java 正则表达式详解_你应该知道的10个java 正则表达式详解



1. 用户名正则表达式

2. 密码正则表达式

3. 16进制颜色正则表达式

4. email 正则表达式

5. 文件扩展名 正则表达式

6. IP地址正则表达式

7. 时间正则表达式

8. 日期正则表达式

9. HTML 正则表达式

10. 超级链接正则表达式

1. 用户名正则表达式^[a-z0-9_-]{3,15}$

^ # Start of the line

[a-z0-9_-] # Match characters and symbols in the list, a-z, 0-9 , underscore , hyphen

{3,15} # Length at least 3 characters and maximum length of 15

$ # End of the line

2. 密码正则表达式


(# Start of group

(?=.*\d)# must contains one digit from 0-9

(?=.*[a-z])# must contains one lowercase characters

(?=.*[A-Z])# must contains one uppercase characters

(?=.*[@#$%])# must contains one special symbols in the list "@#$%"

.# match anything with previous condition checking

{6,20}# length at least 6 characters and maximum of 20

)# End of group

3. 16进制颜色正则表达式


^ #start of the line

# # must constains a "#" symbols

( # start of group #1

[A-Fa-f0-9]{6} # any strings in the list, with length of 6

| # ..or

[A-Fa-f0-9]{3} # any strings in the list, with length of 3

) # end of group #1

$ #end of the line

4. email 正则表达式



^#start of the line

[_A-Za-z0-9-]+# must start with string in the bracket [ ], must contains one or more (+)

(# start of group #1

\\.[_A-Za-z0-9-]+# follow by a dot "." and string in the bracket [ ], must contains one or more (+)

)*# end of group #1, this group is optional (*)

@# must contains a "@" symbol

[A-Za-z0-9]+ # follow by string in the bracket [ ], must contains one or more (+)

(# start of group #2 - first level TLD checking

\\.[A-Za-z0-9]+ # follow by a dot "." and string in the bracket [ ], must contains one or more (+)

)*# end of group #2, this group is optional (*)

(# start of group #3 - second level TLD checking

\\.[A-Za-z]{2,} # follow by a dot "." and string in the bracket [ ], with minimum length of 2

)# end of group #3

$#end of the line

5. 文件扩展名 正则表达式


(#Start of the group #1

[^\s]+# must contains one or more anything (except white space)

(# start of the group #2

\.#follow by a dot "."

(?i)#ignore the case sensitive checking

(# start of the group #3

jpg# contains characters "jpg"

|# ..or

png# contains characters "png"

|# ..or

gif# contains characters "gif"

|# ..or

bmp# contains characters "bmp"

)# end of the group #3

)# end of the group #2

$# end of the string

)#end of the group #1

6. IP地址正则表达式



^#start of the line

(# start of group #1

[01]?\\d\\d? # Can be one or two digits. If three digits appear, it must start either 0 or 1

# e.g ([0-9], [0-9][0-9],[0-1][0-9][0-9])

|# ...or

2[0-4]\\d# start with 2, follow by 0-4 and end with any digit (2[0-4][0-9])

| # ...or

25[0-5] # start with 2, follow by 5 and end with 0-5 (25[0-5])

)# end of group #2

\. # follow by a dot "."

.... # repeat with 3 time (3x)

$#end of the line

7. 时间正则表达式

12 小时制正则表达式


(#start of group #1

1[012]# start with 10, 11, 12

|# or

[1-9]# start with 1,2,...9

)#end of group #1

:# follow by a semi colon (:)

[0-5][0-9]# follow by 0..5 and 0..9, which means 00 to 59

(\\s)?# follow by a white space (optional)

(?i)# next checking is case insensitive

(am|pm)# follow by am or pm

24 小时制正则表达式


(#start of group #1

[01]?[0-9]# start with 0-9,1-9,00-09,10-19

|# or

2[0-3]# start with 20-23

)#end of group #1

:# follow by a semi colon (:)

[0-5][0-9]# follow by 0..5 and 0..9, which means 00 to 59

8. 日期正则表达式


(#start of group #1

0?[1-9]# 01-09 or 1-9

| # ..or

[12][0-9]# 10-19 or 20-29

|# ..or

3[01]# 30, 31

) #end of group #1

/# follow by a "/"

(# start of group #2

0?[1-9]#01-09 or 1-9



)# end of group #2

/#follow by a "/"

(# start of group #3

(19|20)\\d\\d# 19[0-9][0-9] or 20[0-9][0-9]

)# end of group #3

9. HTML 正则表达式


< #start with opening tag "]#cant contains one single quotes, double quotes and ">"

)# end of group #1

*# 0 or more

>#end with closing tag ">"

10. 超级链接正则表达式

\s* #can start with whitespace

(?i) # all checking are case insensive

href # follow by "href" word

\s*=\s* # allows spaces on either side of the equal sign,

( # start of group #1

"([^"]*") # only two double quotes are allow - "string"

| # ..or

'[^']*' # only two single quotes are allow - 'string'

| # ..or

([^'">]+) # cant contains one single / double quotes and ">"

) # end of group #1






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