

先看看来自wikipedia的定义:The arXiv (pronounced "archive", as if the "X" were the Greek letter Chi, χ) is an archive for electronic preprints of scientific papers in the fields of mathematicsphysics,computer science, quantitative biology and statistics which can be accessed via the Internet. In many fields of mathematics and physics, almost all scientific papers are placed on the arXiv. As of 3 October 2008, arXiv.org passed the half-million article milestone, with roughly five thousand new e-prints added every month.[1]



arXiv.org最初创立于1991年,那个时候甚至连万维网(WWW)都还不存在,但Paul Ginsparg的创造被证明很受他的同行们欢迎,高能物理学家们很快就接受了这种新的交流方式,并积极地参与进来。并很快曼延到天体物理、凝聚态物理等其他领域。



...1956年 8月杨振宁收到了芝加哥大学欧米(R.Oehme)的信,此信是欧米看了杨振宁和李政道关于宇称不守恒的预印本后写的。此信导致了他们三人于1956年底所写的一篇文章,文章中将字称不守恒的考虑推广到电荷共轭不守恒与时间反演不守恒。这篇文章奠定了以后讨论ß衰变中三种不守恒现象的基础。...





arXiv.org的前身是xxx.lanl.gov,堪称是开放获取(Open Access)运动的先驱,其创始人是Paul Ginsparg,关于Ginsparg与arXiv.org的故事可以从下面这个网址读到:



arXiv.org在全球有许多镜像站,可以方便身处世界各地的科研工作者下载文献。此外,有很多文献检索服务都是基于arXiv的数据的,如CiteBase。在中国中科院理论所也拥有一个镜像(cn.arxiv.org)。海外的镜像可以从下面的wikipedia引用文字看到一些。当然一个更方便的方法也是存在的,那就是使用google来直接检索(google可以指定检索网站)。很多时候,当你在google搜索中直接输入论文的关键词或标题,arXiv数据库中的条目也会出现,这也恰恰反映了arXiv的流行程度。The standard access route is through the arXiv.org website or one of several mirrors. Several other interfaces and access routes have also been created by other un-associated organisations. These include theUniversity of California, Davis's front, a web portal that offers additional search functions and a more self-explanatory interface for arXiv.org, and is referred to by some mathematicians as (the) Front.[8] A similar function is offered by eprintweb.org, launched in September 2006 by the Institute of PhysicsGoogle Scholar and Windows Live Academic can also be used to search for items in arXiv.[9] Finally, researchers can select sub-fields and receive daily e-mailings or rss feeds of all submissions in them.


研究者按照一定的格式将论文进行排版后,通过E-mail、FTP等方式、按学科类别上传至相应的数据库中。要说明的是,送入预印本库中的论文均未经过任何审核,也没有任何先决条件决定哪些论文可以送入e-print arXiv数据库中,实际上这是默认了文责自负的原则。收入该数据库中的论文可以随时受到同行的评论,论文作者也可以对这种评论进行反驳。论文作者在将论文提交e-print arXiv的同时,也可以将论文提交学术期刊正式发表。论文一旦在某种期刊上发表,在e-print arXiv的该论文记录中将加入正式发表期刊的有关信息。



arXiv License Information

arXiv is a repository for scholarly material, and perpetual access is necessary to maintain the scholarly record. As such, arXiv keeps a permanent record of every submission and replacement announced.

arXiv does not ask that copyright be transferred. However, we require sufficient rights to allow us to distribute submitted articles in perpetuity. In order to submit an article to arXiv, the submitter must either:

In the most common case authors have the right to grant these licenses because they hold copyright in their own work. We currently support only two of the Creative Commons licenses. If you wish to use another license then it is appropriate to indicate a more restrictive version for arXiv records (both of the licenses we support give us sufficient rights to distribute articles) and then indicate the more permissive license in the actual article.

Note that if you intend to submit, or have submitted, your article to a journal then you should verify that the license you intend to select does not conflict with the journal license or copyright transfer agreement. Many journal agreements permit submission to arXiv with the non-exclusive license to distribute which arXiv has used since 2004. The Creative Commons Attribution license in particular, permits commercial reuse and thus conflicts with many journal agreements.




A crisis has been evolving in the past few years in the realm of scholarly publishing because commercial journals have raised their prices substantially without a proportional benefit to the community of authors or readers. For example, the EMPS (Engineering, Math and Physical Sciences) library at Cornell has seen a 9% subscription increase in just the past year. The worst offender seems to be Elsevier, which publishes many CS journals.


A second looming concern with scholarly publishing is that commercial publishers are using pricing policies to push libraries into switching to all-electronic subscription. All-electronic subscription gives the commercial publisher unprecedented control over who can read articles and for what purposes those articles are used. Furthermore, an electronic subscription means that the publisher expands its role to become also the archivist of the material. There is no reason to believe that a company like Elsevier is qualified to usurp the role traditionally filled by libraries as the archivist of scholarly work over a period of decades or centuries. For more information about the problems faced by university libraries, please visit the home page of the SPARC project of the Association of Research Libraries.


An obvious solution to these problems is for the academic community as a whole to create its own archive under the control of scholars rather than a corporate board of directors. This is the goal behind arxiv.org. We believe that all academics ought to include their publications in this kind of archive. Therefore, we are establishing this as a departmental policy. We would like to establish it as a policy for the whole world, but we have to start somewhere!


Naturally, a member of the department could easily follow this policy on his or her own initiative without the existence of a departmentwide policy. Indeed, several of us already archive our papers as a matter of course because archiving brings several benefits to the author including enhanced visibility of the result and proof of precedence of discovery. But we believe there are three reasons why it is useful to make archiving an official policy of the department.

  1. By making it a policy, we are making a public statement in favor of open archiving.
  2. There is clearly a snowball effect at work: the more computer scientists who archive, the more useful the archive becomes, and hence more people will archive, etc.
  3. If archiving becomes a policy, then the University Library, which has considerable expertise in the copyright issues involved, can help us to make sure that we protect our right to archive and distribute our materials when we sign journal copyright transfer agreements.



Doesn't archiving violate a journal's copyright policy?

First, note that you can alter copyright transfer agreements to preserve more rights for yourself. Naturally, a journal might reject the paper if it disagrees with your alterations to the agreement, but we have heard that many people have successfully altered these agreements without adverse consequences. Later, we will post some possible alterations that people have successfully used on copyright transfer agreements.

Assuming you don't alter the agreement, you are subject to the terms of it. Here are the policies of some of the larger CS publishers.

  • ACM. The relevant ACM policy states that, prior to acceptance you can post the preprint version of the paper anywhere, but that after acceptance you should add an ACM copyright note to the posted version. After acceptance, you can post the accepted paper on your home page but not on a server like arxiv.org unless you first obtain ACM permission. In the case of Cornell University employees, an author-prepared version of the paper can be posted to arxiv.org even after acceptance because ACM allows posting on a "publicly accessible server of their employer". For Cornell employees, arxiv.org counts as an employer's server.

    There is a potential difficulty with ACM conferences that use blind reviewing. See further remarks below.

  • SIAM. The SIAM copyright transfer agreement allows you to post the preprint version anywhere including arxiv.org, and allows you to post the final version on your personal home page but not on a server like arxiv.org.

  • IEEE. The relevant IEEE policy states that you can post the preprint version of the paper anywhere including arxiv.org, but, upon acceptance, you are required to replace it with the accepted version that includes the IEEE copyright notice.

  • Elsevier. The relevant Elsevier policy states that you can post a preprint version of the paper anywhere including arxiv.org, and you can post the final version on your home page (but not arxiv.org). You are allowed to post revised versions made during the refereeing process on an employer website. For Cornell University employees, this includes arxiv.org.

  • Springer. The relevant Springer policy states that you can post a preprint version of the paper anywhere including arxiv.org but not the final version. Springer also has a program called Open Choice in which you pay Springer $3000, and in return, they will make the final PDF version of your paper available on their server for free for anyone with web access.

  • Wiley. I have not been able to figure out the Wiley copyright transfer policy. I sent email to Wiley in January, 2005 to request clarification but have not yet received a definitive answer.

  • SimuWorld编写这篇文章的目的是希望我们中国的科研工作者可以善用arXiv这个文献资源。同时,我们很欣赏这样一股新鲜的“开放”精神。因为知识的分享将会极大地促进人类进步,而科学研究本身更是需要交流。我们中国的成语早就表明这种潮流的重要性,希望每一个人都不要“闭门造车”,“固步自封”。

  • SimuWorld.linkka.com声明: 本文章为本站原创编辑并撰写,未经管理员许可,任何个人或组织不能以商业目的擅用本文。对非营利目的引用和转载,请务必注明本站网址,谢谢合作!

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