日常英语 :How to refuse politely



1. Vocabulary

awkward/ˈɔːkwərd/difficult or causing problems
brochure/broʊˈʃʊr/a thin book with pictures and information, usually advertising something. 10 pages or less.
pamphlet/ˈpæmflət/a thin book with 2-4 pages
tract/ leaflet/trækt/ /ˈliːflət/1-2 pages, just one sheet of paper folded
catalogue/ˈkætəlɔːɡ/a big book with many pages. Usually showing all the items that a company sells
reasonable/ˈriːznəbl/fair and showing good judgment
stretch/stretʃ/to require someone to use a lot of effort, ability, skills, etc., to succeed
basis/ˈbeɪsɪs/a situation, fact, or idea from which something can develop

2. Phrases

stretch the rulesNormally we only allow people 18 or over into the club, but since your 18th birthday is tomorrow, I think we can stretch the rules and let you in.

3. Conversation

1) 拒绝邀请去玩

Jim: Hey Frank! I know it’s only Wednesday, but Casey’s Bar is having a great happy hour! You should come with us!

Frank: Ah Jim, I don’t know, tomorrow’s one of the busiest days of the month at work. I need to keep my mind sharp, get to bed at a reasonable time.

Jim: Oh come on, all the guys are going!

Frank: I appreciate it Jim, but I’m going to have to take a rain check. Next time!

2) 拒绝别人的慷慨

Kat: Hey Laura! I’m just calling to thank you for the gift you sent me! you’re too sweet sometimes.

Laura: It’s my pleasure! I got another surprise for you too, just picked it up last night.

Kat: You know, you’ve been spending too much on me lately! I know these gifts weren’t cheap, and I know you’re on a tight budget these days.

Laura: Don’t worry about it. You’re my best friend, so I don’t mind stretch for you all.

Kat: Well, that’s the thing, Laura. I appreciate everything so much, but friendship shouldn’t be based on stuff. I’d be your friend no matter what. But when you buy me so many things, I feel like it’s becoming the basis of our relationship.

Laura: Wow, I never really thought of it that way. But I think you’re right! I feel like I’ve already set the bar so high, and now I almost feel bad when I don’t have something new for you!

Kat : Exactly, and then I feel bad that I can’t return the favor! Why don’t we cut back on gift-giving, and focus more on just being a good friend to each other?

Laura: That sounds good.

3) 拒绝约会邀请

Jake: Hey, it’s Heather, right? My name’s Jake!

Heather: Oh, hi Jake. How are you?

Jake: I’m good! Hey, I’ve seen you around the school and just really wanted to meet you. You seem like a cool girl.

Heather: Well, that’s sweet of you! Yeah, nice to meet you.

Jake: So anyway. I have these concert tickets for Friday night, it’s a great band. So I was wondering if you’d want to come with me. Maybe we could get dinner afterward.

Heather: Aw, that’s nice of you Jake! I don’t think I can make it though…

Jake: Why? Are you busy that night? Maybe Saturday, we can go out then.

Heather: No, it’s not that. I guess I’m just not looking for anything right now. You seem nice, but I don’t think I’d be comfortable with dating. I hope you understand.

Jake: Aw… that sucks. But yeah, that’s okay. I guess I’ll just see you around then?

Heather: That sounds cool. Thanks for being understanding.

4) 拒绝推销

Jack: Brookstone Publishing, Jack speaking.

Jill: Hi Jack. My name is Jill from Scranton Paper Suppliers and I was hoping I counld just have a minute of your time to tell you about an exculsive special we’re running on our paper products for a limited time.

Jack: Ah, thanks Jill but we’re happy with our current paper suppliers.

Jill: I completely understand, sir. But if you just review our new pricing, I think you’d be pretty impressed.

Jack: I’m really sorry Jill, but right now, we don’t need it. Maybe you could send me some brochures and I’ll take a look when I have time.

Jill: Allright sir. I’d be happy to send you our catalog!

Jack: Got it. Here’s the address of my office…

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