why we include a v1 in the API definition


You might wonder why we include a v1 in the API definition. Will
there ever be a v2 of this interface? It may not seem logical, but it
costs very little to version your API when you initially define it.
Refactoring versioning onto an API without it, on the other hand,
is very expensive. Consequently, it is a best practice to always add
versions to your APIs even if you’re not sure they will ever change.
Better safe than sorry.

Simply put

Including a “v1” in the API definition is a common practice in software development. It stands for “version 1” and is used to indicate the initial version of the API.

There are a few reasons why including a version number in the API definition is important:

  1. Backward compatibility: As an API evolves and new features are added, it is crucial to maintain backward compatibility with existing clients. By including a version number in the API, developers can make changes and introduce new functionality without breaking existing integrations. Clients can continue using the older version of the API until they are ready to migrate to a newer version.
  2. API lifecycle management: APIs often go through multiple iterations and updates over time. By including a version number, it becomes easier to manage the lifecycle of the API. Developers can track and document changes between different versions, ensuring proper maintenance and support for each version.
  3. Deprecation and sunsetting: As new versions of an API are released, older versions may eventually become deprecated or phased out. By including a version number, developers can clearly communicate the deprecation timeline and inform clients about the need to upgrade to a newer version.



  1. Future-proofing: Adding a version to your API from the beginning allows room for future updates or changes without disrupting existing users. It provides a clear way to introduce new features or fix issues without breaking existing functionality.
  2. Compatibility: It ensures backward compatibility by allowing different versions of the API to coexist. This way, users can continue using an older version while gradually transitioning to a newer one at their own pace.
  3. Consistency: Having a version in the API makes it easier to manage and maintain multiple versions. It helps developers and users understand which version they are working with, reducing confusion and preventing accidental usage of deprecated endpoints.
  4. Documentation and Support: Each API version can have its own specific documentation, making it easier for developers to understand changes and updates. Support and debugging can also be improved by isolating issues to a particular version.


  1. Increased Complexity: Multiple versions of an API can make the overall system more complex to manage and maintain. It requires careful planning and coordination to ensure consistent behavior across different versions.
  2. Developer Overhead: Supporting multiple versions means allocating resources to maintain and update each version, which can strain development teams. It may also require additional documentation and support efforts for each version.
  3. Fragmented Userbase: Multiple versions can lead to a fragmented userbase, with some users opting to stay on older versions indefinitely. This can lead to additional support and maintenance challenges, as well as hinder the adoption of new features or improvements.
  4. Increased Development Time: Introducing versioning from the start may add some extra development time and effort upfront. However, this is typically considered a worthwhile investment to prevent more significant refactoring efforts later on.

In conclusion, the decision to include a version in an API definition has long-term benefits despite some potential drawbacks. By considering the pros and cons, it becomes clear that including a version is a best practice to ensure scalability, flexibility, and smooth evolution of your API over time.





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