周期性线程池 newScheduledThreadPool

[Q&A] newScheduledThreadPool定义


public static ScheduledExecutorService newScheduledThreadPool(int corePoolSize) {
    return new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(corePoolSize);
public ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize) {
    ThreadPoolExecutor (corePoolSize, 
	    			    Integer.MAX_VALUE,     // DelayQueue是一个无界队列,所以设置maximumPoolSize的大小没有什么效果
	     				10, TimeUnit.MILLI_SCALE, 
	     				new DelayedWorkQueue());

[Q&A] ScheduledFutureTask主要包含3个成员变量

long型成员变量time,          表示这个任务将要被执行的具体时间。
long型成员变量period,        表示任务执行的间隔周期。

[Q&A] DelayedWorkQueue排序规则

# 也就是说,执行时间短的在前面,如果两个任务的执行时间相同,那么先提交的任务将被先执行

ScheduledFutureTask的 time 小的排在前面(时间早的任务将被先执行)。
如果两个ScheduledFutureTask的 time 相同,sequenceNumber小的排在前面

[Q&A] ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor常用方法

schedule()                 延时 执行

scheduleWithFixedDelay()   以固定的 延时 执行

scheduleAtFixedRate()	   以固定的 周期 执行

[Q&A] ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor的执行


[Q&A] 把ScheduledFutureTask放入DelayQueue中的过程

# 添加任务分为3大步骤。
# 1)获取Lock。

# 2)添加任务。

# 3)释放Lock。


[Q&A] 获取ScheduledFutureTask任务的过程

# 获取任务分为3大步骤
# 1)获取Lock。

# 2)获取周期任务。
# ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor在一个循环中执行步骤2,直到线程从PriorityQueue获取到一个元素之后(执行2.3.1之后),才会退出无限循环(结束步骤2)。

# 3)释放Lock。


[Q&A] ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor中的线程1执行某个周期任务的4个步骤



-----------------------------------------------------------------------------读书笔记摘自 书名:Java并发编程的艺术 作者:方腾飞;魏鹏;程晓明




public class Task implements Runnable {
    private final String name;

    public Task(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public void run() {
        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " → " + name + " Start Time = " + new Date());
        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " → " + name + " End   Time = " + new Date());

    private void processCommand() {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

1. 延迟10秒执行,schedule(new Task(), 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

public class ScheduledThreadPool {
    public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {

        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "线程: Start at: " + new Date());

        ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor exec = (ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(5);

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            System.out.println("添加了第" + i + "个线程任务 " + new Date());
            exec.schedule(new Task("线程名字" + i), 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);// 延迟10秒执行


        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "线程: 打卡" + new Date());

        while (!exec.isTerminated()) {
            // wait for all tasks to finish

        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "线程: Finished all threads at:" + new Date());
main线程: Start at: Sat May 20 12:51:32 CST 2023
添加了第0个线程任务 Sat May 20 12:51:32 CST 2023
添加了第1个线程任务 Sat May 20 12:51:32 CST 2023
添加了第2个线程任务 Sat May 20 12:51:32 CST 2023
添加了第3个线程任务 Sat May 20 12:51:32 CST 2023
添加了第4个线程任务 Sat May 20 12:51:32 CST 2023
添加了第5个线程任务 Sat May 20 12:51:32 CST 2023
添加了第6个线程任务 Sat May 20 12:51:32 CST 2023
添加了第7个线程任务 Sat May 20 12:51:32 CST 2023
添加了第8个线程任务 Sat May 20 12:51:32 CST 2023
添加了第9个线程任务 Sat May 20 12:51:32 CST 2023
main线程: 打卡Sat May 20 12:51:32 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-5 → 线程名字2 Start Time = Sat May 20 12:51:42 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-3 → 线程名字1 Start Time = Sat May 20 12:51:42 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-4 → 线程名字3 Start Time = Sat May 20 12:51:42 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-2 → 线程名字4 Start Time = Sat May 20 12:51:42 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 线程名字0 Start Time = Sat May 20 12:51:42 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-3 → 线程名字1 End Time = Sat May 20 12:51:45 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-5 → 线程名字2 End Time = Sat May 20 12:51:45 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-3 → 线程名字5 Start Time = Sat May 20 12:51:45 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-5 → 线程名字6 Start Time = Sat May 20 12:51:45 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-4 → 线程名字3 End Time = Sat May 20 12:51:45 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-4 → 线程名字7 Start Time = Sat May 20 12:51:45 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-2 → 线程名字4 End Time = Sat May 20 12:51:45 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-2 → 线程名字8 Start Time = Sat May 20 12:51:45 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 线程名字0 End Time = Sat May 20 12:51:45 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 线程名字9 Start Time = Sat May 20 12:51:45 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-3 → 线程名字5 End Time = Sat May 20 12:51:48 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-5 → 线程名字6 End Time = Sat May 20 12:51:48 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-4 → 线程名字7 End Time = Sat May 20 12:51:48 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-2 → 线程名字8 End Time = Sat May 20 12:51:48 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 线程名字9 End Time = Sat May 20 12:51:48 CST 2023
main线程: Finished all threads at:Sat May 20 12:51:48 CST 2023

2. 延迟1秒,间隔4秒再执行,scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Task(), 2, 4, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable command,    // the task to execute
                                                 long initialDelay,   // the time to delay first execution
                                                 long delay,          // the delay between the termination of one execution and the commencement of the next
                                                 TimeUnit unit);      // the time unit of the initialDelay and delay parameters
public class FixedDelay {
    public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {

    private static void way2() {
        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "线程: Start at: " + new Date());

        ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor scheduledExecutorService = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1);

        scheduledExecutorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(() -> {
            System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " → " + " Start Time = " + new Date());
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " → " + " End   Time = " + new Date());
        }, 1, 4, TimeUnit.SECONDS);  // 延迟 1s,周期 4s

    private static void way1() {
        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "线程: Start at: " + new Date());

        ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2);

        scheduledExecutorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Task("任务"), 1, 4, TimeUnit.SECONDS);  // 延迟 1s, 周期 4s
main线程: Start at: Sat May 20 18:54:29 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 18:54:30 CST 2023延迟 1 s
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 End Time = Sat May 20 18:54:33 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 18:54:37 CST 2023等待 4 s 再开始
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 End Time = Sat May 20 18:54:40 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 18:54:44 CST 2023等待 4 s 再开始
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 End Time = Sat May 20 18:54:47 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 18:54:51 CST 2023等待 4 s 再开始
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 End Time = Sat May 20 18:54:54 CST 2023

3. 延时1秒, 周期4秒,scheduleAtFixedRate(new Task(), 1, 4, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

前置条件任务用时 3 秒, period = 4
main线程: Starting at: Sat May 20 19:31:13 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 19:31:14 CST 2023延时 1
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 End Time = Sat May 20 19:31:17 CST 2023任务用时 3
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 19:31:18 CST 2023period(周期) 4
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 End Time = Sat May 20 19:31:21 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 19:31:22 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 End Time = Sat May 20 19:31:25 CST 2023
任务用时 < period(周期) ,等待时长为:period需要等待period再开始下一个
前置条件任务用时 3 秒, period = 3
main线程: Starting at: Sat May 20 19:35:33 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 19:35:34 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 End Time = Sat May 20 19:35:37 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 19:35:37 CST 2023period(周期) 3
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 End Time = Sat May 20 19:35:40 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 19:35:40 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 End Time = Sat May 20 19:35:43 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 19:35:43 CST 2023
任务用时 = period(周期) ,等待时长为:period需要等待period再开始下一个
前置条件任务用时 3 秒, period = 2
main线程: Starting at: Sat May 20 19:37:03 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 19:37:04 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 End Time = Sat May 20 19:37:07 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 19:37:07 CST 2023period(周期) 2 秒 无效,以任务用时为准,故结束就开始
pool-1-thread-1 → 任务 End Time = Sat May 20 19:37:10 CST 2023
任务用时 > period(周期) 4 秒 ,等待时长为:任务用时等任务结束后直接开始执行下一个


public class FixedRateDemo {
    public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, ParseException {
        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "线程: Starting at: " + new Date());

        ScheduledExecutorService executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
        // long oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000=86400000; // 1天24小时作为周期
        // long initDelay = getTimeMillis("21:00:00") - System.currentTimeMillis(); // 当前时间

        long oneDayPeriod = 10000; // 正常1天=24*60*60*1000=86400000ms,这里用5s来模拟
//        long initDelay = getTimeMillis("21:00:00") - getTimeMillis("20:59:57"); // 假设模拟此时当天的20:59:57 → 3000ms
        long initDelay = getTimeMillis("21:00:00") - getTimeMillis("21:00:03"); // 假设模拟此时当天的21:00:03 →-3000ms

        initDelay = initDelay > 0 ? initDelay : oneDayPeriod + initDelay;

        executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Task("定时任务"), initDelay, oneDayPeriod, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

     * 获取指定时间对应的毫秒数
    private static long getTimeMillis(String time) throws ParseException {
        DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
        DateFormat dayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yy-MM-dd");
        Date curDate = dateFormat.parse(dayFormat.format(new Date()) + " " + time);
        return curDate.getTime();
main线程: Starting at: Sat May 20 20:27:54 CST 202320:59:57开始执行时间
pool-1-thread-1 → 定时任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 20:27:57 CST 202321:00:00当天9点开始执行
pool-1-thread-1 → 定时任务 End Time = Sat May 20 20:28:00 CST 202321:00:03任务执行完毕
pool-1-thread-1 → 定时任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 20:28:07 CST 202321:00:0029点重新执行
pool-1-thread-1 → 定时任务 End Time = Sat May 20 20:28:10 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 定时任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 20:28:17 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 定时任务 End Time = Sat May 20 20:28:20 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 定时任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 20:28:27 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 定时任务 End Time = Sat May 20 20:28:30 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 定时任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 20:28:37 CST 2023
main线程: Starting at: Sat May 20 20:41:50 CST 202321:00:03开始执行时间
pool-1-thread-1 → 定时任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 20:41:57 CST 202321:00:0029点开始执行
pool-1-thread-1 → 定时任务 End Time = Sat May 20 20:42:00 CST 202321:00:03任务执行完毕
pool-1-thread-1 → 定时任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 20:42:07 CST 202321:00:0039点重新执行
pool-1-thread-1 → 定时任务 End Time = Sat May 20 20:42:10 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 定时任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 20:42:17 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 定时任务 End Time = Sat May 20 20:42:20 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 定时任务 Start Time = Sat May 20 20:42:27 CST 2023
pool-1-thread-1 → 定时任务 End Time = Sat May 20 20:42:30 CST 2023
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