,根据业务需求,员工创建物料采购申请;然后,采购部门根据采购申请创建采购订单,并选择适合的供应商;供应商收到采购订单并进行确认后,企业会进行收货和相应的发票验收。 4. 如何处理库存管理中的物料移动? 在SAPMM模块中,物料移动过程通过使用不同的库存发货和收货过程代码进行实现。常见的物料移动类型包括采购订单收货、销售订单发货、库存转储等,每个物料移动类型都对应不同的SAP事务代码。 5. 请简要介绍一下SAP的库存管理功能? SAP的库存管理模块提供库存物料的全面管理。它包括库存数据的维护、库存收发货、库存盘点、库存报告与查询等功能。通过SAP的库存管理功能,企业可以实时掌握库存情况,确保库存的准确性和及时性。 以上就是对SAPMM模块面试题的简要回答。当然,要深入理解和掌握这些知识点,需要在实际工作中进行实践和学习。


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