User documentation 用户文档

A gorgeous responsive theme for Hugo blog framework


Tranquilpeak theme is compatible with Hugo v0.53.
Tranquilpeak主题与Hugo v0.53 兼容

This documentation will help you to install hugo-tranquilpeak-theme and configure it to use all features which it provides.

If you want to report a bug or ask a question, create an issue.

Summary 二.总结

General 一般条款

Features 产品特点

General features: 一般特点:

  • Fully responsive 完全响应
  • Optimized for tablets & mobiles
  • Configurable menu of the sidebar
  • Pages to filter tags, categories and archives
  • Background cover image 背景封面图像
  • Beautiful about page 关于美丽页
  • Support Open Graph protocol
    支持Open Graph协议
  • Easily customizable (fonts, colors, layout elements, code coloration, etc..)
  • Support internationalization (i18)

Posts features: 职位特点:

  • Thumbnail image 缩略图
  • Cover image 封面图像
  • Responsive videos & images
  • Sharing options 共享选项
  • Navigation menu 导航菜单
  • GitHub theme for code highlighting (customizable)
  • Image gallery 图片画廊
  • Tags for images (FancyBox), wide images, tabbed code blocks, highlighted text, alerts
  • Table of contents 第一章目录

Integrated services: 综合服务:

  • Disqus 迪克斯
  • Gitalk 吉塔克
  • Google analytics 谷歌分析
  • Gravatar 格拉瓦塔尔
  • Facebook Insights Facebook洞察

Missing features from original Hexo version

  •  Algolia (#8)  Algolia(#8)
  •  Pagination custumization tagPaginationcategoryPagination and archivePagination (#17)
    分页定制 tagPagination 、 categoryPagination 和 archivePagination (#17)

ATTENTION following features will not be possible due to Hugo limitations

  • Archives pages by years /archives/2015
  • Archives pages by month /archives/2015/01

Requirements 要求

  1. Hugo : v0.53 雨果: v0.53

Installation 安装方式

  1. Simply clone the repository git clone on themes folder
    只需将存储库 git clone 克隆到 themes 文件夹上
  2. Rename the folder in hugo-tranquilpeak-theme (if necessary) and place it in themes folder of your Hugo blog
    重命名 hugo-tranquilpeak-theme 中的文件夹(如果需要),并将其放在Hugo博客的 themes 文件夹中
mkdir themes
cd themes
git clone

Tranquilpeak configuration

If it's your first time using Hugo, please check Hugo official documentation

Language configuration 语言配置

Simply edit following value in config.{toml,yaml,json}:
只需在 config.{toml,yaml,json} 中编辑以下值:

defaultContentLanguage = "en-us"

by one of the following code (code is between ()):
通过以下代码之一(代码介于 () 之间):

  • Chinese (zh-cn) 中文( zh-cn )
  • Chinese Traditional (zh-tw)
    繁体中文( zh-tw )
  • English (en-us) 英文( en-us )
  • Deutsch (de-de) 英文( de-de )
  • French (fr-fr) 法语( fr-fr )
  • Japanase (ja) 日本酶( ja )
  • Portuguese (pt-br) 葡萄牙语( pt-br )
  • Russian (ru) 俄语( ru )
  • Spanish (es-es) 西班牙语( es-es )
  • Vietnamese (vi) 越南语( vi )
  • Dutch (nl-nl) 荷兰语( nl-nl )
  • Swedish (sv-se) 瑞典语( sv-se )

If your language is not available, follow this guidelines (E.g : add swedish language (sv-se)) :
如果您的语言不可用,请遵循以下指南(例如:添加瑞典语( sv-se )):

  1. Set defaultContentLanguage to sv-se in Hugo configuration file config.{toml,yaml,json}
    将Hugo配置文件 config.{toml,yaml,json} 中的 defaultContentLanguage 设置为 sv-se
  2. Create sv-se.yaml file in theme/tranquilpeak/i18n/ folder
    在 theme/tranquilpeak/i18n/ 文件夹中创建 sv-se.yaml 文件
  3. Copy the content of theme/tranquilpeak/i18n/en-us.yaml and paste it to sv-se.yml file
    复制 theme/tranquilpeak/i18n/en-us.yaml 的内容并粘贴到 sv-se.yml 文件
  4. Replace all strings in english by their translation in swedish
Menu translation 菜单翻译

Menus are defined using Hugo menus Menus | Hugo

You can translate menu entries by setting identifier that matches a translation key. By using this way, name will not be use at all.
您可以通过设置与翻译键匹配的 identifier 来翻译菜单项。这样, name 就不会被使用了。

Setting up default theme to Tranquilpeak

Modify the theme in config.{toml,yml,json} by changing theme variable to tranquilpeak
通过将 theme 变量更改为 tranquilpeak 来修改 config.{toml,yml,json} 中的主题

Define date format 定义日期格式

By default date will be printed like following: mmmm d, yyyy, example: "January 2, 2006"
默认情况下,将打印如下所示: mmmm d, yyyy ,示例:二○ ○六年一月二日

You can customize it by setting

  dateFormat = "2 January 2006"

Will produce: "2 January 2006"

ATTENTION: date format should respect go Time package syntax, please refer to

Moreover, if you are using fully named month (short named month like "jan", "feb", etc is not supported), month will be translated.

Example: 范例:

defaultContentLanguage = "fr-fr"

"21 July 2006" will be output "21 Juillet 2006".

Define global keywords 定义全局关键字

You can define keywords for search engines. These keywords will be added on all pages.

  keywords = ["development", "next-gen"]

Theme configuration 主题配置

Backup your configuration:

cp config.{toml,yml,json} config.{toml,yml,json}.backup

Copy example configuration

cp themes/tranquilpeak/exampleSite/config.toml .

Complete config.toml with your information. Read above sections to have more information.
填写 config.toml 您的信息。阅读以上章节以获得更多信息。

Sidebar 提要字段

The sidebar is powerful and easily configurable. You can add groups of links and links much as you want.

  weight = 1
  identifier = "home"
  name = "Home"
  pre = "<i class=\"sidebar-button-icon fas fa-lg fa-home\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>"
  url = "/"
  weight = 2
  identifier = "categories"
  name = "Categories"
  pre = "<i class=\"sidebar-button-icon fas fa-lg fa-bookmark\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>"
  url = "/categories"
  weight = 3
  identifier = "tags"
  name = "Tags"
  pre = "<i class=\"sidebar-button-icon fas fa-lg fa-tags\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>"
  url = "/tags"
  weight = 4
  identifier = "archives"
  name = "Archives"
  pre = "<i class=\"sidebar-button-icon fas fa-lg fa-archive\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>"
  url = "/archives"
  weight = 5
  identifier = "about"
  name = "About"
  pre = "<i class=\"sidebar-button-icon fas fa-lg fa-question\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>"
  url = "/#about"

  weight = 0
  identifier = "github"
  name = "GitHub"
  pre = "<i class=\"sidebar-button-icon fab fa-lg fa-github\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>"
  url = ""
  weight = 1
  identifier = "stackoverflow"
  name = "Stack Overflow"
  pre = "<i class=\"sidebar-button-icon fab fa-lg fa-stack-overflow\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>"
  url = ""

  weight = 0
  identifier = "rss"
  name = "RSS"
  pre = "<i class=\"sidebar-button-icon fas fa-lg fa-rss\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>"
  url = "/index.xml"
Variable 变数Description 项目名称Type 型号
weight 砝码menu is ordered by weight
int 整数
identifier 标识符unique identifier for entry
string 弦
name 名称,名称title to be display
string 弦
pre 前icon to be display a left of the name
url 网址menu entry url 菜单项urlstring 弦

identifier can be use for translation see Menu translation.
identifier 可用于翻译参见菜单翻译。

Header 标题

The right link of the header is customizable. You can add a link (as an icon) at the right of the header instead of the author's gravatar image or author's picture. By default, author's gravatar or author's picture is displayed.

E.g to display a shortcut to open algolia search window :

  class = "open-algolia-search"
  icon = "search"
  url = "/#search"
Variable 变数Description 项目名称
url 网址URL of the link. If the URL is internal, domain name is not necessary
icon 图符Name of the font awesome icon class without the fa- (Go to font-awesome icons to find class name of icon)
没有 fa- 的字体awesome图标类的名称(转到font-awesome图标查找图标的类名)
class 类别CSS Class added to the link
Author 作者
  name = "Thibaud Leprêtre"
  bio = "Super bio with markdown support **COOL**"
  job = "Java backend developer"
  location = "France"
  # Your Gravatar email. Overwrite `author.picture` everywhere in the blog
  gravatarEmail = ""
  # Your profile picture
  # Overwritten by your gravatar image if `author.gravatarEmail` is filled
  picture = ""
  # Your Twitter username without the @. E.g : tranquilpeak
  twitter = "thibaudlepretre"
  # Your google plus profile id. E.g : +ThibaudLepretre or 114625208755123718311
  googlePlus = "+ThibaudLepretre"
Variable 变数Description 项目名称
name 名称,名称Your name 你的名字
gravatarEmailThis address will be used to get your gravatar image if you activate gravatar option
bio 生物Your biography (Markdown and HTML supported)
job 工作Your job 你的工作
location 位置Your location 您的位置
picture 图片Your profile picture. Overwritten by your gravatar image if gravatar email is filled
twitter 叽叽喳喳的Your Twitter username without the @. E.g : thibaudlepretre
你的Twitter用户名不带@。例如: thibaudlepretre
googlePlus 谷歌+Your google plus profile id. E.g : +ThibaudLepretre or 114625208755123718311
您的Google Plus个人资料ID。例如: +ThibaudLepretre 或 114625208755123718311
Customization 定制化

ATTENTION not all customizations are documented here, you may checkout sample config.toml.

  sidebarBehavior = 1
  thumbnailImage = true
  thumbnailImagePosition = "right"
  autoThumbnailImage = true
  coverImage = "images/cover.jpg"
  favicon = /favicon.png
  imageGallery = true
  hierarchicalCategories = true
  syntaxHighlighter = 'highlight.js'
Variable 变数Description 项目名称
sidebarBehavior 侧栏行为Define the behavior of the header and sidebar :
  • 1: Display extra large sidebar on extra large screen, large sidebar on large screen, medium sidebar on medium screen and header bar on small screen and extra large sidebar is swiped on extra large screen and large sidebar on all lower screens when open button is clicked (default)
  • 2: Display large sidebar on extra large & large screen, medium sidebar on medium screen and header bar on small screen and large sidebar is swiped when open button is clicked
  • 3: Display medium sidebar on large and medium screen and header bar on small screen and medium sidebar is swiped when open button is clicked
  • 4: Display header bar on all screens, extra large sidebar is swiped on extra large screen and large sidebar is swiped on all lower screens
  • 5: Display header bar on all screens and large sidebar is swiped on large screen
  • 6: Display header bar on all screens and medium sidebar is swiped
clearReading 清除读数Hide sidebar on all page (that is part of mainSections) to let page take full width to improve reading, and enjoy wide images and cover images. Useless if sidebarBehavior is equal to 3 or 4. (true: enable, false: disable). Default behavior : params.clearReading value in theme configuration file.
隐藏所有页面上的侧边栏(这是mainSections的一部分),让页面采取全宽,以提高阅读,并享受宽图像和封面图像。如果 sidebarBehavior 等于 3 或 4 ,则无效。(true:enable,false:禁用)。默认行为: params.clearReading 主题配置文件中的值。
thumbnailImage 缩略图Display thumbnail image of each post on index pages
thumbnailImagePosition 缩略图图像位置Display thumbnail image at the right of title in index pages (rightleft or bottom). Set this value to right if you have old posts to keep the old style on them and define thumbnailImagePosition on a post to overwrite this setting. (Default: right)
在索引页( right 、 left 或 bottom )标题右侧显示缩略图。如果你有旧的帖子,请将此值设置为 right 以保留旧的样式,并在帖子上定义 thumbnailImagePosition 以覆盖此设置。(默认: right )
autoThumbnailImageAutomatically select the cover image or the first photo from the gallery of a post if there is no thumbnail image as the thumbnail image. Set this value to true if you have old posts that use the cover image or the first photo as the thumbnail image and set autoThumbnailImage to false on a post to overwrite this setting. (Default : true)
如果没有缩略图,则自动选择文章图库中的封面图像或第一张照片作为缩略图。如果您的旧帖子使用封面图像或第一张照片作为缩略图,请将此值设置为 true ,并将帖子的 autoThumbnailImage 设置为 false 以覆盖此设置。(默认: true )
coverImageYour blog cover picture. I STRONGLY recommend you to use a CDN to speed up loading of pages. There is many free CDN like Cloudinary or you can also use indirectly by using services like Google Photos.
你的博客封面图片。我强烈建议您使用CDN来加速页面加载。有许多免费的CDN,如Cloudinary,或者您也可以通过使用Google Photos等服务间接使用。
faviconYour favicon path (Default: /favicon.png)
您的收藏夹路径(默认值: /favicon.png )
imageGallery 图片画廊Display an image gallery at the end of a post which have photos variables. (false: disabled, true: enabled)
在文章末尾显示一个图片库,其中包含 photos 变量。(false:禁用,true:启用)
hierarchicalCategories 层次分类Define categories will create hierarchy between parents: categories = ["foo", "bar"] will consider "bar" a sub-category of "foo". If false it will flat categories.
定义类别将在父级之间创建层次结构: categories = ["foo", "bar"] 将“bar”视为“foo”的子类别。如果是假的,它将平面类别。
customCSS (DEPRECATED see Add custom JS or CSS using configuration)
Define files with css that override or extend the theme css: customCSS = ["css/mystyles.css"].
用css定义覆盖或扩展主题css的文件: customCSS = [“css/mystyles.css”]。
customJS (DEPRECATED see Add custom JS or CSS using configuration)
Define files with js that override or extend the theme js: customJS = ["js/myscripts.js"].
定义带有js的文件,覆盖或扩展主题js: customJS = [“js/myscripts.js”]。
syntaxHighlighter 语法高亮显示器Define which syntax highlighter you want to use (if not set syntax highlighting is disable) between highlight.js and prism.js
在 highlight.js 和 prism.js 之间定义要使用的语法高亮显示器(如果未设置语法高亮显示器禁用)

E.g : A category page look like this with hierarchicalCategories = true : hierarchicalCategories true
例如:一个类别页面看起来像这样,带有 hierarchicalCategories = true : 

hierarchicalCategories true

The same page with hierarchicalCategories = false


hierarchicalCategories false
与 hierarchicalCategories = false 相同的页面: hierarchicalCategories false




Add custom JS or CSS using configuration

If you need to add some additionnal javascript or css files to your blog without forking or overriding theme itself you could use following configuration:

    src = ""
    integrity = "sha256-LVuWfOU0rWFMCJNl1xb3K2HSWfxtK4IPbqEerP1P83M="
    crossorigin = "anonymous"
    async = true
    defer = true

    src = ""
    integrity = "sha256-putofyQv7OB569xAldpyBnHJ0Uc+7VGp5Us05IgDGss="
    crossorigin = "anonymous"
    async = true
    defer = true

    src = "js/myscript.js"

    href = "css/mystyle.css"

ATTENTION there is no limitation on key structures and each keys will be converted as tag attributes.

Futhermore, even if previous syntax is still supported (customJS = ["js/myscripts.js"]), you can't mix both new and old syntax.
此外,即使以前的语法仍然被支持( customJS = ["js/myscripts.js"] ),你也不能混合使用新旧语法。

Integrated services 综合服务

For privacy settings please refer to Hugo and the General Data Protection Regulation | Hugo

Disqus 迪克斯
disqusShortname =
  enable = true
Variable 变数Description 项目名称
disqusShortname disqus短名称Your Disqus shortname 你的Disqus简称
enable 使能Toggle disqus globally 全局切换磁盘
Gitalk 吉塔克
  enable = true
  # clientId =
  # clientSecret =
  # owner =
  # repo =
  # See all options:
    language = "en"
    perPage = 10
    distractionFreeMode = false
    enableHotKey = true
    pagerDirection = "first"
Variable 变数Description 项目名称
enable 使能Toggle gitalk globally 全局切换gitalk
clientId 客户端IDGitHub Application Client ID
clientSecretGitHub Application Client Secret
owner 业主GitHub repository owner. Can be personal user or organization
repo 回购GitHub repository GitHub储存库
options 选项See all available options on GitHub - gitalk/gitalk: Gitalk is a modern comment component based on Github Issue and Preact.
Google Analytics
googleAnalytics =
  async = true
Variable 变数Description 项目名称
googleAnalytics 谷歌分析Your Google analystics web property ID : UA-XXXXX-X
您的Google analystics Web属性ID:UA-XXXXX-X
async 异步Load Google analytics asynchronously
异步加载Google Analytics
Gravatar 格拉瓦塔尔
  gravatarEmail =
Variable 变数Description 项目名称
gravatarEmailYour gravatar email. Overwrite author.picture everywhere in the blog
你的邮箱。覆盖博客中的所有地方 author.picture
Facebook 脸谱网
  fbAdminIds =
  fbAppId =
Variable 变数Description 项目名称
fbAdminIdsYour Facebook user ids used to connect your blog with your facebook user accounts (Facebook Insights). Use array syntax. E.g : [9830047, 1003342]. Visit Facebook docs for more information.
您的Facebook用户ID用于将您的博客与您的Facebook用户帐户(Facebook Insights)连接起来。使用数组语法。例如: [9830047, 1003342] 。访问Facebook文档以获取更多信息。
fbAppIdYour Facebook app id used to connect your blog with your facebook app account (Facebook Insights). E.g : 9841307. Visit Facebook docs for more information.
您的Facebook应用程序ID用于将您的博客与您的Facebook应用程序帐户(Facebook Insights)相连接。例如: 9841307 。访问Facebook文档以获取更多信息。
Sharing options 共享选项
    name = "Facebook"
    icon = "fab fa-facebook-square"
    url = ""

    name = "Twitter"
    icon = "fab fa-twitter"
    url = ""

    name = "Google+"
    icon = "fab fa-google-plus"
    url = ""

You can comment and uncomment to enable or disable sharing options. If your own sharing options, simply add new sharing options on your configuration. E.g with foo_bar social network:

    name = "Foo bar"
    icon = "fas fa-foo-bar"
    url = ""
Variable 变数Description 项目名称
name 名称,名称Name of your sharing site.
icon 图符Name of the fontawesome icon class (Go to font-awesome icons to find class name of icon)
url 网址URL of the link. use %s to specify where to put the permalink.
Enable pages 启用页面

Tranquilpeak provides you 2 pages to display all posts title and date by tags, by categories, by date and an about page. To enable one of this pages simply add following taxonomies:

  tag = "tags"
  category = "categories"

Integrated services configuration

Google Analytics

Exclude hostname (localhost) while writing articles

While you are writing articles, you need to check the result a lot of times before deploying your site. If you have enable Google analytics service, Google will include all requests done, even when hostname is localhost and this can greatly skew the results. To overcome this, you have to add a filter on Google Analytics website.
当你在写文章时,你需要在部署你的网站之前多次检查结果。如果您启用了Google分析服务,Google将包括所有已完成的请求,即使主机名为localhost,这可能会极大地影响结果。为了解决这个问题,你必须在Google Analytics网站上添加一个过滤器。

Follow these steps, to add new filter :

  1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account
    登录您的Google Analytics帐户
  2. Select the Admin tab and navigate to the property in which you want to create the filter (Account > Property > View)
    选择Admin选项卡并导航到要在其中创建筛选器的属性(Account > Property > View)
  3. In View column, click on Filters button
  4. Click on + NEW FILTER button
    点击+ NEW FILTER按钮
  5. Enter a name for the filter
  6. Select Custom filterFilter Field : HostnameFilter Pattern : (.*?localhost.*?)
    选择 自 定义 过滤 器 ( Custom Filter ) :#30340 ; 过滤 模式 : (.*?localhost.*?)
  7. Click on Save button 点击保存按钮

Social cards 社交卡

You can configure how links to your site will appear in Twitter and/or Facebook. There are several ways of setting up card parameters:

  • Title: if in a page with title (like a post) it will use post title, otherwise, will use site title.
  • Description: will use article summary, if it does not exist, will use site description.
  • Site author (twitter only): will use the value of twitter field on [[params.Author]] section of your config.toml file.
    网站作者(仅Twitter):将使用您的 config.toml 文件的 [[params.Author]] 部分上的 twitter 字段的值。
  • Content author (twitter only): will use the value of the field twitter in your document header. If not specified, will use the Site author field value.
    内容作者(仅Twitter):将使用文档标题中字段 twitter 的值。如果未指定,将使用站点作者字段值。
  • Image: will use the following fields in order, if one is not available, the next will be taken: thumbnail of document, cover of document, gallery images, gravatar email then author picture, .

Quick & easy modifications

Prerequisites 必要条件

Since you are going to edit the theme, you have to install all the necessary to build it after changes : Installation

Run command in theme folder : hugo-blog/themes/tranquilpeak
在主题文件夹中运行命令: hugo-blog/themes/tranquilpeak

Change global style 更改全局样式

If you want to change font families, font size, sidebar color, things like that, take a look at source/scss/utils/_variables.scss file. This file contains global variables used in this theme. Build the theme after changes to see changes.
如果你想改变字体系列,字体大小,侧边栏颜色,诸如此类的东西,看看 source/scss/utils/_variables.scss 文件。此文件包含此主题中使用的全局变量。在更改后构建主题以查看更改。

Change code coloration (Highlight.js theme)

Tranquilpeak integrate its own highlight.js theme inspired by GitHub. Of course, you can replace it with an other theme found on highlight.js repository. Since Hexo use different CSS class names, all theme are not ready out of the box, but it is very easy to make them compatible.

Follow these steps :

  1. Get your theme here : Highlight.js theme or create yours
    在这里获取您的主题:突出显示. js主题或创建您的主题
  2. Follow guidelines in src/scss/themes/hljs-custom.scss file
    遵循 src/scss/themes/hljs-custom.scss 文件中的指南
  3. Build the theme with npm run prod. Learn more about Grunt tasks : Grunt tasks
    使用 npm run prod 构建主题。了解有关Grunt任务的更多信息:Grunt任务

Writing posts 写帖子

To write articles, you have to use Markdown language. Here you can find the main basics of Markdown syntax. Please note, there are many different versions of Markdown and some of them are not supported by Hugo.

I STRONGLY recommend you to use a CDN to speed up loading of pages. There is many free CDN like Cloudinary or you can also use indirectly by using services like Google Photos.
我强烈建议您使用CDN来加速页面加载。有许多免费的CDN,如Cloudinary,或者您也可以通过使用Google Photos等服务间接使用。

Front-matter settings 前置设置

Tranquilpeak introduces new variables to give you a lot of possibilities.

Example : 范例:

disqusIdentifier: fdsF34ff34
- javascript
- hexo
clearReading: true
thumbnailImage: image-1.png
thumbnailImagePosition: bottom
autoThumbnailImage: yes
metaAlignment: center
coverImage: image-2.png
coverCaption: "A beautiful sunrise"
coverMeta: out
coverSize: full
coverImage: image-2.png
    - image-3.jpg "New York"
    - image-4.png "Paris"
    - "Dubai"
    - "Sidney"
comments: false
showTags: true
showPagination: true
showSocial: true
showDate: true
summary: "This is a custom summary and does *not* appear in the post."
Variable 变数Description 项目名称
disqusIdentifierDefine a unique string which is used to look up a page's thread in the Disqus system.
keywords 关键字关键字Define keywords for search engines. you can also define global keywords in Hugo configuration file.
clearReading 清除读数Hide sidebar on all article page to let article take full width to improve reading, and enjoy wide images and cover images. Useless if params.sidebarBehavior is equal to 3 or 4. (true: enable, false: disable). Default behavior : params.clearReading value in theme configuration file.
隐藏所有文章页面上的侧边栏,让文章采取全宽度,以提高阅读,并享受广泛的图像和封面图像。如果 params.sidebarBehavior 等于 3 或 4 ,则无效。(true:enable,false:禁用)。默认行为: params.clearReading 主题配置文件中的值。
autoThumbnailImageAutomatically select the cover image or the first photo from the gallery of a post if there is no thumbnail image as the thumbnail image. autoThumbnailImage overwrite the setting autoThumbnailImage in the theme configuration file
如果没有缩略图,则自动选择文章图库中的封面图像或第一张照片作为缩略图。 autoThumbnailImage 覆盖主题配置文件中的设置 autoThumbnailImage
thumbnailImage 缩略图Image displayed in index view.
thumbnailImagePosition 缩略图图像位置Display thumbnail image at the right of title in index pages (rightleft or bottom). thumbnailImagePosition overwrite the setting thumbnailImagePosition in the theme configuration file
在索引页( right 、 left 或 bottom )标题右侧显示缩略图。 thumbnailImagePosition 覆盖主题配置文件中的设置 thumbnailImagePosition
metaAlignment 元对齐Meta (title, date and categories) alignment (right, left or center). Default behavior : left
coverImageImage displayed in full size at the top of your post in post view. If thumbnail image is not configured, cover image is also used as thumbnail image. Check the beautiful demo here : Cover image demo
coverSizepartial: cover image take a part of the screen height (60%), full: cover image take the entire screen height.
partial :封面图像占屏幕高度的一部分(60%), full :封面图像占整个屏幕的高度。
coverCaptionAdd a caption under the cover image : Cover caption demo
coverMetain: display post meta (title, date and categories) on cover image, out: display meta (title, date and categories) under cover image as usual. Default behavior : in
in :在封面图片上显示帖子Meta(标题、日期和类别), out :显示Meta(标题,日期和类别)下的封面图像像往常一样。默认行为: in
gallery 画廊Images displayed in an image gallery (with fancybox) at the end of the post. If thumbnail image is not configured and cover image too, the first photo is used as thumbnail image. format: original url [thumbnail url] [caption], E.g : "New York"
在文章末尾的图片库中显示的图片(带fancybox)。如果缩略图图像和封面图像未配置,则第一张照片用作缩略图图像。格式: original url [thumbnail url] [caption] ,例如: "New York"
comments 评论true: Show the comment of the post.
true :显示文章的评论。
showDate 新闻资讯true: Show the date when true (default)
true :显示 true 时的日期(默认)
showTags 显示标签true: show tags of this page.
true :显示此页的标签。
showPagination 显示分页true: show pagination.  true :显示分页。
showSocial 展示社交true: show social button such as share on Twitter, Facebook...
true :显示社交按钮,如在Twitter上分享,Facebook.
showMetatrue: Show post meta (date, categories).
true :显示帖子Meta(date,categories)。
showActions 展示活动true: Show post actions (navigation, share links).
true :显示发布操作(导航、共享链接)。
summary 概要Custom excerpt text to show on the homepage.
link 链接Override default URL/link for a given article/page.

Example: A post on index page will look like this with :thumbnailImagePosition set to bottom:
示例:索引页面上的帖子看起来像这样: thumbnailImagePosition 设置为 bottom :


The same with : thumbnailImagePosition set to right:
与以下内容相同: thumbnailImagePosition 设置为 right :


The same with : thumbnailImagePosition set to left:
与以下内容相同: thumbnailImagePosition 设置为 left :


Define post excerpt 定义帖子摘录

Use: 用途:

  • <!--more--> to define post excerpt and keep the post excerpt in the post content
    <!--more--> 定义帖子摘录,并将帖子摘录保留在帖子内容中
  • For a custom exerpt not in the post content, use the summary front-matter variable. Markdown syntax is supported.
    对于不在post内容中的自定义expert,请使用 summary front-matter变量。支持Markdown语法。

Display table of contents

Hugo Tranquilpeak theme provides a shortcode for adding table of content inside your content.
Hugo Tranquilpeak主题提供了一个在内容中添加目录的简码。

syntgax: syntgax:

<span style="background-color:var(--color-canvas-subtle)"><span style="color:#e6edf3"><span style="color:var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default))"><span style="background-color:var(--bgColor-muted, var(--color-canvas-subtle))"><code>{{< toc >}}

However you may have to update your hugo config.toml configuration to be sure that startLevel is matching your content. By default (see official documentation) Hugo detects table of content starting level 2, that mean <h2>my title</h2> or ## my title.
但是,您可能需要更新您的hugo config.toml 配置,以确保 startLevel 与您的内容匹配。默认情况下(请参阅官方文档)Hugo检测目录从2级开始,即 <h2>my title</h2> 或 ## my title 。

If you used to write # my title and so transformed to <h1>my title</h1>, the table of content will be empty by default if you're not updating startLevel to startLevel = 1
如果您以前写的是 # my title ,因此转换为 <h1>my title</h1> ,那么如果您没有将 startLevel 更新为 startLevel = 1 ,则目录将默认为空

    endLevel = 3
    ordered = false
    startLevel = 1

Tags 标签

Tranquilpeak introduce new tags to display alert messages, images in full width and create beautiful galleries.

Alert 警报


Alert tag is useful to highlight a content like a tips or a warning. Check it live here : Alert tag demo

Syntax: 语法:

<span style="background-color:var(--color-canvas-subtle)"><span style="color:#e6edf3"><span style="color:var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default))"><span style="background-color:var(--bgColor-muted, var(--color-canvas-subtle))"><code>{{< alert [classes] >}}
{{< /alert >}}

E.g: 例如:

<span style="background-color:var(--color-canvas-subtle)"><span style="color:#e6edf3"><span style="color:var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default))"><span style="background-color:var(--bgColor-muted, var(--color-canvas-subtle))"><code>{{< alert danger no-icon >}}
Here is a danger alert without icon
{{< /alert >}}
Argument 参数Description 项目名称
Classes 类别
  • info 资讯
  • success 成功
  • warning 警告
  • danger 危险
  • no-icon 无图标
Highlight Text 高亮文本


Highlight text tag is useful to highlight an interesting part in a text. Check it live here : Highlight text tag demo

Syntax: 语法:

<span style="background-color:var(--color-canvas-subtle)"><span style="color:#e6edf3"><span style="color:var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default))"><span style="background-color:var(--bgColor-muted, var(--color-canvas-subtle))"><code>{{< hl-text [classes] >}}
{{< /hl-text >}}

E.g: 例如:

<span style="background-color:var(--color-canvas-subtle)"><span style="color:#e6edf3"><span style="color:var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default))"><span style="background-color:var(--bgColor-muted, var(--color-canvas-subtle))"><code>{{< hl-text danger >}}
your highlighted text
{{< /hl-text >}}
Argument 参数Description 项目名称
Classes 类别classes :  分类:
  • red 红色
  • green 绿色
  • blue 蓝色的
  • purple 紫色
  • orange 橙子
  • yellow 黄色
  • cyan 青色
  • primary 初级的
  • success 成功
  • warning 警告
  • danger 危险

It's important to put the paragraph that contains highlight text tag inside <p>...</p> otherwise the following content may not be rendered.
重要的是将包含突出显示文本标签的段落放在 <p>...</p> 内,否则可能无法呈现以下内容。

Image 图片

Image tag is useful to add images and create beautiful galleries. Check what are the possibilities here : Image tag demo

Syntax: 语法:

<span style="background-color:var(--color-canvas-subtle)"><span style="color:#e6edf3"><span style="color:var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default))"><span style="background-color:var(--bgColor-muted, var(--color-canvas-subtle))"><code>{{< image classes="[classes]" src="[/path/to/image]" thumbnail="[/path/to/thumbnail]" group="[group-name]" thumbnail-width="[width of thumbnail]" thumbnail-height="[height of thumbnail]" title="[title text]" >}}

E.g: 例如:

<span style="background-color:var(--color-canvas-subtle)"><span style="color:#e6edf3"><span style="color:var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default))"><span style="background-color:var(--bgColor-muted, var(--color-canvas-subtle))"><code>{{< image classes="fancybox right clear" src="image2.png" thumbnail="" group="group:travel" thumbnail-width="150px" thumbnail-height="300px" title="A beautiful sunrise" >}}
Argument 参数Description 项目名称
classes (optional) 类(可选)You can add css classes to stylize the image. Separate class with whitespace. Tranquilpeak integrate many css class to create nice effects :
  • fancybox : Generate a fancybox image.
  • nocaption : Caption of the image will not be displayed.
  • left : Image will float at the left.
  • right : Image will float at the right.
  • center : Image will be at center.
  • fig-20 : Image will take 20% of the width of post width and automatically float at left.
  • fig-25 : Image will take 25% of the width of post width and automatically float at left.
  • fig-33 : Image will take 33% of the width of post width and automatically float at left.
  • fig-50 : Image will take 50% of the width of post width and automatically float at left.
  • fig-75 : Image will take 75% of the width of post width and automatically float at left.
  • fig-100 : Image will take 100% of the width of post width.
  • clear : Add a div with clear:both; style attached after the image to retrieve the normal flow of the post.
    clear:在图片后面添加一个带有 clear:both; 样式的div,以检索文章的正常流程。
group (optional) 组(可选)Name of a group, used to create a gallery. Only for image with fancybox css class
用于创建图库的组的名称。仅适用于具有 fancybox css类的图像
src 来源Path to the original image.
thumbnail (optional) 缩略图(可选)Path to the thumbnail image. If empty, the original image will be displayed.
thumbnail-width (optional)
Width to the thumbnail image. If the thumbnail image is empty, width will be attached to thumbnail image created from original image. E.g : 150px or 85%.
缩略图图像的宽度。如果缩略图图像为空,则宽度将附加到从原始图像创建的缩略图图像。例如: 150px 或 85% 。
thumbnail-height (optional)
Height to the thumbnail image. If the thumbnail image is empty, height will be attached to thumbnail image created from original image. E.g : 300px or 20%.
缩略图图像的高度。如果缩略图图像为空,则高度将附加到从原始图像创建的缩略图图像。例如: 300px 或 20% 。
title (optional) 标题(可选)Title of image displayed in a caption under image. Alt HTML attribute will use this title. E.g : "A beautiful sunrise".
显示在图像下标题中的图像标题。 Alt HTML属性将使用此标题。例如: "A beautiful sunrise" 。
Tabbed code block 标签码块

Tabbed code blocks are useful to group multiple code blocks related. For example, the source code of a web component (html, css and js). Or compare a source code in different languages.


Check it live : tabbed code block demo

Syntax: 语法:

{{< tabbed-codeblock [name] [link] >}}
    <!-- tab [lang] -->
        source code
    <!-- endtab -->
{{< /tabbed-codeblock >}}

E.g: 例如:

{{< tabbed-codeblock example >}}
    <!-- tab js -->
        var test = 'test';
    <!-- endtab -->
    <!-- tab css -->
        .btn {
            color: red;
    <!-- endtab -->
{{< /tabbed-codeblock >}}
Argument 参数Description 项目名称
Name (optional) 姓名(可选)Name of the code block, or of the file
Link (optional) 链接(可选)Link to a demo, or a file
Lang (optional) Lang(可选)Programming language use for the current tab
Wide image 宽图像

Wide image tag is useful to display wide images in full width. It take the entire window width. Check the the result : Wide image tag demo

Syntax: 语法:

<span style="background-color:var(--color-canvas-subtle)"><span style="color:#e6edf3"><span style="color:var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default))"><span style="background-color:var(--bgColor-muted, var(--color-canvas-subtle))"><code>{{< wide-image src="[/path/to/image]" title="[title text]" >}}

E.g: 例如:

<span style="background-color:var(--color-canvas-subtle)"><span style="color:#e6edf3"><span style="color:var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default))"><span style="background-color:var(--bgColor-muted, var(--color-canvas-subtle))"><code>{{< wide-image src="" title="A beautiful sunrise" >}}
Argument 参数Description 项目名称
src 来源Path to the original image.
title (optional) 标题(可选)Title of image displayed in a caption under image. Alt HTML attribute will use this title. E.g : "A beautiful sunrise".
显示在图像下标题中的图像标题。 Alt HTML属性将使用此标题。例如: "A beautiful sunrise" 。

Writing pages 书写页面

Sometimes you need to create a page that is not a regular blog post, where you want to hide the date, social sharing buttons, tags, categories and pagination. This is the case for the blog pages About or Contact for instance which do not need to be timestamped (nor tagged or categorized) nor provide pagination and are not intended to be shared on social networks.

In order to create such a page you can proceed like so:

<span style="background-color:var(--color-canvas-subtle)"><span style="color:#e6edf3"><span style="color:var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default))"><span style="background-color:var(--bgColor-muted, var(--color-canvas-subtle))"><code>hugo new page/

This creates the file in the directory content/page pre-populated with the following front matter.
这将在目录 content/page 中创建文件 ,该文件预先填充有以下内容。

title: "New Page"
- category
- subcategory
- tag1
- tag2
- tech
comments:       false
showMeta:       false
showActions:    false
#thumbnailImage: //

The rest is basically the same as for a regular post.

Running 跑步

Run hugo server and start writing! :)
运行 hugo server 并开始编写!:)





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