
On the one hand

In a distant future, where technology has permeated every aspect of society, data accounts and data levels have become the backbone of civilization. The world is now interconnected through a vast network, where every individual possesses a unique data account that stores their entire life’s information.

Data accounts serve as a person’s digital identity, containing personal details, memories, and experiences. They are linked to a person’s neural interface, allowing seamless access to information and communication with others. With the rise of advanced artificial intelligence, these accounts have evolved to become an extension of one’s consciousness.

However, not all data accounts are created equal. The concept of data levels emerged, categorizing individuals based on the complexity and depth of their data accounts. The higher the data level, the more advanced and comprehensive the account becomes.

At the lowest data levels, individuals have access to basic functionalities such as communication, entertainment, and limited personal information. As one progresses to higher levels, their data account expands exponentially, encompassing knowledge, skills, and even the ability to manipulate the world around them.

The elite few who have reached the highest data levels are known as Data Masters. They possess an unparalleled understanding of the world, holding vast amounts of knowledge and wisdom. Their data accounts have transcended mere storage, granting them extraordinary abilities to shape reality itself.

Society has become stratified based on data levels, with the Data Masters at the top, revered and respected as the guardians of knowledge. Those at lower levels strive to ascend, seeking ways to enhance their data accounts and unlock new capabilities.

However, not everything is as idyllic as it seems. The immense power held by Data Masters has led to a struggle for control and dominance. Some have succumbed to the allure of absolute power, using their abilities to manipulate and control others. Others have chosen to rebel against the system, seeking to dismantle the hierarchy and redistribute knowledge to all.

Amidst this conflict, a young protagonist emerges. They possess a unique data account, unlike anything seen before. Their account holds the key to unlocking a hidden truth, a revelation that could reshape the very fabric of society. As they navigate through the intricate web of data levels and alliances, they must decide whether to embrace their destiny as a savior or succumb to the temptations of power.



  1. 数据级别维度和环境维度:数据级别指的是数据的重要性和敏感程度,环境维度包括任务池、RBAC(基于角色的访问控制)、ACLs(访问控制列表)、分类、数据库粒度、敏感级别和共享级别等。这些维度的设定影响着数据的访问权限和安全性。
  2. 关键业务的高优先方式:数据账号和数据级别可以用于确定关键业务数据的高优先级访问方式,确保关键业务的数据安全和及时访问。
  3. 高风险任务的设计策略:对于高风险任务,可以通过设定数据账号和数据级别来设计策略,规划任务的损失方式,以减小可能的风险。
  4. 整体数据流转的影响:数据账号和级别的设定会对整体数据流转产生影响,确保数据在各个环节的安全访问和传输。
  5. 上层监控能力:数据账号和数据级别的设定可以提供不同视角的上层监控能力,帮助监控数据的访问情况和安全性。
  6. SLA、服务等级和元数据管理:通过配置任务的SLA(服务水平协议),定义任务的服务等级,并统一管理元数据和数据标准,以确保数据账号和数据级别的有效管理和使用。
  7. 数据权限申请和业务洞察:对于数据权限的申请划分和业务洞察,可以采用数据账号和数据级别的概念,从而推动业务的迭代建设和数据权限的合理分配。
  8. 数据所属和数据线区分:通过数据账号和数据级别可以区分数据的所属和数据的使用方式,帮助管理数据的归属和控制数据的使用权限。
  9. 数据审计和敏感度校验:通过明确数据的级别、规则和形式,可以进行数据审计,并触发数据访问的敏感度校验,以确保数据的安全和合规。
  10. 数据决策和信息价值:数据账号和数据级别的设定关注着哪些数据决策和信息的价值,有助于构建数据的防护墙,保护重要数据的安全和完整性。
  11. SOP(Systemic Ordering Principle)机制设计:SOP机制基于持续反馈、迭代和测试,可以确保数据账号和数据级别的设计和使用符合最佳实践,保证数据的安全性和系统的高效运作。


Simply put

For overall data management, data accounts and data levels play a crucial role and have significant impacts.

Here are some key points:

  1. Data level and environment dimensions: Data level refers to the importance and sensitivity of data, while the environment dimension includes factors such as task pools, RBAC (Role-Based Access Control), ACLs (Access Control Lists), classification, database granularity, sensitivity level, and sharing level. These dimensions influence data access permissions and security.
  2. Prioritizing critical business: Data accounts and data levels can be utilized to identify high-priority access to critical business data, ensuring its security and timely availability.
  3. Designing strategies for high-risk tasks: For high-risk tasks, setting data accounts and data levels can aid in designing strategies and planning for potential losses, reducing risks.
  4. Impact on overall data flow: Configuring data accounts and levels can impact the flow of data, ensuring secure access and transmission at each stage.
  5. Enhanced monitoring capabilities: Data accounts and data levels provide the ability to monitor data access and security from different perspectives, enabling effective oversight.
  6. SLAs, service levels, and metadata management: By defining SLAs (Service Level Agreements), specifying service levels, and establishing unified metadata and data standards, data accounts and data levels can be effectively managed and utilized.
  7. Data permission requests and business insights: The concept of data accounts and data levels can be used to divide data permission requests and gain valuable insights into business requirements, facilitating iterative development and appropriate allocation of data permissions.
  8. Data ownership and data lineage distinction: Data accounts and data levels facilitate the differentiation between data ownership and data usage, helping manage data ownership and control data access permissions.
  9. Data auditing and sensitivity validation: Clarity on data levels, rules, and formats allows for data auditing and triggering sensitivity checks during data access, ensuring data security and compliance.
  10. Data-driven decision-making and information value: Setting data accounts and data levels focuses on data-driven decision-making and the value of information, aiding in the construction of data protective barriers to safeguard the security and integrity of critical data.
  11. SOP (Systemic Ordering Principle) mechanism design: The application of SOP principles, which emphasizes continuous feedback, iteration, and testing (CI/CD/CT), ensures that the design and usage of data accounts and data levels align with best practices, guaranteeing data security and efficient system operation.



  1. 明确需求:了解组织或业务的需求,包括对数据安全性、访问权限、敏感度等方面的要求。
  2. 定义数据级别:根据数据的重要性和敏感程度,划分数据级别,可以根据业务需求和标准制定不同级别的数据分类。
  3. 设计角色和权限:根据数据级别和业务需求,设计角色和权限方案。RBAC(基于角色的访问控制)是常用的角色权限管理方法,可根据角色来分配数据访问权限。
  4. 划分数据访问控制策略:根据数据级别和角色定义数据访问控制策略,在数据的不同级别中确定哪些角色拥有访问权限,并限制其他角色的访问。
  5. 配置权限管理系统:根据设计的角色和权限策略配置权限管理系统,例如使用ACLs(访问控制列表)或其他访问控制工具来实现数据的访问控制。
  6. 确定数据共享级别:根据业务需求,确定哪些数据可以共享给其他角色或部门,以及共享级别和限制条件。
  7. 管理数据账号和权限:设定流程和规则来管理数据账号和权限,包括创建、更新和删除账号,变更权限等操作的审批和记录。
  8. 定期审计和更新:定期对数据账号和数据级别进行审计,确保安全性和合规性,并根据需要进行更新和调整。




  1. 了解业务需求:在开始设计之前,深入了解业务需求和数据的安全性、敏感度以及访问控制的要求。确保设计满足业务的实际需求和合规要求。
  2. 划分合理的数据级别:根据数据的重要性和敏感性,定义合理的数据级别。确保级别的划分明确且符合业务实际情况。可以基于数据的机密性、完整性和可用性等因素进行划分。
  3. 设计角色和权限模型:根据业务需求和数据级别,设计角色和权限模型。确保角色的划分清晰,权限设置恰当。RBAC (基于角色的访问控制) 是常用的角色权限管理模型,可以作为设计参考。
  4. 强化访问控制策略:为每个数据级别明确定义访问控制策略,包括哪些角色或用户有访问权限,限制不同角色之间的数据访问等。确保策略和权限设置能够防止未经授权的数据访问。
  5. 控制共享级别:根据业务需要,明确哪些数据可以被共享,并设定共享级别和共享规则。确保共享仅限于有权限的角色或部门,并遵循合规性要求。
  6. 审计和监控:建立完善的审计和监控机制,以跟踪数据账号和数据级别的使用情况和访问记录。及时检测和处理任何异常行为或安全漏洞。
  7. 员工培训和意识提升:进行数据安全和访问控制的相关培训,提高员工对数据账号和数据级别设计的理解和遵守度。确保员工意识到数据的重要性,并遵循最佳实践。
  8. 定期评估和更新:定期评估和更新数据账号和数据级别的设计,以适应业务的变化和新的安全挑战。确保设计的有效性和符合最新的合规要求。
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